Chapter 13: Second Year!
It has been months since the first year of Hogwarts has ended and now the second year has come where many wizards and witches of the wizard world were excited for another year at Hogwarts school of magic. For one wizard who has been studying and training his entire life to become a great wizard like his father before him and that was Ren Palpatine. After Ren helped Lord Voldemort find the stone at Hogwarts as well as found love with three beautiful girls Eve Corvin, Luna Lovegood and Daphne Greengrass life for Ren was absolutely perfect especially his training of becoming a Sith Lord just like the previous Sith that came before. Ren spent those months training with his father and the lords to improve his magic as well as his skills as a Sith apprentice. Of course during those months he did have time for himself like he celebrated his twelfth birthday with Draco who invited him over his manor where his best friend through him a great birthday with all of their friends invited and Ren received lots of amazing presents from his friends as well as his girlfriends. Ren wrote to his friends all the time to check to see how their summer is going and they all were great including his and thanked them for the gifts that they gave him for his birthday. Ren then went back to studying for a new year at Hogwarts as well as mastering his new abilities and fighting techniques. His skills with a lightsaber improved amazing and his senses are improving more than what his father and the other lords can do and it brought smiles to all their faces that their apprentice is growing stronger each day and close to becoming a full fledge Sith Lord.
Inside Palpatine manor the lord himself was on his way to greet his son that it is time for breakfast but what he didn't know that his son wasn't inside his room because he was someone else.
Knock! Knock!
Palpatine: My son, are you awake it is time for breakfast.
Palpatine didn't hear anything and decided to go into the the bedroom and once he was inside he looked to find the room was emptied and his sons lightsaber was on the table and then checked the bathroom and saw it was empty as well.
Palpatine: Hmm? Thats strange wonder where he went off too? Grievous!
Grievous: Yes Master Palpatine how may I serve you.
Palpatine: Have you seen my son around he is not in his room.
Grievous: No I haven't my lord, maybe he is in the library with lord Dooku.
Palpatine: Thank you Grievous continue on with your duty.
Grievous: Yes my lord.(Grievous saids then disappears)
Palpatine then headed towards the library hopefully his son is with his godfather probably studying ancient spell since he has been doing it for the past couple months and once he arrived he looked to find Lord Dooku but no sign of Ren.
Dooku: My lord good morning to what do I owe the honor on this fine morning.
Palpatine: I was going to greet my son for breakfast but I find that he wasn't in his room so I hoped that he was with you Lord Dooku.
Dooku: I haven't seen the young one since I woken up my Lord. He hasn't come into the library either.
What seems to be the problem my lords?(Inside came both Maul and Revan)
Palpatine: Have you two seen Ren anywhere he is not in his room nor with Dooku.
Maul: Hmm not that you mentioned it I haven't seen him either. What about you Lord Revan have you seen our young apprentice?
Revan: No, I was wondering that same thing.
Palpatine: He can't be with Bane because he left quite early this morning for a meeting with our friends from the North. Ren must be around the castle somewhere I am sure he will turn up eventually I can see sense his presence.
Grievous: Pardon my interruption my lords but we have some guest that just arrived to the manor shall I let them in.
Dooku: Who might they be Grievous?
Grievous: Mistress Amelia and young Eve Corvin my lord.
Palpatine: Yes do let them in Grievous they are welcome to my manor always.
Grievous: As you wish my lord.
Palpatine and the lords headed towards the doorway and saw both Mistress Amelia of the vampire clan and Eve Corvin daughter of Michael Corvin and Selene.
Palpatine: Hello Amelia it is so wonderful to see you again old friend.
Amelia: Lord Palpatine it is pleasing to you again as well as you my fellow lords.(Amelia saids to Palpatine then the other lords who bowed their head to the vampire)
Palpatine: And course it is lovely to see you as well miss Corvin, welcome to Palpatine manor.
Eve: Hello sir well as you great lords.
Palpatine: What brings you to my home?
Amelia: Eve wanted to see your son and ask if he wanted to attend Diagon Alley with her since she has gotten her Hogwarts letter.
Palpatine: I was going to fetch Ren and tell him that his arrived as well but for some reason I couldn't find him in his room nor with the other lords. I know that he is somewhere inside or near the castle due to the fact that I can sense his presence.
Dooku: Actually my Lord I don't think we need to search for him any longer.
Palpatine: Why is that?
When Palpatine was about to say something else all of sudden everyone heard a loud roar coming from the sky where they saw what looks like a huge black dragon that was flying around the castle in great speed.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Palpatine: So thats where my son went off too.(Palpatine saids in thought while smiling at his sons animagus form)
The black dragon known as Ren who was in his animagus form spotted his father along with the other lords as well as Amelia and Eve who was in awe of what she was looking at and Ren while in dragon form went down to land in front of them. Once landed on the ground Ren's father along with the lords were pleased to see their son and godson as well as that he unlocked his animagus form that was a black fire drake and it was magnificent. Amelia was in absolute awe of that the young Palpatine had the ability to change into the most terrifying beast in the wizard world while Eve was looking at the dragon and its beauty as well as its firing eyes that blaze like the sun itself.
Palpatine: So that is where you went off to my son.
Ren(Dragon): My apologies father, I wanted to test out my animagus form and see how well I can master it and it looks like I have complete control over it.
Eve: Gasp!...Wait my knight is that you?
Ren(Dragon): Hello my Moonstar, it is good to you again.
Eve: When were you going to tell me that you were an animagus.
Ren(Dragon): Wanted to surprise you at the right moment but it looks like I already did.
Eve: Considered me surprise and I think you look beautiful.
Ren(Dragon): Your words please me.
Dooku: Must say young one, you have achieved marvelously as well as mastering your abilities for the past couple mouths well done.
Ren(Dragon): Thank you my lord. So what have you been talking about father?
Palpatine: Well my son I just gotten your Hogwarts letter and was going to come and fetch you for breakfast and of course Mistress Amelia and miss Corvin are welcome to join us.
Amelia: We will be delighted Lord Palpatine.
Palpatine: Excellent, Ren why don't you change back to normal and freshen up and come meet us when you are ready.
Ren(Dragon): As you wish father, I wont be long.(Ren saids then flies off to his room while the others heard inside the manor)
After a couple hours later Ren is all dressed and cleaned as well as back in his human form and headed down to breakfast for meet with his father, the lords, Mistress Amelia and Eve who was saving a seat for her lover.
Grievous: I have made you your favorite breakfast young master.
Ren: Grievous you really know how to please me, I thank you my elf friend.
Grievous: You are most welcome young master, enjoy as well as you my lords.(Grievous saids to Ren then the other lords)
Ren: It is good to see you Mistress Amelia, how are the lords of the vampire and lycan clans.
Amelia: It is good to see you as well young one and the lords are doing quite well including their students who are training hard and studying well. I see that you have been doing the same.
Ren: Indeed I have, spent day and night learning what I can as well as improving my skills as a Sith apprentice thanks to my father and the lords.
Palpatine: And you are doing incredibly well my son, and I can sense you are doing well included miss Corvin.
Eve: I am thank you for asking Lord Palpatine. I been studying and training night and day, it made my family very proud.
Ren: Including me my Moonstar.(Ren saids and kisses Eve's hand that causes her to blush)
Eve: Tt..thank you my love.
Ren: May I see my Hogwarts letter father.
Palpatine: Of course my son.
Ren: Hmm..seems like we are getting new new supplies for this year.
Eve: I am planning on going to Diagon Alley today with Mistress Amelia and I was wondering if you want to come with me Ren...if you want too.
Ren: I would be delighted Eve, Lord Dooku would you mind coming with me as my guardian since Eve will be with Amelia.
Dooku: I shall and I have to pick something up a new book in Diagon Alley anyway.
Ren: Thank you.
Palpatine: Why don't you finish up your food my son and then Lord Dooku along with Amelia can take you and miss Corvin to Diagon Alley together.
Ren: I will do that father.
After breakfast was finished Ren gave the remaining of his food to Kylo who hasn't eaten his food yet until his master gave him his food which pleased the wolf but also happy to see Eve again where the girl gave the wolf a gentle pet and a kiss on the forehead for seeing the wolf. Then both Ren and Eve headed over to the chimney where Amelia and Dooku were going to Floo powder to Diagon Alley.
Dooku: Me and Amelia will go first my godson and then you and miss Corvin will go next.
Ren: As you wish my lord.
Dooku and Amelia: Diagon Alley!(Both said and get engulfed into green flames then disappeared)
Ren: Stay close to me Eve, so we don't separate.
Eve: I will always stay by your side my knight.
Palpatine: We will be waiting until you get back my son.
Ren: I will see you soon father. Ready Eve?
Eve: I am Ren.
Ren: Diagon Alley!
Ren and Eve teleported away and after they disappeared then reappeared in Diagon Alley where both Amelia and Dooku were waiting for them. Then after they dusted themselves off and cleaned both him and Eve followed Dooku and Amelia into Diagon Alley where they see wizards and witches in coming in and out of the stores.
Dooku: Young one why don't you and miss Corvin find your books while myself and Mistress Amelia get your supplies for school.
Ren: Are you sure my lord?
Dooku: It is quite all right Ren, besides I did tell you that I need to get something here anyway but in a different book store.
Amelia: Stay close to the young Palpatine Eve and don't wonder off.
Eve: Yes Mistress.
Ren: Very well, we shall get our books come along Eve.
Ren and Eve walked along Daigon Alley in search of the book store to buy their stuff for Hogwarts until they spotted a group of people waiting in line for something in which they were holding books in their hands with a persons name on it but then looked to see the sign that reads book store meaning that they are in the right place. When they entered they saw lots of books but also a huge crowd of people waiting for something probably the man on that book that both Ren and Eve seen but then shrugged it off and looked to see their friend Draco reading a book and it brought smiles to both Ren and Eve that their friend from school is here and went to greet him.
Ren: Hello there Draco what's you reading there.
Draco: Ren, it is good to see you again.
Ren: You too.
Draco: Eve.
Eve: Hello Draco.
Ren: So whats that you got there.
Draco: It's a book on mythical creatures and right now I am reading about ancient reptiles.
Ren: Interesting and whats with this crowd here don't tell its for Potter The Fat Boy Who Lived.(Ren saids to Draco who smirks at the name that he gave Potter while Eve giggled at it as well)
Draco: No but Potter is here along with the Weasley's and as for this crowd here well they are all getting excited to meet Gilderoy Lockhart.
Ren: Oh sweet Merlin not that guy, now I recognize the man on the book everyone is holding.
Eve: I know about him as well, he is nothing more but a fake who takes credit for other people and uses it to make him look like he did those amazing things.
Ren: I read some of his books and saw that he stole ideas from other wizards and lied about making them up thinking that he created those spells and took down the most dangerous beast in the wizard world.
Draco: He is a disgrace to the our kind, my father never appreciated of what that man does.
Ren: I would be surprised if a large book fell on that guys head and maybe one for Potter as well. You said he was here where exactly?
Draco: Towards the front of the crowd and acting like all high and mighty.
Eve: Gilderoy Lockhart Magical Me? Really why do people even read this junk.
Ren: Some people in this world are fools like how they think that their so called chosen one defeated an all power wizard but then became a spoil rotten brat who can't even do anything.
Draco: Agreed and look who is coming out to greet these believers Lockhart himself.
Ladies and Gentleman Mr.Gilderoy Lockhart!
Ren/Eve/Draco: Oh Merlin.(Both said while rolling their eyes for this fool coming out to greet everyone)
Camera Man: Excuse me parden me, sorry I need to get through I need a picture of Mr.Lockhart himself it is for the Daily Prophet. Mr.Lockhart if you wouldn't mind.
Lockhart: I would be delighted good sir.
Lockhart was smiling while getting his picture taken in front of everyone until all of sudden he spotted someone in the crowd that caught his eye and know who it was in which was known other than James Evans Potter Jr The Fat Boy Who Lived or the people would call him The Boy Who Lived and he was standing next to his friend Ron Weasley along with his mother, sister but for the twins they stood next to their father who didn't want to get involved with Lockhart.
Lockhart: It can't be James Potter Jr.
Camera Man: James Potter Jr!
The Camera brought over James Jr who was smiling that he was getting picture taken with Lockhart who is also pleased to have the savior of the wizard world by his side while Ron, his mother, sister as well as Granger who was fan girling over Lockhart watch and see two great people get their picture taken together.
(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)
Ren: Hehehe looks like we got two fools instead of one. A fat one and a looser who thinks he is so great.(Ren whispers to both Draco and Eve who giggled at the idea)
Lockhart: Let's give the man a big smile James so we can make the front page.
James Jr: Absolutely sir!
Lockhart: Ladies and gentleman what an extraordinary moment this is. When young James Potter Jr stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography Magical Me, which incidentally is currently celebrating its twenty seventh week atop the Daily Prophet bestseller list. He had no idea, that he would in fact be leaving with my entire collected works, free of charge.(Lockhart saids and hands James Jr his books that earned the Potter boy a big smile on his face and headed back over to his friends)
Draco: Bets ya he isn't going to read any of them.
Ren: Nope he is not, he's more of slacker and someone who just likes to be famous.
Eve: It looks like he gained a lot more weight than the last time don't you think.
Draco: Definitely.
Ren: Here they come best to avoid them so they wont see who we are because I don't want to deal with Potter and his minions until school starts.
Ren along with Draco and Eve hid their faces while Potter and his idiot friends along with the Ron's mother and sister headed out after getting an autograph from Lockhart. When the coast was clear they showed their faces and looked to see both Fred and George coming towards them with smiles on their faces.
Fred: Well my handsome brother look whose here.
George: I seem him Fred. Hello again Ren.
Fred: It is nice to see you.
George: Again.
Fred and George: Friend.
Ren: Hehehe, hello to you as well Fred, George good to see your faces for once and not your little baby brother and Potter chunky who just left.
Fred: Yes indeed friend and I see you brought the lovely Eve with you.
Fred and George: Greetings M'lady.
Eve: Hehehe hello Fred and George.
Ren: So I take that you two are also getting your stuff for school.
Fred: Indeed we are though we are doing it with our dad.
George: Mom wouldn't stop talking about Lockhart this Lockhart that, it was getting annoying really.
Draco: Unbelievably annoying.
Ren: What is wrong with people these days can't they know that this guy is a fake.
Fred: I see that you also know that he is not who he saids he is, am I right George.
George: Quite right my brother.
Fred, George I got your books here ready to go to the next place.(A man saids with red hair like the twins and wearing a hat on his head holding books)
Fred and George: Thanks dad.
Oh and who might you be young man?
Ren: Ren Palpatine son of Sheev Palpatine of Palpatine manor.
So you're the friend that my boys have been talking about at school pleasure to meet you Ren, Fred and George told me a lot about you. Arthur Weasley I work at the Ministry of Magic.
Ren: The pleasure is all mine sir. Your sons have been very good to me and my friends here.
Fred and George: Thank you Ren.
Arthur: I must say you look so much like your father, I met him a long time ago at Hogwarts. He is a very wise man and highly skilled. I can see a lot of him in you Ren he must be proud of what you are doing.
Ren: That he is sir, your words pleases me as well as my father.
Arthur: I do apologize for my son Ronald after what he caused in school and I gave him a scolding of what he did as well as towards a fellow classmate you befriended.
Ren: Thank you Mr.Weasley.
Arthur: Well as much as I would to talk to you more Ren, I am afraid I have to catch up with my wife and the others to make sure that Ronald and the twins along with Ginny get their other school supplies. Though I would like to talk more some other time if you would.
Ren: I would be delighted sir and since you knew my father in school I would love to talk to you more.
Arthur: Look forward to it come along with Fred, George.
Fred and George: See you at school friend.
Ren: You as well.
Eve: Shall we get our books for school.
Draco: I got mine already need help finding the books you need.
Ren: That would be great Draco thanks.
Half and hour later both Eve and Ren got their book thanks to Draco's help and after they finished purchasing their books while avoiding Lockhart signing autographs for his fans, the three of them were about to head out until Draco's father came into the store to see that his son has his books ready.
Lucius: Hello Draco I see that you have your books ready.
Draco: Yes I do father.
Lucius: Good, oh Mr.Palpatine pleasure it is to see you again.
Ren: Lucius Malfoy it is always a pleasure to see you as well.
Lucius: And this young lady must be miss Eve Corvin, pleasure to meet you.
Eve: The pleasure is all mine sir.
Lucius: How are the lords at the manor Mr.Palpatine.
Ren: My father and the lords are doing quite well sir thank you for asking. I am here with Lord Count Dooku.
Lucius: Lord Dooku is here, I haven't seen him in so long.
It would appear so my old friend.(A voice saids from behind Lucius and looks to see Count Dooku himself)
Lucius: Lord Dooku.(Lucius saids and bows his head)
Dooku: Lucius my old friend it is always a pleasure to see a familiar face after so many years.
Lucius: Yes indeed Dooku it is.
Dooku: You young man must be Draco Malfoy, my godson has told me about you please to meet the son of Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa.
Draco: It's quite an honor to meet you as well Lord Dooku. I read so much about you and the other lords thanks to Ren.
Dooku: You have a wise son Lucius and it looks like he is taking his heirship marvelously.
Lucius: Indeed he is Dooku. He is improving magnificent even after the lessons that the young Palpatine heir has been giving to him.
Draco: I still thank for those lessons Ren.
Ren: Anything for my best friend.
Dooku: Wonderful to hear that Lucius, Ren have you gotten your books ready.
Ren: Yes indeed I have my lord as well as Eve.
Eve: Thanks for helping us find them Draco.
Draco: Us Slytherins stick together.
Ren: Exactly.
Dooku: Excellent shall we get going I have your other school supplies ready here while Mistress Amelia has Eve's.
Ren: Yes we shall, I will see you in school Draco.
Draco: You too Ren.
Eve: Bye Draco.
Ren: Lucius Malfoy.
Lucius: Mr.Palpatine. Lord Dooku.
Dooku: We will meet again and I will stop by Malfoy Manor for a visit.
Lucius: Look forward to having you there my lord.
After they left the book store Dooku took Ren back with him while Eve left with Amelia but not before giving her knight a kiss on the cheek and looks forward to see him on the train to Hogwarts and promise to save her a seat which Ren promises. Before Ren and Dooku left, Ren saw a huge book above Lockhart while he was signing autographs then when he wasn't looking Ren used the force to push the huge book out and the book landed on Lockhart's head knocking him out cold leaving a shock crowd while Ren was smirking at the site even Dooku saw what his godson did and he too was pleased to see that fool knocked out.
Ren: You think that would make the Daily Prophet. Lockhart gets hit with a large book.
Dooku: I wish that was true my godson. That fool is an embarrassment along with that Potter boy.
Ren: I agree my lord. I would laugh to see that man teach a class at Hogwarts.
Dooku: Oh did you hear that he is going to teach at Hogwarts this year.
Ren: Really?
Dooku: Dumbledore agreed to have him teach.
Ren: The old goat had to figured.
Dooku: Pay no mind to them Ren, they are not true wizards.
Ren: I know that already because I know a real wizard when I see it.
Dooku: Let us go home so that you can get ready for your second year of school.
Ren: Yes my lord.
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