Catherine is freed and joins the rebel alliance in order to seek out Vader.

When it is found that Luke has killed Jabba's Ranchor Jabba was furious and ordered that Chewie, Luke and Han be fed to Sarlacc. I look up at Jabba pleadingly. "Jabba please, reconsider, please spare them. I'll do anything, anything you want but please spare them they are my friends." I beg.

Jabba hears my plea and calls Threepo over and orders him to translate one last message. "Victims of the almighty Sarlecc his excellency hopes you die honorably however, due to the pleas of his slave girl Catherine, he offers you one last chance to avoid you fate by allowing to pleading for mercy. He will now hear to your pleas." Threepio translates.

"You tell that slimy piece of worn ridden filth he'll get no such pleasure from us." Han replies and Chewie readily agrees.

Luke warns Jabba that it is his last chance to free him and his friends or he will die. To this Jabba just laughs and doing a thumbs down like the emperors of Rome issues the order to push Luke into the Sarlacc pit.

Luke is able to escape to the delight of the on lookers and Jabba furious orders his guards to stop them from escaping. During the fight Demon takes the opportunity to rid himself of his rival and much to my dismay causes Boba to fall into the Sarlacc pit.

Leia watches everything with interest and then ultimately throws her chain around Jabba's neck and tries to choke him to death. "Leia stop!" I cry but to no prevail Leia is determined to free herself from Jabba's grasp.

"I refuse to be his slave for a moment longer!" Leia replied pulling the chain once more.

I can't stand it anymore I couldn't let Leia kill him. Although he was a disgusting slug who terrorized the Galaxy it was clear that he cared for me. He didn't deserve to die especially not like this. Grabbing Leia's chain and a wire with a spark plug I hit it freeing Leia from Jabba's grasp. Jabba growls in frustration and tries to grab her but Leia is too quick for him. He passes out from exhaustion and lack of air. Staring back at me confused Leia motioned for Me to free myself. I shake my head no. "Go! Get out of here! Leave! Leave now!" I order and Leia runs off without hesitation.

I made no attempt to free myself. I had given my word that I would not try to escape and I had every intention on keeping my promise. However, Luke, Leia and Han wouldn't rest till I was free from Jabba's evil grasp.

"Don't you understand I don't want to be free! I gave my word that id never try to escape and I intend on keeping that promise. Now Go! Get out of here while you still can!" I reply angrily but the group wouldn't listen.

"Now what kind of friends would we be if we let you stay here in the hands of this monster?Besides, I owed you one kid. Think of this as my way of paying my debt." Han replied. "Hay Luke, a little help here?" Han demanded pointing towards my chain. Luke nodded and using his lightsaber slicing my chain in half.

Soon everyone was back together far away from Jabba's palace and everyone rejoiced. Everyone that is except me. I am upset by Boba's and most likely Jabba's death. "Thanks for freeing me Luke, I must go now."

"Catherine wait, come with me to Dagobah." Luke offers her.

"I can't, I must seek out my own destiny and that doesn't involve me becoming a Jedi. I'm not as strong as you are Luke, I can't hide my feelings as you can. Yoda said that until I could learn to control my emotions that He couldn't continue my training. That is something I'll never be able to do, I'm sorry Luke, but I can never be a Jedi."

"Yes you can. Yoda told me so himself. Please come with me to Degobah and let Yoda finish your training. You are ready I can sense you are." Luke replied.

"Your not going to give up till I say yes are you?" I said with a sigh. Luke shakes his head no and I reluctantly follows Luke however, at the last minute I change course.

Meanwhile, back in the docking bay of the Death Star Vader is walking beside the Emperor "the death star will be completed on time."

"Good. Now I sense you wish to continue your search for young Skywalker."

"Yes my Master." Vader replies.

"Patience old friend. In time he will seek you out. Young Skywalker has grown strong in the force only together can we turn him to the dark side. Everything is proceeding as I have forseen." The emperor laughs.

"As you wish my Master." Vader replies.

Back on Dagobah Yoda is weak, he is dying. "Humm, that face you make, Look me so old to young eyes?" He asks Luke amused.

Luke pauses then replies hesitantly, "no, of course you don't."

Trying to make light of the situation Yoda replies mater of factly "I do, yes, I do. When 900 years old you are look,as good you will not. Soon I will rest, rest forever. Earned it I have."

"Master Yoda you can't die, I need you to complete my training." Luke replied.

"Strong am I in the force but not that strong. Twilight is upon me and soon night must fall. That is the way of life, the way of the force."

"But I've comeback to complete my training."

"No more training do you require, already know that which you need." Yoda replied.

"Then I am a Jedi?" Luke asks confused.

"Not yet, one thing remains, Vader you must confront Vader. Then only then a Jedi you will be and confront him you will." Yoda replied.

Luke winces at this revelation. "Master Yoda, is Vader my father?"

Yoda looks at Luke sadly and laying down on his bed turns away from Luke not wanting to answer him. "Rest, I need, yes, rest." Yoda replies in an effort to avoid answering Luke.

"Master Yoda, I must know." Luke insists.

Yoda closes his eyes and replies sadly, "Your father he is. Told you did he? Unexpected this is an unfortunate."

"Unfortunate that I know the truth?" Luke demanded slightly angry.

"No, unfortunate that you rushed to face him. Incomplete was your training not ready for this burden were you." Yoda replied.

"And what if Catherine, why did you refused to train her?" Luke demanded opening a can of worms.

"A Jedi's strength flows from the force, but beware anger, aggression, fear, the dark side are they. Too full of these three traits Catherine is, worried I was that she'd turn down the dark path. Decided I did to postpone her training till she could learn to control her anger and aggression. Misunderstood this decision she has, hurt her I fear it unintentionally did. I search of Vader I fear she has gone."

"I must find her, I must convince her to return with me here. She is worthy of being a Jedi I know she is. All she needs is your guidance. We must stop Vader from turning her to the dark side."

"Luke, old and tired am I. Not enough strength to continue this fight have I. Rest now I must. Do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor or suffer your father's fate you will. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. When I am gone the last of the Jedi you will be. The force is strong with your family, pass on what you have learned you must." Right before Yoda passes away he coughs and tries to make out with great effort " There are two other Skywalkers, help them you must." Yoda tells him with Yoda passes away.

"I can't do it." Luke tells Artoo. " I can't do it alone."

"Yoda will always be with you", came the voice of Ben.

"Ben why didn't you tell me? You told me Vader betrayed and murdered my father." Luke says angrily.

"Your father was seduced by the dark side he ceased to be Anakin Skywalker and became Darth Vader when that happened the good man that was your father was destroyed. So what I told you was true, from a certain point of view." Ben replied.

"A certain point of view?" He says turning away from Ben angrily.

"many of the truths we cling to depend greatly upon one's point of view. I don't blame you for being angry with me. I made a mistake, one of many I'm afraid. You see what happened to your father was my fault. I was arrogant and took it upon myself to train your father who was already strong in the force when I and my Master Qui Gon Gin met him. After Quigon's death at the hand of the Sith apprentice I took it upon myself to train your father. I thought I could train him just as well as Master Yoda could. My pride has had terrible consequences."

'There is still good in him Ben, I can sense it, I can't do it." Luke replied.

"You can't out run your destiny" Ben replied. "To be a true Jedi Luke you must confront your dark side and go beyond it. Impatience is the easiest door too take, your father was seduced by what he saw behind that door. You however have stood firm. You can help others do the same." Ben replied.

"I can't kill my own father, I can't do it Ben." Luke replied once again.

"Then the emperor has already won." Ben replied with a sigh.

"Yoda spoke of other Skywalkers, what was he talking about? I have no siblings." Luke questioned.

"He spoke of your twin sister. To protect you from the emperor you were separated at birth. The emperor knew as I did, that if Anakin were to have any offspring they'd be a threat to him. That is why your sister remains safely anonymous."

"Leia?" Luke replies.

"Yes. I took you to tatotiune, Leia was taken to alderan. She became a senator like her adopted father. Because she had diplomatic immunity she became a great asset to the rebel alliance. That is how you met her. Her adopted father had always told her to contact me if she was ever in extreme trouble."

"Ben, you can't involve Leia now, Vader will destroy her." Luke said suddenly defensive of Leia.

"Leia hasn't been trained in the force no, but it is strong with her. As it is with all your family. The battle cannot be avoided, You must destroy Vader." Ben replied.

"Ben, Yoda spoke of siblings. Do I have another sister?"

"I am only aware of Leia's existence however it is possible that you might have another sibling. I do not know who they are or where they might be, only Yoda could tell you that." Ben replied.

"I think I know who my other sibling is, I met her here. Her name is Catherine. She is so full of anger and aggression that Yoda was concerned she might turn down the dark sides path. So he told her that he could not train her. First she had to learn to control her anger. She felt Yoda was telling her that she wasn't Jedi material. I fear this choice will have dire consequences. What am I to do? I can't kill my own father." Luke replied.

"Your insight does you credit but burry your feelings for Catherine and Leia deep down inside or you will find yourself being made to serve the Emperor." Ben warned. "Find Catherine, help her see that she is can be a Jedi before it becomes too late for her."

Meanwhile, back on the Death Star the Emperor orders Vader to send the fleet to Endor. Vader asks about the rumors of rebels elsewhere and the emperor replies that they don't matter. He tells Vader that soon the rebels will be destroyed and that Skywalker would soon join them. He tells Vader his work is done and to go to the command ship and await his orders. Vader replies in his usual manor "yes my master."

Meanwhile, Luke is surprised when he finds me at the rebel alliance meeting. "What are you doing here? I thought you left to seek your own destiny?" Luke asked confused.

"My reasons for being here are my own. I don't need to explain them to you. I'm here to do whatever I can to defeat the Emperor that's all you need to know." After being given a briefing of the current situation the group is sent on the mission of destroying the shield on Endor. The group included Han, Leia, Luke, Chewie, C3PO, R2D2 and Myself.

"We have you on screen please identify." An imperial offer demands as they approach the imperial ship.

"Shuttle tyrdrium requesting deactivation of the reflector shield." Han replied.

"Shuttle tyrdrium transmit clearance code for clearence." The imperial officer replies.

"Vader is on that ship." Luke says suddenly worried "can you sense it?" He asks me and I nod.

"Don't get jittery kids, their are lots of command ships. Chewie keep your distantance but don't look like your keeping your distance." Han says "as a security measure." Chewie asks how and Han replies "fly casual."

"I'm endangering the mission I never should have come." Luke says.

"You mean, we are endangering the mission don't you? Vader can sense us both."

"It's just your guys imagination." Han replies.

"Where is that shuttle headed?" Vader asks as the shuttle carrying Chewie, Leia, Luke, Han and myself approaches.

After being told where they were headed Vader decides to deal with the ship himself. Sensing that Luke and I are aboard the shuttle.

"I told you to remain on the command ship." The Emperor scolds Vader.

"A small rebel force has penetrated the shield and landed on Endor." Vader replies.

"I know." The emperor replies no surprise in his voice at all.

"My son and the bounty hunter who's strong in the force are with them." Vader replies.

"Are you sure?"

"I have sensed them my master." Vader replies

"Strange that I have not. Are your feelings on this matter clear Lord Vader?"

"They are clear, my master." Vader replied.

"Then you must go to the sanctuary moon and wait for him."

"He will come to me?" Vader asks skeptical.

"I have forseen this. Your son's compassion for you will be his undoing. He will come to you and the you will bring him before me." The emperor replied.

"What of the bounty hunter?" Vader asked

"She is of little consequence." The Emperor replies.

"Understood my Master." With that Vader leaves the throne room.

It wasn't too long after the group landed that I decided to distance myself from the group. I had my own agenda for being on the moon of Endor and it had nothing to do with the rebel alliance. I knew Vader would sense Luke's presence and I knew that he could sense mine as well. I knew what Ben and Yoda wanted Luke to do. I had to get to Vader before Luke did. I had so many questions I wanted to ask and only he could provide the answers. I couldn't let Luke kill him, I wouldn't.

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