Chapter 17: History of The Chamber of Secrets and The Monster within!

The following day Ren and his friends went to their class where Professor McGonagall is teaching. Everyone who was in her class had to bring their familiars with them and Ren always knows that Kylo likes to be around his owner as well as his friends. Right now all the students arrived on time for the professor to begin class in which they were going to turn animals into goblets. Ren knows about this subject since he practiced it lots of times with his familiar and gotten quite good at it.

McGonagall: Could I have your attention please. Right now today we will be transforming animals into water goblets. Like so, now watch closely everyone one..two..three...Vera Verto.

Everyone was in awe of what they were looking at even Ren who knows the spell though was impressed with the water goblet that the professor has created.

McGonagall: Now it is your turn. Well who would like to go first? Oh Mr.Palpatine, one..two..three Vera Verto.

Ren: Strangest thing is professor I already know this spell.

McGonagall: Have you now.

Ren: When you have a manor with a library filled with so many spell books you attend to learn quite a lot.

McGonagall: Just like your father, he was always the reading type.

Ren: Indeed he is professor, now onto the spell. Kylo if you would.

Kylo heard his owner speak and did what he was told in which he got up and sat up straight so that he can be used to do the spell. McGonagall was impressed of how loyal and respectful Ren's familiar responded.

Ren: Vera Verto.

Ren said the spell and seconds later Kylo turned into a magnificent water goblet that left the room in awe while some like Granger, Weasley and Potter annoyed. McGonagall however was very impressed with the display and the spell that made her smile.

McGonagall: Excellent work Mr.Palpatine ten points to Slytherin.

Ren: Thank you Professor.

Eve/Luna/Daphne: Thats my lover.(All said in thought while loving their boyfriends genius)

McGonagall: Now who else would like to go next, hm hows about you Mr.Kenobi.

Ben: Me or Anakin professor?

McGongall: Hm..why not the both of you and lets see if you both can do it together.

Anakin: I am all right with that.

Ben: Very well, shall we Anakin.

Anakin: You read my mind.

Both Ben and Anakin took out their wands and pointed them at their familiars which were a silver eagle and hawk.

Ben and Anakin: Vera Verto.

Ren saw his two new friends do the spell and he was amazed of their teamwork as well as being patient. After the spell both Ben's and Anakin's familiars turned into beautiful water goblets that made everyone in the room in awe except for the three idiots Potter, Weasley and Granger.

McGonagall: Marvelous work to the both of you ten points to Ravenclaw. Who else would like to have a go, Mr.Weasley one..two..three..Vera Verto.

Ron: Cough...Vera Verto.(Ron saids to turn his rat into a goblet but comes out the wrong way due to his broken wand)

Admittedly all the classmates and other student start to giggle after seeing what Weasley has done to his rat that is a goblet but a goblet still covered with fur and a tail.

Ren: Wow that is so embarrassing.

Draco: Weasley definitely needs to get a new wand. Say what would happen if he uses an obliterate spell.

Ren: That would back fire and the spell will hit him instead making him forget who he is and those who knew him.

McGonagall: That wand needs replacing Mr.Weasley.

Daphne: Pardon me Professor.

McGonagell: Yes miss Greengrass?

Daphne: I was wondering if you could tell us more about this place, know as the Chamber of Secrets.

Ren: Now this would be interesting to listen to as well as know more about this chamber.(Ren saids in thought)

McGonagall: Very all know of course that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age. Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin.

Ren: I read all about them in my studies, very wise wizards and witches and not to mentioned great allies to the Sith.(Ren saids in thought)

McGonagall: Now three of the founders coexisted quite harmoniously, however one in protocolar chose his own path.

Ren: Salzar Slytherin.

McGonagall: Correct Mr.Palpatine, Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed magical learning should be kept within all magic families in other words purebloods. Unable to sway the others, so he decided to leave the school, now according to legend Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle know as the Chamber of Secrets fell shortly before departing Salazar himself sealed it until that time when his own true heir returned to the school. The heir alone would be able to open the chamber and unleash of what lies within and by so doing purge the school of all those who in Slytherin's view who are unworthy to study magic.

Hermione: Muggleborns?

McGonagall: At first yes but no if the heir ever returned to the school and unleash of what is inside the chamber the one will purge of those who betrayed others as well as drove to peak of extinction. But mostly to take revenge of those who treat magic like it's a play thing as well as abuse their magic for their own doing. Well, naturally the school has been searched many times and no such chamber has been found.

Daphne: Professor what does the legend tell that lies within the Chamber of Secrets?

McGonagell: The chamber itself is to be the home of something that only the heir of Slytherin can control and it has been resting for hundreds of years but to who knows it would be awaken. The legends spoke is the home of a great beast.

Ren: A beast she says...I might have to look up information about ancient magical beasts in the library.(Ren saids in thought)

Draco: You think something like that could exist Ren?

Ren: I am not sure Draco, though I might as well do some research and see what I can find that is if the chamber is real or not nor this great beast the lies within the chamber itself.

After class was finished and Ren along with his friends were able to earn more points for their houses they left while some like wanted to know if the chamber of secrets is real or not in which Ren believes there is such a chamber and he plans to find out for himself as well as do some research on the beast the lies within in the chamber of secrets. While they were all walking together they heard Potter and his two minions talking about the chamber as well and thinking that Draco is the heir which Ren was laughing on the inside at seeing how clueless the three trio are thinking that Ren's best friend is the heir but it is Ren who is the heir since he took his inheritance test years ago making him the heir but he also knows that Lord Voldemort is the heir included so Ren couldn't decided which one shall be the heir.

Ron told his friends that he is going to the library to study while Eve along with Luna decided to tag a long while Daphne decided to go with her friends and spend time with and promises to save a spot for Ren when they have lunch together.

Luna: What are we looking for my love?

Ren: A book on ancient magical creatures, it is said that they have a book about on them here. Split up and see if either of you can find it while I have a look around.

Eve: Sure thing my knight.

The girls and Ren walked around the sections to find the book on ancient magical creatures in which there was tones of different books to choose from until Ren looked to see Professor Lupin in one of the sections and maybe ask him if he knows if there is a book on ancient magical creatures.

Ren: Excuse me Professor Lupin.

Lupin: Hm? Oh Mr.Palpatine splendid to see you here. What can I do for you?

Ren: I was wondering if there is a book on ancient magical creatures. I was hoping if you can help me find it.

Lupin: Why of course I can as a matter of fact I happen to know where to look for it. Follow me if you would please.

Ren: Thank you Professor.

Lupin and Ren walked together and into a section where Lupin looked and found the book that contained information of every ancient magical creature in the wizard world. Lupin took out the book and Ren saw it was the book he was looking for.

Lupin: Here you are Mr.Palpatine this book contains all of the magical creatures of the wizard world from ancient times.

Ren: I really appreciate the help professor thank you.

Lupin: My pleasure Mr.Palpatine, and I must say I am very impressed with your skills and knowledge here at Hogwarts you learned quite a lot under the guidance of your father as well the lords themselves.

Ren: I do what I can to get where I am going sir.

Lupin: You are doing Slytherin proud, keep up the good work and good luck in the quidditch match that is coming up.

Ren: I will sir.

Lupin took his leave while Ren was thinking about the good times he had with Lupin before he became a Palpatine and he too will see his godfather again just like Sirius and both will know the truth in due time. Ren right now opened the book of ancient magical creatures and began to read about each one but wants to find something that Slytherin had and after McGonagall told the students that it was beast that can live on a thousand years, Ren would have to look up a creature that can live for that long.

Ren: Now lets see what I can find about a great beast that belonged to Salazar Slytherin and can live over a hundreds of years.

Luna and Eve: Ren.

Ren: Hm? Oh hello Luna and Eve sorry I was just reading the book I found of ancient magical creatures.

Luna: Thats wonderful, what are you trying to find?

Ren: The great beast that Professor McGonagall spoke about. It said that the beast can live on a hundreds of years and it lies within this chamber of secrets if the chamber is real or not. So I am looking for a creature that live for that long.

Eve: It could be a dragon their kind can live for so many years.

Ren: I don't think so, dragons wont have any room to fly around in this chamber and how will it get around the castle without anyone knowing nor see it in person.

Luna: Ren is correct on that one, dragons can be easily spotted and someone would have seen one in running around the castle.

Eve: So if it isn't a dragon then what is it?

Ren began to look through the pages of different wizard world creatures until something caught his eye and he looked to see a page with information about a snake but not just any ordinary snake but a basilisk.

Ren: Girls I think I know what lies in the chamber now.

Luna: What did you find Ren?

Ren: I believe the great beast that Professor McGongall spoke about that lies in the chamber of secrets is a Basilisk, and I have this hunch that this creature belonged to Salazar Slytherin himself to keep those who enter the chamber away but to also not bring any harm to the heir. So it's a snake that lies within the chamber of secrets.

Eve: A Basilisk? How could that be?

Ren: It saids here, of the many fearsome beasts and monsters that roam our land none is more deadly than the Basilisk capable of living for hundreds of years instant death awaits any who meet this giant serpents eye.

Eve: A Basilisk, here at Hogwarts but if there is such a creature alive how could it get around the castle without being detected?

Ren: The water, the water that we saw on the ground under the words written in blood as well as Filches cat. What are the main water sources here in the castle?

Luna: Usually the bathrooms and sinks.

Eve: And not to mention the sewer and pipes. Wait...could that how it can...

Ren: Get around the castle without any detection, snakes do move around in many different areas to get around places and pipes is one of them. So it uses to the plumbing to get around though it would need something big to go in and out so it can move through the castle.

Eve: Maybe we should do some checking on the bathrooms and see what we can find.

Luna: We might as well check them all just to be sure.

Ren: And it does say if you look upon this serpents eye it will kill you. Wait did that happened to Filches cat.

Eve: But if she did then shouldn't she be dead?

Ren: Maybe the cat didn't look at the beast in the eye completely just got petrified by the look of it.

Luna: So thats what happened to Filches cat. Maybe she saw the snakes reflection from the water on the ground.

Ren: Exactly what I was thinking.

Eve: What else does it say about this creature Ren?

Ren: It saids that spiders flea before it meaning that creatures like spiders fear this beast or anything case any creature would fear it, I don't know if dragons fear it. But it also saids that the Basilisk venom is very deadly and can kill amount of people who even gets attacked by this creature.

Eve: If this is all true then the school has a creature living here what do we do?

Ren: Keep on guard and hopefully try to find the chamber of secrets if it is somewhere in the castle we will find it. But best to keep this to ourselves don't want to start a commotion.

Luna and Eve: Understood.

Ren: Better take this page it might come in handy.(Ren saids and rips the page of the book of the Basilisk and puts it into his pocket)

Eve: Now that we know about what lies in the chamber, the only thing we need to do is find the chamber itself but like McGongall said no such chamber has ever been found.

Ren: Well if there is such a chamber of secrets I wont rest until it is found. I will search ever part of this castle until it is found.

Luna: And the Basilisk?

Ren: If spotted don't look at in the eye otherwise you will be petrified. But also be on guard and if you hear anything slithering around avoid it at all cost.

Luna: I trust you my shadow.

Eve: So do I my knight. We will make sure to avoid anything like that.

Ren: Good then let's be off. After all I got a quidditch game to start soon and out team is ready to win yet again.

Eve: We will be cheering for you darling. 💋(EVe saids and kisses Ren on the cheek)

Luna: For good luck my love. 💋(Luna saids and kisses Ren on the lips)

Ren: How did I end up with such beautiful women.

Eve: Your such a charmer.

Luna: A very handsome one.

Ren: Oh stop it you two. Come on lets join the others for lunch and then soon the quidditch game.

Luna and Eve: Okay!

The three of them left the library together while Ren was thinking to himself about the chamber, the voice, and the beast the lies within the hidden chamber that known one knows where it is located.

Ren: I will find this chamber of secrets and discover the beast that lies inside the chamber and know more about that voice I was hearing because it knows that I will seek the chamber itself and know of its secrets.

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