Chapter 21: Meeting Aragog!
After Ren discovered some intel from the diary that belonged to Tomas Riddle who was the one who opened the chamber of secrets 50 years ago, he still couldn't find where the chamber was located only pieces but he knows he will find the answers in due time. Speaking of which when he exposed Potter and Granger for what they tried to do in the Slytherin dormitory and got a good laugh of stunning them and erasing their memory of the incident, he along with his friends smirked at how both Potter and Granger were late for their classes and missed a whole lot of school work in which caused them to loose points for their house.
During the next couple days another attack happened in the school where a girl was attacked and that girl was Penelope Clearwater where the teachers found her petrified in the hallways. Ren himself discovered the girl in the hallways before the teachers found her and knew the basilisk targeted yet another person who was at wrong place at the wrong time, so basically Penelope was a mistake victim. Ren felt bad for the poor girl and was hoping the right victim would be either Potter or Lockhart because those two morons are an embarrassment to the wizarding world and would be a good laugh to see either of them petrified.
After the attack happened the teachers had all students returned to their dormitories while Ren however was invited over to Hagrid's hut for some tea tonight because in the letter he sent Ren, he wants to show the young Sith apprentice something extraordinary. It was night time at Hogwarts and Ren was walking down towards Hagrid's hut for tea as well as wants to know about the thing that Hagrid wants to show Ren.
Knock! Knock!(Ren knocks on the door and see's Hagrid opening it while holding a crossbow)
Hagrid: Ren, good to see you.
Ren: You too Hagrid. What's with the crossbow?
Hagrid: Been hearing things going on in school so I just thought I come prepared for what comes.
Ren: Understandable. Hope you don't mind I brought Kylo with me.
Kylo: Bark!
Hagrid: Not at all, and besides Fang here misses being around your wolf. Those two are already starting to become more like brothers. Please come in come in, I just have tea all warmed up.
Ren: Thank you Hagrid.
Ren walks inside and Kylo goes over to lay next Fang and the both of them were happy to see each other again. Ren sits down at the table while Hagrid brings over some snacks and some of his delicious tea.
Ren: When I got your letter Hagrid, you wanted me to come over for some tea but there was something else you wanted me to know or see.
Hagrid: Oh yes, you are quite right Ren. You see I asked if you want to come with me into the forest tonight because I am visiting an old friend of mine that I raised for years and I promised I visit him and his children time to time and it would be interesting for you to meet him and his family. Don't worry they will not harm you Ren, as long as I am around.
Ren: And who is this friend of yours if you don't mind me asking.(Ren saids while taking a sip of his tea)
Hagrid: Tell me something Ren, how much do you know about magical creatures?
Ren: I learned a lot about them in my studies Hagrid, I know mostly every magical creatures especially how they adapt in the wizarding world. Why you may ask?
Hagrid: That is because my friend is a magical creature, have you ever heard of Acromantula's.
Ren: I have, they grow in numbers from hundreds to thousands. They can easily speak human language perfectly and their diet is mainly flesh. They lived on the island of Borneo in south east Asia of the rainforest and have incredible strength and can grow up to 15 feet while the females however are much larger compared to the males. The species themselves were discovered in 1794 and an experimental breeding was found in 1965. While creating the webs they also have the ability to feel danger from the webbing like any other spider does. I been studying their species for quite some time with my father and the lords.
Hagrid: Very good Ren, you really do know your history of these spiders. My friends name is Aragog, King of the Acromantula.
Ren: Aragog? That's the same name that I have seen in the vision from the diary.(Ren saids in thought)
Hagrid: Aragog came to me from a distant land, the same land that you mentioned Ren. He was given to me by a traveller when he was just an egg and I spent the next couple years raising him. Until something happened in school and I had to take Aragog to the forest where he can be safe.
Ren: I take that something took place at that time and the teachers thought it was your friends fault but it wasn't so you decided to hide him away to keep him safe. If people of Hogwarts knew about him they would killed him.
Hagrid: Yes but luckily there was a student who stood up for me and gave me the idea to keep my friend safe and away from those who want to hurt him.
Ren: Well its good to know that you have friends to back you up. So how are we going to find your spider friend.
Hagrid: Why follow the spiders of course. There they are right now by the window.(Hagrid saids while pointing to some spider crawling out the window)
Ren: I see now.
After finishing their tea and snacks, Hagrid took a lantern and some raw meat because he told Ren that he is not only visiting his friend but also wants to feed his off spring to see how they are all doing. They headed outside the hut and began to follow the spiders into the forest.
Ren: What is he like? Your friend Aragog.
Hagrid: He is magnificent Ren, you will know once you see him.
Both of them headed deeper into the forest and followed the trail of spiders and then they came to a area where there was a lot of webbing meaning it was the spiders nest itself and all the little spiders under both Hagrid and Ren's feet were going into a large hole until a loud crush was heard as well as voice.
Who is it?
Ren: That would be Aragog.(Ren saids in thought)
Hagrid is that you?
Hagrid: Yes it Aragog.
Soon a giant spider came out of the hole to greet his long time friend in which Ren was in awe of the size of spider standing before him and Hagrid. Ren knows one that Hagrid said about his friend that he is definitely the most magnificent Acromantula he has ever seen.
Hagrid: Aragog, it is so good to see you again.
Aragog: Hagrid, my old friend it is good to see you as well. My sons and daughters have missed you.
Hagrid: I missed them as well, the little buggers have grown quite a lot since the last time I have seen them.
Aragog: Indeed, and who is this with you?
Hagrid: Oh this Ren Palpatine. Good friend and has a heart for magical creatures such as Acromantula's.
Ren: I am truly honored to be in your presence great king of the Acromantula's. Hagrid has told about you. Your appearance is most impressive.
Aragog: You have kind manners to my kind young one.
Hagrid: Ren why don't you get to know my friend while I go say hello to his kids, I hope the kids are hungry Aragog I brought their favorite.
Aragog: My sons and daughters always enjoyed you bringing them food Hagrid.
Hagrid: I wont be long Ren.
Ren: Take your time, besides I do wish to speak with your friend Aragog here while you attend to his children.
Hagrid smiles and brings the meat with him while the children of Aragog follows Hagrid to be fed leaving Ren with Aragog to talk.
Ren: I must say Aragog, you have a lot of amazing and strong children here. I always wanted to meet an actual Acromantual in person, I read all about your species.
Aragog: You know everything about us.
Ren: Everything, I like to read a lot.
Aragog: I see, I can sense that there is something that you wish to speak to me about.
Ren: There's been some attacks that have been happening in Hogwarts in which I know about as well as the beast.
Aragog: Yes the beast that lives in the castle. It is an ancient creature that we spiders fear before it.
Ren: I know about that, I found the creature in the book of ancient magical creatures. I also know what has happened 50 years ago but there was only pieces not the full story. I know that you were there long ago but did you by any chance seen the beast and what has happened when that girl died.
Aragog: No I have not seen the beast, the creature itself was born in the castle. Hagrid must of told you that I came from a distant land from a traveller when I was just an egg. I haven't seen any part of the castle except for the box in which Hagrid kept me, I heard the news about a girl who died in a bathroom and when the people of that school thought I was that beast who killed the girl, a friend of Hagrid's came and told him to bring me to keep me safe until the incident that took place 50 years ago was over.
Ren: I see, but what of the girl. By any chance did you see anyone else besides her or did you not see her.
Aragog: I had a small glimpse of the girl before she died. She was running away from in tears from a group of students who were making fun of her and thats the last time I saw her.
Ren: So there were others.
Aragog: Why do you ask of this?
Ren: Let's just say I seen all of it in a vision, I saw the body of the girl as well as someone who was warning Hagrid and that he must have you be taken somewhere to be kept safe.
Aragog: You have seen the incident that took place 50years ago where the friend of Hagrid warned him about what happened to the girl and that I was responsible for it in which I wasn't.
Ren: Yes, but I also know for a fact that the beast was suppose to kill those who were after that girl because I believe that what that friend of Hagrid said that they got in the way and he felt bad for what happened to that girl who died in a bathroom. My best guess is that the beast was suppose to kill those group of students who abused their magic for their own selfish needs.
Aragog: Interesting so the beast made a mistake of killing the wrong person.
Ren: I'm afraid so, but what I am trying to find out is where the beast is hidden because it lyes with a place called the chamber of secrets. I have search the castle but could not find where it lyes.
Aragog: Perhaps retracing your steps young one, the beast appeared over 50 years ago the same years that the chamber was opened, as well as where the girl who died in a bathroom.
Ren: I think you just gave me the idea of where the chamber is located. Thank you, Aragog.
Aragog: Tell me, once you find the chamber what then?
Ren: That's the thing, for some reason I been hearing voices two of them actually one sounded like the beast and other sounded like a man but ancient in which both said that I must seek the chamber and that all secrets will be revealed once I find it.
Aragog: It would seem that you have a purpose when you find the chamber of secrets.
Ren: I believe I do. Also on my word I will keep you and your children a secret away from the school, your kind deserves to be free and live in peace.
Aragog: I thank you for keeping myself and my children secret, Hagrid did the same when he first brought me here.
Ren was about to say something else when all of sudden he felt something touching him on his hand and looked to see a cute little white spider that looked like a tiny little sheep.
Ren: And who might you be little one.(Ren saids while having the little spider come into his hands)
Aragog: I see that my adopted daughter has taken I liking to you.
Ren: Adopted daughter?
Aragog: Yes, her family was killed long ago and one of my children found her alone and I took it upon myself to raise her as one of my own. Her name is Blanche, her species are called AcroJumpers.
Ren: So basically she is like those jumping spiders, ones that like to leap around place to place.
Aragog: Yes.
Ren: It's nice to meet yo Blanche, I am Ren.
Blanche sticks out her leg in which Ren gave the little spider a light finger handshake to show his respect. Blanche then leaped onto Ren's shoulder and cuddled into his neck. Ren smiled at the cute spider and gave her some small pets.
Aragog: Hmm..I have never seen my adopted daughter act this way before. This is the first time she has ever interacted with a human.
Ren: I don't know what it is that draws her to me but I think she is very adorable especially when I give her small pets.
Aragog: Tell me something do you have a familiar by chance.
Ren: I do, I have a black wolf named Kylo, when I first got him I sensed a connection towards him and I, a bond that cannot be broken. Why you ask?
Aragog: I believe that Blanche wishes to be your familiar, the way she is snuggling into your neck like that makes perfect sense. She has always asked to have a friend other than her brothers and sisters.
Ren: I do feel a connection within her and I don't mind having more than one familiar joining me. Blanche do you wish to be my second familiar.
Blanche let out a small purr meaning yes and gave Ren more cuddles on his cheek that made Ren smile that he gained another familiar and it was species of magical spiders that was new to him.
Aragog: Take good care of her.
Ren: I will sir, I will also allow her to visit you and her siblings time to time.
Aragog: That would be fine, I will not have my sons and daughter attack you because I trust you Ren Palpatine. Blanche stay close to your new master and he will keep you safe.
Blanche hops down from Ren and goes over towards her adopted father and gives me a cuddle showing that she will see him again as well as her brothers and sisters when Ren comes to visit again.
Ren: Oh how big does she get?
Aragog: She will stop growing until she is the size of Hagrid's dog Fang. That's how her species grow in nature while my kind grow larger in size.
Ren: Thank you for this information.
Hagrid: Everything all right here?
Ren: Oh yes Hagrid, everything is fine. Aragog was introducing me to his adopted daughter here who is also my new familiar.(Ren saids while holding up Blanche in his hands)
Hagrid: Why if isn't little Blanche, look how big you grown. Still as adorable as ever I see. Also congratulations on becoming Ren's familiar, he will take good care of you princess.
Ren: I will, I made Aragog I promise that I will.
Hagrid: That's wonderful, though I think it's about time I take you back to the castle.
Ren: Very well, it was truly a pleasure to meet you Aragorn, I look forward to our next meeting.
Aragog: Goodbye Ren Palpatine, friend of Hagrid's. I will see you again my daughter, stay close to your master and he will make sure nothing happens to you.
Hagrid and Ren waved goodbye to Aragog and his children and headed out of the forest with a brand new companion who is sleeping peacefully inside Ren's robe pocket. Ren thanked Hagrid for the tea and snacks as well taking him to meet Aragog, now both him and Kylo headed back into the castle to get some rest as well as Ren finding out where he can find the chamber of secrets now. Before he and Kylo can go back to the dormitory he was stopped by none other than Potter Jr and Granger again which Ren rolled his eyes at seeing the two idiots again.
James Jr: Well well, look who it is the slimy snake.
Ren: You really need to come up with a better line Potter because you saying the same thing over and over again has become tiresome.
Hermione: Where were you coming from?
Ren: Why should I tell either of you anything?
James Jr: Because I'm the...
Ren: James Evans Potter Jr, The Fat Who Boy Who Shit In Dumbledores Hat or is it James Evans Potter Jr, The Fat Boy Who Got Rapped By A Sex Bull.
James Jr face went completely red after hearing those words sex bull and when he got rapped by his own creation he could hardly sleep without thinking about bulls and being rapped for the first time. He couldn't feel his legs for a whole month and the students made fun of him and his stupidity.
Hermione: That is very rude!! You should never say that to our savior.
Ren: Savior? Please he's nothing more than a showoff who crazy over fame and fortune while thinking his superior to others in which he is not.
James Jr: I report you to a teacher!!!
Ren: For what?
James Jr: You out late at night so ha!!!
Ren: Wow he is stupid.(Ren saids in thought)
Kylo: Grrrrrrrr.....
James Jr kicked Kylo in the face that made Ren angry until the heard of the wolf cry was heard from two teachers coming down the hall and saw the three students. The teachers were Professor Black and Lupin.
Sirius: What is going on here?
Hermione: Professor's Black and Lupin....we...were just..
Ramous: Don't bother saying anything miss Granger, we saw everything happening. 100 points will be taken away from Gryffindor and detention with us for what you did mister Potter.
James Jr: What?!!! What the fuck did I do?!!!
Sirius: Be silent mister Potter and keep that foul tongue behind your teeth. You're just like the arrogant father of yours. I saw what you did to this students familiar and I must I say I am disgusted of what a student like you did to that poor creature.
Hermione: But why aren't you giving Palpatine detention or taking points away from him, he is out late at night.
Ren: If you would let me explained before you two Gryffindor nut jobs interrupted, I was invited to have another tea time with Hagrid in which I have his letter right here and his signature. I always bring something that is signed from a teacher or someone who works at Hogwarts to let others know where I have been.
Sirius: May I see the letter.
Ren hands Sirius the letter from Hagrid and reads it and saw the gate keepers name meaning everything checks out ok.
Ramous: That's Hagrid's handwriting all right. You may head back to your dormitory Mr.Palpatine.
Ren: Thank you sir. Are you all right Kylo.
Kylo: Bark!(Kylo saids in a bark saying that he is all right)
Ren: Good to see that you are all right. Come on let get some sleep. Professors Black and Lupin, have a nice night.
Sirius: You as well.(Sirius saids as Ren smiles and leaves with Kylo)
Ramous: Now as for you two, 100 points will be taken away for each of you and you will have detention with both Black and I are we understood.
Hermione: Yes...professor.
James Jr: Stupid snake...stupid dick-head teachers..
Sirius: Now that would be 200 points taken away and two months of detention Mr.Potter.
James Jr: WHAT THE FUCK???!!!!
Sirius and Ramous: How this be the son of James and Lily Potter.(Both said in thought)
Sirius and Ramous dragged both Potter and Granger into the room to discuss their punishment while Potter while screaming and yelling like a little cry baby that Ren saw before he headed back to the dormitory with Kylo. Ren checked Kylo and saw that there was not injury but Kylo was pissed that Potter kicked him and wants revenge. Ren will give Kylo his revenge at the right time. For now it was time to slumber and starting tomorrow night Ren is going to seek out the chamber of secrets and thanks to the information that Aragog gave him, he finally figured out where he can find the secret hidden chamber in the castle.
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