Catherine, Christina BB8, Finn and Rey

Catherine spent the later of the previous day watching scavengers bring Unkar various ship parts and she had soon figured out what was and wasn't valuable. Perhaps she could use the force to convince one of the aliens to give her a few items so she could trade for rations. This turned out to be a much harder task then she had anticipated. It seemed the Jedi mind trick didn't work on a lot of the patrons coming and going and truth be told she was rather rusty.

However, late in the day she was finally able to get something worth trading and as she headed to Unkar's ration station she noticed a young child who was crying. It was obvious that she hadn't eaten for a while. Just keep waking. She told herself but she couldn't bring herself to do it. "Child why are you crying? Where are your parents?"

Shimi Beru wiped away her tears and sniffled. "I don't know. I can't remember who my parents are."

"Where do you live?" Catherine asked.

Shimi Beru pointed towards Unkar's shack. "With Unkar. I'm so tired but I dare not go back. I haven't found anything of value again today and no one will help me. I can't return to Unkar without anything again or he'll be furious. I can't take another beating I just can't."

Catherine frowned "Unkar is your guardian?"

Shimi Beru nodded and Catherine sighed sadly. Unkar reminded her of how Demon had been when he had first bought her. Uncaring and mean. "I know what it feels like to feel as if you are starving and I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. By the way, what's your name kid?"

"Unkar calls me the little brat."

"Oh you Sweet little child, that's not your real name. Do you know what your real name is?" Catherine asked with a smile.

"Shimi Beru I think." Chrsitina replied.

"Well Shimi , let's see about getting you something to eat shall we?" Catherine asked.

"I'd rather not. Eventually Unkar will give me something to eat. That is, if he's in a good mood." Shimi replied.

"That's not good enough. Come on, it just so happens that I have something to trade for rations. You can have it." Catherine replied knowing that she was giving up her only chance for a meal for a kid she didn't even know. Yet, she knew it was the right thing to do.

"I couldn't do that." Shimi replied shaking her head.

"What are you doing you little brat?" Unkar growled grabbing Shimi by her shirt collar. "I thought I told you never to beg for scrap. If you can't salvage scrap to pay for the care I provide you then you can starve. I won't have you taking what you haven't earned."

"Yes sir." Shimi replied looking down at the ground.

"Actually she dropped this I was mealry trying to return it to her." Catherine replied.

"Is that so?" Unkar replied. "Then she won't mind telling me where she found it then would you? You little gnat, and don't forget I can always tell when your lying to me" he warned.

Shimi swallowed hard "I didn't find it."

"What was that? Speak up you good for nothing little brat." Unkar replied with a growl. When Christina didn't reply Unkar took his big meaty hand and smacked Christina hard across the face. "I told you not to come back without anything of value didn't I?" Unkar demanded. "Well, didn't I?"

Christina winced and replied "yes. I tried Unkar I really did. I couldn't find anything you'd want. Please don't hit me."

"You haven't earned your keep again and that the fourth time this week. No items for me means no food and a beating." Unkar replied smacking Christina across the face once more. "That's for begging not to be punished. Your a worthless kid and kids like you deserves all the beatings they get." Unkar replied. "Now fetch me the whip girl." Unkar replied with a growl. Christina rushed off and a few minutes later returned with an old leather strap. As Unkar brought the whip down upon Christina's back Catherine's blood began to boil.

Catherine couldn't stand it when People were being treated unfairly. It made her even angrier when that person was a child who had no way to defend themselves. "Here you can take this!" Catherine replied tossing the space junk towards Unkar. "Now leave the kid alone!"

"Who are you to tell me what to do with my charge? It's none of your business wether I punish the little brat or not so but out!" Unkar replied with a growl.

"I think not. You might hand out the rations but your not in charge. I think the local authorities would find it quite interesting that not only have you been starving this poor child but you have beating her as well. Now, I'm only going to tell you this one more time leave the kid alone!" Catherine warned her eyes flashing in anger.

"Fine! If you care so much about the little brats welfare then perhaps you should be her guardian I'm done." With that Unkar left leaving a startled Christina and Catherine standing there completely dumbfounded.

"Um, what just happen?" Christina asked.

Catherine sighed "its nothing. come with me we need to find shelter for the night. We can worry about Unkar in the morning."

The next day she spotted Ray and by her side was a very familiar BB8 droid. She watched intently as Rey brought the item she had brought to Unkar who took her item offering her one quarter ration of food. Catherine frowned she didn't like this Unkar one bit. Then something strange happened Unkar offered Ray 60 portions for BB8. "No." Catherine whispered under her breath. It was obvious to her that the first order had somehow learned that BB8 had the map and had obviously offered a substantial reward for him.

Catherine smiled when she saw Rey push the portions back at Unkar and grab the one half ration and she heard her say "actually, the droid isn't for sale. Come on BB8."

Catherine could see that Unkar was furious as he slammed the ration station door. It made her smile. Yet Christina became very concerned . "This isn't good. Unkar gets what he wants no matter what. We should follow her to make sure she's ok."

Sure enough Unkar had sent his thugs to attack Rey and steal BB8. "Get away from her!" Catherine growled trying hard to contain her anger. However, Unkar's thugs ignored her choosing instead to continue their attempt. Rey however was able to outsmart them. Catherine noticed a young man come running to her side. She immediately  recognized the jacket as belonging to Poe Dameron and she frowned. If this strange young man had Poe's jacket then something bad had to have happened to Poe.

BB8 saw the man and started making frantic beeping sounds Rey glared at the young man and then tackled him and aimed her staff at him. BB8 used electric sparks. "Thief! I don't like thieves!"  She replied pointing at the young man so that he could not get up.

"Huh? I'm no theif." Finn replied.

"The jacket this droid said you stole it. It belongs to his master." Rey said angrily.

Finn realized that this was the droid that Poe had insisted they go back for. He had sworn that he would complete Poe's mission in his memory. For as far as Finn knew Poe had died in the crash. "I'm so sorry. Poe he's not coming back. I rescued him from the first order but our ship crashed. Poe didn't make it." Finn replied sadly. Upon this realization BB8 whistled sadly and rolled away.

It was then that Finn spotted Storm troopers "oh no." He groaned. "The first order. Ren must have sent them to fetch the droid."

"I don't get it. Why is everyone interested in this droid he's just a plain BB8 can't the first order just get one of them own?" Rey asked.

"He's one of a kind. He's holding a map that leads straight to Luke Skywalker." Finn replied.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me!" Rey replied.

"He's not." Catherine replied walking up to them.

"How do you know that? Your not taking this BB8 droid so get lost!" Rey replied pointing her staff at Christina and Catherine.

Catherine ignored her and knelt down next to BB8. "BB8 are you ok?" She asked with genuine concern. Rey looked at Catherine puzzled.

"BB8 do you know this person?" Rey asked.

"Ah guys as much as I'd like to stay here and chat we've got to get out of here." Finn replied grabbing Rey by the hand.

Catherine looked up and saw the storm troopers approaching. "We are right behind you kid." She replied grabbing Christina's hand and following behind Rey and Finn.

"We need a way out of here." Finn replied. Let's board that ship and get out of here."

"Hate to burst your bubble but that ship has a blown fuse it's not going anywhere."  Rey replied.

"How about that one?" Finn asked pointing towards the millennium falcon.

"It's a piece of junk." Rey replied.

Catherine blinked to make sure she wasn't seeing things. The ship that Rey had just called a piece of junk was the millennium falcon. "Where did Unkar get that?" She asked still unable to believe her eyes. Either someone had stolen the falcon from Han or something really bad had happened to him. The millennium falcon was Han's baby he wouldn't have let her go willingly.

"The piece of junk will have to do." Rey said at last.

"We need a pilot." Finn replied.

"We have one!" Rey replied indicating that she had piloting skills. "Come on we're running out of time. Quickly they all boarded it and Rey jumped into the cockpit. "Please work." She prayed silently.

Soon they had taken off as they did Unkar called out angrily "hay that's my piece of junk!"

"Sorry Unkar but this ship belongs to an old friend and I'm going to return her to him." Catherine replied under her breath.

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