Chapter 6: Classes Begin Part 1!

The sun was starting to rise at Hogwarts in which Ren knew that today was when the classes for school will begin in which he woke up early before anyone got up from bed and decided to take a bath as well as get all of his things ready for school since he likes to wake up pretty early so that he can get an early start. Then after Ren finished taking a bath and getting dressed into his Slytherin robes he saw that his familiar was also up and awake in which Kylo went to greet his owner in which the wolf started to lick Ren's face meaning he is trying to express good morning to Ren in which the young Palpatine petted Kylo's head for a well good morning to you as well. Soon after words Ren and Kylo headed down to the common room in which he and his familiar were the only ones up and decided to wait for the other Slytherin's to awake, so Ren and Kylo sat by the fire place while they wait and Ren decided to take out a boom and read it while waiting for his friend and the other students to get ready.

It looks like somebody is already up and ready to start the first day of school.(A female voice said in which got both Ren's and Kylo's attention in which they both looked to see a blonde girl walking towards them in which Ren recognizes her from the sorting in which the girl was Luna Lovegood)

Ren: Hello Luna, and yes I decided to get an early start just like Kylo so that we can be ready for classes to start and it looks like your doing the same.

Luna: Yes I am, I have to say you have a very charming wolf with you and he is very well behaved.(Luna saids while sitting next to Ren while petting Kylo in which the wolf was enjoying it)

Ren: Thank you, and it seems like he likes your attention.

Luna: I have a bond with animals including many others.

Ren: Thats good, because Kylo and I shared a connection in which both of us were drawn to each other like it was fait that brought us together.

Luna: I can really see a strong connection between you two in which I think it is quite lovely.

Ren: Thank you Luna.

Luna: Mind if I ask you something Ren.

Ren: Asked away.

Luna: I was wondering if I can get to know you more because I only know so little about you besides being the son of Lord Palpatine.

Ren: There's not really that much to talk about myself in which I like to keep that way, and your right about there is so little about me because I spent my years learning and training to become what I am in which I don't usually get out that much I live in secret just like my father and the other lords.

Luna: I see, I can tell by your eyes that you went through something tragic as well as lost something that you feel hurt as well as angry but I understand if this is something you want to keep to yourself I can respect it my lord Palpatine.

Ren: You can still call me Ren, only those who I trust can call me by my name and those who I don't trust can call me lord Palpatine.

Luna: I really do admire your name it is very pleasing to my ears.

Ren: Yours is quite lovely Luna, especially those enchanted eyes of yours.(Ren saids in smooth and yet attractive voice in which made Luna blush as well as made her heart skip a beat)

Luna: Hehehe, you are quite the charmer Ren.

Ren: I was raised to respectful towards women especially those who treat others with honor and loyalty.

Luna: Your father and the other lords have raised you well.

Ren: Thank you for your kind words.

Then after some hours of talking to each other and sharing spell idea's with each other, the other students were all awake and dressed in which they all headed down to the common room and await the school prefect to escort them to the great hall for breakfast. While they were waiting for the prefect to take them to breakfast both Draco and Ren were having their own conversation with each other and discussing what classes they will have for this year.

Draco: Looks like we have some classes together Ren.(Draco saids while he and Ren look at their school schedules)

Ren: Seems that way and what I can I tell is that I am going to enjoy potion class with Professor Snape.

Draco: I know you will, my godfather is one of the most brilliant potion masters there is at Hogwarts.

Ren: Wanna make a bet that Potter will get the answers wrong.

Draco: Hmmm...I bet three gallons he can get one right and the others not so much.

Ren: Six gallons saids that he doesn't know any of the questions that Professor Snape will give him if he calls his name that is.

Draco: Six gallons you say, alright it's a bet.

Ren: Yea well I can tell that idiot Potter is not going to do that well in Hogwarts in which Dumbledore will just change his marks if he does bad and the Potters will just complain about like they always do.

Draco: They're fools and an embarrassment to the wizard world.

Ren: I strongly agree.

Then after waiting for a while the prefect lead all the Slytherin house to the great hall, and once they were there everyone began to sit at their table in which Ren sat with Draco while Eve along with Daphne and Luna sat on the other side next to Ren in which the young Palpatine didn't mind the girls sitting next to him and Kylo sat behind his owner to await breakfast. After words the other houses came into the great hall in which Ren looked to see the Fat Boy Who Lived along with his two idiot classmates in which the so called chosen one was spreading about how great he was in which many of the houses were starting to get anode by the stupid Potter loud mouth and wouldn't talking about how great he is in which he is not because with all that fat on him probably made him delusional as well as pathetically dimwitted.

Draco: Hey get this I been hearing that the Potters will be teaching some of the classes can you even believe that?(Draco saids to Ren in disgust about the Potters teaching classes)

Ren: Yea I heard in which fat boy over there is probably going to make a fool out of himself and get his mommy and daddy to spoil him so much as well make the other houses look bad.

Eve: The way he was eyeing the girls while trying to see if they will fall for him in which they weren't impressed makes me sick to my stomach.(Eve saids in which many of the girls in Slytherin agreed)

Blaze: How could that idiot Potter be the savor who defeated the dark lord, I mean seriously look at him how could that thing defeat an all powerful wizard?

Ren: He is letting fame and fortune get into his head just like his so called parents who only care about being rich and spoiled rotten nobodies.

Daphne: Some of families maybe rich but we treat others with respect unlike those Potters in which I wouldn't mind seeing that fat idiot be slain.

Ren: I was thinking the same way in which the time comes Potter wouldn't know what hit him.(Ren saids in thought while thinking of getting rid of James Jr)

Dumbledore: Greeting fellow students of Hogwarts, as you may know that today is when all of you will be getting your schedules for your classes and once you get them you will all finish your food for breakfast and got directly to your classes. Further more if any of you have trouble finding you classes don't worry you will also be provided with a map so that it can help you locate your classes and be on time to start learning. Thank you all for your time now let us eat and good luck in your classes and welcome to Hogwarts.(Dumbledore saids in which everyone started to eat their breakfast while the head of the houses give out the students the map as well as the schedules for school)

While everyone was eating their food in which included Ren who was eating his food with good manners along with his fellow snakes as well as Kylo and then all of sudden a letter appeared in front of him that made Ren stop eating and looked at the letter in which had his name on it.

Daphne: Whoah was that teleportation magic that is very rare.(Daphne saids in which the other Slytherins nod in agreement)

Ren: Yes it was and it looks like I gotten a letter from my father as well as the other lords.

Draco: What does it say?

Ren: Let's see?

Dear Ren,

We are very pleased that you have gotten into Slytherin house in which you have made myself as well as the lords proud and we looked forward to hear how the rest of your year goes. My son you have made me very proud and I look forward to seeing back home during the holidays in which I can tell that you have made some interesting friends and I know that you and Draco Malfoy will do terrific things together kind of reminds me of myself when I came to Hogwarts and did the same exact thing. Good luck in school my son and treat those who are worthy with such great respect.

Your Father, Sheev Palpatine

When Ren finished reading the note it brought a smile on his face along with his friends that his father was very proud of his son getting into Slytherin house and looks forward of hearing back from his son soon.

Draco: Seems like your father and the other lords are proud and honored that you got into Slytherin and was pleased that you made friends which includes me, thanks for mentioning us in your letter to him.

Ren: It is what I do and you along with my fellow snakes are my friends my great friends in which I appreciated a lot.

Eve: Your father is a good man Ren, I wish I could meet him in person. My parents told me so much about him since they went to school together a long time ago.

Ren: I can tell that my father will loved to meet you as well Eve along with everyone else.

Pansy: Say while we are here wanna get started studying for the classes so that we can get a head start before anyone else does anything.

Ren: I been studying all night even during my times with my family but I guess it wouldn't hurt to do it again sure why not.

Soon Slytherin table got out their books and became to read and learn about their other classes before they go to them in which Ren who knows everything decided to read along with his friends and help them if they don't understand something in which they thanked him for the help in which started to pleased Severus Snape while he was looking his fellow snaked reading as well as Ren helping them.

Then after breakfast was finished, Ren headed towards his first class in which was Transfiguration with Professor McGongall in which he along with some of the Slytherin's headed towards the classroom with some Ravenclaws as well as some Gryffindors and Hufflepuff following behind. And once they were inside they came upon en empty desk with a cat on it in which Ren sensed that the cat itself was their teacher in animagus form.

Ren: Good morning Professor.(Ren saids to the cat in which the cat looked confused of how Ren knew the cat wasn't a cat in the first place then after went to take his seat right next to a Ravenclaw student named Neville Longbottom)

Neville: Hello my name is Neville Longbottom from Ravenclaw house.

Ren: Ren Palpatine of Slytherin house pleasure to meet you Neville.

Neville: I am sorry but I have to ask do you know that wizard known as Lord Dooku since I heard about it in conversation last night during dinner time.

Ren: Yes Indeed I do know him, he is my godfather and I can tell that you admire his work.

Neville: Yes, I have read all about him as well as his history and knowledge of knowing the wizard world.

Ren: Well if I get the chance I can take you to meet him in person because he would like to meet people who appreciate what he has accomplished in his life time.

Neville: Really oh that would be fantastic thank you lord Palpatine.

Ren: Please you may call me Ren, those who I can trust can call me by my first name and those who show people with disrespect will call me by my lords name.

Neville: Well I show great respect including those of wizards from the higher up level.

Ren: Very wise, would you like to be friends Neville.

Neville: It would be my honor Ren and thank you.

Ren: Your quite welcome.

Ren and Neville talked for a while in which they decided to study until class starts in which many student took out their books and writing tools in which everyone looked at the board that had notes written by the professor herself in which they all started to write down everything until the silent came to an end when the idiot Potter along with his red head friend Weasley burst through the door disrespectfully in which got the students attention except for Ren who kept on writing down the notes as well as reading.

James Jr: Yes! We made it the Professor isn't here.

Ron: I told you that old fool of teacher wouldn't make it on time!

Ren: Are you sure about that?(Ren saids while still writing down his notes in which got both James Jr and Weasley's attention)

James Jr: And what do you know you filthy snake!

Ren: I know that a fact that you shouldn't insult a teacher right in front of her in which she doesn't take kindly to insults.

Ron: Well sorry to break it to you but I don't see that ugly old fool anywhere because all I see is that smelly look cat on the desk.

Ren: And do you realize that you just dug your own grave in which any case that cat on the desk happens to be the teacher in animagus form and I also can tell that you two didn't do your research on animagus isn't that correct Professor McGongall.(Ren saids while looking at the cat in which it jumped off the table and turned back into her true self in which made both James Jr and Weasley pale like ghost)

Minerva: Very impressive Mr.Palpatine most impressive and as for you Mr.Potter and Mr.Weasley I hope you two won't be late again and I do not want to hear those insults in my presence ever again in which I do not tolerate students who are late and have such bad manners. Twenty points will be taken away from Gryffindor and another ten points for rude and disrespectful behavior towards a teacher and a fellow student.

Ren: I did warned them but never listen.(Ren saids in thought)

Minerva: Now Mr.Palpatine how did you know I was an animagus to begin with?

Ren: I sensed your magical aura Professor in which I could tell that the cat that was sitting on the desk wasn't a normal feline and I should because I am an animagus as well in which my father taught me how to sense a person who is an animagus or not in which I spent a year mastering and learning what I know about animagus's.

Minerva: Your father has taught you well Mr.Palpatine very good, ten points to Slytherin.(Minerva saids in which made the Slytherins smile as well as Ren)

When Slytherin got the points it made James Jr and Weasley angry in which they got glares from their own house for making fools of themselves as well as insulting a teacher in which they think they are idiots as well and probably don't want to talk to them for behaving like insolent brats. Then they both took their seats and began to do what the other students are doing. Then soon McGongall started to teach the class in which she spoke that got everyones attention.

Minerva: Now that I have everyones attention, today you will be turning a simple fire match into a needle in which the spell to changed the match into a needle is called Composios Verto and to changed the match back into the way it was you must use the words Verto Composios.(Minerva saids to everyone in which Ren knows the spell like a hundred times and mastered it using his wandless magic)

When McGongall told the students to try out the spell for themselves to if they can turn the fire match into a needle in which many were having difficulty trying to use the spell which included Neville who was having a difficult time trying to turn the match into a needle in which Ren offered his assistance to Neville in which Ren explained to him what to do and Neville appreciated the thanks from his new friend in which got the attention of Professor McGongall.

Minerva: Mr.Palpatine is there something the matter while class is still in session?

Ren: Not at all Professor, Neville was just having a problem with the spell so I thought I help him. Watch me closely Neville and you will know.(Ren saids in which he used his wandless magic to turn the fire match into a needle in not only shocked Neville but the other students as well even McGongall herself who couldn't believe her eyes)

Minerva: Great Merlin, how were you able to turn the fire match into a needle without saying the spell Mr.Palpatine?

Ren: This was one of my lessons that I was taught by my father and the lords themselves in which I mastered wandless magic. In other words I can use magic without a wand or say the words I memorized the words in my head and all I had to do was think of the spell and then I just turned the fire match into a needle and now I will return back to normal like so.(Ren saids in which he used his magic again and turned the needle back into a fire match in which many students jaw dropped to the ground while McGongall had a big smile on her face)

Minerva: Absolutely magnificent Mr.Palpatine!, tell me can you do anything else with your wandless magic because this is truly remarkable.

Ren: Indeed I can Professor, tell me what is your favorite animal if you don't mind me asking?

Minerva: Cats were always my favorite animal Mr.Palpatine why you may ask?

Ren: I want you to hold out your hands and prepare to be amazed of what I am about to do next Professor.(Ren saids in which McGongall did what Ren said in which Ren used his wandless magic to create something that made everyone in the room go silent in which Ren used his magic to create a small kitten spirit that sat in the Professors hand)

Meow!(The spirit cat meowed in which McGongall was absolutely amazed and yet filled with such joy at seeing the most beautiful thing she has ever seen)

Ren: I precent to you Professor McGongall, the cat spirit in which brings a person good luck as well as love in which any case the cat finds you to be very wise and filled with such wonders.

Minerva: Mr.Palpatine, this is the most lovely site I am seeing and oh Merlin this beautiful feline is just marvelous absolutely marvelous.(Minerva saids in which the cat spirit started to purr and snuggle into the teacher in which many girls looked at in aw and how cute while the boys were amazed of what Ren can do except for Potter, Weasley and Granger who looked jealous and angry but Ren didn't pay any attention to them)

Minerva: In all my life I have never met a first year who can do such wonders this is very creative Mr.Palpatine and yet very beautiful in which I award fifty points for Slytherin for amazing transfiguration.(Minerva saids in which the Slytherin smiled at Ren getting them more points in which many clapped for Ren while some like the idiot Potter and his friends sat with a angry look on their faces)

When transfiguration was finished Ren along with Neville as well as some of the other students headed to their next class which was charms and many of the students of the other houses wanted to know how Ren did such amazing magic in which Ren wouldn't mind helping them except for Potter, Weasley and Granger because those three show disrespect towards others thinking they are better than everyone in the school so everyone in the other houses paid no mind to those three and decided to avoid them at all cost.

Neville: Amazing Ren, what you did in class was absolutely brilliant.

Ren: Thank you for saying so.

Neville: I must admit you truly are something to be hold of Ren even though some don't believe it.

Ren: You mean like Potter, Weasley and Granger?

Neville: Exactly those three don't know anything in which they think they are better than us just because one is smart, one is a showoff and the other chanting I am the boy who lived and you should be bowing to me.

Ren: Hehehe that is a good impression of Potter you just did my friend.

Neville: Hehehe why thank you, I never really liked the Potters that much they get so annoying always about fame and being on top of everyone else.

Ren: I don't blame you I think they're stupid fools who don't take things seriously just like their pathetic son.

Neville: True so anyway what do you think were doing in charms class?

Ren: Were not sure until we get there and besides my friends are taking that class as well.

Neville: That sounds great but we also have that Potter as well as his two minions.

Ren: Indeed but let's not get involved with them and just focus on what we need to do in Hogwarts.

Neville: Right.

When they got to class, Ren introduced Neville to his friends Draco along with the others in which Neville became good friends with them in which pleases Ren that he is making a lot of interesting friends at school already and they were getting along quite well. The students then got to their seats in which Professor Flitwick came in to greet his fellow students.

Flitwick: Hello first years and welcome to charms class in which today we will be learning the levitation spell and now before we begin I must tell you the incantation that you all must know the wand movement. The wand movement is called swish and flick.(Flitwick saids the student in which all of them did what he did except Ren who knows what the teacher is saying since this was also another lesson he took under his father and the lords care)

Ren: I know what the Professor is going to say next in which this spell I mastered quite well with.(Ren saids in thought)

Flitwick: Now the incantation is called Wingardium Leviosa in which I want everyone to try it to see if you can make your feathers float.

Many students began to use the spell in which some are having trouble doing in except for Ren when used his wandless magic to make his feather float into the air in which got the attention of the students as well as the teacher.

Flitwick: Oh my well done Mr.Palpatine! Very good excellent work.

Ren: Thank you sir and if everyone here is having trouble with the spell all you have to do is say the words very calmly and sooner or later the feather in front of you will begin to float try it.(Ren saids to everyone except for Potter, Weasley and Granger who didn't want to listen to him in which the other students did what Ren suggested then soon many of their feathers begin to float into the air. It made the teacher very happy as well as the other students)

Flitwick: Fantastic Mr.Palpatine, as well as the rest of you very good work five points for each house and ten points for Slytherin for helping other students.(Flitwick saids to Ren as well as the other students who were pleased to get points for their houses while some like Potter and his minions were starting to get pissed in which when Potter was trying to do the spell all of sudden the spell backfired and the who feather exploded in his and his minions faces)

BOOM!(Potter's feather exploded in his face along with Weasley and Grangers in which they were covered in dust and ash in which many students in the room started to laugh while Ren smirked for seeing his ex brothers failure)

Ren: Hmm..that went well, serves them right for not listening.(Ren saids in thought while looking at the three idiots covered in feathers and dust)

After the class was finished Ren along with Draco and the other Slytherins headed to potion class in which Ren was excited to learn from Professor Snape and when they got there Eve was in the class as well but didn't have a partner in which Ren told Draco that he was going to be Eve's partner because he felt bad for her in which Draco didn't mind since he is partnered up with Pansy so Ren went over and sat with Ever in which made the girl very happy that the boy who helped her was going to be her partner in class. Then after a while the door of the classroom slammed open revealing Professor Snape coming into the room to greet the class.

Snape: Now there will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class, as such I don't expect many appreciate the subtle science and exact art in this dispersion of this potion making but however for those who are select few who posses the predisposition.(Snape saids then looks towards his godson as well as Ren who was admiring the teachers words while he speaks and so were his fellow snakes)

Ren: Wow his words are so admiring I can see why my father was such good friends with him.(Ren saids in thought while admiring Snapes words to the class)

Snape: I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame brew, glory and even put a stopper in death. Then again maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention.(Snape saids to his students then sneer at Potter who was gloating of how amazing he is until Granger told James Jr to look at the teacher in which James Jr gave the teacher a rude look in which didn't care what the teacher said)

Ren: Idiot..(Ren saids as a whisper in which Eve agreed with him then saw Snape looked towards Potter in question)

Snape: Mr.Potter, our new celebrity tell me what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?(Snape saids to Potter in which he doesn't know the answer and Granger decided to raise her hand like an idiot in which many Slytherins and Ren smirked at what both Potter and Granger were doing)

Ren: Oh this is going to be fun.(Ren saids in thought)

Snape: You don't know, well let's try again where Mr.Potter would you look at if I asked you to find me a bezoar?

James Jr: Grr...I don't know sir....

Snape: And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?

James Jr: HOW THE MERLIN SHOULD I KNOW?!!!....Wait you can ask Hermione she knows about this right Hermione.

Snape: Put your hand down girl this instant and Mr.Potter twenty points from Gryffindor for raising your voice at me and disrupting the lesson. Clearly fame isn't everything is it Mr.Potter.(Snape saids to Granger who lowered her hand while the other Gryffindors glared at Potter for his stupidity while the other houses smirked that clearly Potter is dumber than a mule)

Ren: I knew it which means Draco lost the bet.(Ren saids in thought while looking at Potter with a smirk on his face)

Snape: Perhaps another would like to answer my questions, Mr.Palpatine.

Ren: Professor Snape.

Snape: Tell me what would I get if I added powered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?

Ren: A very interesting question Professor, if you combine powered root of asphodel and an infusion of wormwood you would brew a sleeping potion so powerful and yet dangerous in which this potion is called The Draught of Living Death.

Snape: Excellent, now where would you look art if I asked you to find me a bezoar?

Ren: Why in the stomach of goat of course.

Snape: Very good, now what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?

Ren: There is no difference between the two Professor Snape because they are practically the same thing.

Snape: He really is a Palpatine like his father.(Snape saids in thought while admiring the young Palpatine in front of him)

Snape: Excellent work Mr.Palpatine ten points for Slytherin. Now I want you all to write all of that down admittedly.(Snape saids to Ren in which he nods for thank you while the other Slytherins smiled yet again for getting more points while Potter and his minions glared at Ren in which Ren didn't bother to look at the idiots)

The class began in which both Ren and Eve worked on a potion together in which Snape watched the two together and was pleased of how Ren was doing the potion making so well while the others were having a tough time in which was Potter and Weasley who were messing up the potions and caused the whole potion to exploded in their faces yet again in which Snape was not pleased and had both of them cleaned up their messes while the other students continue to work on the potion making as well as take notes. Soon after Ren along with Eve, Draco and their other friends were able to make excellent potions that earned them fifty points for each on a job well done while Potter and his two goons earned no points at all because their potions were all wrong.

After class was finished Ren along with Eve and the others decided to head to the great hall for lunch but then Potter along with his two minions were chasing after them because they a score to pick with them in which Ren doesn't pay any attention to them not even his friends.

James Jr: HEY COME BACK HERE AND FACE ME YOU SLIMY SNAKE?!!!!(James Jr screams at Ren who was walking with his friends and chatting with them while avoiding and not listening to Potter and his nagging in which got the students outside attention)


Draco/Eve/Neville/Blaze/Pansy/Crabb/Goyal/Daphne: Wow they are annoying?(All said in thought while walking with Ren to the great hall)

James Jr: ANSWER DAM YOU?!!!!!(James Jr cursed out-loud in which many students gasp that a student cursed out load in which now they see that Potter is being a jerk and a brat)

Ren: Don't slip.(Ren saids while using his wandless magic in which made the floor under Potters and his minions feet slippery in which caused Weasley to slip and land on his back while Granger was trying so hard not to slip until her leg shot upward and hit Potters nuts in which caused the Potter boy scream in pain and then slipped and landed on his back just like Weasley as well as Granger)

When everyone saw the three idiots slipped on the ground while also seeing that Potter got kicked in the nuts brought laughter to the whole area in which Ren's friends saw it and laughed then proceeded to walk away with Ren in front in which the young Palpatine smirked of his greatest achievement and headed towards the great hall along with his friends following behind while the many students and prefect laughed at the poor miserable Potter who was on the ground in pain while holding his nuts due to the kick that Granger gave in which she and Weasley were not doing well after that fall and hit their heads and their backs which really hurt a lot.

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