Chapter 26: BuckBeak!

Ren along with his best fried Draco went to class where they will be studying under the teachings of Professor Sybill Trelawney. Many students thought the teacher was loony but Ren thinks the teacher is very compassionate even if she acts silly some times but Ren knows to give somebody a chance to show students a new way of wizardly. Right now the students were given cups to predict what they see without looking into the cup until the teacher saids otherwise.

Sybill: Welcome my children. In this room you shall explore noble art of divination in this room and shall also discover if you possess the sight.

Draco(Whisper): You getting any of this?

Ren(Whisper): Shh, be patient my friend, she will tell us more.

Sybill: I am Sybill Trelawney and together shall cast ourselves into the future. This term which will be focusing on Tesla magazine which is the art of reading tea leaves so please take the cup of the person sitting the opposite of you.

Ren along with Draco took opposite cups to look into what they had in which Ren looked to see that Draco had a horse shape like figure and went to read what he can find about it until he looked and saw it was the symbol for wisdom and a bond of friendship. Ren can see that Draco had wisdom as well as a great friendship.

Sybill: You seen the truth lies buried deep within a book waiting to be read but first you must broaden your minds. First you must look beyond!

Hermione(Whisper): What a bunch of rubbish.

Ren: Granger and her sassy ass mouth I tell you. If she wasn't so stupid I would have hexed her from the start.

Draco: Mhm.

Sybill: You boy, is your father doing quite well?(Sybill saids to James Jr)

James Jr: Uh...I think so?

Sybill: I wouldn't be so sure of that. Give me the cup. Ooh sorry my boy how pitty, pitty indeed.


Sybill: It would seem that your father will experience bad luck where ever he goes and it will soon past onto you.

Draco(Whisper): Ok that would be a great prediction if that actually happens.

Ren(Whisper): We will find out soon enough, cross your fingers.

James Jr look into the cup and it showed an explosive cloud where he goes to find the symbol in the book and he did and discovered it was the sign of bad luck. Meaning James Sr or Jr will experience absolutely horror as well as embarrassment.

Sybill: Broaden your minds. Hmmm....whoohoo! Your aura is pulsing dear, are you in the beyond I think you are.(Sybill saids to Draco)

Draco: I think I am.

Sybill: Look into the cup, tell me what you see.

Draco: Hmm..well Ren here go something that looks like some sort of male figure though it is in the shape of what appears to be armor and its carrying what it looks like a sword. My guess is that what I am seeing is a knight.

Sybill: Give me the cup. GASP!!!!

Ren: Is something wrong Professor?

Sybill: My dear boy in all my years I would have never see the day. What you have would not only bring you greatness but also strength. Mr.Paplatine, what you have is The Knight Of The Living Force. I sense a great future for you and have indeed gone beyond.

Ren: The Knight of The Living Force?(Ren saids and looks into the cup and saw the knight)

Seamus: Whats the Knight of The Living Fork?

Gryffindor: Not fork you idiot, force. It is the name of ancient of sorcerer long forgotten through time and has abilities far beyond the eye can see. it brings those close and would lead them into victory as well as strength.

Ren: I like that sound of that.(Ren saids in thought)

Sybill: You have definitely gone beyond Mr.Palpatine, fall beyond.

Ren: Why thank you, Professor Trelawney.

Sybill: WhooHoo! I sense your friend has also gone beyond! Look into his cup and tell me what you see.

Ren: Draco here has like a horse in which I read that it is the symbol of wisdom and friendship. That is something my friend Draco has.

Sybill: Let me see the cup. Oh yes I see it now, you Mr.Malfoy have also gone beyond!


Ren: Potter do us all a favor and shut your trap of a mouth. Your more annoying then that stuck up of father of yours who I wish will experience some bad luck along with you.

Gryffindor Girl: Also Potter if you would have read in the book it shows that the horse symbol is the omen of friendship and wisdom. In other words your just plain stupid. It's no wonder nobody likes you or your little golden trio.

Ren: And there's your answer. Now shall we continue on with class Professor.

Sybill: Yes indeed thank you for clearing the situation up Mr.Palpatine.

James Jr: Grrrrrrr......

Ren and Draco: Aww the poor baby Potter is growling like a wee-doggy.(Both said in thought with smirks on their faces)

After class were finished and everyone did their leave fortune except for the golden idiot trio who earned no points as well as being disrespectful in class. Ren along with Draco followed by their friends went on to their next course which is the study of magical creatures that was being taught by Sirius Black and Hagrid. Ren couldn't wait to learn from his godfather as well as Hagrid. Thanks to the knowledge that Ren gave his friends about the magical creature book, the one with the mouth, they all knew they had to stroke the spine and avoid being attacked by a hungry and vicious book with teeth.

Sirius: Come come, gathered around students.

Hagrid: We are pleased to have you all here in which I look forward to lesson and I know you all will. If you would all please follow me and Professor Black, we got a nice treat for you.

Eve: What do you think we are going to learn, Ren?

Ren: We will know soon enough, I trust Hagrid as well as Professor Black.

Anakin: Say does anyone know how to opened these books? I don't want my hand bitten off.

Ren: You stroke the spine of course.

Ben: Ah I see now, thank you Ren.

Ren: Glad I can help. Bets you that Potter doesn't know and will most likely get attacked.

Anakin: Hehehe I would die of laughter if that happens.

Everyone follows the two teachers into the forest and arrive at a location where Ren senses something nearby but shrugged it off and decided to wait and see for himself. While gathering around Potter Jr went to try and open the book but due to his idiocy the book attacked him and started to bite him.

James Jr: GET IT OFF ME!!!! GET IT OFF ME!!!!!

Ron: I got you ma.....OW?!!! It bit me!!!!

Hermione: Oh honestly you two, your suppose to stroke the spine, that's how you open it.

Ren(Whisper): it seems like Granger knows how to open the book.

Anakin(Whisper): I don't like her, she's always putting her nose into other peoples business even during studying as well as doing homework.

Reva: We could always just erase her memory so she forgets everything and won't be a problem to us.

Ren: Lets save that for another time. For now lets focus on what Hagrid and Professor Black are going to be showing us today.

Hagrid: Now that everyone is here, we can get started. Lets all welcome our guest of honor, Ta-dah!

Ren looks to see what is approaching and he couldn't believe his eyes. He read about these creatures in his studies but never in his life was he able to see one up close in person. Ren was staring at the face of a Hippogriff, known to be marvelous creatures however get startled if someone provokes them aggressively.

Hagrid: Isn't he beautiful. Say hello to BuckBeak.

Sirius: Can anyone tell us, what kind of creature this is.

Ben: That would a be Hippogriff, Professor.

Hagrid: Very good Mr.Kenobi, and the first thing you all want to know is that they're very proud creatures.

Ren: And they bound to get startled if someone or something provokes them especially towards insults and aggression.

Sirius: Excellent thinking Mr.Palpathine, five points to Slytherin.

Hagrid: Like Ren said they are easily offended so you don't want to insult a Hippogriff. It may be the last thing you ever do. Now, who'd like to come and say hello?

Basically everyone stepped away except for Ren who always dreamed of meeting a Hippogriff and knows not to insult nor startled one. He treats creatures with respect and greatness unlike some people like Potter Jr after he insulted Mr.Filches cat back in second year. He looked behind him and saw everyone not wanting to get close to the creature but his friends gave him a thumbs up while whispering words saying good luck.

Ren: Hagrid, I would like to be the one to say hello to this magnificent creature.

Hagrid: Well done Ren, well done.

Sirius: Have you ever encountered a Hippogriff before?

Ren: Never in my life, but I have read all about them. I think I will give him a proper and honorable greeting. If you allow me to try something with him, Hagrid.

Hagrid: Not all, I can tell you will do something that wont startle him.

Ren smiles and walks towards BuckBeak in which the feather creature looked to see Ren approaching him in calm matter. And now once the two were looking into each others eyes, Ren spoke in Beast Whisper.

Ren(Hippogriff): Greeting great and noble wings of the sky, I am Ren. It is a pleasure to meet you.

BuckBeak: You're a whisperer, never thought I would be meeting a whisperer in a long time. The honor is mine young one. I appreciate you showing me such kindness.

BuckBeak and Ren bowed to each other that left everyone in shock as well as their jaws dropping of the language Ren was using in front of the Hippogriff except for Sirius, Eve, Draco and their friends since they know what Ren was.

Ren(Hippogriff): I have read so much about your kind. For my whole life I always wanted to meet something like you though had the chance until now. Your eyes are beautiful and your strength is remarkable.

BuckBeak: I thank you, nobody has ever said such generous words to me except for Hagrid since he feeds me those delicious ferrets.

Ren(Hippogriff): That's Hagrid for you, such a gentle giant he is.

Ren then started to pet BuckBeak under the chin that made BuckBeak feel good followed by getting pats on the head and side of the cheek. Hagird and Sirius were in awe as well as impressed for what Ren is doing.

Ren(Hippogriff): I hope you don't mind, would it be a pleasure if we taken a flight. I want to experience of what it would be like to ride on one of your kind.

BuckBeak: It would be a pleasure, though try not to peck out any of my feathers I don't like that.

Ren(Hippogriff): I would never do such a thing, I give you my word.

BuckBeak got down on his legs and allowed Ren to climb on board his beck. Hagrid knew what was going on and he wore a huge smile on his face at seeing the two get along quite well while the students were in awe of seeing such a site. However the only ones not liking this was the golden trio who were jealous at seeing what Ren can do.

Ren: Hope you don't mind Hagrid, BuckBeak and I are going for a little ride if thats all right with you.

Hagrid: Hahaha. Not at all as a matter of fact you already did the lessons I was going to say to you. You gave him an honorable bow, petted him and now started to ride him and now the last thing is taking that first flight with him.

Ren: And he already told me about not pecking his feathers because he won't thank me for that.

Hermione: How can you understand that thing?!

Ren: Hey this thing has a name so watch your tone of a voice Granger. It would be your last and as for your question I am a Beast Whisper like my father before me.

Neville: Incredible! Beast Whisperers are a group of wise wizards and witches who have the ability to communicate with many different species of magical creatures.

Ren: And Neville LongBottom has spoken the truth.

Hermione: Thats...thats impossible!

Ren: Here's some advice read more and not show off because you hardly know anything only stuff that you believe is true which is not. Anyway shall we go for that ride now BuckBeak.

BuckBead nodded his head and started to run while Ren was hanging on tight to him until BuckBeak flapped his wings and began to take flight.

Ren: Whoah!

Ren looks down and saw the view of the area in which was the most beautiful site he has ever seen especially when flying close to the castle itself. Ren smiled that he was enjoying the time of his life and his dream of riding a Hippogriff came true.

Ren(Hippogriff): Incredible absolutely incredible.

BuckBeak: I am happy that you are enjoying yourself Ren. First time flying I see.

Ren(Hippogriff): Actually I flown before on a broomstick but never on a Hippogriff and this is so much better than riding a broomstick and its calm.

BuckBeak: Wanna fly towards the lake.

Ren(Hippogriff): Merlin's beard yes, lets do it.

The two flew down towards the lake where Ren saw his reflection in the water. Ren smiled big that this was the best ride he has ever been on and if his father would to see this he would definitely enjoy the thrill. Ren got the idea of letting his arms loose and spread them out while feeling the cool breeze on his face.

Ren: Hehehehe, WHOO-HOO! WHOO-HOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Ren: THIS IS THE BEST TIME OF MY LIFE!!!!(Ren saids in thought with joy)

Soon Ren and BuckBeak had their fun and decided to return back to the others where Hagrid saw them flying above the trees and whistled BuckBeak to land on the ground. Everyone except for the golden trio clapped for Ren and BuckBeak and would like to give it a chance to ride a Hippogriff though would need more time to read about them before doing anything.

Hagrid: Well done Ren, and well done BuckBeak.

Daphne/Luna/Eve: That was amazing! I wanna go for ride too.

Draco and friends: I have got to try that.(All said in thought while smiling at their friend)

Sirius: How was your first time riding a Hippogriff?

Ren: It was the most incredible experience of my life, BuckBeak was very kind enough to allow me to take a ride on him. Ain't that right my friend.

BuckBeak: I door enjoy your company.

Sirius: What did he say?

Ren: He said he enjoys my company.

Hagrid: I knew that you two would get along quite well.

Ren: I respect magical creatures and show them compassion as well as honesty.

Hagrid: I can see that. Now who else would like to say hello to BuckBeak.

Everyone except golden idiots: I DO!

Ren: Easy everyone easy don't forget Hippogriff's are easily startled so if you came up running towards him there's no telling what would happen. So it's best to do things one at a time and since I can communicate with BuckBeak with Beast Whisper I can tell him what to do and what you all need to do.

Sirius: Wise words Mr.Palpatine, now shall we all begin. Remember one at time and be patient as well as respectful towards the Hippogriff.

Everyone except the golden idiot trio: Yes, Professor Black!

One by one everyone student got to pet as well as greet BuckBeak that left them all in awe as well as joy when they too got to fly into the air with him except for those like Potter, Granger, and Weasley who refused and earned no points. When Potter tried to do it by force well BuckBeak simply slide the Potter moron off him and the fat boy who lived landed on his ass on the ground. Many laughed at seeing Potter's embarrassed meaning his bad luck was already starting. After class was done everyone headed to lunch to relax after their fun experience.

Pansy: Wow that was some thrill ride.

Blaise: I'll say I never knew flying would be so much fun even on a Hippogriff.

Ren: How did you girls enjoy the ride?

Eve: I had a wonderful time, I wouldn't mind going on another..however I wouldn't mind if you went with me.

Luna and Daphne: You don't mind do you?

Ren: Of course not, I do enjoy seeing my beloveds smile with excitement. Next time when I see Hagrid, I will ask him.

Draco: I didn't mind the flying on a Hippogriff though I still prefer a broomstick.

Ren: That's ok, some would get nervous when flying on a magical creature.

Minerva: Pardon me Mr.Palpatine.

Ren: Hello Professor McGongall. What can I do for you?

Minerva: You are needed in the headmasters office.

Ren: Wonder what the old goat wants.(Ren saids in thought)

Ren: Very well, I won't be long my friends.(Ren saids and leaves with Minerva)

Crabb: What do you think he wants with him?

Reva: I can tell it has something to do with Potter Jr. Must of lied about something to get Ren into trouble.

Luna: Don't worry Ren can handle himself, have faith in him.

Minerva and Ren headed down to hall and towards a hawk like statue when Minerva said the words lemon drop. Soon a stair case was form that leads upstairs towards the headmasters office. After walking up the steps, the two came into a large room where Ren looks to see Dumbledore along with the Potters how unfortunate and their little gremlin.

Dumbledore: Thank you for brining him, Minerva you may take your leaves now.

Minerva: Very well.(Minerva saids and leaves)

Ren: You wanted to see Headmaster.

Dumbledore: Yes my boy, please have a seat. Would care for a lemon drop.

Ren: No thank you sir, I just had my lunch. So what is this about if you don't mind me asking.

Dumbledore: It has come to my attention that James here is having difficulties with his class work and he needs someone to help him to get his grades up. We think you might be able to help him since you did marvelous in your classes and even helped out the teachers.

Ren: So you want me to tutor him? Why not his mother and father I mean after all they are the ones who are training him and surely they are more qualified to tutor their son. More importantly their son hates my guts along with my friends so I don't think he would want me to tutor him.


Ren: See what I mean. I am sure his mother and father or his friend Hermione Granger was it could give him the help he needs to achieve his goals. He is the boy who lived and people he knows and trust could help him fulfill his destiny.

Lily: I have to agree with him.

James Sr: Lilly you are not seriously letting this abomina....

Lily: JAMES! Do you not know who he is and where he comes from and you know who his father is don't you. If our son doesn't want to be tutor by Mr.Palpatine then he shouldn't. Maybe starting winter break we can give our son the tutor he needs and I saw his grades and they are not good at all.

James Jr: But mom I was going over Ron's place for winter break!

Lily: James you are failing each course, I thought we raised you better. I know you are the chosen one but you must also focus on your studies otherwise you cannot graduate with honors. You don't want to fail do you?

James Jr:

Lily: Then we will give you tutoring when winter break comes. If that is all right with you Albus.

Dumbledore: Hmm...very well then. Since you are the boys parents it will be your responsibility to teach and tutor him. And of course I will have miss Granger help him as well since she works so hard to get where she is.

Ren: Heh yea like thats hard to believe.(Ren saids in thought)

Dumbledore: James starting winter break, your mother and father will tutor you until your grades wise up am I clear.

James Jr: Yes sir.

Ren: Well if that's everything may I take my leave now.

Dumbledore: Of course, enjoy the rest of your day Mr.Palpatine.

Ren: Thank you. Oh Mr.Potter word of advice.

James Sr: What?

Ren: My family doesn't take kindly to insults just what you were about to say a while ago in which if you or your son do something the unthinkable you will have to not only deal with my father but the other lords themselves.

James Sr: Please what is that so called father of yours and those low life lords gonna do huh, shoot me with a bolt of lightning hahahaha. Learn your place boy and be praised for someone who defeated you know who.


Ren: You know you shouldn't have said those things.




The next thing everyone sees is James Sr getting shot by a bolt of electricity and sent flying into the book shelves that left Lily, James Jr, and Dumbledore in absolute shock but Ren knows who that attack came from in which he looked to see his father Sheeve Palpatine who pointed his wand at the idiot Potter who threaten his son.

Palpatine: You would be wise not to threaten my son Mr.Potter. We Palpatines are wise and cunning as well as show absolute respect but you and your so called chosen one show no respect or whats so ever. That is my warning if anyone dares threaten my family you will deal with me and the lords.

Lily: L...Lord Palpatine.......

James Jr: WHO DO YOU THINK YOU TALK.....MPH?!!!!(James didn't finish as his lips vanished from his face)

Palpatine: It would seem that the Potter boy needs to learn some discipline. Miss Potter I would advise you to keep that brat of child of your under control and away from my son and those close to him. Am I clear.

Lily: Yes....Lord Palpatine. Forgive me.

Dumbledore: Sheeve how long has it...

Palpatine: That's Lord Palpatine to you, Albus use it for now on. Come along my son, we are finished here.

Ren: Of course father.

Palpatine: Oh and Miss Potter your sons lips will come by the end of the day so don't worry about taking him to the hospital though you should take bastard of husband of yours there.

Lily: Y..yes sir.

Ren: Headmaster, Mrs.Potter, no lips Potter Jr, good day.

Ren and his father left the office and headed outside to talk with one another before Ren has to go back and take his next classes.

Ren: What brings you here, father?

Palpatine: I just came to see your progress my son, I can sense you are doing absolutely fantastic in your classes and I also heard you got to ride a Hippogriff.

Ren: Yea it was the best moment of my life father, you should have seen me.

Palpatine: Maybe one day I will but there is a matter we need to discuss.

Ren: What is it?

Palpatine: I sensed a vergence in the force.

Ren: A vergence you say, strange I been sensing something as well though it was close but then it went away. Was this around a person?

Palpatine: Two of them my son. Who happened to be close to your heart.

Ren: Wait you mean Luna and Daphne or do you mean Eve?

Palpatine: No it Greengrass and LoveGood. The force is strong with them. I have felt their presence after you came back from second year.

Ren: So thats what I was sensing. They have the force them. That makes them force sensitive.

Palpatine: Indeed my son. Though I do not believe they know what the force is nor have ever achieved to use it. I want you to watch them my son and see what they can do and if they have the force bring back to the manor so we can discuss terms for the future.

Ren: As you wish father. Though if they are what they are would they be trained in the ways of the Sith.

Palpatine: Yes they will but they will not become Sith lords but something else that I have foreseen in a vision. I will tell you when you return home for winter break.

Ren: I will await you, father. For now I must be going I have other classes to get too.

Palpatine: Very well, tell your friends and your beloveds I said hello. I must get back to the manor I have important duties to attend too.

Ren: Goodbye father.

Palpatine: Take care my son and remember your training.

Ren: I will. I always remember.(Ren saids and goes back to the castle)

Palpatine: A powerful Sith you will soon become, my son.

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