Chapter 7: Classes Begin Part 2!
After Ren took care of the so called boy who lived and his minions in which he used his magic to make the floor slippery and it caused the three idiots to slip and get hurt but mostly Potter who got hit the nuts twice and it made everyone laugh at how ridiculous the savior of the world looked right now. Ren along with his friends headed to the great hall for lunch to forget about the fat boy who lived of which is nothing more than a lowlife peasant who thinks he can do whatever he wants just because he thinks he is the chosen one in which he is clearly not.
Draco: Say Ren was that you doing that thing with the three idiots?
Ren: You could say that and they deserved it for treating the wizard world like a mockery and thinking they're superior to us but they are not.
Blaise: Hehehe point taken there Ren and it was funny.
Pansy: Yea it sure was, you think Potter is going to cry to his mommy and daddy.
MOMMY!! DADDY!!(A loud voice was heard in which got the attention of the Potters who ran out of the hall together)
Crabb and Goyal: Pfff...
Ren: Hmm..I will take that as a yes.
Soon after words Ren and his friends looked to see Potter boy coming in which another ice pack on his nuts that made half of the hall laugh while the Slytherins smirked of how much the Potter is a noisy fool but they shrugged it off and continued on with their lunch and conversations with each other. While eating the food, Ren was looking at how the Potters are treating their idiot son and offering him more things in his life as well as food that made Ren think that the more food that Potter boy eats the more he is going to blow up like a balloon and pop into millions of pieces in which that would bring a smile on the young Palpatine's face but he wouldn't mind if he did the force choke on Potter that way he can just get rid of him but he will have to save him for later on. After lunch was finished Ren along with his fellow snakes continued with the rest of their classes and earned lots of points and were about to enter their last class which was flying and the worst part James Potter Sr will be there and probably gloat about his precious little son while also Madam Hooch teaches.
Madam Hooch: Good after noon class.
Everyone: Good after noon Madam Hooch.
Madam Hooch: Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of their broom stick. Come on now hurry up.
Ren: This should be interesting.(Ren saids in thought)
Madam Hooch: Professor Potter if you would tell them what to do next.
James Sr: Alright everyone welcome to your flying lessons I am Professor James Potter Sr and to begin your first step, stick your right hand over the broom and say up.
Everyone: UP!
Ren along with Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Eve, Neville, and Daphne were able to get their brooms off the ground while some of the other Slytherins couldn't but thanks to Ren who gave them a helping hand they were able to get their brooms off the ground in which Hooch awarded Ren five points for helping his fellow classmates while Potter Jr was glaring and was struggling to get his broom off the ground until it came up and hit his face and not just him but also Weasley and Granger as well and it earned giggles from the other students in which the teachers didn't see or hear but when James Sr saw his son get hit, he went over to see if he was alright in which he was but had a huge bump on his head. Eventually everyone who couldn't get their brooms off the ground just grabbed the broom and held them in their hands and then Madam Hooch spoke again about the lesson.
Madan Hooch: Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it and grip it tight.You don't want to be sliding off the end.(Hooch saids and everyone did what she asked)
Ren: I sense of the brooms is jinxed.(Ren saids to himself until Draco heard his friend say something)
Draco: Something wrong?
Ren: I can feel one of the brooms is jinxed so beware of your brooms that you all have because there is no telling which one will go crazy.(Ren saids to Draco who nods and passes the information to the others who also nod in agreement)
James Sr: Now when Madama Hooch blows her whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment then lean forward slightly and touch back down.
Madam Hooch: Thank you Professor Potter, now on my whistle, three two...WHISTLE!
All of sudden one of the brooms began to float up form the ground in which was Eve's broom and she was trying to make it stop but couldn't in which got Ren's attention of what is happening.
Ren: Eve.
Madam Hooch: Miss Corvin?
Daphne: Eve get off the broom!(Daphne saids along with Pansy and the other Slytherins but it was too late because Eve just took off)
Eve: I can't stop it! Something is wrong!(Eve saids while scared of flying very high up)
Madam Hooch: Come back down this instant!
Daphne: Madam Hooch its the broom she cannot control it, it's jinxed!
Draco: It's true.
James Sr: Thats impossible she is probably just trying to show off her skills as a witch.(James Sr saids which earned his son a smirk while the others were gasping and glaring at the teacher)
Ren: Like father like son.(Ren saids in thought while glaring at the Potters)
Eve was flying all over the place and banging into mostly every parts of the castle and then the broom took her down and almost hit some students but they got out of the way to avoid being hit. Then soon when the broom took Eve towards one of the statues in which her cloak got caught on the blade of the statue and she was hanging from the ground and everyone ran towards her to see if she is alright but she didn't have much time because she was about to slip and fall to the ground. Her fellow Slytherins were getting worried for their friend hanging from the top of the statue while Potter Jr and his so called father and his minions were laughing at how ridiculous the girl looked and couldn't wait to see what happens next.
Eve: Please...😢sniff...someone help me.....(Eve saids while showing tears of fear)
Ren looked to see Eve hanging for her life in which he had enough of this and mounted his broom and was ready to take off until his friends spotted him doing what he think he is doing.
Draco: Ren what you doing?
Ren: What does it look like, I am going to save her. She is a fellow Slytherin and us Slytherins stick together.
Daphne: I agree with him, go and help her Ren I believe in you.(Daphne saids while the other Slytherins nod in agreement)
Ren mounted his broom and then took off in speed and as for Eve she looked to see her cloak that was keeping her from falling started to rip and then soon she started to fall and scream in fear while everyone even Madam Hooch gasp of what is going to happen next while the Potters watch to see a slimy snake fall to her doom until out of nowhere a fast blur came towards Eve and caught her.
Eve: I don't wanna die...
You are not going to die Eve.(A voice saids in which Eve knows the voice of who it was and looked to see it was Ren on his broom stick and holding onto Eve after catching her)
Eve: RR...Ren.....
Ren: Shh..I got you Eve, you're safe now just hang on tight until we land.(Ren saids with a smile in which Eve started to hug Ren and not let go until they were on the ground)
Once Ren was on the ground with Eve still hugging him, the students along with Madam Hooch ran over to check on the girl to see if she was alright while some like the Potters and Weasley and Granger glared at the Palpatine for saving the girl who was a slimy snake.
Eve: 😢sniff...I was so terrified....I didn't know what to do....I never want to do that again...😢sniff...I thought....I thought I was going to die.
Ren: Shh..I am here Eve I will not let anything happen to you I promise.(Ren saids while hugging Eve and patting her head to calm her down)
Madam Hooch: Mr.Palpatine that was by far the most magnificent flying I have ever seen in my life.
James Jr: WHAT?!!!! WHY THAT SLIMY SNAKE GETTING ALL THE ATTENTION I AM THE BOY WHO LIVED FOR MERLIN'S SAKE!!!!(James Jr saids in thought while in anger for seeing Ren getting attention and not him)
Ren: Thank you Madam Hooch, but I think it would be wise to check to see if any of the other brooms that the students have on them are not jinx as well so that we will not have the same incident twice.
James Sr: That wont be necessary Palaptine because.....
Madam Hooch: I agree with you Mr.Palpatine, I knew from the start that something wasn't quite right with one of the broom sticks in which I will be taking them back to make sure they are not jinxed and will be ready for next classes.
Ren: That would be an honorable thing to do Madam Hooch.
Madam Hooch: Is Miss Corvin alright she is not hurt is she?
Ren: No just frighten and scared but other than that she is fine though she did banged into some of the parts of the castle I think it would be wise to bring her to the hospital just to make sure there is no injuries on her.
Madam Hooch: Very well then, Miss Corvin if you would follow me to the hospital we will check to see if you are well and Mr.Palpatine for saving the life of a student I award you twenty points for honesty and good thinking.
Ren: Thank you Madam, Eve go with the teacher and they will check to see if you are well.
Eve: Ren...I...I. I don't want to be alone.....
Ren: Don't worry I will visit you in the hospital once I am done.(Ren saids and places his hand on Eve's cheek in which she felt his touch and it was warm)
Eve: Ok...and thank you for saving my life.
Ren: My pleasure Eve.
Even then went with Madam Hooch to the hospital while also giving one last look at Ren who wink at her that caused the girl to blush and smile meaning that he will keep his promise and visit her.
Draco: That was amazing Ren, I never knew you had such skills on a broom stick.
Ren: I learned it from my god father Lord Dooku, he taught me how to fly on a broom stick as well as some other tricks he showed me over the years.
Neville: That was brilliant Ren and the way you save your classmate like that was honorable.
Ren: Thank you Neville.
Crabb: Ten gold shillings he will make the Slytherin team.(Crabb whispers to Goyal)
Goyal: You're on and ten more saids he will become the new seeker.(Goyal whispers back to Crabb who both shook hands for the bet they made)
Pansy: Nice flying Ren not bad at all.
Daphne: Yes it was very charming.
A lot the students were amazed of Ren's skill of flying well except for Potter Jr and his friends who were pissed at the attention of everyone giving the Slytherin student and had enough of it.
Ren: Did anyone hear something because it sounded like a donkey squealing.(Ren saids not caring for Potter Jr in which he made a joke that made every house giggle)
James Jr: HEY DON'T ECNORE ME YOU FILTHY SNAKE!!!! I AM THE BOY WHO LIVED YOU ALL SHOULD BE PAYING ATTENTION TO ME!!! ME! ME! ME! ME!(James Jr screaming like an idiot and stomping his foot while his father was trying to calm him down and it clearly wasn't helping)
Student: What a jerk...he thinks he is so great and thinks we should be bowing to him like he is a king.(A student saids while the other students agreed that Potter Jr was not a good person at all just a spoiled brat)
Draco: Potter is just rotten little pest who is sucking up to his so called parents who treat their child by giving him everything he wants.
Ren: Like Professor Snape said in class, clearly fame isn't everything Mr.Potter.
Blaise: Speaking of Professor Snape here he comes right now.(Blaise saids as everyone looked to see Snape walking towards everyone while not bothering with the tantrum Potter kid who was still stomping his foot like an idiot)
Snape: Mr.Palpatine could you follow me I would like to speak with you.
Ren: As you wish you sir.(Ren saids and follows Snape into the castle)
Blaise: What do you think the Professor wants with him?
Draco: Ren will tell us once he comes back, I am pretty sure it is nothing to worry about.
Snape and Ren walked down the halls of the castle in which the teacher was looking for a room until he came upon Proffessor Quills room in which he was teaching a class until Snape spoke.
Snape: Wait here Mr.Palpatine.
Ren: Understood Professor.
Snape walked into the room to see Quill teaching his students in class until Snape spoke to get his attention along with the other students looking behind them.
Snape: Parton for my intrusion Professor Quill but I can borrow Mr.Flint for a moment if you don't mind.
Quill: Why...yy..yes of course.
A student got up from his seat and followed Snape out of the room while Ren was waiting patiently for the Professor and looked to see someone that Ren know in Slytherin.
Snape: Mr.Palpatine this is Marcus Flint.
Ren: Hello Flint good to see you.
Flint: You as well as Ren. You need me for something Professor?
Snape: Yes, Mr.Flint I found your Slytherin Seeker, and I have seen what Mr.Palpatine is capable of and he is sure to bring us victory for our house.
Flint: Really is that true Ren?
Ren: Indeed I have an excellent skill of riding a broom stick under the guidance of my godfather Lord Dooku you heard of him.
Flint: Indeed I have. Lord Dooku was the fastest and smartest player in history followed by the other lords and your father Lord Palpatine himself.
Ren: And I will do the same and with our combine strength and brains we will be able to bring a swift victory for house Slytherin.
Flint: I like your attitude Palpatine, come the day after tomorrow after classes I will show you how Quidditch works.
Ren: I will be there Flint.
Snape: Excellent Mr.Palpatine and thank you for your time Mr.Flint you may head back to your class now and I will escort Mr.Palpatine back to his fellow snakes.
Snape brought Ren back to his classmates in which they were all back in the dormitory talking to each other until they saw their friend with Professor Snape and once Snape left everyone gathered around Ren and asked of what happened in which he told them all that he was made the new Slytherin Seeker and then the thing Ren knew everyone even his friends congratulated him on making the quidditch team as well as the seeker. Crabb won the bet and was revived twenty gold gallon coins that Ren will get on the quidditch team as well as made seeker. After words Ren along with everyone else went to do their homework while also getting help from Ren since he knows everything since he had the same books back home with his father. Ren then left the dormitory to visit Eve who was looking fine and decided to bring Kylo with him since the wolf enjoyed being around Eve so much and once there Ren told her what happened and she was filled with amazement and joy that Ren got on the Slytherin team and is a seeker.
The next day news spread that Ren became the youngest seeker in the wizard world in which many of the Slytherins were amazed and proud of their fellow snake while the other houses were in awe because what they seen Ren did and after saving his fellow classmate they knew that a Palpatine will make the team just like his father before him. Potter Jr on the other hand was not liking the idea at all and demanded to be put on the Gryffindor team as well and made a seeker in which his parents asked Dumbledore to allow the boy who lived to compete in which he did just that in which many students will laugh to see the fat boy who lived fly a broom and get hurt because they don't think he can't even fly a broom with all the weight on him.
Ren along with some of his friends headed off to their class which Professor Sprout will be teaching the course with Lily Potter at her side to see how the students are doing. Once everyone has entered the class Professor Sprout gave out her speech to the classroom.
Sprout: Hello students.
Everyone: Hello Professor Sprout.
Sprout: Welcome to Hogwarts Greenhouse. Today in class we are going to be discussing the specific types of plants and what they do and joining us today is Professor Lily Potter.
Lily: Hello first years I am please to see all of you and look forward to know what you can all do especially you my little savior.
James Jr: Hello mother!
Ren and his friends: Unbelievable...(All said in thought and roll their eyes at the the Potters)
Sprout: Thank you Professor Potter, now can anyone tell us what kind of spell can either a witch or wizard use when they are up against living vines called Devil snare?(Sprout saids in which she looks to see Granger with her hand up and looking like she knows the answer)
Sprout: Yes miss Granger.
Hermione: The spells that have to be use against Devil Snare are the block spells called Expelliarums or Everte Statum.
Ren: Those are disarm spells you idiot not spells to use against Devil Snare and she calls herself the smart one.(Ren whispers to Draco in which earned the Malfoy a smirk along with the others)
Sprout: I am sorry to sat this miss Granger but those are not to be used against Devil Snare anyone else would like to answer the question?
Ren: If I may Professor Sprout.
Sprout: Mr.Palpatine why of course do you have the answer for us.
Hermione: He probably doesn't know the answer Professor!
Sprout: Miss Granger do not shout in this class ten points from Gryffindor for raising your voice and disrupting the lesson.(Sprout saids in which Hermione looked down in shame and earned glares from her fellow classmates)
Ren: As I was saying Professor Sprout, what Miss Granger point out were spells to disarm a wizard or witch and not a spell that is use against Devil Snare, however Devil Snare is very sensitive to light and heat so a wizard or witch can used Lumus Solem or a light spell.(Ren saids in which brought a smile on Sprouts face while Potter Jr and his two idiots glared at Palpatine while Lily was kind of impressed with the Slytherin students knowledge)
Sprout: Excellent work Mr.Palpatine twenty points to Slytherin.
Hermione then glared at Ren but the young Palpatine sent her a death glare that made the girl pale like a ghost and sent shivers down her spine and not just her but Weasley as well while James Jr who was looking away because he too felt a shiver down his spine but wouldn't admit it. Then after that Sprout was showing the students how to treat magical plants and to take care of them in which each student was pared up with a partner to work side by side to help treat a plant in which Ren and Luna became partners and they were doing absolutely marvelous together.
Luna: You really know what you are doing Ren.
Ren: Your words pleases me Luna thank you.
Luna: I can see you like to take your time and not rush through things.
Ren: My father and my godfathers taught me to be patient as well as focus and not mess up unlike the three trio over there.(Ren saids as he and Luna look to see Potter Jr and his friends struggling to work as a team as well as take care of a magical plant)
Luna: Yes they do not seem to be enjoying the lesson one bit.
Ren: Thats their own fault and we shouldn't worry about them because well they pretty much helpless and if they don't want any help then so be it.
Luna: I agree with you Ren and congratulations on making the Slytherin team as well as first year seeker in which I will be cheering for you all the way as well as our fellow snakes.
Ren: Why thank you Angel.(Ren saids to Luna who blushes of what he called her)
Luna: Angel?
Ren: Hehehe your eyes and lovely hair gave me the idea that you look like an Angel from the heavens so I thought about giving you that nickname that is if you want to be call that.
Luna: I...I like it...that is if I can call you Shadow.
Ren: Why Shadow?
Luna: I just thought it would suit you well Ren.(Luna saids while blushing and rubbing her arm)
Ren: If you want to call me that you may if it just us two.
Luna: Then I can call you Shadow whenever it is just us two with no one around.
Ren: You have my blessing miss Lovegood.
Luna then felt her heart skip a beat and placed her hand over it while smiling as well as blushing of the boy who made her feel amazing as well as given her such a beautiful nickname.
After class, Slytherin earned more points for looking after the plants while Gryffindor or the other hand didn't earned any because Potter Jr and his idiots set some of the plants of fire in which almost burned down the GreenHouse but luckily Ren stopped it with a water spell that put out the fire before it did any more damage. The next class Ren went to was fine and he was seated right next to Daphne and Eve who were happy to have Ren sitting by him as well as helping them with their work that earned Slytherin even more points than ever. When class was over both Ren along with Daphne and Eve headed out until out of nowhere Weasley came in and slapped Eve in the face that made her fall to the ground and was holding her cheek in pain.
Eve: AH!....(Eve screams in pain and falls to the ground)
Ron: Heh how you like that you filthy Death Eater!
Daphne: What in Merlins name did you do that for?!(Daphne saids in anger and checks on Eve who is crying tears of sadness after the hit)
Ron: It was for the snake here but his little girly here would have to do after what happened in class.(Ron saids with a smirk along with James Jr while looking at Ren who wanted to strike them down with his saber if he had it on him)
Ren: So thats your idea to hit an innocent girl who has done nothing to any of you while thinking that you're superior to everyone around us but you are not. You two are just a bunch of bullies picking on anyone who pisses you off or your just jealous that they can do something better than you ain't that right.
The students around them gasp in shock of what they just heard from Potter and Weasley in which they all glared at them for saying such horrible words to a girl who has done nothing and saw how she was on the ground and crying into Daphne's arms.
Ren: You do realize that you made yourselves into enemies of everyone in the school for your rude behavior and it is not nice to call a sweet innocent girl like Eve a bad word because she is something special and you two are a bunch of bullies and jerks who treat people with disrespect and cruelty it's no wonder your house doesn't appreciate you and not even you so called boy who lived if you can even be called that.(Ren saids with a voice that made Ron and James Jr shiver down their spines while the other students can see what Ren said made sense)
Can't believe Potter and that Weasley.
I'll say they are nothing but bullies to this school.
I can't believe that thing defeated you know who.
We have been loosing points because of them.
Both Ron and James Jr heard the whispers around the hall and they both felt anger and hatred towards what they were saying about them even their own house mates even if they can call them house mates. When they were about to cause something else all of sudden they heard a growl from behind them in which they felt absolutely scared and looked to see a very pissed off and angry wolf who was growling at the two.
Ren: Oh did I forget to mention my familiar doesn't take kindly to scum like you two and if you try to bring any harm to my fellow snakes or good friends of mine well Kylo here is going to enjoy ripping you both to pieces.
Ren: And after slapping Eve in the face you just made your own death wish.
BARK! BARK! BARK!(Kylo barks at the two idiots in which they were paling like ghost until McGonagall came towards the group of students to see what is the problem was)
Minerva: What is merlins name is going on here and dear why is a student on the floor in tears?
Daphne: Weasley slapped Eve in the face for no reason and him along with Potter here insulted her in which she hasn't done anything but they still insulted her as well as called her a Death Eater.
Ron and James Jr: P..PP..Professor...
Minerva: I have excepted more from you two and this is how you repay it by harming an innocent student like Eve Corvin who has done nothing to deserve such behavior or violence. As of today fifty points will be taken away from Gryffindor and you both will have detention for a month for harming a fellow student of Hogwarts as well as insulting her.
Ren: Serves them right for harming a good friend of mine.(Ren saids in thought while glaring at the two morons who are being dragged away by McGonagall)
After they left Ren attended to Eve who was still crying of which Ren bent down and check to see if she was alright while she was holding her cheek because of the pain.
Eve: 😢sniff.....
Ren: It's alright Eve, let me see and I will help.
Eve removed her hand from her cheek while tears were still coming down her face and Ren looked to see a red mark on his friends face and then took out his wand and used a healing spell to make the pain go away and it did.
Ren: There you go Eve all better and don't listen to what Potter and Weasley say about you because I think you are something truly special I know it.
Daphne: He's right Eve you are special.
Eve: Thank....thank you...and thank you Ren.
Ren: Well don't thank me because you should thank Kylo for stepping up to those idiots as well. Kylo come and show Eve your thanks for looking after her.(Ren saids to Eve then calls over Kylo)
Kylo walks over and starts giving Eve kisses on her face in which causes Eve to giggle with so much joy while also giving Kylo some pets.
Eve: Hehehehe....thank you Kylo so much..hehehehe stop it that tickles.
Ren: Like I said on the train, Kylo has your protection and he will keep you safe along with me.
Eve: Thank you Ren.
Ren: You're welcome.
Ren soon helped up Eve on her feet and once she was up again and healed she gave Ren a warm hug for being there for her as well as treating her with such kindness. She also have Daphne a hug for comforting her while she was feeling better and the two headed off towards the great hall to have dinner with their fellow snakes while Ren told them that he will catch up to them.
Ren: Nicely done in giving Potter Jr and Weasley a scare Kylo.(Ren saids while petting his familiar)
While Ren was petting Kylo, two students that are twins with red hair came towards Ren and Kylo and wanted to say something to the young Palpatine.
Greetings friend!(Both said in union that got both Ren and Kylo's attention)
Ren: Greetings who might you two be?
I am Fred and I am George we're pleased to meet you Palpatine!
Ren: You two related to Weasley?
Fred: Yes we are.
George: And we're terribly.
Fred: Terribly sorry.
Fred and George: For our brother's behavior towards you and your friends.
Ren sense them both and he can tell that these two Weasley's are telling the truth and are nothing like their brother who is a bully and a jerk to others and felt such great power within them.
Ren: It is quite alright, though if your brother did cause something the unthinkable well I wont hesitate to turn into a dragon and fry him alive.
Fred: Can you actually do that?
George: Turn into a dragon?
Ren: Indeed, I am animagus I can turn into a black fire drake.(Ren saids with a smile)
Fred and George: Wicked.....
Ren: I must admit you two are nothing like your brother and full of passion.
Fred: George my brother I believe we have made friends with Palpatine here.
George: Indeed my handsome brother, and I do believe dad is going to be quite angry once he finds out what our little Ronekins did here.
Fred: Yes indeed dear brother of mine.
Ren: I wouldn't mind having you two as my friends as well and you both share honesty towards others. I think I would be honor to have you both as my friends at Hogwarts even Kylo seems to like you both.(Ren saids to the twins and looks at Kylo snuggling himself near the twins)
George: Fred did you hear that.
Fred: I sure did George.
Fred and George: Palpatine is our new friend!
Ren: You two may call me Ren only those who are not worthy of using my name will call me by Palpatine.
Fred: Ren we.
George: Will be.
Fred: Honored.
George: Too except you as our friend.
Ren: Good I will see you two around, come Kylo let us join our fellow snakes for dinner.
Both Kylo and Ren headed off while Fred and George waved their new friend goodbye for now but will still see him around the school and possibly have the chance to hangout with him and see what he is capable of. Ren and Kylo headed inside the great hall and looked to see the decorations for Halloween are up since it is October right now.
Ren: Have to say the decorations for this month are not really that creative.(Ren saids in thought while Kylo was thinking the same thing)
The young Palpatine then spotted his fellow snakes in which Draco saved him a spot near him in which Ren thanked him for and started to eat his food along with the others and made sure to give Kylo food.
Ren: Where are Eve and Daphne?
Blaise: They're in the girls bathroom, they will be here in a while.
Ren: Thank you Blaise for telling me.
Pansy: We heard what happened with Potter and Weasley I have to say they deserved to be punished.
Draco: And I bet Dumbledore will just leave them off with a warning and not bother to have them both in detention for a month.
Ren: I bet the old goat will do just that.(Ren saids in thought while eating his food)
Crabb: We got word from the others of what you said to them Ren in which was very cleaver and genius.
Goyal: I'll say, they told us Potter and Weasley almost wet themselves when they got a good look at Kylo's glare.(Goyal saids in which the table of Slytherins smirked and laughed of what happened with Ren and the idiots)
Blaise: Hehehe looks like the Golden Trio are not so mighty even with their precious little savior at their side.
Ren: Golden Trio?
Luna: I got word it is what they are calling themselves but I believe they are just a bunch of fools thinking they can be great.
Slytherins: NOT!(All said in union and laughed)
While Ren was eating his food with his friends all of sudden he felt something in which he closed his eyes and used the force to feel what he has felt until Draco spoke to him.
Draco: Ren you alright?
Ren: I sensed something and it's close.
Draco: What is it?
Ren: I think we have....
Ren was about to say something when all of sudden the doors busted open and came in a screaming Professor Quill running for his life.
Ren: So that is what I was sensing.
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