Chapter 1: What I'm I?

Planet Earth. Homed to the human race that has been around for millions of years and it has grown ever since. The world was in peace until massive explosions known as Spacequakes.

No one knows where they came from or who started them but they have cost chaos and death to the human race ever since it began. Technology has been build to detect any Spacequakes so people can get to safety.

But what they didn't know that those Spacequakes may not just explosion to destroy the human race wather.....there is something more to them then they all thought.


We see Y/n opening his eyes and looks around. He appears floating as everywhere around him was filled with clouds that shine like gold with pretty. Y/n have this dream several times and still have no idea what they are.

He looks around to see if anyone is around but nothing. Then the clouds behind him open up and Y/n turns around and was blinded by the bright sun as he cover his eyes with his shoulder.

He slowly open his eyes and see something. A figure floating with him but due to the sun behind him, he can't tell who this person is or what he looks like.

Y/n: Who are you?

The mystery figure slowly points at Y/n and then said.

???: That is a same question you should ask yourself.

Y/n: What are you talking about?

???: They are coming. Soon they need a god to help them in order for their kind to survive. They need their God return.

Y/n: Wh-What are you talking about? Who's they?

???: You will know, soon enough.

Then the mystery figure floats backwards towards the sun as clouds covers the sun just as Y/n reach out his hand so he can ask him but he was gone.

Then suddenly he fell. He fell as he gone pass the clouds and break through and see the surface below. He turns to his back and looks up and see female like figures looking down at them as Y/n hits the ground and then he woke up.

(Dream ends)

Y/n sprin out of his bed with a gasp like he had a nightmare. He was breathing heavily and looks around to see he is at his room safe and sound.

He breaths in a sigh of relief and fell back onto his bed and think to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Just a dream. But what do they mean? Who was that person and those female figures? Jesus I need some coffee right about now.

Y/n check his clock near his desk and see it was 7:30AM so he leap out of bed and get himself change into his school uniform. Once that he pulls over the covers and was hit by a bright sun and a good morning to him.

Y/n exit out of his bedroom and walk through the hells as he yawns to himself. He enters the living room and the first thing he sees was a table being flipped facing the door as if someone was hiding from something.

Y/n: Um What is this?

Then a girl with red hair stick her head out which Y/n knows her. Her name is Kotori and she is a young sister to her older brother named Shido who Y/n's roommate since Y/n has no were to go due to an accident he gotten years ago.

Y/n: Kotori, is that you?

Kotori: Y/n you came!

She leaps out and hugs Y/n tightly which made Y/n blush deep since he is a bit shy when it comes to girls and Kotori used to call him her shinning Knight for reasons Y/n still have no idea what.

Y/n: (little blush) K-K-Kotori what's going o-on here?

Kotori: Big bro is acting very scary.

Y/n: Who Shido? Where is he?

???: (creepy voice) Behind you.

Y/n got startled and jump forward and turns to see Shido who at first his face was creepy but he smirks once he scared Y/n a bit.

Shido: (smirk) Did I actually scare you?

Y/n: Just a little but why were you trying to scare Kotori?

Shido: She was jumping on my bed when I slept and I told her to get off but she wouldn't listen.

Y/n: (thought) Oh so classic brother and sister thing huh.

Shido: Sorry about that. Didn't mean to scare you there, thought you still be asleep.

Y/n: It's alright besides that was a good one there.

Shido: Yeah. So let's get some breakfast.

Kotori: (smile) Yay!

Y/n: (smile) Sure need some coffee anyways.

Shido and Y/n head to the small kitchen within the living room to make breakfast while Kotori sat down and pits on the news on. The news talks about the deaths that was cost by Spacequakes which Y/n and Shdio over heard as Shido says.

Shido: It's a shame for these people who were killed.

Y/n: Yeah and those who lost their homes. I can't imagine for them to lose not just their families but their homes as well.

Shido: So....Have you visit the doctor last night? About your memory lost thing?

Y/n: Yeah and they told me there is nothing they can do. I thought I slowly gain my memories but no. It's still missing.

Shido: Yeah but at least you have us right?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah and everyone at school as well. I may have no memory of my past, I still have yous to help me.

Shido smiles with a nod as they cook breakfast until they were done and set it on the table. They sat around and eat up as Y/n drink his coffee while reading the newspaper while he asked.

Y/n: So what should we do after school?

Kotori: Oh I know! What about we go to that restaurant that has good food there.

Shido: You mean near the school?

Kotori: Yeah can we go there for lunch? Please with a cherry on top?

Y/n: (smile) It sounds pretty nice. Besides maybe we can head to the arcades before we head home.

Shido: Guess that sounds fun. Alright we go there.

Kotori: (smile) Yay! Thank you! Thank you!

Y/n smiles at her as she cheers happily. He likes to see Kotori's smiles not just because they are cute but when he has a bad day or he feels down, he remembers Kotori giving him a cute smile to cheer him up and that seem to help him.

Once they finish up breakfast they get their shoes and they head off to school. Kotori gone to a different school somewhere in town so they meet up with Kotori once school is done.


They were in their school as we see them sat down on their desk having their break from work. We see Y/n sat on his table drawing some beautiful art with his note book since he finds art very interesting and helps him deal with his memory lost.

He was deep to his art as he forced drawing his picture when he felt a tap on his shoulder which snap him out of his art and looks up to see his teacher giving him a warm smile.

Y/n: Oh Ms Okamine, sorry I was too busy drawing my art.

Ms Okamine: Oh no I should be the one to apologise. I didn't know you were asleep so I walk you and tap you a little to see you were asleep, but I see you weren't. My apologies.

Y/n: (smile) That's Alright Ms Okamine, I know your just doing your job.

Ms Okamine: (smile) Thank you and I must say, you have some amazing art work you've got.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks.

Ms Okamine: (smile) I bet you can be a great arter one day.

Y/n smiles and Ms Okamine smiles back and walks off. Y/n turn to the window and looks at the view as he wonders about his past and why he can't remember them.

???: Yo Y/n!

Y/n looks over to see his friend named Hiroto walk over to him with Shido beside him.

Hiroto: Hey we wanna ask you something that you gonna be honest about.

Y/n: Um sure what is it?

Shido: Well do you know of Origami.

Y/n: Yeah she's our student here and she's a type of girl that doesn't talk much. Why?

Shido: Well this might be weird but Hiroto was wounding that you have-

Hiroto: A crush on Origami!

There was a long silence until Y/n's cheeks turn red in blush and asked.

Y/n: (blushed) Huh?! Why do you think of that?

Hiroto: (smirk) Because she seem to be interesting of your art and how she always want to see your art work when during lunch break.

Y/n: (little blush) W-Well not just her. There is three girls who came by and look at my art and find it pretty beautiful.

Hiroto: (shocked) What?! You gonna be kidding me?

Shido: Bro just relax, I'm sure their interesting of their art.

Hiroto: No man. Your roommate has one of the biggest good lucks ever. He has girls that like his work, Girls!

Y/n: Well not all girls, there is some boys from art club that like my art work.

Hiroto: Really? Why didn't they invite you to their club?

Y/n: Um, let's just say they wear some weird clothes and wear weird stuff that I feel a bit uncomfortable to join.

Hiroto: Alright but your lucky, soon all these girls will fall for you for sure.

Y/n: (little blush) Um thanks?

Shido: Come on man, leave him alone. He's just wanna draw his art in peace.

Hiroto: Yeah guess your right. Sorry about that Y/n.

Y/n: Oh no it's fine it's just that, I never actually been on a date before and to be honest....I'm a bit nervous if I go one.

Hiroto: Hey what about you download this!

Then he show his phone to Y/n which was a anime like dating app that he as been playing for a while.

Y/n: Is that some kind a dating app?

Hiroto: (smile) Yep, with this you can be a master of dating for sure.

Shido: Then how come you don't have one?

Hiroto: I-I.......I still need some work.

Shido sighs while three girls named Ai, Mai and Mii looks over and see what's going on.

Ai: Whoa look at these boys trying to make Y/n into a dating up.

Mai: Yeah they should know Y/n is not into that.

Mii: That si so lame.

(Short while later)

We see Y/n hanging at the roof of the school looking at the view of the school as a wind gently blows on his face as he takes it all in.

He breaths out and still remembers the dream he has and still wounder what do they mean and why is it just him that he is getting these dreams.

???: Hey.

Y/n turns around to see a short white hair young girl named Origami standing there facing Y/n which surprised Y/n a bit and asked.

Y/n: H-Hey Origami. What brings you here?

Origami: Just came out yo catch a fresh air when I spotted you here. So what's up?

Y/n knows he has to tell someone about these dreams. He did told this to Kotori and Shido but they said it's just a dream and nothing else. He takes a deep breath and told Origami.

Y/n: Listen Origami I know I may act a bit weird but I have these dreams that are weird but I still wonder what do they mean.

Origami: What sort of these dreams?

Y/n: Well me floating in the sky with clouds around me. Then this mystery figure appear and told me "they are coming" and "I should be ready." After he left is start to fell and before I wake up, I see these female figures looking down at me floating and then....I woke up.

Origami: Female floating figures?

Y/n: Yeah and they glow in different colours. One was glowing purple, the other red, Blue and crimson red. I don't know what they are but I feel I need to tell someone other then Shido and Kotori and that's why I'm telling you this.

Origami: I see.

Y/n: Do I sound a bit weird?

Origami: No.

Y/n: Yeah I'm sorry I just need.......Wait? You don't think I'm weird?

Origami: I heard many people share their weird dreams but they still wonder what they are so no, I don't find you weird.

Y/n: (sigh of relief) Oh thank god. I thought you think of me as weird.

Origami: I would never think of that. After all, your a great person to me and shown to hang out with me during and after school.

Y/n: (little blush) W-Well that's because I wonder you needed someone to be around so I just do it.

Origami: Well thanks for that and don't worry about your dream. Your secret is safe with me.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you Origami.

Origami nods and when she turn around to walk away. Her cheeks blushed and her heart skip a little as she left. Y/n was alone now and feel a bit better to tell someone about his dreams and thinks that everything will be alright.

Suddenly he hears something that he wish he  doesn't want to hear. He hears the siren of a incoming Spacequake is about to happen. He hears the student below him evacuating and just then Shido burst into the door and looks at Y/n and said.

Shido: We need to get to the bunkers now.


The whole town was evacuating into the bucklers that were open for them. Shido and Y/n was about to go in when Shido stop and realise something.

Y/n: Shido let's go!

Shido: Where's Kotori?

Y/n realise they haven't seen her and look around for her but no luck.

Shido: I'm gonna go and find her.

Y/n: But you'll die!

Shido: I don't care! She's my little sister and I can't lose her.

Then Shido runs off. Y/n watch him go and decide he must go after him as well so he follows chase after him.

They run through the city looking for Kotori as they call out to her through the streets. Then they can feel it. They feel a Spacequake is gonna happen and they need to find cover soon.

Y/n sees a nearby store so he pushes Shido inside and shut he down just in time. There was a massive wave of explosion that shattered the glass as Shido and Y/n take cover underneath the front desk as it happen.

Soon the explosion stops and they claw out of the table and exit out of the store and looks through the street and see where the Spacequake started.

Shido: come on, we need to find Kotori and fast.

Y/n: Wait.

Shido: What, why?

Y/n doesn't know why but he felt like he must go towards the hole where the Spacequake happened. He walks off as Shido watch him go. He doesn't know why Y/n is going where the Spacequake just blown up so he goes after him.

Soon Y/n reach over a cliff and looks down at the hole. He sees something that he cannot believe his eyes. It was a woman. She has long purple hair, Purple eyes and purple armor just standing at the middle of the hole looking around.

Y/n: (thought) I've seen her before. She was one of the figures that was in my dreams. Who.....Who is she?

Then the women looks up and see Y/n staring down at her. Their eyes locked as the two stare each other wonding the same thing. " Who is this person?"

Then she suddenly appear in front of Y/n and point her blade at Y/n which cost him to step back slightly as she asked.

???: Who are you? Are you the people that wants to kill me?

Y/n: What? N-No I'm not. Trust me, I'm not them or who ever they are.

???: How can I be sure?

Y/n: Look what do these people look like?

???: They were all female that can fly and fire rockets at me.

Y/n: (thought) All female? That's kinda odd but this is a mystery girl with armor and sword so I roll with it.

Shido: Hey what are you doing? We should be looking for.....

Shido stops and see the purple woman in front of Y/n with shock.

Shido: (shocked) What the hell or who is that?

Y/n: Shido She's-

Then the women appear in front of Shido as Shido fells onto the ground as the women draw her sword back and says.

???: You are here to harm me then! You shall pay!

Shido screamed for his life. Y/n races over and got in front of Shido as her blade was close to Y/n as Y/n yells out.

Y/n: NO!

Then suddenly a large golden blast Knocks Shido and the purple women flying back. Shido lands on ten grounf hard and slowly stood up and looks at Y/n in worry.

Then his eyes widen in shock as he watches his friend suddenly transform into a golden armor Knight right in front of him. Once it was complete Y/m slowly floats down and looks at himself and see he change into some kind a golden armor which shocked him.

Y/n: (shocked) Wh-What is this? Wh-What did I just do?

???: Impossible. What are you and who are you?

Y/n: I....I don't know.

Y/n was confused by all this but suddenly he was hit by some explosions that sent the purple women and Y/n flying back. Y/n crashes into a car but he was alright.

He stood up and wonders what did that came from. He looks up and see something coming towards them.

Shido: What are they?

???: Their the once that try to kill me.

Y/n looks a bit closer and see all women flying towards them which kinda surprise that she was right about being flying girls.

Y/n: (thought) Huh.....guess she was right about flying female girls.

Then more rockets were fired at them. The purple women dodges them but Y/n sees they were coming towards them.

Y/n: Oh shit!

He lift his arm that suddenly spowns in a shield out of nowhere.

The rockets hits the shield and protects Y/n from getting hit. Y/n looks at the shield in surprise and shows it to Shido.

Y/n: Check this out! This shield is tough as hell!

Shido: How do you do that?

Y/n: I have no idea!

Then one of the females lands in front of Y/n. Y/n turns and was shocked to see Origami wearing some kind a military suit as she stood up and looks up at Y/n.

Y/n: (thought) Origami?

Shido: (thought) Why is she here?

Origami stares at Y/n not knowing it's Y/n and charges at him. Y/n quickly panicked and dodge her punch. Y/n lands onto the ground and so dose Origami as she swings a fee blows to Y/n but he dodges them and even use his shield to block them as he said to her.

Y/n: Wait I don't wanna fight!

Origami: Too bad Spirit.

Y/n: (thought) Spirit?

She then lands a kick at Y/n stomach that cost him to stumble back a bit. He looks up and see Origami pulls out small blades and charge at him. She swings them at him ready to land a blow but Y/n suddenly summons a sword and blocks her strike.

Y/n was surprised that he done it again similar to his shield so he clash blades with Origami as Y/n holds back because he doesn't want to hurt her. But he sees that Origami is not and lands some blows to Y/n and after a few swings Y/n fell to his knees and breathing heavily.

He looks up at Origami as she rise her blade up into the air to finish him and she pulls it down as Shido cries out but then Y/n said.

Y/n: Origami.

This stops Origami in her tracks and looks at Y/n in shock and asked.

Origami: How do you know who I am?

Y/n: Origami it's me? Y/n, why are you doing this? What's going on?

Origami eyes widen in shock. She can't believe Y/n is a spirit or something because she never seen a male spirit in her whole life.

Origami: (shocked) Y-Y/n? Your a spirit too?

Y/n: Spirit? What is that?

Then the purple women soon gets overwhelmed by these explosions so she decided to make a massive blast that sent everyone back.

The shockwave hits Origami, Shido and Y/n as they were set flying back as the explosion covers the whole area with the purple women dissappear into thin air.

We see Y/n laying on the ground with his armor cracked and his helmet a bit expose as he looks up at the sun shining above him. Then two figures appear in his sights as they look down at Y/n with one said.

??? 1: He's still alive Ms. Including Shido as well.

??? 2: Good. Take them to the ship. They need some rest before we tell them the truth.

Y/n heard that voice before and it sounded for him but he slowly feel himself passing out as the women lend down and reach down her hand to grab his helmet just as Y/n shut his eyes and he passed out.

???: They have come. must save them....before it's too late.

To be continued..............

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