Chapter 3: Three years Later....
It was been three years since Sirius along with Remus and his wife found out that Hadrian their beloved godson has vanished without a trace in which they still don't believe that the boy that they knew is not dead because they along with friends that they knew for years went out for search to find Hadrian but so far they couldn't find a single trace or pick up a scent of the boy because there was absolutely no sign of him but they just kept on searching and searching for the young Potter child but there was no luck at all. Many wizards and witches who were friends of Sirius and Remus spent months and days trying to locate Hadrian and bring him home but the search came to an end and informed the godfathers that the boy known as Hadrian James Potter was no where to be found in which the search was now cut off and Sirius went into a deep lost after he was told about that his little pup isn't coming back and was now pronounced dead all thanks to what those bastards Potters did to Hadrian and Sirius along with his friends will never forgive them for what they did and cut all ties with the Potters for good. Soon Hadrian James Potter the brother of the boy who lived was forgotten and was never spoken to by anyone except those who cared for the boy more than that brat James Evan Potter Jr who became spoiled and rotten just like his parents who only care about fame and fortune.
Speaking of Hadrian James Potter who is now renamed Ren Palpatine who was founded and blood adopted by Sheev Palpatine to become the new heir of Palpatine manor was having the best years of his life. After Ren was taken in by his new father as well as becoming the godson of the Lords Dooku, Maul, and Revan as well as the grandchild of Lord Bane they all treated him like their own and trained him in many ways of sorcery and magic in which Ren skills as a young wizard were approving quite well for his age. Ren loved his new family and they cared for the boy ever since they found out who he truly was and what has happened to him in which Ren was pleased that he has a father that loves him very much and godfathers as well as grandfather to help train him as well as share stories of what it was like in their time when they went to Hogwarts many years ago. When Ren found out why his magic was not working the way he hoped all because of what those Potters and the old coot Dumbledore did to him, he wanted nothing more to have those idiots destroyed and crumble into ground in which his father Lord Palpatine sensed within his son and in due time he will have his revenge as well as those who took everything away from him and will bring order to those who deceived them. Ren's magic was restored to him and has been growing stronger each day with the help of his godfathers as well as his father who taught him every single defense, attack, block, healing, as well as killing spells that approve the boy skills as a wizard but not only that but his power started to grow as well in which the time for Ren to be trained as a Sith has come. While the lords were thinking of training him as a Sith, Ren spent lots of his time in the library learning everything there is to know about the wizard world as well as its secrets even its history of what life was like those many centuries ago. Though Ren has become a Palaptine, he still feels hatred and anger towards those idiot Potters as well as of his ex brother in which his power within himself started to grow everyday in which when Ren found out about this new power he had he didn't know what it was until his father as well as the lord thought it is time to tell Ren about his history of the ancient sorceries that once ruled.
So right now Ren is seven years old and was maturing quite well for his age in which he is now in the library reading about potions as well as how they are created in which Lord Dooku taught Ren there is to know about potions but Ren wanted to know more so he spent his free time learning and writing down many different potions he wanted to created in which during those times he made so many different potions and they came out right because he follows the instructions as well as takes his time in doing so.
Ren: Drought Of Living Death? Hmm...seems promising and the ingredients to make it are quite amazing, I might as well put that on my list as well when I do more training with my favorite godfathers and maybe I can asked Lord Maul to train me some more in martial arts I mean sure he is very skilled in fighting but I want to learn those skills as well since my inheritance test showed that I am in martial arts so might as well ask him to train me more.
While Ren was reading and writing down a list of different potions to make, Grievous the house elf came into the library to greet the young master and to let him know that the lords and the boys father would like to speak with him.
Grievous: Excuse me sir.
Ren: Hmm?, Oh Grievous hello what can I do for you?
Grievous: The Lords and your father would like to speak with you at once.
Ren: Very well I will see what they need of me.(Ren saids and puts away his books and his list of potions and decided to follow the house elf)
Grievous: Right his way sir.
Soon both Ren and the house elf were heading towards a room in which Ren never seen before and once they were inside Ren took a look at what he was looking at in which the room itself looked like a throne room but in an ancient way and had such marvelous designs all around it and then Grievous has asked Ren to remain in the center while he takes his leave in which Ren did what he was told and waited until his father the lords will appear to greet Ren.
(I couldn't find any good throne rooms so I went with this one instead minus the red guards)
Ren looked around him as well as the throne chair and thought about sitting in it but he believes it is his fathers in which he doesn't want to disrespect him and what belongs to him so he waited until the doors behind him opened to reveal his father along with the other lords themselves.
Palpatine: Hello my son, you have arrived on time very good.
Ren: Hello father as well as you my lords.(Ren smiles at his father and bows his head to greet the lords)
Dooku: Greetings young one how goes your studies.
Ren: I am approving quite well my lord as well as my skills in martial arts thanks to lord Maul in which I would like to train more if you allow it my lord.
Maul: Indeed I will my godson.
Ren: Thank you, father tell me is there something you wanted to speak to me about?
Palpatine: My son it is time for you to know about the origin of the Sith.
Ren: Really is it that time father!(Ren saids with excitement)
Bane: Yes my grandchild it is time in which we wanted to wait until you turned seven so that you may know what the Sith are.
Ren: I see well I would like to know more about these Sith and what they are like and what they do.
Palpatine: In which we will share with you my son, come sit with us and we will share the history of the Sith.(Palpatine saids as he and the other lords sit on the floor while Ren did the same)
Once everyone has on the floor, Palpatine pulled out a book out of his robes and placed it in front of his son in which Ren looked at the book itself and it looked very old and very ancient in which the book itself was called Book of Sith.
Palpatine: My son this is the ancient book of the Sith in which contains the history and knowledge of ancient and powerful beings who once ruled as well as brought order and peace to the wizard world. This book contains their history and how they achieved their great power.
Ren: Interesting and what is this power that they have is it some kind of magical spell or weapon of some sort?
Revan: No young one it is something that all Sith lords had in which none of the wizards and witches in the wizard world knew about in which the power comes from within the being itself.
Ren: And what would that be my lord?
Bane: The power is called the force my grandson a very powerful ability that all the past Sith Lords have in which they used to take down their enemies as well as show no mercy of those who would dare to appose them.
Ren: May I ask what is the force father?
Palpatine: Do you remember what happened in the bank that everything around you was crumbling due to what you have found out about what those Potters and that old coot did you.
Ren: Yes I was filled with so much hatred and anger in which I started to fill something inside and it looked like it was awakening and it caused such damage and destruction all around me was that what you said it was lord Revan was that the force?
Revan: Yes indeed Ren that was the force.
Dooku: You see young one the force is what gives the Sith their power, it is the living energy within ourselves and binds the world together it is the energy created of all living things.
Ren: Amazing is that how the Sith gain their power?
Maul: The force yes but they also get their strength and power from something else.
Ren: What would that be?
Palpatine: Driven emotions, including hate, anger, and greed you see the Sith can only get stronger by hatred and destroy those who made their life a living hell in which looked like your power was acting the same way my son when those Potters made your life hell.
Ren: I think I understand, my hatred and anger releases my hidden power in which is the force itself and not only that it also make me get stronger.
Revan: Even during training your power grows. Sith have trained for many generations to become what they are as well help train the next generation.
Ren: You mean that there were others that came before.
Palpatine: Yes indeed my son, here let me show you.(Palpatine saids then waves his hand to open the book of the Sith in which Ren looked to see what looked like beings dressed in black and were caring strange bizarre weapons that glowed a red light and behind them was Hogwarts itself)
Ren: Wow.......
Dooku: Over a thousands generations ago the greatest wizards and witches who founded the school known as Hogwarts, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena RavenClaw and Salazar Slytherin but there was also another being who not only used magic and sorcery just like the great wizards and witches but also had the power like we told you Ren in which he had the force where we called these beings not Sith but force sensitive, people who have been blessed by the force itself and given the power to become something great.
Ren: And who was this being my lord who discovered the force itself and founded these force sensitives?
Dooku: A great Sith lord who was the first of many generations of Sith that came before was known as Darth Nihilus, he was both wise, powerful and trained many students who were force sensitives in the ways of the Sith.
Ren: Darth Nihilus is that his real name?
Maul: No one knew his real named in which he decided to give himself a new name one that shows respect and dignity in which he dubbed the name Darth Nihilus in which many Sith that came before went under the name Darth to show their loyalty to the Sith.
Ren: What does the word Darth mean my lords?
Bane: Darth my grandson is the variation of Dark though is also explains the inspiration behind the name in the words death and invader but those were the words of those who deceived the Sith and were treated as outcast as well as threats but for those like the greatest wizards and wizards who founded Hogwarts treated them with respect and used their abilities to bring order.
Ren: So those who didn't like the Sith were probably jealous of their skills and abilities in which drove them to madness thinking the Sith were destroyers.
Palpatine: Yes indeed my son and when that happened war came to the Sith.
Ren: War father?
Dooku: Yes a war that brought the Sith to the bridge of extinction in which those who deceived the Sith turn their backs on many others and one by one the Sith were hunted down and destroyed and so a huge battle took place in which thousands of Sith and those who were allied to them fought for what was right and bring down those who have rob them of their heritage.
Ren: What happened to them after the war?
Revan: Darth Nihilus managed to survive the war with handful of his students but the others who he trained were all killed and as for their allies they agreed to flee into the darkest parts of the forest until the time comes to make their appearance once again but sadly their time never came and they remained where they were.
Ren: And Darth Nihilus what happened to him?
Maul: After his survived along with his some of students who were badly injured, he thought about restarting the Sith Order once again but with so many of them dead he couldn't trained that many again so he decided to create a rule for the Sith.
Ren: And what would that be?
Dooku: He past of the knowledge to his students in which they will train the next generation of Sith and after his passing of old age his students carried on his legacy.
Ren: I see so after many generations later the Sith order still lives on right.
Revan: Unfortunately Ren the wizards and witches who have deceived the Sith were able to track down the reaming of the order and were sentence to death by those who were corrupted and desire nothing more than fame and fortune as well as power but out of the ashes of fire one of the students survived and went to find and train those who are force sensitive.
Ren: And who was this student my lord?
Palpatine: He was a Sith lord known as Darth Malgus, his real name was Veradun who was a Hogwarts student before he joined the Sith and found out he was force sensitive and decided to carry on the legacy of the Sith.
Ren: So he trained a new generation of Sith?
Revan: Yes he did young one, in which he trained over hundreds of Sith and each of them trained the next and the next until the dark times came.
Ren: The dark times my lord?
Dooku: The dark times was the Sith Purge in which those who have robbed the Sith of being a threat to the wizard world were declared sentenced to be hunted down and destroyed because the jealousy as well as the hatred for those who didn't like the Sith became mad with lust for power and only care about themselves.(Dooku saids to Ren and flips the page of the book using the force to show the boy an army of Sith lords in the dark times)
Ren: So that means....
Dooku: Yes the Sith who were trained for countless generations were hunted and killed while many made a last stand and try to take down their enemies but they were no match for them since their allies have been forced to live in the darkest parts of the wizard world because they too were being hunted just like the Sith.
Ren: So the Sith are all but extinct now?
Palpatine: Not all of them my son.
Ren: What do you mean father?
Maul: After the dark times in which the enemy though that the Sith were all by extinct and destroyed but they were wrong in which a Sith lord managed to escape from the battle and has spent his life to figure out what to do next.
Ren: May I ask who this Sith was?
Palpatine: Darth Pleguies The Wise.
Ren: Darth Pleguies? Who was he father besides him being a Sith lord?
Palpatine: He's a Sith legend my son, Darth Pleguies was a lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise he could use the force to create life. He had such knowledge of the force itself, he could even keep the ones that he cared about from dying.(Palpatine saids to his son in which he was in awe of what Darth Pleguies can do)
Ren: He could actually do that father I mean he can actually save those from death?
Maul: It is a rare ability Ren, it was only used once by Darth Pleguies himself.
Palpatine: Yes indeed my son, the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
Ren: Whatever happened to him father?
Palpatine: He became so powerful that the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power in which he was getting older and couldn't keep up what he had planned until he met this boy at Hogwarts who was so gifted and had such great potential as well as skilled in magic that Darth Pleguies sensed the boy to be force sensitive and not just him but his friends as well in which he offered to trained them in the ways of the Sith in which they approved during their time in Hogwarts but sadly Darth Pleguies time came and he died in his sleep but his students carried on his legacy and decided to wait until the time comes for the Sith to rise again out of the ashes of fire and they have been in hiding ever since they left Hogwarts and continue to train in the ways of the Sith.
Ren: And so his students still live and they were taught everything there is to know about the Sith and were informed of when the time was right to revealed themselves to the wizard world.
Dooku: Yes that is correct my godson.
Ren: And what happened to the student of Darth Pleguies the one who was trained along with the others?
Bane: My grandchild you are looking right at them.(Bane saids and he and the other lords and his father stand in which shocked that his new family are the Sith lords)
Ren: Father you mean you and the lords as well as grandfather are?
Palpatine: Yes indeed my son and allow us to introduce you to what we call ourselves.
Maul: I am known as Darth Maul.
Revan: I am Darth Revan.
Dooku: I am known as Darth Tyranus.
Palpatine: I am known as Darth Sidious my son.(Palpatine saids in which made Ren in awe)
Bane: And I am Darth Bane Lord of The Sith.
Ren: My new family are legends...(Ren saids in awe and amazement)
Palpatine: And now my son, it is time for you to take your place as a Sith lord just like us and those who came before.
Dooku: In which you will have a power that is far beyond any Sith lord has ever hoped to dream.
Maul: In which we will teach you everything there is to know my godson.
Revan: And together when the time comes we will take back what is ours and punish those who have robbed us of our heritage!
Ren took a moment of what he wanted to do in which he found these Sith lords to be quite magnificent as well as highly skilled beings who spent centuries training and using an ability called the force to bring down those who will bring harm to others in which Ren wanted nothing more to becoming something great as well as bring down those who ruined his life as well as make his life a living hell and let nothing stand in his way.
Palpatine: And so my son what do you say. Fulfill your new destiny and become our student and learned to use the force to achieve such great power.
Ren then got up and then kneeled in front of all the lords in which they all looked and smiled for what Ren has chosen to become.
Ren: I pledge myself to your teachings my lords and I want to crush those who have made me loose everything that I lost and punish those who stand in my way.(Ren saids as the force was growing stronger with him in which started to please the lords and his father)
Palpatine: Good....and with our combine strength will we have our revenge.
Ren: I will fulfill the legacy of the Sith father.
Palpatine: Good....Good.....The force is strong with you a powerful Sith you will become my son.
Ren: Yes father..
Palpatine: When the time comes my son you will take your rifle place as a Sith and you will be someone of great power and will restore the order and bring justice to those who brought us shame.
Ren: Yes father and thank you...
Palpatine/Bane/Maul/Dooku/Revan: Rise....(All said in union in which Ren rise from the ground and looked upon his teachers and his father)
Ren: Father there is something I been meaning to ask of you.
Palpatine: Yes my son what is it?
Ren: What are those weapons that Sith were holding in which it looked like a blade that glows?
Dooku: My young student that is called a lightsaber in which the Sith use for combat against their enemies allow me to show you.(Dooku saids and then takes out something that Ren never seen before and then once it was in his godfathers hand he pushed a button and then came out the red glow blade that was from the book)
Ren: It is incredible how could such weapon being powered by that?
Maul: It is powered by a very rare stone called a kyber crystal young one, they are found in the deepest parts of the mountains and can hold such great power.
Ren: And will I be able to use a lightsaber like all of you?
Bane: Yes indeed my grandchild and we will train you in the arts of the Sith.
Ren: When will my training begin father?
Palpatine: It starts now in which we will be teaching you how to control your power and release it so that you can master it yourself and then you will be trained in the ways of using a lightsaber instructed by Lord Maul and Lord Revan while Lord Dooku will train you to use force lightning.
Ren: Force lightning?(Ren saids and then looks to see Lord Dooku firing force lightning from his finger tips in which Ren looked at his godfather in amazement and in shock)
Dooku: This is the power of a Sith my godson in due time I will teach you how to master it.
Ren: I am looking forward to your teachings my masters as well as yours father.
Palpatine: Then let us begin my son.
Ren: Yes my master.
Ren's new destiny begins now in which he will be trained by the lords of the Sith in which when the time is right he too will become one of them and bring down the wrath of those who made him wroth nothing but now he is going to show the wizard world what a true power feel like.
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