Chapter 2: Tohka
We over look at a military bass somewhere of Japan with military vehicles driving in and out of the base and soldiers marching by as we cut to a meeting that is going on with four generals after they have reported about a male spirit that has been detected when the spacequake happened at Y/n's Town.
The four generals look at the images of a golden armor spirit which they don't know it's Y/n under the helmet and look at footage of his battle with Origami and one general turn his chair to the rest and said.
Senichi: As yous can see right there this is actually a first ever male spirit we have ever seen in our lives.
Naoko: That's impossible! We have seen many female spirits but not a male spirit. Are you sure it's even real?
Kozan: What Ryouko told us is true. We are looking at a male spirit in our hands.
Naoko: But there is no way!
Jiro: Still what should we do about this? If there is a male spirit here then who knows what this spirit can do.
Senichi: I agree. We keep an eye where it first appeared and if it appears again, we capture who ever this spirit is.
Naoko: What if we cannot capture it?
Senichi: Then......we will eliminate. For the sake of humanity.
The meeting was over and Senichi opens the door and turns to leave but a voice called out to him.
???: General Senichi?
Senichi turns to see Ryouko walking up to him while she asked.
Ryouko: How was the meeting?
Senichi: There were options about this male spirit that you and your team encounter.
Ryouko: Some doesn't believe it?
Senichi: One but he's in between when we show him the picture. How is your squad?
Ryouko: Good but Origami done it again.
Senichi: I see. I don't blame her after what she been through in her childhood.
Ryouko: But she's also bothered by something but I think it's something to do with that male spirit she fought..
Senichi: You think so?
Ryouko: Maybe but it's best she gets some rest for now. I think we all are.
Senichi: Agree. Take a break team leader and I'll call you when ever I have a mission for you.
Ryouko: (Salute) Sir yes sir.
Senichi walks off while Ryouko turn and walks off while they think about who is this male spirit and where did he came from.
Everything was a blurr to Y/n but he can hear voices around him. One voice was familiar to him and it was the same voice that picked him up while he was about to lose consciousness.
???: He's waking up.
Y/n slowly open his eyes and he was nearly blinded by the light above him and slowly sat up of what it appears to be a bed and looks around to see he is in a medical bay at a unknown area he knows it's not the hospital or nothing like that.
???: Are you alright Y/n?
Y/n turns to his right and see a female doctor with a small stuffed bear hanging on her brewst pocket and holding a clipboard while starting at him and waited for him to respond.
Y/n: Wh-Who are you? Where I'm I? Where's Shido and Kotori!?
Reine: Take it easy Y/n, their fine. My name is Reine and your in the Fraxinus flying over your and Shido's town.
Y/n: Fraxinus? Wait, flying? Lies this is some kind a space ship?!
Reine: Not exactly but close.
Shido: Y/n!
Y/n looks over to see Shido runs over to him and Y/n breaths a sigh of relief to see Shido alright as he rushes over to him and asked.
Shido: You alright man?
Y/n: Yeah I'm fine but......what happened to me back there. I was just normal and then a second later I was......some kind a Knight wearing golden armor. Just what the hell was that?
???: That's your spirit armor and your a spirit.
The two look over and they were surprised to see Kotori with a lollipop in her mouth as she walks over to them.
Y/n: Kotori, thank god your alri-
When he try to hug her, Kotori grabs his arm and body slammed him off of his bed and onto the ground leaving Shido shocked and stund a bit.
Y/n: Ow!
Kotori: Probably next time, go to the bunkers and never worry about me.
Shido: Sis? Are you sure your alright?
Kotori: What? You think I was this childlike personality? I was just pretending to be so you two won't be suspicious on me.
Y/n: (thought) So she's not always like that? I thought she was a bit cute with her childlike personality and charm. Wait...?
Y/n slowly stood up and then asked.
Y/n: What do you mean I'm a spirit? The hell is that?
Kotori: (sigh) Follow me you two.
Kotori walks over to the door and Shido and Y/n Follow her. They walk down the long hall until they reach a door. The doors open and they step in what it looks like a bridge of the Fraxinus.
The two were amazed on how high tech this place is and wonder how Kotori can offered this ship.
???: (smile) Hello Lady Kotori.
They turn to see a guy wearing what looks to be a military suit and has short blond hair.
Kotori: Shido, Y/n, this is Kannazuki, my second on command.
Kannazuki: (smile) It is nice to meet you two. I hope we get along quite well.
Shido: Um same bro.
Y/n: OK enough with the stalling Kotori. What the heck is a spirit and how I'm I a spirit?
Kotori: OK OK I'll tell you, jeez. First off your not just a normal spirit. Your what called a God Spirit.
Y/n: A god spirit?
Kotori: Their powerful spirits that ruled othe spirits for Millions of years and they've been doing this when time began. They lived in peace but something happened that cost all the god spirits to be extinct except for you.
Y/n: So....I'm the last of the spirit gods?
Kotori: That's correct.
Y/n: But.....if that's so then what about my past! Why do I have no past that I can't remember!
Kotori: I guess something must have happened that cost to lose your memories and enter earth without a past to remember.
Shido: So Y/n is not a human?
Kotori: No he is a spirit like the rest but he is more powerful then all spirits.
Y/n: OK so what about that female spirit I've met?
Kotori: She's like many other spirits that crashed here. You know those Spacequakes?
Shido: Um yeah why?
Kotori: That's how they enter here. They made a uncountable blast that destroy everything around them and they will keep costing these spacequakes until someone will seal them.
She then points at Y/n and said.
Kotori: And that's where you came in Y/n. Your job is to seal them from ever costing these spacequakes before it's too late.
Y/n: I see.
Y/n was a bit shocked a bit that he is not a human but a god spirit. He feels like his words was turned upside down and wnats to wake up to be just a dream but he knows that people will die if he doesn't do something so he said.
Y/n: Alright I'll help. I'll make sure no one will not die in my watch.
Kotori: (smile) Good. I have Reine set up for your training.
Y/n: Um Right, so what kept of training is it?
(Short while later)
We see Y/n sat in front of a computer and he was a bit confused to see the training was.......a dating situations and he doesn't think this might work but he give it a try. While Shido, Kotori and Reine were at the control room looking Y/n play the game while Shido asked.
Shido: So all he has to do is to date them and that will stop them from using spacequakes?
Kotori: Yeah just like that. Spirits cost destruction in citys and towns is because of their emotions. When ever their emotions are anger or sadness, their powers will go out of control see cost these spacequakes. The only way to stop that from happening is by making them happy and loved which is why Y/n has to date them so no one will not die.
Shido: Do you think it can work?
Kotori: (smirk) Of course it will and besides, I think Y/n needs some date training so he won't be shy all the time. Although I like his shyness when it come stop girls.
Shido: OK but Y/n is a spirit right? How come his emotions isn't costing these spacequakes?
Reine: It's because of you and Kotori. You'd have kept him happy despite having no memorie of his past. Yous kept him happy and that cost to not have spacequakes around Y/n.
Kotori: Which is a good thing because if he ever cost these spacequakes, who knows how big and devastating it might be.
Shido: Right, because he's a spirit god.
Kotori: Yep so we must keep his emotions stable otherwise a spacequakes will happen.
Shido: Right.
Shido looks over to Y/n and still surprised on how a friend a knew what actually a spirit god this whole time without him knowing.
Y/n have gotten a text from a unknown person to meet him at the park and so he did. He arrived at the park and looks around for this person.
While he waited he looks over and see a park with kids playing and watch them play with smiles in their faces. Y/n smiles a bit and sat on bench and thinks about him being a spirit and how is that possible?
If he really was the last of the spirit gods then he maybe humanity's only hope of ever having a future while trying to save the spirits from their doom and possibly find out about his best and why he can't remember.
???: Hello Y/n.
Y/n looks over and was surprised to see Origami standing and looking at him. Y/n stood up and said.
Y/n: (surprised) Origami, it's good to see your alive.
Origami: Same.
Y/n could see something is borthing her and asked.
Y/n: What's wrong? You look troubled?
Origami: Is it true.
Y/n: Huh?
She then grsbs Y/n by the shirt and they said while yelling a little.
Origami: Are you a spirit!
Y/n was a bit surprised on her reaction and how upsetting she is.
Y/n: I.....I don't know what I am right now. B-But Origami.
She looks up at Y/n and then Y/n asked.
Y/n: Why did you attack me?
Origami was silent and let's go of Y/n and step back before saying.
Origami: Because they took everything from me.
Y/n: They?
Origami: The spirits. They token my family away and I swear I will kill every single spirit I've encounter and wipe them out. B-But....when I hear your voice I was concerned and at first thought that spirit wasn't you until now.
Y/n: (shocked) Origami....I'm sorry for what happened to you. B-But it's not their fault for killing your family. They have no control on their powers.
Origami: You don't know that!
Y/n: I do! Listen, I know they've killed a lot of people but killing them isn't gonna do anything. It's just gonna make it worse. I'm gonna help them even you don't like it or not.
Y/n walls pass Origami to leave but Origami grabs his hand and the two stand there for a while until Origami said.
Origami: You know.......I could report you to my team and they will come and take you out.
Y/n: But are you?
Origami stood there silent and Y/n was right. She couldn't force herself to do it so she let's go of Y/n and then said.
Origami: I see you around Y/n.
Then she walk off while Y/n turn to see her walk off before she disappeared. Y/n felt bad for Origami and wished he could do something to cheer her up but then he got a call from Kotori so he answered it.
Kotori: (phone) Y/n that same spirit has appeared. It appears at an old abandoned school not far.
Y/n: Is there anyone there?
Kotori: (phone) Nope, your all clear, ready for this.
Y/n: A bit nervous.....but ready.
Y/n appears in front of the old abandoned school on top of a hill. It appears to be abandoned with broken windows, old doors and vines on walls of the school.
Y/n walks through the school gates and looks at the football field and see where this same female spirit has landed and now know she is here. Y/n turns to the entrance, take a deep breath and then walks in.
He enter the main lobby and see the place was trashed and empty which was good for Y/n.
Y/n: Kotori I'm in, where she?
Kotori: (radio) Top floor.
Y/n: Right.
He walks up the steps with his feet echoing throughout the halls of the school while he claims up the steps until he reach the top floor. He walks through the halls and during his walk he asked Kotori.
Y/n: So who were those female girls that attack me and this spirit girl?
Kotori: (radio) Those are called AST, which stand for Anti-Spirit-Team. Their job is to take out spirits that ever appears while try to keep it as a secret to the world.
Kannazuki: (radio) They were formed after the first spirit have been detected and the government decided to form it after their first encounter.
Y/n: Who was this first spirit?
Kotori: (radio) Unknown but that's the reason why they were formed.
Shido: (radio) I still can't believe the reason why Origami joined is because the death of her family.
Y/n: Agree losing her whole family must be heartbroken.
Kotori: (radio) Yeah but let's forced on the mission first.
Y/n: Right.
Y/n walk up to a room where he feel that she is on there. He peeks over to see her staying out of a open hole looking at the city.
Kotori: (radio) Alright you can do this. Just try not to piss her off.
Y/n: That would be easy right?
Kotori: (radio) Probably, good luck.
After that Y/n took a deep breath and then he enter the class room and walks over to her and said.
Y/n: Hi.
She quickly turn and draw out her sword at Y/n which Y/n step back in a fright while he says.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow calm down, it's me!
She lower her sword and see it's Y/n and then asked.
???: It's you? Your that spirit from before.
Y/n: Yeah that's me.
She stab her sword onto the floor and then asked.
???: What is it do you want?
Y/n: Listen I came here to help you with your problem. I know your alone and never have anyone around so I figured I come and be your friend.
???: Why? Your might be a spirit but I don't know you fully.
Y/n: Guess that's true. But I'm not just a spirit, I'm a god spirit.
???: (surprised) Your a god spirit?
Y/n: Yeah, you know that?
???: A little. I heard that but I don't know where.
Y/n: Well someone told me their powerful spirits that ruled other spirits like you.
???: I see.
Y/n: Say....I never get your name when we first met.
???: Name?
Y/n: You know, my name ie Y/n L/n and you are....?
???: I haveno name.
Y/n: Oh....then what about I give you one.
???: You can?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah, let's see........Oh I got one. What about Tohka?
???: Tohka?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah, it sounds simple, sort and I think people would like it. What do you say?
Tohka: Yeah.....I guess I can stick with that. Hello, my name is Tohka, nice to meet you.
Y/n: (smile) Nice to meet you as well Tohka.
Tohka doesn't know why but she felt her heart race a bit when talking to Y/n and see his smiles make her heart warm as well. Y/n smiles at her as he made a new friend and reach out for a handshake. Tohka blushes a little and reach over for a handshake but then Y/n noticed something behind her and calls out.
Y/n: Get down!
He pulled Tohka down to cover and then bullets fly by almost hitting them but luckily they quickly dodge it just in time.
Y/n peels out to see AST hovering over the abandoned school with weapons in hand ready to take down a spirit.
Tohka: They came for me again.
Tohka reach iver to her sword but Y/n grabs her hand and said.
Y/n: Wait, don't hurt them. Their just doing their job, they don't know the real you. Let me talk to them.
Tokha: Fine.
Y/n knows he must turn into his golden armor form so they won't know who he is so he dose that. A light glow shines out of the school and then Y/n leaps down with his golden armor and he lands at the ground and looks up at them.
Y/n: Stand down now!
Ryouko: (thought) That's the same spirit from before.
Ryouko: Surrender spirit, you have no where else to run!
Y/n: Your making a huge mistake. We didn't came here to destroy humanity.
Ryouko: Then what about those spacequakes yous made?
Y/n: We have eno control over them but trust me, we're not your enemies.
Ryouko: I'm sorry but we came here to eliminate all spirits that includes you.
Y/n: Do you think killing spirits gonna solve anything? If you keep on killing them then your just killing them and they will one day kill yous because of it.
Ryouko: You may have a few points but our job is to keep humanity safe and that's what we will do. Open fire!
The fire at Y/n and the bullets bounce off of Y/n's armor but it made Y/n step back a bit. Then he summon his shield and blocks the bullets that was coming at him.
Y/n: (thought) Think Y/n, how can I stop this without hurting them? There has to be a way.
A few AST girls fly down and Y/n dodges their slashes of their blades while Y/n step back and summon his sword. He hold both his sword and shield as the two AST girls charge at him and they clash blades at Y/n.
Y/n still doesn't wanna hurt them so he pushes one back and leaps over and lands behind them and turn only to be slashed by Origami.
Y/n step back and look at his chest armor to see it's slashed and looks up at Origami while she gets into a battle stand while Y/n looks at her not want him to fight her.
Y/n: Don't do this.
She then dashes towards Y/n and swing her blade at Y/n and fired a few shot with her pistol but Y/n dodges them and even blocks a few slashes with his sword. Y/n continues to block her strikes still don't wanna hurt her including everyone else.
Then Origami made another slash that leaves a hole and a few more and then she kicks Y/n back. Y/n stumbled backwards and looks up to see he is surrounded and know he can't keep do this forever but at the same time he doesn't wanna hurt them as well includes Origami.
Y/n: Listen. We are just lost in this world and we don't know what to do. I've maybe know much about this world but the rest, they don't know this world and they maybe scared or being here. If you kill them then that's gonna increase their fears about this world even more. But....if yous wanna kill all of them then.....
He rise his sword into the air and stab it into the dirt floor. Then he looks up at them and stretch his arms out and the said.
Y/n: Then kill me! I've hurt anyone here so that proofs I'm not here to kill humanity and a bet the rest of the spirits are. If yous wanna kill the most powerful one then kill me! I am a spirit god so I'm one of the most powerful spirits around so if you take me out the you did it, YOU SHOW ALL SPIRITS TO NEVER MESS WITH HUMANITY!
Ryouko and the rest of the AST girls were surprised about this. Not only this spirit will wather just to proof to them that not all spirits aren't evil but he's also a spirit god as well. Still they have a job to do so Ryouko said to Origami.
Ryouko: Origami, you know what to do.
Origami wasn't sure she wants to take Y/n's life. But she has no choice and charge at him. Y/n was ready for this and once Origami got close, she rise her blade into the air and pulls it down for a strike.
Both Origami and Y/n were shocked to see a second blade her Origami's and turn to see Tohka. Tohka pushes Origami back and stands next to Y/n.
Y/n: (surprised) Tohka?
Tohka: You shown to be kind even though your a god spirit but you shown to trust this world and will do anything to protect it and me as well. You also give me a name so.....I thank you.
Y/n smiles underneath his helmet and turn to Ryouko and the rest of the AST's as Ryouko sees they can't deal with tow spirits so she says.
Ryouko: Retreat, we can't deal with two spirits, pull back!
They pull back and fly off. Origami breaths a sigh of relief and false back as well. They take off info the air and they disappear just as Y/n turn back irno his human form and turn to Tohka.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks for the help Tohka.
Tohka: (little blush) S-Sure no problem, just don't want you to be hurt by them.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah and thank you for not hurting them as well.
Tohka: (little blush) No problem. So, what now?
Y/n: Well I figured you get to know this world like me. But first, let's get you some clothes.
Tohka: Why?
Y/n: Well in this world, we don't wear battle amor like that. We wear something like this.
He pulls up a picture of both female and male student outfit and hands to Tohka and looks at them.
Tohka: Is this how human's wear?
Y/n: Well only for school but there is many clothes that everyone wears and some are great if you give it a try.
Tohka: You think these clothes are great?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah trust me, their good way to blend in.
Tohka: Then in that case.
Then a purple flash appears and it blinds Y/n as he cover his eyes. Once the purple lights fated away, he open his eyes and was surprised to see Tohka wearing a female school uniform just like in that picture.
Tohka: Well, what do you think?
Y/n: (surprised) You look cool. I never know you can do that?
Tohka: Why you don't do that?
Y/n: No but I wish I would.
Tohka: (smile) Hey.
Y/n: Yeah?
Tohka: (smile) Thanks for protecting me. And for looking for me, I never have someone before.
Y/n: (smile) No problem.
Y/n reach out a hand to Tohka and Tohka looks at it and she grabs Y/n's hand and blushes a little on how warm his hand is and they shake on it. They later on leave the area and head back to town.
But on the roof of the abandoned building, we see a mysterious man watching them leave and said to himself.
???: The last of the spirit gods.....lives.
The mysterious man stood up and spread out his black angel like wings and take to the skys as he disappears into the clouds and out of sight.
To be continued...........
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