Chapter 20: The Diary of Tom Riddle!
After the dueling club that ended with Potter Jr getting raped by his own spell, Ren decided to send a letter to his father that he will be spending the holidays at Hogwarts because he wants to stay and find more information about the chamber of secrets in which his father didn't mind his son staying at school but to make sure to keep his guard up and let no one stand in his way. Christmas came and all the students were out enjoying the holidays with their friends and family except for Potter Jr and his bushy haired friend Hermione decided to remain at the school because they too want to know about the chamber of secrets and are still worried about their red hair friend who is still petrified.
In the great hall Ren was with his two girlfriends Eve and Luna who were talking about any luck finding the chamber but no such luck yet since Eve and Luna informed Ren that they searched the water systems of the school and couldn't find anything.
Ren: So nothing at all girls?
Eve: Sorry Ren, there was nothing to be found, I doubled checked many water systems and couldn't find nothing.
Luna: Don't worry I am sure something will turn up, maybe we just need more information.
Ren: You could be right, have you girls checked the bathroom that is abandoned.
Eve: Not yet though some students wouldn't dare enter that bathroom.
Ren: Why's that?
Luna: Moaning Myrtle of course.
Ren: Moaning Myrtle?
Luna: In the history books my love, Moaning Myrtle better known as Myrtle Warren was a Hogwarts student here over 50 years ago and apparently she died long ago and the sources that cause her death were unknown to her. They say she killed herself or was bullied by others that caused her death. She died in a bathroom, the same bathroom that no one goes in like Eve said.
Ren: I might have to look into this bathroom when I get the chance. For now we need to keep an eye on Potter Jr and Granger there.(Ren saids while pointing at Potter and Granger at the other table)
Eve: Why's that Ren?
Ren: They are planning something, and I get the feeling they are gonna do something stupid. Potter should have went home with his parents but now decided to stay here, I bet everyone in school is talking about how he got humiliated after being rapped by his own spell.
Eve: Hehehe did you see the way he was limping into the hall just a couple hours ago. I guess that bull did a number on him.
Ren: That boy ain't going to be right ever again and no girl would ever want to be with a fat slub like Potter not even one whose been rapped by a bull. Every time he sees meat that is made from bull, he would scream the words no more bulls, no more bulls over and over again.
Eve and Luna: So true.
Ren: By the way Daphne told me that she will be visiting her family for Christmas, but I promised her that she can come over my place during the summer and of course you girls can come too, my father has his approval.
Luna: I would love to see the home where you grew up my shadow.
Eve: I already seen it though I would love to visit during the summer.
Ren: It would give me some time for myself to spend time with the women in my life while also training my skills.
Before Ren saids something else he over hears Potter Jr and Granger speaking to each other about some kind of potion as well as mentioning Crabbe and Goyal which includes integrating Draco which gave Ren a suspension that those two Gryffindors are definitely up to something. Ren then hears Granger about using cupcakes filled with something that will make a person fall asleep, then hears Granger say that her and Potter would have to hide Crabb and Goyal in the broom closet and pull out some of their hairs and get their uniforms. After Granger spoke to Potter about their plan, the both of them headed out to work on their idea while Ren decided to see what they are up too in which he attends to foil their plan.
Ren: Hey girls I am gonna do something, though I am gonna need to chat with Crabbe and Goyal.
Eve: All right me and Luna are heading back to the dormitory to celebrate Christmas with Pansy and the girls.
Ren: I will see you girls later on. Happy Christmas.
Eve and Luna: Happy Christmas Ren 💋.(Both said and kiss Ren on the lips before leaving the great hall)
Ren: Hey Crabbe, Goyal I need to speak with you two.(Ren saids to the two Slytherins with small cakes in their hands)
Goyal: What is it Ren?
Ren: Potter Jr and Granger are up to something and they got you two involved.
Crabbe: What do they want?
Ren: They want to knock you two out while using some cupcakes that Granger made that is filled with sleeping powder and once your both unconscious they will drag you into the broom closet and pluck out some of your hairs because I get the feeling they want to do something and I over heard Granger said something a potion.
Goyal: Should we tell Professor Snape?
Ren: No I want to know what those two idiots are after, so hows about we foil their plan and after that we expose them and get them into trouble.
Crabbe: What do you want us to do?
Ren: I can tell that both of them set up the cupcakes outside the great hall by now, so pretend to eat them and think that you guys are enjoying them and once they get the idea both of you fake your faints and allow them to drag you into the broom closet and pluck some of your hairs. After that I will come and get you two and we go to the Slytherin dormitory before they get there.
Goyal: We're in.
Crabbe: I would like to make Potter look like much bigger bigger fool now.
Ren: Let's get started shall we.
Both Crabbe and Goyal headed outside acting like normal thinking they are enjoying themselves until they spotted the cupcakes that Ren mentioned to them. Behind a statue near the great hall was both Potter Jr and Granger awaiting for the right moment for the two Slytherin's to get knocked out.
Crabbe and Goyal nod to each other and pretended to eat the cupcakes in their hands while trying to make sure Potter and Granger fall for it and it did when Crabbe and Goyal pretended too faint to the ground. Potter and Granger came out of their hiding place and dragged both Slytherins to the broom closet with Ren following them behind to make sure he cannot be seen by them.
Ren: The plan is going perfectly.
Ren followed Potter and Granger where he looked to see them putting the two Slytherins into the broom closet and pluck some of their hairs. After they were done, they close the door and left until Ren came and unlocked the door for Crabbe and Goyal to come out.
Ren: All right the plan is working, head back to the dormitory while I find out what Potter and Granger are up to. Hide in your rooms until I call for you.
Goyal: Right, come on Crabbe let's go.
Crabbe: Oh this is going to be good.
Ren uses his invisible spell like before and follows both Potter and Granger into the what appears to be the bathroom that both Eve and Luna mentioned and once there he looks to see the two Gryffindors wearing Slytherin clothes as well as sees a sink and some cups filled with some kind of disgusting potion probably Granger made herself.
Hermione: Now we only have a couple hours before transform back.
James Jr: You sure this would work?
Hermione: It has too. Now add the hairs.(Hermione saids while both her and James Jr add the hairs from both Crabbe and Goyal)
Ren: Transform she said, I guess that potion allows a person to change into something or someone basically Crabbe and Goyal.(Ren saids in thought while watching)
Hermione: Cheers.
Both Hermione and James Jr drank the potion and when they finished it, both looked sick to the stomach that made Ren think that the potion was not made correctly.
James Jr: I...I think I am going to be sick!
Hermione: too....
Both headed into the toilets to throw up while Ren sneaks over to see what potion Granger made in which was a potion called PolyJuice and judging by the smell of it, Ren can see that Granger made it wrong and he can probably tell it would taste awful. Ren then heard the toilet doors open and out came both Potter and Granger who were both turned into Crabbe and Goyal doubles.
Crabbe(Hermione): J..James?
Goyal(James Jr): Hermione?
Crabbe(Hermione): By Merlin this feels so weird.
Goyal(James Jr): I could say the same thing, though I feel a lot taller now.
Crabbe(Hermione): And we still sound like ourselves, I need to start acting more like Crabbe and you need you act more like Goyal.
Ren: So that is their plan, disguise themselves as Crabbe and Goyal to get into the Slytherin dormitory though what this have to do with Draco, might as well as follow them more and know.(Ren saids in thought)
Crabbe(Hermione): Come on we need to find the Slytherin dormitory.
Both Potter and Granger left with Ren on their tails while still invisible. He followed them down to the dungeons where the Slytherin dormitory is located until both Potter and Granger were stopped by Percy Weasley the school prefect.
Percy: Excuse me.
Crabbe(Hermione): What are you doing down here?
Percy: I happened to be a school prefect, you on the other hand have no business running around the castle at this time of day. What were your names again?
Ren decided to make his appearance to them where he canceled his invisible spell and came out of hiding and walked towards the three.
Ren: Their names are Crabbe and Goyal, school prefect. They were suppose to meet me and my friend at the dormitory but it seems that got lost.
Percy: Ah Ren good to see again.
Ren: You too Percy, I will have these two taken back to the dormitory myself and I will wont let them wonder off in the castle again at this night.
Percy: Knowing you Ren, I am sure they will listen.
Ren: Oh they will, Crabbe, Goyal follow me back to the dormitory.
Both Potter and Granger followed Ren back to the dormitory while glaring behind his head but Ren knows that and smirks that he is going to enjoy exposing these two nitwits. As soon as they got to the door, Draco came walking by to see his best friend along with the fake Crabbe and Goyal.
Draco: Ren there you are I was looking for you. Also Crabbe, Goyal where have you two been peeking out of the great hall all this time.
Crabbe(Hermione): We were in the library reading.
Draco: Reading? I didn't know you two could read?
Ren: Come, let's head into the dorm and talk.
Ren saids the password to for the door to open and both him along with Draco and the fake Crabbe and Goyal headed towards the fire place to sit down. Both Ren and Draco took their seats while the fakes stood standing.
Draco: Well, sit down. I heard about what happened to the Weasley, the one who got petrified I thought he was suppose to be pureblooded like the rest of his family but in the end he turned out be waste of time and sorry excuse of a wizard. He is embarrassment to the wizarding word.
Ren: I agree though his brothers have more backbone than he does not to mention they both think their little brother is nothing more than a stuck up fool. Kind of like that Granger girl from Gryffindor.(Ren saids in which Hermione Crabbe cracked her hand into fist)
Draco: What's the matter with you Crabbe?
Crabbe(Hermione): Stomachache.
Draco: You know, I'm surprised that the daily prophet hasn't done a report on all these attacks.
Ren: I bet Dumbledore isn't probably not doing anything to stop it.
Draco: Indeed, I bet Dumbledore is trying to hush it all up. My father always said that Dumbledore was the worst thing that ever happened to this place.
Goyal(James Jr): You're wrong!
Draco: What? You think there is someone here that is who's than Dumbledore? Well, do you?
Goyal(James Jr): James Potter Jr.
Draco: Good one Goyal, you're absolutely right. Saint Potter, and people actually think that he destroyed you know who or think that he could be better the heir of Slytherin.
Ren: Heh heir of Slytherin. Draco come on you really think that moron can be the heir of anything probably the heir of who can't even come up with a single spell and spends most of his times bragging about how famous he and his family is. Though you might be right on something how could that boy defeat an all powerful wizard like you know who, I mean really.
Draco: Hm I suppose you make a good point there Ren.
Crabbe(Hermione): But then you must have some idea of who's behind it all?
Draco: You know I don't Goyal, I told you yesterday. How many times do I have to tell you?
Ren: I don't even know the answer myself except for that speech that McGongall gave out during class about the chamber.
Draco: I did know something that my father said to me once it happened a long time ago. He said that it's been 50 years since the chamber was opened and he wouldn't tell me who opened it only that they were expelled. The last time the chamber of secrets was opened a girl died but no one knows what caused her death. I think it's only a matter of time before another student is killed my guess it's probably students who treat magic like a play thing and use their power for their own selfish needs.
Ren: Who do you think it's going be next Draco?
Draco: I don't know but I hope it's either Potter or Granger.
Both Potter Goyal and and Granger Crabbe shot up from their seats that got Draco confused of why the two are acting strange for some reason but Ren knows why.
Draco: What's the matter with you two? You're acting very odd?
Goyal(James Jr): It's just his stomachache....calm down.
Ren looked to see that both fakes were changing back to their normal selves in which Ren took out his wand and shot a spell at them that left Draco in shock.
Ren: Stuefy!
Ren shot his stun spell at the fakes and they went flying towards the stairs where Draco along with some of the Slytherin students like Reva, Eve, Pansy, and Luna saw what happened.
Draco: Ren, what did you do?
Ren: Draco, my fellow snakes I believe we have some unwanted trespassers here in our dormitory. Look familiar?(Ren saids while turning both the fake Crabbe and Goyal who are now changed back into James Potter Jr and Hermione Granger)
Pansy: Potter and Granger?!
Reva: What the heck are they doing here?
Draco: And where is Crabbe and Goyal?
Ren: I will tell you, Crabbe, Goyal you two can come down now.
Out came the real Crabbe and Goyal who were waiting in the bedroom until Ren gave out the signal to come out.
Ren: Looks like we know what these two were after.
Draco: Can someone explain to me what is going on here.
Ren: I over heard both Potter and Granger talking about integrating you to spoil some information about the chamber of secrets thinking that you were the heir of Slytherin but no such luck for them I am afraid so they can up with a plan to drug both Crabbe and Goyal and drink themselves a PollyJuice potion to allow them to transform into Crabbe and Goyal to get into the Slytherin dorm and get the information they want. Also I knew from the insults we discussed about Potter, Granger and Weasley couple minutes I knew they were not the real Crabbe and Goyal.
Goyal: Ren had us in on this idea of plan to expose them.
Crabbe: And it worked.
Pansy: Figures those two idiots would do something like this.
Draco: Potter and Granger unbelievable.
Reva: The real question is, what do we do with them?
Ren: I will use my magic to erase their memories and then we can just throw them into a broom closet like they did with Crabbe and Goyal. But first I am going to feed them these cupcakes filled with sleeping powder the same ones that Crabbe and Goyal pretended to eat.
Luna: Very clever idea Ren.
Ren smirked and gave the two morons the cupcakes and made them swallow them then used an erasing spell to make sure they forget about the whole plan and what took place in the dormitory. Ren had the idiots into to the broom closet where they will stay there until morning comes. Ren smirked that this will teach Potter and Granger a lesson not to mess with Slytherin. After Ren finished business with Potter and Granger, he went to head back to the dormitory when all of sudden he see's a large flood of water on the ground
Ren: Hm..I wonder what this is?
Ren followed the stream of water down the hall and it was coming from the bathroom where Ren found Potter and Granger drinking that PollyJuice potion. When he entered the bathroom, he looked see the sinks over flowing with water but then heard someone crying and it sound like a girl. He walked over and saw what appears to be a girl ghost but she looked like a Hogwarts student.
Ren: Pardon me miss but are you all right?
Huh...whose there?
Ren: Hello there, my name is Ren Palpatine. I just walked in here and saw the sinks are over flowing with water but then I heard someone upset would that be you. Why are you crying?
Do you come to throw something at me?
Ren: Hm? Why would I throw something at you?
Don't ask I am, minding my own business, and someone thinks it's funny to throw a book at me.
Ren: Well I think it's rude for someone to throw a book at you. Because someone as gentle and kind as you should never get hit with a book or something else. Whoever this person is, they do not know how to treat a lady with respect. have very nice manners. You're probably the first person who came to see me while others stood away.
Ren: May I know your name miss.
Myrtle they call me..while some just calling Moaning Myrtle.
Ren: Myrtle as in like Myrtle Warren.
Myrtle: You know of me?
Ren: It was said that you died in a bathroom 50 years ago of unknown cause, I get the feeling that the truth about what happen to you was remained a secret during that time.
Myrtle: It happen so fast that I couldn't hardly remember that much, one moment I was just crying my eyes out on the toilet and the next thing I know I died.
Ren: Life and death are a mystery. You said somebody threw a book at you, did you see who it was?
Myrtle: I don't know, I didn't see them. I was just sitting in the bathroom thinking about death and it fell through the top of my head.
Ren: Sorry that happened to you Myrtle. By any chance where is this book that hit you?
Myrtle: It's right over there by the toilets.(Myrtle saids while pointing at black book on floor)
Ren went over and picked up the book in which he opened it and saw it blank in all the pages for some reason until he saw a name on the back of it that said Tom Marvolo Riddle.
Ren: I will take take this book with me, Myrtle it will never fall on your head again. And if I find this person who through it at you, I will make sure they wont do it again.
Myrtle: Oh hehehe...thank you Ren. I feel a lot better now.
Ren: I'll come by again to see you, if you wanna talk some more.
Myrtle: I would like that Ren.
Ren said to goodnight to Myrtle and headed back to the Slytherin dormitory where all of his snakes were fast asleep except for Ren who wanted to check out the diary that he found that belong to Tom Riddle.
Ren: Hm there seems to be no words on this, I wonder.
Ren took out a feather pen and some ink and was about to write something in the diary when all of sudden an ink drop onto the page of the diary and the next thing that happened it disappeared without a trace.
Ren: Seems like this diary is magic. Let's see what happens, maybe I will write to the owner of this diary and see what comes up. Greetings Tom Marvolo Riddle, my name is Ren Palpatine.
Ren wrote his name and the name of the person who owned the diary and the next thing he saw was his name vanishing and replace with a hello back from the owner of the diary, Tom Riddle.
Ren: Mr.Riddle I was wondering do you know anything about a hidden chamber in Hogwarts known as the chamber of secrets?
Ren replied to Tom in which he said yes to Ren that he knows about the chamber of secrets.
Ren: I know you will say no to my next question but if you can't tell me tell me about it but instead is there possibly a way you can show me of what happened?
Tom replied back to Ren saying that he can show me in which he will take him back to 50 years ago the same years that the chamber was opened. Soon the diary was engulfed in a large bright light that took Ren into the diary itself and traveled back to Hogwarts 50 years ago. Ren arrived in a vision of the past where he was standing a hallway of the school and went to explore until he saw a person standing near the steps.
Ren: He must be Tom Riddle. He can't possibly hear me due the fact this is a vision of the past, might as well learn what I can.
Ren looked at the direction Tom was looking at where he and him see some wizards bringing down what appears to be the body of a person who must of died in which Ren saw the look on Tom's face that he felt bad for until he was called by known other than Dumbledore himself.
Dumbledore: Riddle, come.
Tom: Professor Dumbledore.
Dumbledore: It is not wise to be wondering around this late hour Tom.
Tom: Yes professor, I..I suppose..I had to see for myself if the rumors were true.
Dumbledore: I am afraid they are Tom. They are true.
Tom: About the school as well? I really wouldn't have a home if they really close Hogwarts down would they would they professor.
Dumbledore: I understand Tom, but I am afraid that Headmaster Dippet had no choice.
Tom: Sir it will stop if the person responsible was caught.
Dumbledore: Is there something you wish to tell me?
Tom: No sir, nothing.
Dumbledore: Very well then, off you go.
Tom: Good night sir.
Ren follows Tom after he saids his goodnight to the old goat and while walking down the halls Ren heard Tom whisper to himself about something that happened.
Tom: Those fools shouldn't got in the way, now because of that they caused that girl to die. I should have called it off but I came too late. Now they might blame Hagrid for all of this.
Ren: Hagrid?(Ren saids in thought)
Ren follows Tom again towards the dungeon area and towards a door where Tom enters and inside was a young Hagrid and something inside a chest that he was looking at before Tom came in.
Tom: Good evening Hagrid.
Hagrid: Tom, what brings you here?
Tom: I am afraid your friend there is no longer safe in the castle, a student has died today and they might think your friend is responsible for the girls death.
Hagrid: What but Aragog wouldn't nobody.
Tom: I know he wouldn't but if they find out about him being in the school, he will not be safe here. Hagrid he needs to be taken somewhere so that no one can find or harm him.
Hagrid: Are you certain of this?
Tom: The girls parents will be here soon and if they found out about anything or what killed their daughter it will be took late.
Hagrid: But where will Aragog go?
Tom: The forest, it's the most safest place he can be kept. No one will dare enter there.
Hagrid: Would I still be able to see him.
Tom: Of course you will, just let nobody catch you seeing him. This is for the best Hagrid until things settle down.
Hagrid:..Very well. When should I take him?
Tom: Wait until you return to your hut and once you are in the clear bring your spider to the dark forest where he can be free and you will still be able to visit time to time.
Hagrid: All right Tom.
After getting some information, Ren was feeling pulled out of the diary and when he arrived back in the Slytherin dormitory he pondered on the what he saw and heard from.
Ren: I think it was Tom Riddle who opened the chamber of secrets 50 years ago, and the girl who died was probably Myrtle but Tom felt bad about her death and said those fools got in the way in which ended up in Myrtles death so I think Myrtle's death was mistake and the ones who suppose to die those years ago got away. And then Tom went to Hagrdi to warn him that the school might think that this Aragog which is a spider would be responsible for Myrtle's death. Tom defended Hagrid to allow his spider friend to live so the incident that took place would end.
Even though Ren found information about what happened 50 years ago, he still didn't know where the chamber of secrets was located and so he will need to keep on searching for it. Ren then saw his familiar Kylo coming towards him to see if his master was all right.
Kylo: Bark!
Ren: Hey Kylo, sorry I was just reading a book, don't worry I'm all right. Come on it's time for bed.
Ren and Kylo headed up back into the male bedroom where Ren put on his sleeping clothes and Kylo laying on the side of the bed for his master to sleep. Ren then tucked in the diary of Tom Riddle so nobody can find it because something like this dairy has to be kept a secret.
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