
Narrator Pov:

It was night time and it was starting to get cold in which two people who go by the names Lily and James Potter left one of their closest friend known as Peter Pettigrew to watch over the potters sons while they were out in which Peter was a good friend to the Potters for a long time and never left their side or so that thought after the one night. Soon during one night when the Potters were out, Peter informed his master who found out about a prophecy that a child of great power and magic will defeat the dark being and bring a new order to the world in which Peter's master couldn't let that happened in which Peter informed his master known as Lord Voldemort to the whereabouts of the child who will defeat him. So right now both Peter and Voldemort were at near the house where the Potters live and were about to enter and find out who the child is destined to defeat Voldemort himself.

Pettigrew: My lord, the Potters have left their home a couple of hours ago which means that their children are fast asleep as we speak.

Voldemort: You have served me well Pettigrew but now it is time to find out who is destined to defeat me like in the prophecy in which that old goat informed everyone about.

Pettigrew: Yes my lord right this way.(Peter saids and leads his master to the Potter house where the children are still sleeping)

Soon both Voldemort and Pettigrew entered the Potters home and then proceeded to go up the steps to find the children who were still sleeping soundly in their bedroom. Then when both men entered the room, Voldemort took a look at first child in which was a son that looked similar and share resemblance to the father but with his mothers hair in which made Voldemort disgusted of how a child looked so much like that pathetic James Potter in which earned Pettigrew a small giggle as so did Voldemort.

Voldemort: This child is not the one, and I am surprised that he looks so much like his idiot father and they think he would be the one to end me like that is ever going to happened.(Voldemort saids while mocking the child in the crib)

Pettigrew: I have to agree my lord, this child doesn't have the amount of power less than an average wizard so he cannot be the chosen one that you seek.

Voldemort: Indeed now let us see about the other child.

Voldemort then moved to the other crib and saw it was another son, the boy had black hair like a black wolf and most magnificent pair of green eyes anyone has ever laid eyes on but now only that but the child's magical core was strong in which Voldemort knew that this child was the one but all of sudden while he was looking at the boy he almost felt something far more powerful within the boy itself in which he couldn't place it but somehow it felt familiar to him. Then when the baby opened his eyes and looked at the pale man in front of him all of sudden the boy didn't do anything but stare at the man with a stick in his hand in which the boy started to giggle at Voldemort and then after a while drifted back to sleep. Voldemort took a look at the child's name in which the boy was called Hadrian Potter and he looked completely the opposite of his parents except for the hair of course.

Voldemort: So you are called Hadrian Potter, yes I can see the powerful magic inside of you but somehow it looks like its blocked for some reason but not only that but I do feel another power within you that is something far more greater than anything I ever felt before but somehow it feels so familiar to me. You young Hadrian are without a doubt the most powerful and most magnificent child I have ever laid eyes on in which makes you a true descendent of all the most powerful wizards and witches known to man unlike you sibling here and those people who are your parents but the other power within you is something far more greater in which that is something new to me. You Hadrian are the one who shall be my end well not anymore but if things turned out the other way around I will except something amazing from you.

Voldemort then backed away from the babies crib and then pointed his stick which is called a wand and pointed it at Hadrian in which Voldemort was about to kill the child but somehow he didn't want to kill the child because the baby had such great magic as well as that power within him in which could help the lord make changes to the Wizarding World. Then the lord lifted his hand and was about to blast Hadrian with a killing curse until the baby opened his eyes again and smiled at Voldemort in which he had to look away from the gifted child and then said the words.

Voldemort: Avada Kedavra!(Voldemort saids a green light shot out of his wand and was heading directly towards Hadrian)

When the green light was about to hit Hadrian all of sudden it hit his forehead barely before a red aura light surrounded the boy and the curse that Voldemort shot at him bounced right off Hadrian and then directed right back Voldemort himself letting out a scream and then all of sudden he vanished leaving behind his dark robes on the ground. Then when everything calmed down, Pettigrew was in complete shock of what has happened to his master and he knew he had to get away quickly before the Potters come back home so that do not catch him.

Then soon after Pettigrew left and his master vanished, the Potters along with their two friends named Sirius Black and Remus Lupin were walking home together all of sudden they stoped and looked something that brought horror to their faces in which they saw the Potter house destroyed in which Lily made a dash for the house while her husband along with Sirius and Remus took out their wands and followed Lilly inside the house to see if the children are alright.

Lilly: James......

James: I know darling I know...

Sirius: James the children!(Sirius saids then rushes up the stairs with the other following him behind while also on the guard)

When they all came to the children's bedroom it was completely destroyed in which broke Lily's heart that the children were in danger and not kept safe but then they heard crying coming from the broken crib in which their son James Potter Jr was crying so loud it both Lily and James rushed into the room and found their darling son who was now being comfort by his parents.

Then both Remus and Sirius came into the room and found that James Jr was alright but they were wondering where is Hadrian until Sirius spotted him near the rubble and went towards his god son for comfort in which when Sirius took hold of Hadrian; the boy himself was still sleeping peacefully in which made Sirius happy that his little pup was alright as well and it made Remus happy as well since he is also the god father of Hadrian.

Sirius: Thank Merlin you are alright little pup I was so worried about you.(Sirius while holding Hadrian in his arms in which the baby was still sleeping after what has happened)

While Hadrian was sleeping in his god fathers arms, what everyone didn't know was the bizarre looking lightening bolt scar on the child's forehead in which was being covered with the babies hair while his brother on the other hand had a V-shaped like scar on the side of his cheek due to the glass falling on top the crib and cutting the baby in which caused James Jr to cry while Lily and James were trying to calm him down.

Lily: James we have to inform Dumbledore of what happened he needs to know.

James: I will see to it just keep our son calm until Dumbledore gets here. Sirius hows Hadrian?

Sirius: Sleeping like new born pup and it's amazing that he survived as well.

Remus: He must be a heavy sleeper, probably got that from you Sirius.(Remus saids in which made his friend giggle that Hadrian and Sirius actually showed a bond when Hadrian was born)

While Sirius and Lily along with Remus were comforting that children, James called Dumbledore for help in which they needed to know what has happened and why their home was attacked and why would the children involved in this. Then after a while now a man who had a long white beard and glasses while also wearing a robe came into the Potter house and was informed by James Potter Sr of what has happened.

Dumbledore: I got your message James and I came as soon as I got here. Are the children safe?

James: Yes Dumbledore their alright but what has happened and why though?

Dumbledore: I will tell you all as soon as I see the children myself.

James: Very follow me and be very quiet, Lily is comforting James Jr and Sirius has Hadrian.

Dumbledore: Understood..

When both James Potter Sr and Dumbledore arrived in the bedroom and saw Lily with James Jr and Sirius along with Remus with Hadrian they looked relieved to see the headmaster and wanted to know what is going on and why the children were attacked.

James: Dumbledore what is going on why were children attacked and what happened to Peter I thought he was suppose to look after the children?

Dumbledore: I am afraid I have some troubling news, it would seem that Peter Pettigrew who you all thought was your friend turned out to be a servant of the dark lord in which he gave his master the address and location of where the children would be kept and who would look after them.(Dumbledore saids in which broke everyones heart in which made Sirius along with Remus furious that their friend they knew since school betrayed them and is now serving the dark lord himself)

Sirius: Where is that traitor at now?!

James: Sirius calm yourself my friend we will find him and bring him to justice I swear to you.

Lily: Dumbledore why were the children attacked? Why would the dark lord target them?

Dumbledore: There is something I must tell you all in which involves on of the boys you holding in your arms.(Dumbledore saids while looking at both Hadrian and James Jr)

Remus: Headmaster what is this about?

Dumbledore: Long ago around sixteen years ago Sybill Trelawney made a prophecy about a boy who was born at the end of July in which the parents who defined Voldemort three times. This part of the prophecy was applied to either the Potters or the Longbotttom's but sadly the Longbottom family was killed by Death Eaters so now the Potters were the only ones left in which a child born at the end of July to the parents who were members of the Order itself.

Lily: You mean one of our children defeated the dark lord?

Dumbledore: No but the looks of it one of them defeated him when Voldemort used a killing curse but somehow what it looks like one of them deflected the spell right back at the dark lord himself in which vanquished him but not fully.

James: Are you saying that Voldemort could come back?

Dumbledore: Yes I believe so in which I would like to except to see which one of these boys defeated him first so that we can have him trained and ready when the day comes when Voldemort ever returns.

When Dumbledore was asked to take a look at the boys in which both James and Lily gave their permission to have the boys checked to see who truly defeated the dark lord himself in which Dumbledore went to look at Hadrian who was still sleeping in Sirius's arms and check the magic core in which Dumbledore thought it was week and didn't have what it takes to be the chosen one but what he didn't know was that Hadrian absorb the curse spell while also hiding the hidden power that protect him. Then when Dumbledore went over to look at James Jr whose magic was fine and had a V-Shaped scar on his cheek, in which Dumbledore figured out who was the chosen one and the one who defeated Voldemort. In which when he chose who thought who defeated the dark lord would also be his biggest mistake ever.

Dumbledore: Lily may I hold you son.

Lily: Of course headmaster be very gentle with him.(Lily saids and hands James Jr over to Dumbledore in which caused the boy to giggle in which brought a smile on both Lily and Dumbledores face)

Dumbledore: I figured out who was the one who defeated the dark lord.

James: You do who headmaster?

Dumbledore: I present to you the chosen one! James Even Potter Jr the boy who lived!(Dumbledore saids while raising James Jr up into the air in which the baby giggled while Lily and James looked shocked and yet excited that their baby boy defeated the dark lord)

Lily: Thats my baby boy!(Lily saids with tears of happiness and hugged her child with so much joy as well as James Sr who was happy that his son was the chosen one)

James: Thats my brave little hero!(James saids and holds his son up)

Even though both Sirius and Remus were shocked of what they heard, they still felt something wasn't right for some reason but they shrugged it off and focused on Hadrian who was still sleeping soundly in his god fathers arms in which both Sirius and Remus still loved him very much and was their favorite while James Jr was Lily and James Sr was their favorite.

Sirius: We still love you little pup no matter what.(Sirius whispers to his god son who was still sleeping peacefully)

4 years later....

Young Hadrian lived with his parents and brother in their mansion for couple of years now since their original house was destroyed by Voldemort and have decided to move into the Potter mansion to start fresh again but during those years Lily and James Sr were paying more attention to their son James Potter Jr who was the boy who lived and was giving him so much attention while Hadrian on the other hand wasn't getting nothing because after they discovered that James Jr was the chosen one they didn't really pay much attention to Hadrian at all even he tried to show some compassion and love to them but they just avoided him and paid more attention to their other son. The only ones who still loved Hadrian was Sirius and Remus along with his wife Nymphadora who found Hadrian to be quite adorable unlike his brother who became spoiled and wanted things for himself in which the Potters gave him so much while Hadrian gotten so little even during birthdays. Soon Hadrian discovered that his parents would never show any love for him but only his brother in which Hadrian never had a birthday party, a cake or presents except for James Jr who had it all in which broke young Hadrian's heart. Then when Hadrian saw that his parents were spending more time with James Jr, he decided to be on his own in which he spends most of his time in the library reading books and learning about magic since his family are wizards and witches; he decided to focus on himself and try to perform spells in which his god fathers were proud of what Hadrian was doing unlike James Jr who became a spoiled brat and didn't bother to read but just to have fun not care in the world.

Then when Hadrian performed his very first spell it made his god fathers very happy except for James Jr who was getting jealous of his brother in which caused both James Sr and Lily to treat their other son with such disrespect that Hadrian was doing in which caused the young Hadrian to get frighten because during the times when Sirius and Remus weren't around, James and Lily along with James Jr would punish, bully, and attack young Hadrian if he was getting attention in which he wasn't but they didn't believe it and it made Hadrian's heart shattered into pieces that his own family will harm him and attack him for no reason while his stupid brother smirked and laughed at him for being such a weakling as well as pathetic because James Jr is the chosen one not his brother and that made Hadrian hate his brother from the start.

Then the abusing started when Hadrian tried to go downstairs to one of the birthday parties and try to make some friends but all of sudden James Sr didn't want him downstairs in which the father abused his other son thinking that he will show off and take the glory of his precious son James Jr in which James Sr started to beat up the young Hadrian in which the child cried and was shown that he will never be loved by no one not even his so called family because they love their stupid son James Jr more than their other son who was nothing to them and never will be. Then thats when all things turned to worst when the Potters decided to take a camping trip in the forest in which James Jr was excited about while Hadrian was keeping his distance away from his so called family and didn't want to bother them.

While the Potter family were enjoying themselves to camp fire stories as well as having a great time together, Hadrian decided to wonder around the forest in which he admired the beauty and fresh air of the forest so much as well as the animals who lived in it. Then he then started to take out a small drawing book that he brought with him and decided to sketch the sensory around him in which for the first time in life he actually felt happy and one at peace. Then after a while now Hadrian saw that night was approaching and decided to head back to the camp site in which he packed up his drawing stuff and walked back to the camp site. Then once he got back, he saw his so called family still telling stories and having fun together in which Hadrian didn't want to bother them so he decided to sit by a ledge and check out the view of the forest when the moon was out in which he was amazed of the beautiful site he was looking at.

Hadrian: Wow so beautiful.....(Hadrian saids while looking at the view of the night sky and the forest itself)

While Hadrian was admiring the view of the landscape as well as the bright moon hovering over him all of sudden the moment came to an end when James Jr came over with a smirk on his face in which made Hadrian very uncomfortable.

James Jr: Hey whats a squib like you doing out here oh wait now I know you because your worthless just like how you always are.(James Jr saids while mocking his brother in which he shows of signs he doesn't care)

Hadrian: Merlin I hate him so much...(Hadrian saids in thought until James Jr snatched his sketch book)

James Jr: Oh whats this making pretty pictures.

Hadrian: Give that back!

Hadrian tried to get his book back from the idiot brother of his but no luck in which James Jr opened the book and saw the drawings of the forest and the animals in which the sketches were really good in which made James Jr angry and jealous that his brother has better skills than he does.

James Jr: YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO SHOW THAT YOUR BETTER THAN ME!!!! YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A STUPID LITTLE SQUIB WHO OF WHICH MOMMY AND DADDY DON'T CARE ABOUT BECAUSE YOU ARE NOTHING WHILE I AM THE BOY WHO LIVED AND I DESRVE ALL OF IT NOT YOU!!!!! I WISH MOTHER AND FATHER NEVER HAD YOU AND NEVER WANTED SOMEONE LIKE YOU AS A BROTHER BECAUSE THE BOY WHO LIVED DOESN'T NEED ONE.(James Jr saids in anger in which broke Hadrian from the inside in which tears started to come out of his eyes but they it broke more when James Jr ripped up the sketch book that had the drawings in them)

Hadrian: saids in sadness while looking at the destroyed drawings he made in which made him happy but now made him upset and hurt)

James Jr: That what you get you useless squib, and when I meant that I never wanted you as a brother I meant it in which I am now going to do this!(James Jr then in anger pushes Hadrian off the cliff and fell into darkness)

Hadrian: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!(Hadrian screaming while falling and not seen again)

James Jr: I will just tell mommy and daddy that you were killed by a bear and not seen again hahaha!(James Jr laughs and walks away and going back to the camp site while pretending to panic and running out of air to his parents)

Back with the camp site both Lily and James were enjoying themselves when all of sudden they heard their son screaming and running towards them.


James: James whats the matter what happened!

James Jr: Daddy I was just on my way to get Hadrian when all of sudden a huge bear came out of nowhere and attacked us! Hadrian tried to defend himself but couldn't in which the bear attacked him and dragged him away!(James Jr lies to his parents)

Lily: Oh my baby boy I am just happy that you are safe.

James Jr: Thanks mommy but what about brother?

James: It's probably too late for him son, I am sorry but I think that your brother wont be coming back to us anymore.

James Jr: Oh no poor brother!(James Jr saids while showing fake tears and acting sad)

Lily: James I think it is best we pack up and leave who else knows whats in these woods and I don't want my little hero taken away from me.

James: Alright let's get everything and head back home and son stay close to us.

James Jr: I will daddy...

Soon the Potter family packed up all of their camping stuff and used their port key to head back to the mansion while James Jr was smirking that he will never see his pathetic brother again or so he thought.

With Hadrian, after the fall thanks to his stupid and horrible brother; the young boy was on the ground in which after he fell the trees were able to stop him from hurting himself or breaking anything but he still had the same scars from his parents along with what his brother did to him but not only that but he also had cuts everywhere due the fall in which Hadrian was all alone in the forest and was crying for what his family had caused him and it broke the young child's heart that he will never be loved ever again and will always be alone just like James Jr said and now Hadrian who is alone in the forest with no one around to comfort sank into a deep emptiness of sadness and loss.

Hadrian: 😢sniff......why......why.....why can no one love me.......why...why would this to me.....I.I😢😭..........(Hadrian saids in tears then breaks down after words for what he went through his life and now is alone in the dark with no one to notice him or be there for him)

Then soon storm clouds were forming around the forest in which it was starting to get cold and wet in which young Hadrian was shivering from the wetness and tried to get warm but couldn't then all of sudden he spotted big hole in the trees and went towards it so that it could possibly keep him warm then once he was settled in, Hadrian decided to fall asleep while keeping warm due to the rain while crying due what his so called family has caused him and will never forget about it. After the rain has finished and it was still dark out, little Hadrian was still cold as well as broken while still asleep in which he release that no one will come for him not even the Potters themselves or anyone of that matter until all of sudden a stick was cracked and it made Hadrian wake up.

Crack!(Stick crack)

Hadrian:(Gasp!)......(Hadrian gasped in fear to see what made that sound until he saw what looked like a person wearing a cloak in which was covering the persons face)

Why hello there, whats a young child such as yourself doing in a dark place such as this.(The cloak man saids while walking towards Hadrian who was till cold and shivering)

When the cloak figure walked towards Hadrian and bent down to meet the child's height all of sudden the cloak man saw that the boy was in pain as well as seeing that he was sad and lonely as well as cold and wet but not only that but he also saw scars as well as cuts all over the boys body.


Do not be frighten my boy I mean you no harm, I was just wondering around the forest myself but stop when I saw you and it looks like you are lost.

Hadrian: Mhmm.....

Tell me where are your parents surely they must be worried about you?

Hadrian: They....they do not care about me.......they...they do not....want me......

Why is that my child?

Hadrian: Because.....😢sniff.....I mean nothing to them.......and....and...they abused me.......because.....I am not special to them......

Did they do something to make you feel this way?

Hadrian: No.....I tried to show my love to them but they loved my stupid brother instead of me in which they abandoned me and completely forgot that I existed.......and my stupid brother decided to end my life by pushing me off the cliff and leave with them and leave me for dead!(Hadrian saids in sadness and anger in which the cloak man felt it)

Such sadness, such anger, such hatred and such great power this boy has I can feel it.(The cloak man saids in thought)

Hadrian: 😢sniff......I will never be loved by anyone ever again.......

Maybe because they cannot see what you truly have but for me I can see such greatness in you my boy.

Hadrian: R..really......

Indeed, how would you like to stay with me in which I can tell you could use some rest as well as some food and a place to stay.

Hadrian: I....I would like that sir.....

What is your name my child?

Hadrian: Hadrian Potter

Hadrian thats a very charming name, I am known as Sheev Palpatine it is pleasure to meet you young Hadrian.(The cloak man saids known as Sheev Palpatine removes his hood to reveal his face in which Hadrien found the man to be quite nice especially the smile he gave him)

Palpatine: Come lets us leave so you can get the rest and food you need young Hadrian.(Palpatine saids with a smile in which made Hadrian smile as well and took the mans hand in both of them left the forest together)

Hadrian: Thank you sir......

Palpatine: I hope you don't mind guest in my home they are very wise and very strong people and I know that you will find them to your liking.

Hadrian: Okay!(Hadrian saids with a smile in which Palpatine liked the boy already)

Palpatine: This boy is something else and he has great power in which he will become something far more greater than anything.

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