Chapter 4: Hogwarts Letter!

It has been now almost four years since Ren pledge himself to train as a Sith in which the lords and his father trained in the ways of the force in which Ren has learned quite well from his teachings that the lords and his father have given and has never shown any sign of failure in which made them very proud of their young apprentice. During those years, both Dooku along with Palpatine showed Ren how to control the force as well as use it against others in which they tested on themselves in which Ren was amazed as well as to learn and so he did when his father asked of him to use the force on both himself and on Dooku in which Ren created a huge force push that slammed Palpatine and Dooku into the wall that meant that Ren's power was far greater than any Sith that came before. Palpatine taught him so many different styles in the ways of the force including the force grip as well as the mind trick that only works on weak minded people but those who have strong minds will have no effect but not only that but Palpatine and Dooku taught him how to control the force lighting in which Ren did quite well when he first shot the beams from his finger tips and destroyed an entire tree that lit of fire which the lords were impressed with his amazing talent to learn so well with the force. Revan and Bane taught Ren that it is a good idea to meditate when using the force because it helps the Sith gain power as well as let go of everything and move forward to become what they are. Ren mediation process was incredible and he had no problems focusing on what he does or what has happened to him because the Sith are his allies and he will become what he was trained to be which made his father and the other lords very proud. Now for the lightsaber training, Ren received his kyber crystal when he was task to find one in the mountains near the castle but he had to travel alone in the darkest part of the forest and show no fear in which he did and has shown no sign of fear because he is fear and once he got to the mountain that led to a dark cave filled with such amazing crystal in different colors except for red in which his father explained that the only way to gain a crystal of the Sith is to break the color of another crystal using the force in which Ren found the right stone and crushed it into his hand using all of his anger and hatred due to what his former family and Dumbledore did to him and that earned him his red kyber crystal. When Ren returned to his family and showed them the crystal it pleased them in which the time to train him in saber combat began in which Maul gave him parts to construct his saber and it turned out the way Ren wanted it to be but he didn't show his father or the other lords because he wanted it to be a surprise for them and so Maul took the young apprentice into the woods so that he and Ren can train together in peace as well as using to the force to take apart and rebuild the saber while also doing mediation with Maul.

Present, Maul and Ren are in the woods right now doing mediation in which Maul was floating from the ground along with Ren who is using the force to rebuild his saber in which his training is doing absolutely perfect just like the lords foreseen.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Maul: The crystal my young apprentice is the power of the blade. The power is the crystal of the Sith. The Sith is the crystal of the force. The force is the blade of power. All are intertwine. The crystal, the blade, the Sith, you are one.(Maul saids while his eyes close while Ren is rebuilding his saber using the force in which the blade is coming back together)

Ren: Yes I feel it my lord, the power, the crystal, the force itself we are one.(Ren saids in which his blade is put back together again while still hovering from the ground)

Maul: Well done apprentice you have learned well in your years of training.(Maul saids then opened his eyes and levitated back down on the ground)

Ren: The student is as good as its master, your training as well as the lords has served me well.

Maul: Indeed it has Ren now let us begin.(Maul saids and activates his twin blade saber)

Ren: Yes my lord.(Ren saids and lands on the ground and activated his blade in which the glow blade appeared in which made Maul impressed)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Soon the training began with the blade in which both Maul and Ren collided their sabers and blocked and attack with so many different styles that the Sith used in the other life times and Ren was doing absolutely magnificent when using a blade since he watched Dooku and Revan trained together with their sabers in which Ren payed close attention to his masters and learned so many different fighting styles.

Maul: Thats it young one use your anger use your pain, let it fuel you with such great power!(Maul saids and attacking Ren with many fighting styles in which Ren kept of blocking each attack and used his feelings to attack which pleased Maul)

Ren: Lord Maul is an excellent teacher and has such skills which pleases me.(Ren saids in thought and attacked Maul while Maul was blocking the attacks in which he sensed that Ren was getting the upper hand)

Soon the training went on for hours in which both Ren and Maul where not holding back and their training was stunning in which the lords and Palpatine from afar were watching the whole thing in which Ren's father was impressed by his sons skill with a saber as well as his movements in which he foreseen his son becoming a great and powerful Sith lord just like him and the other lords that came from before them.

Dooku: He is doing incredibly well my lord and he using the skills that we used for our training session very impressive and quite the learner.

Revan: I agree and he takes it after his father as well as us Sith.

Bane: I am very pleased of my grandchild he is growing stronger with the force.

Palpatine: Very good my son very good indeed you have learned to control and release your anger most pleasing indeed.(Palpatine saids in thought while watching his son train with Maul)

Back with Maul and Ren with their training in which they performed such styles from using force as well as ways of the Sith in which Ren was now getting the upper hand with him using his aggressive feelings and attacking Maul with everything that he learned from the Sith Book as well as his memories of when he saw the lords train together.

Maul: His skills are with a blade are marvelous I guess all the watching us train with our blades have payed off not bad apprentice not bad at all.(Maul saids in thought while fighting Ren)

Then soon when Maul wasn't paying attention, Ren found an opening and cut Maul's saber in half and knocked him over.

Once the lords and Palpatine saw this they were very pleased and very proud of their new apprentice in which Ren himself was proud of what he has accomplished over the years of training in the ways of the Sith and the force included.

Ren: My lord your training to me was impressive most impressive.(Ren saids while using the force to lift Maul up from the ground and onto his feet)

Maul: You have done well Ren, your training with a saber are most impressive.

Ren: It was because of your training with the other lords I was able to figure out how to master a lightsaber.

Maul: Yes indeed young one very good.

Clap! Clap!(Both Maul and Ren looked to see who was clapping in which was Palpatine coming to see his son achievement)

Palpatine: Good!, you have done well my son your training in the blade as well as the force have made you an excellent fighter and your anger as well as your hatred has made you very powerful.

Ren: Father you please me with your words.(Ren saids and kneels before his father)

Palpatine: Rise my son, and may I see your lightsaber.

Ren: Of course father.(Ren saids and hands his father his saber to have a closer look at it)

Palpatine: have constructed a fine blade my son, you are learning well each day you grow and each day you are closer to becoming a full fledge Sith.

Ren: Thank you father.

Bane: Well done my grandchild you have made us proud as of those who came before us.

Ren: Your words honor me to the end grandfather.

Dooku: And your ability to use the force as well as its abilities are improving apprentice and you have learned to control it as well as release it to your will.

Ren: I have learned from the greatest my lord, and lord Maul I apologize for damaging your saber.

Maul: There is nothing to apologize young one in which I can still use the other half my blade.

Ren: Very well thank you for your answer.(Ren saids to Maul and then hears a sound that sounded like an owl)


When Ren along with the lords as well as Palpatine looked from the sky to see what looks like an owl in which it was flying towards them and has a letter in his mouth which means it must be of something important and then the owl dropped the letter in which Dooku used the force to grab the letter and watch the owl land on the tree branch safely.

Palpatine: Lord Dooku what is it?(Palpatine saids to his friend while Dooku looks at the letter)

Dooku: It would seem my lords that Ren has been excepted into Hogwarts school of magic, I know because it has the Hogwarts symbol on it.(Dooku saids and shows the envelope with the Hogwarts sign on it to be address to Ren himself)

Ren: I got excepted into the school of magic?

Dooku: I would believe so young one and it has your name on it.

Palpatine: Hehehe well done my son you got excepted into the school of magic.

Ren: Thank you father, lord Dooku may I see the letter.(Ren saids in which Dooku hands Ren the envelope and Ren opened it to reveal the note to him as well as a list that look like school supplies)

Ren: Its saids Dear Mr Ren Palpatine we pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Terms begin on September first and we will await your owl by no later than July thirty first. Your sincerely Minerva McGongall.

Bane: It would seem Ren you have what it takes to be in that school.

Ren: Well I have trained and learned so much thanks to all of you.

Palpatine: Well why don't we write back and inform that you will be attending the school as well as get your supplies ready.

Ren: What about my training as a Sith father?

Dooku: We will allow to keep on training for today then tomorrow you and your father will go to Diagon Alley to get your things for school.

Ren: I except those terms my lord if that is alright with you father.

Palpatine: Absolutely my son besides I have some old friends who will be going to Diagon Alley as well so it would be a good idea for you to meet them in person.

Ren: Very well I will be honored to meet these friends of yours father.

Palpatine: Good in the mean time I will write back to the school saying that you will attend Hogwarts while you and the other lords train some more.

Ren: As you which father, my lords shale we continue our training.(Ren saids to his father who then leaves to head back to the castle while the other lords stayed to continue Ren's training)

Dooku: Now our young apprentice let us finish continue with your training(Dooku saids as he and the other lords activated their sabers except for Bane who stood by to watch his grandson)

Ren: Very well my lords show me everything what the Sith can really do.(Ren saids and activated his saber to get ready for more training)

Ren trained all night with the lords in the ways of the Sith while mastering a lot of saber styles in which Ren was getting better which each training session and then after they have finished and check the time they all headed back to the castle so that Ren can get some dinner as well as some rest because he will be going to Diagon Alley with his father to get his school supplies so that he is prepared for Hogwarts.

The sun rose in which means today was the day that Ren will get his things he needs for school in which he was all dressed and ready to go with his father while the other lords decided to remain behind and look after the castle while Ren and Palpatine are gone.

Palpatine: Are you ready to go my son.

Ren: Yes I am father.

Palpatine: Good and I have already sent the letter out to the school so that they know that you are coming to Hogwarts.

Ren: Very well father and what are these friends of yours like?

Palpatine: Oh you will find out soon enough my son, now shale we get going.

Ren: Absolutely.

Palpatine: We will be back soon my fellow lords keep watch over the castle while we're gone.

Maul/Revan/Dooku: Yes my lord.(All saids in union)

Bane: Good luck my grandson.

Ren: Thank you grandfather see you all soon.

Palpatine: Diagon Alley!(Palpatine saids in which both him and Ren engulfed in flames like before and transported to Diagon Alley)

Once they were both at Diagon Alley they headed back to Gringotts to get some money so that Ren can pay for his supplies and while they were walking around many wizards and witches greeted Lord Palpatine with respect because Ren was told that his father was quite respected to the wizard world even in Hogwarts which made Ren like his father even more and Palpatine greeted the other wizards and witches with the same respect he shows them except for those who only care about fame and fortune like those Potters but luckily Ren and his father didn't see them anywhere which was good. Then after they got to Gringotts took some money out of the bank they both headed out to get the school supplies.

Palpatine: Ren why don't you go get your wand while I will fetch your books.

Ren: Are you sure father?

Palpatine: Yes my son and its quite alright besides I need to get some things here as well.

Ren: As you wish father I wont be long.

Palpatine: Ollivanders is right there my son and he will fix you up with a very gifted wand.

Ren: Thank you father.(Ren saids and then walks towards Ollivanders to get his wand for school)

Once Ren was close to the shop he decided to enter and then when he was inside he was greeted by a the man known as Ollivander himself who was organizing many sets of wands until he spotted Ren entering his store.

Ollivander: Hello there and welcome to Ollivanders wand shop here no wand is the same as the other. Are you here to pick up a wand my boy?

Ren: Greetings sir and yes I am.

Ollivander: Very well and I have just the perfect wand for you Mr?

Ren: Ren my name is Ren sir.

Ollivander: A very charming name my boy, ah here we are eleven inch, made from the tress of the north mountains and fire drake core.(Ollivander saids and hands Ren his wand in the young Palpatine was amazed of how the wand looked and decided to pick it up and try it)

When Ren picked up the wand it started glow in which a reddish glow was surrounding the boy in which Ollivander smiled that the wand has found its chosen.

Ollivander: It seems the wand has chosen you Ren, it is a perfect match.

Ren: Thank you sir, it is a magnificent wand indeed.

Ollivander: When I look at you very closely you remind me of a boy I knew a long time ago who came in and bought his first wand.

Ren: What was his name?

Ollivander: His name was Sheev Palpatine in which he was a very gifted and brilliant boy and by looking at you, you look almost like the spitting image of him.

Ren: Well I do because he is my father.(Ren saids in which surprised Ollivander)

Ollivander: Now I can totally see it now, you have his greatness as well as his respect for others, and you look just like him though except for the hair and eyes of course.

Ren: I get that a lot sir, how much for the wand if you don't mind me asking?

Ollivander: Ten galleons young Palpatine.

Ren: I will give you eleven for your being respectful as well as generous sir.(Ren saids and gave Ollivander the money in which brought a smile on the mans face)

Ollivander: That is very kind of you my boy and good luck in Hogwarts.

Ren: Thank you sir and have a splendid day.

Ren then left the wand shop and looked at the list to see what else he needed in which he looked to see that he needed some Hogwarts robes so he found a placed Madam Malkin's in which Ren looked to see that it sells robes and other stuff for students at Hogwarts to wear and decided to go inside and have his sizes fit for school.

Malkin's: Hello and welcome to Madama Malkin's how may I help you.

Ren: Yes hello madam I am looking forward to perches uniforms for school that is coming up and I wanted to have them in my sizes.

Malkin's: Oh why of course dear if you would just stand right next to the other boy who walked in I will get you started.(Malkin's saids as Ren looked to see another boy around his age waiting patiently in which Ren walked over and stand next to the other boy to wait for his fitting)

While Ren waits for Malkin's to get his fits for school the boy who was next to him decided to speak in which the boy was around his age and had blonde hair as well as grayish blue eyes.

You going to Hogwarts as well?

Ren: Hmm? Why yes I am and what I can tell you are going as well.

Indeed I am, my father and I are getting our supplies ready for school.

Ren: I am doing the same thing with my father as well, he's at the book shop picking up the books I need while I shop for my other things.

I see my name is Malfoy by the way, Draco Malfoy.

Ren: Greetings Draco, I am Palpatine Ren Palpatine heir of Palpatine manor.(Ren saids in which Draco looks at Ren in shock)

Draco: in like Sheev Palpatine like Lord Palpatine.

Ren: You know of my father?

Draco: Basically everyone in my family knows about him, he is one of the greatest wizards in history I should know my father told me so many stories about him and I always wanted to meet someone like him in person.

Ren: Well hows about after we finished I can take you to meet him.

Draco: Really.

Ren: Absolutely anyone who is a friend of my fathers is friend of mine.

Draco: I must say you look just like him, I seen images of him in my fathers library but never imagined that he had a son that looks so much like him.

Ren: Hehehe I have been getting that a lot lately even the other lords think that same way.

Draco: The other lords?

Ren: Lords Dooku, Maul, Revan, and Bane who is my grandfather while the others are my godfathers.

Draco: Noway those are the higher lords in the wizard world along with your father!

Ren: Yea well sure but were not really into the whole being famous sort of thing because we like to respect others as well as treat the world of magic that it means something.

Draco: I agree.

Ren: What I can tell is that you and I are going to be great friends once we get to Hogwarts.

Draco: Hmm..I might take your word for it Ren I can call you that right?

Ren: Yes you may since you are the first friend I made, I will allow you to use my first name.

Draco: And you can use mine as well.

Ren: Very well I shall.

Malkin's: Alright dears I have your fittings, are you ready for your measurements.

Ren: Yes we are madam.

Soon both Draco and Ren got their fitting finished and their uniforms for school set as well as paid for in which Ren was pleased with the design of his uniform as well as the color which was silver and green which Draco got the same thing but different design of his choosing. And once they paid they have paid for their clothes they headed out in which they decided to go shopping together and decided to go find their familiars at Magical Menagerie.

Draco: What do you think of getting for a familiar Ren?

Ren: I want to see what they have first before I buy anything do you have something in mind?

Draco: I was thinking about getting an owl since our family always get owls as familiar's.

Ren: Understandable good luck finding the right one for you while I have a look around.(Ren saids to Draco in which he nods and goes look for an owl to have as his familiar while Ren looks for what he wants)

While Ren was walking around the shop trying to find a familiar all of sudden he stoped and looked towards one of the cages in which he spotted something that was looking right at him in which it was a black wolf with bright yellow orange eyes that was looking at directly at Ren in which Ren himself can see that the wolf looking at him and the young Palpatine decided to walk towards it.

When Ren got closer to the cage where the wolf was in they both looked into each other eye's in which all of sudden they started to feel some kind of connection or some kind of bond that can never be broken in which Ren decided to reach out the touch the wolf in which the wolf started to smell the scent of Ren walking to touch it in which the wolf did something that Ren didn't except the creature to do and that was bowing its head to be petted and once Ren touched the head of the wold a bond was formed between him and the wolf.

Ren: I can feel a strong connection between you and me in which is very strong and very powerful. I can also sense that you want to be with me so that you don't want to be alone.(Ren saids to the wolf in which the creature started to lick Ren's hand meaning that the wolf wants to be with Ren)

Ren: I have found my familiar or he has found me instead.(Ren saids in thought until the shop owner came towards Ren)

Shop owner: Found what you are looking for?

Ren: Yes I would like to have this wolf as my familiar.

Shop owner: You have good eye because this wolf is very gifted.

Ren: How so?

Shop owner: These wolves are very protective towards their owners as well those who are close to their owners in which they will defend them from possible threats and they make excellent trackers even when they hunt in packs.

Ren: I see I will like to purchase him sir.

Shop owner: Very well that would be twenty five galleons sir and his main diet is mostly meat any kind of meat like cow, pig, chicken, all of that.

Ren: Thank you sir.

Shop owner: Why don't you and him get closer with each other while I bring the paper work.(Shop owner saids and unlocks that cage in which the wolf comes out and stands right in front of Ren while the owner left to get the paper work)

Ren: I can tell that you and I are going to do great things together.(Ren saids as he meets the wolf up close then all of sudden the wolf started to rubbed itself under Ren's neck)

Ren: Your gonna need a name now since you are going to be with me, hows about Kylo it means sky sound good to you my friend.(Ren saids to the wolf in which the creature started to lick Ren's face meaning that he likes the name)

Soon Ren and Kylo went to sign the papers from the owner of the shop and headed out to wait for Draco in which he came out with an owl that he liked and saw Ren waiting for him.

Draco: Sorry for wait, it was a lot more harder to find the right owl.

Ren: No harm done my friend and I have chosen my familiar already.

Draco: Really what is it?

Ren: Draco, meet my familiar Kylo he is a black wolf in which he and I shared a connection and very strong one.(Ren saids and introduces Draco to the wolf who was sitting next to Ren)

Draco: By Merlin he's quite big?

Ren: Well all wolves are big in wild.

Draco: Is he you know harmless?

Ren: The owner said that these wolves are very protective of their owners as well as those who are close to their owners like family, friends and loved ones.

Draco: I see may I you know?

Ren: Not at all, Kylo this Draco our new friend in which he is a good friend to me and he will be to you.(Ren saids to his Kylo in which the wolf walked towards Draco and bowed his head for Draco to touch him)

Draco: What's he doing Ren?

Ren: He want's you to touch his head to so that he can form a bond with you so that he will have your protection.

Draco: Oh thats brilliant very well then I except your protection Kylo.(Draco saids and touches the wolf's head in which the new bond in formed)

Ren: So what kind of owl did you get Draco?

Draco: Oh I got an eagle owl their very rare and strong and I named him Salazar.

Ren: Named after the great wizard of Slytherin excellent name for him Draco.

Draco: Thank you so is there anything else we need on the list of ours?

Ren: It saids here we also need cauldron, set of glasses for potions, telescope, and a set of brass scales and thats pretty much it.

Draco: Well I know where to find the other stuff lets head right over to them.

Ren: Lead the way my friend.

Ren along with Draco and their familiar's went off to get the last remaining of their school supplies in which they found the stores that sold them and then later on paid for them in which they now have to find their fathers so that they can tell them that they have their things for school.

Draco: Looks like everything is on the list don't you think?

Ren: Looks that way and I do believe that my father is finished with getting my books.

Draco: How do you know that?

Ren: Oh because he is coming right towards us.(Ren saids in which Draco looked to see the man he always wanted to meet in person and now he gets to)

Palpatine: Ah there you are my son and I see you have the other supplies you need for school.

Ren: Indeed to I do father and course my familiar as well.

Palpatine: A black wolf a very wise choice my son and who might you be my boy.(Palpatine saids to his son then looks towards Draco)

Draco:'m.....(Draco was trying to say something until another voice came out from behind in which he shared similar features towards Draco)

Draco there you are and I see you have found what you are looking for.

Draco: Oh father yes I have everything is on the list.

Excellent that means we got what we needed.

Palpatine: Lucias Malfoy.(Palaptine saids with a smile in which got the other man attention in which he looked to see someone he hasn't seen in years)

Lucias: LL....Lord Palpatine?

Palpatine: Hello my friend it has been so long.

Lucias: Palpatine I would have never, it has been so long indeed my old friend far too long.(Lucias saids and shakes Ren's father's hand)

Palpatine: Yes and you are looking quite well after so long.

Lucias: I could ask the same of you Palpatine.

Palpatine: Yes and I take that the lad here is your son in which I can see the family resemblance.

Lucias: Yes indeed this is my son Draco he is the heir of Malfoy manor.

Palpatine: Well Draco it is pleasure to meet the son of my close friend.

Draco: The pleasure is all mine lord Palpatine my father has told me so much about you it is truly an honor to be in your presence.

Palpatine: Thank you and I see that you have already made friends with my son Ren.

Lucias: Your son?

Ren: Greetings Lord Malfoy I am Ren Palpatine heir of Palpatine manor it is an honor to an old friend of my fathers.

Lucias: Oh the honor is all mine Mr.Palpatine, I must say you are the spitting image of your father at that age.

Ren: You honor me with your words my lord.

Lucias: Quite a respecting son you have Palpatine.

Palpatine: Why thank you for saying so Lucias how is the wife.

Lucias: She is doing well though she still wishes that you would visit us back in the manor like old times.

Palpatine: Well I will make sure to visit and I will bring my son as well because I think your wife and the others will get along quite well with Ren.

Ren: I would be honored to attend father.

Lucias: Hmm this one shows respectful manners and is headstrong, I think he and Draco will get along quite well do you agree.

Palaptine: Yes indeed I can see a friendship form between these two.

Ren: I like having Draco as my first friend.

Draco: So do I Ren.

Lucias: Speaking of which how are the other lords doing Palpatine?

Palpatine: They are doing just fine and they have been training Ren to master his magical core as well as his skills as a wizard.

Lucias: Really?

Ren: Yes indeed sir and if you wish I could show Draco some skills as well in which could improve him to become a wise and gifted wizard.(Ren saids to Lucias in which he is impressed with this boy even more and it made Draco smile)

Lucias: If that can be done then I will except it what do you think Draco.

Draco: I would gladly except your offer Ren.

Ren: Very good Draco.

Palpatine: Well as much as me and my son like to stick around I am afraid we must return back to the castle.

Lucias: I understand completely I must do the same and please do visit us we enjoy your company very much Palpatine and we will enjoy your son as well.

Palpatine: I wouldn't miss it for the world my friend come along my son.

Ren: Very well father and it was very nice meeting you Lord Malfoy and Draco see you at Hogwarts.

Lucias: The same as well young Palpatine come along Draco were leaving.

Draco: See you at school as well Ren.

Ren: Indeed goodbye for now.(Ren saids by to his new friend and leaves with his father while Draco did the same)

When Palpatine and Ren were about to leave, all of sudden Ren's father needed to stop at a couple of shops to get some things in which Ren decided to wait outside until his father was finished but all of sudden Ren's familiar was smelling something in which he started to head into an alleyway in which Ren decided to follow Kylo and see's what is wrong with him.

Ren: What is it Kylo what do you sense?

Ren looked at his familiar in which he started to move more into the alleyway until he stopped and looked towards the front of him in which Ren followed him behind and came to a halt and looked at what Kylo was sensing in which looked like a girl who looked scared for some reason and it looked like she was alone.

Ren: So thats what Kylo was sensing, but why is this girl in an alleyway all alone?(Ren saids in thought while looking at the girl who looked scared)

Ren then started to hear the girl who looked she was upset for some reason in which both Kylo and Ren looked each other meaning that the girl looked like she got lost and couldn't find her parents in which Ren decided to ask the girl if she was alright.

Ren: Hey are you alright?(Ren saids to the girl in which the girl herself gasp and then looked towards who was talking to her)

Ren: Sorry my familiar here was sensing something thought it was danger but he was mistaken but are you alright and why are you in this alleyway alone?

I....I lost my way...I was with my parents....but I got lost in the crowd...and...I couldn't find them.

Ren: Hey it is ok, we will help you find your parents so that you can get back to them.


Ren: Absolutely but tell me do you have something that belonged to your parents so it can be easy to find them.

I...have...pieces of their hair would that help.......

Ren: I think that would work, Kylo track down and find her parents.(Ren saids to his wolf in which Kylo moved closer to the girl and started to smell the hairs that belong to her parents)

When Kylo started to smell the hairs he started to pick up the scents of the girls parents and started to move in the direction of where they are.

Ren: Looks like Kylo picked up your parents scent come on let's bring you back to them.(Ren saids and offers his hand to the girl in which the girl herself sense the boy the who is in front of her is trustworthy in which she took his hand)

Thank you.....who are you.....

Ren: My name is Ren Palpatine please to meet you.

I'm....I am Eve....Eve Corvin....

Ren: Eve Corvin thats a beautiful name even more beautiful as those eyes of yours.(Ren saids in which made Eve blush and smile for what Ren said to her)

Eve: Thank you...Ren...

Ren: Come on let's get you back to your parents they must be worry about you and stay close to me there's no telling what is in these alleyways.(Ren saids to Eve in which she stood close to Ren in which Eve felt warm around him)

Soon Eve and Ren started to follow Kylo through the alleyways and try to locate Eve's parents in which Kylo started to smell their scent thanks to the hairs in which Kylo saw two people who looked like they were looking for someone in which Kylo went out of the alleyway and went to greet the two in which the man spotted Kylo walking towards them.

Hey what are you doing out here big fella.(The man saids while petting Kylo on the head in which the woman looked to see two people coming out of the alleyway in which was Eve and Ren)

When both Ren and Eve came out of the alleyway, Eve spotted the two people in which were her parents and it got Ren's attention.

Ren: Are they your parents Eve?

Eve: Yes thats them.....Mother!(Eve saids they runs towards her mother and father in which they both looked to see their daughter)

Eve!(Both the mother and father said and rush to to hug their daughter who were so worried about her and thought something bad has happened to her)

Thank goodness your alright honey we been looking everywhere for you.(The father saids while hugging his daughter)

Eve: I am sorry when we got here I got lost in the crowd and I couldn't find you or mother anywhere and I got scared and ended up in an alleyway.

Its alright were just happy that you are safe but how did you find us?(The mother said to her daughter until Eve looked behind her and was looking at Ren and Kylo)

Eve: Ren help me find you along with his familiar Kylo.

Ren: Hello I take that you are Eve's parents.

Yes and thank you for bringing her back to us.(The mother said to Ren)

Ren: It was my pleasure ma'am.

I am Selene and this is my husband Michael Corvin.

Michael: Thank you for finding Eve we thought something would have happened to her if you didn't find her and brought her back to us.

Ren: It was no trouble at all, Kylo was sensing something in the alleyway thought it was danger but it was your daughter who looked scared and alone in which I couldn't stand by and leave her like that.

Selene: What is your name in which I want to thank the person who brought Eve back to us.

Ren: My name is Ren Palpatine heir of Palpatine manor it is pleasure to meet you Selene as well as you Michael Corvin.(Ren saids in which got both parents surprised of the name)

Selene: Are you related to Sheev Palpatine?

Ren: Indeed he is my father why you ask are you friends with him?

Selene: I knew him for a long time we were classmates together along with the others though I never knew he had a son.

Michael: A son that is the spitting of him at that age?

Ren: Hehehe I have been getting that lots of times now.

Selene: If you say who you are is true what brings you here?

Ren: I got my Hogwarts letter and I was getting my school supplies ready in which I have finished but my father needed to get some things from a couple stores before we head back to the castle.

Michael: Were doing the same for Eve she got her letter as well and will be going to school along with the others.

Ren: Really well I hope to see you there Eve.(Ren saids with charming smile in made Eve blush again)

Eve: Yea you too Ren and thank you for helping me get back to my parents.

Ren: Your quite welcome but I must get back to my father now it was nice meeting you Michael, Selene as well as you Eve.

Selene: You as well Ren.

Ren: Come on Kylo let's get going.(Ren saids as he and Kylo leave and go back to his father)

Michael: Come on let's get Eve's other things on the list and head home.

Selene: Very well and Eve stay close to us for now on.

Eve: Yes mother...

Soon both Eve and her parents left to continue shopping for school supplies but all of sudden Eve couldn't stop thinking about that boy she met in which she will be happy to see him again even at Hogwarts.

Eve: Ren I hope to see you soon again.(Eve saids in thought while thinking of Ren in her head)

Meanwhile with Ren, he and Kylo made it back to Diagon Alley and looked to see that his father has finished doing his shopping and then Palpatine looked to see his son waiting patiently for him along with Kylo.

Palpatine: Alright my son I have what I needed ready to go home.

Ren: Indeed I am father and so is Kylo.

Palpatine: Excellent let's get going shale we.

Ren: Absolutely father.

When Ren and his father returned to the castle and greeted the lords in which they pleased to see the Ren again as well as meeting Kylo in which the wolf formed a bond with the lords as well as Palpatine meaning that Kylo will have his protection including his owner. Then when Ren packed all of things for Hogwarts in the trunks and got ready for bed with Kylo sleeping in the bed with him which Ren allowed he couldn't stop thinking about that girl who he met in the alleyway.

Ren: Eve Corvin...Corvin...Corvin why does that name sound familiar to me, well I might figure it out another time in the mean time I should get some sleep good night Kylo.(Ren saids then goes to bed along with Kylo who fast asleep)

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