Chapter 10: Old friends!
The holidays came at Hogwarts and every student was getting ready celebrate their Christmas with their families and loved ones but for Ren who decided to go home to his father and the lords to continue with his training as well as help Voldemort find the sorcerers stone somewhere in the castle but not before doing something for some of his friends before he leaves to go back to his family. Speaking of family after what happened with Potter Jr during the Quidditch game he has to spend the entire month at home recovering after that little accident that he had with his pride and his parents being spoiled as ever were keeping their son company and getting him lots of gifts for Christmas. So right now Ren was getting ready to leave his dormitory with his things all packed and once he has everything as well as Kylo at his side, both of them headed down to see all the students getting ready to leave and spend the holidays with their relatives. When they headed down they look to see the great hall all decorated for Christmas in which looked quite nice but Ren decided to shrug it off and looked to see some of the students decided to stay behind and be with trends.
Ren: It would seem that some of the students are staying behind to be with friends while the rest are going home for the holidays.
Ren: Yes indeed Kylo, but for me I have other things to do and I will start by continuing my training with the lords as well as my father. I will have to put the stone finding on hold until I return from break, but I might as well give my gifts to my friends before I leave.
Merry Christmas Ren.(A female voice comes from behind the young Palpatine and when he turned it was Luna who was wearing a charming smile on her face)
Ren: Hello Luna, Merry Christmas to you as well.
Luna: I see that you have packed and are heading home for the holidays.
Ren: Indeed I am as well as Kylo.
Bark!(Kylo barks and snuggles himself under Luna's legs)
Luna: Seems like he is excited to spend more time with you as well as your family.
Ren: I am sure he will enjoy the time back home. I also see that you are also heading home to be with your family.
Luna: Yes and I hope to see back from break shadow.
Ren: You will angel, here for you. Call it as an early Christmas gift from me.(Ren saids and hands Luna a gift that was all wrapped up in the colors of Slytherin)
Luna: That is very sweet of you Ren, though I am sorry I do not have a gift for you.
Ren: Your friendship towards me is all I ever need angel. Besides I don't really need anything, you along with our fellow snakes is all I need in my life. Enjoy your Christmas with your family and I will make sure to write.(Ren saids with a charming smile while rubbing his hand on Luna's cheek that caused her to blush and smile)
Luna: Thank you shadow and enjoy your break.
Ren: I will goodbye for now and don't open your gift until it's Christmas day I don't want you to spoil the moment. I made it myself.(Ren saids then leaves with Kylo following him behind while Luna smiles and looks to see Ren leaving)
Luna: I will open it until the day comes shadow.(Luna saids in thought then leaves to join the other students)
Ren headed out to see his other friends getting ready to leave before they spotted Ren heading towards their way with Kylo following his owner on the way.
Draco: Hello Ren heading home I see.
Ren: Yes indeed Draco I am and it looks like the rest of you are doing the same.
Blaise: Yea it will be good to get out of this castle and back home besides I think I need this break more than ever.
Ren: Yea with the whole Potter incident I think we all need this break and away from those idiots.
Goyal: I agree, I even heard that Potter is going to get spoiled all because his hurt his so called pride of joy.
Crabb: Those Potters are a disgrace to the wizard world as well as the old goat Dumbledore, seriously how can that FBWL stop the most powerful wizard in history.
Ren: Let's not talk about those morons because this a month where we can all take a break and relax and not have to deal with the idiots for a whole month.
Draco: Ren's right this is no time to be getting into the affairs of those traitors, for now let's just focus on enjoying this holiday as proud snakes of Slytherin.(Draco saids to everyone who all nod in agreement)
Ren: Speaking of which I have something for all of you before I leave to go home.(Ren saids and takes out his gifts for his friends)
Blaise: You got us gifts.
Ren: It's a token of our friendship together. Crabb, Goyal since you both like sweets I went ahead and made you both these cakes filled with many different flavors of desserts that will blow your minds.(Ren saids then hands Crabb and Goyal their cakes)
Crabb and Goyal: Thanks Ren!
Ren: Blaise this is for you, it's a jacket made from the scales of a dragon that is completely fire proof as well as spell proof if anyone tries to hit you, the spell will bounce off and directly hit that person who fired the spell at you.
Blaise: I heard about these in the wizard world they are very rare and popular, I always wanted one for Christmas and now I got one. Thank you Ren.
Ren: Your welcome and for you Draco please except this for being my best friend at Hogwarts.(Ren saids and hands Draco a small box in which Draco took it)
Draco then opened up the box to reveal whats inside in which was a very well crafted ring that was made for a Slytherin. Draco was in awe as well as his friends around him.
Draco: Ren...I.I don't know what to say, I mean I have never received a gift like this from anyone besides my parents.
Ren: After what you and others did for me, it's the least I can do Draco besides even if you didn't get me anything your friendship is the greatest gift a Slytherin like myself could ever have.
Draco smiles at what his friend said and placed the ring on his finger and gave Ren a small hug for thanks in which Ren did the same then soon they looked at the time in which they decided to leave together to go home with their families. When the train arrived at the stop, all of the students got on and headed into their compartments to sit and await to arrive at the station to see their families and relatives.
Ren got on board the train and looked to see his fellow snakes all in the compartment but there was no room so Ren told them that he will sit in the next compartment which they respected his decision and once he saw the compartment he looked to see both Eve and Daphne sitting together alone until Ren made his appearance towards the two.
Knock! Knock!(Ren knocking on the compartment door)
Daphne got up from her seat and opened the door to see Ren giving her a charming smile that caught the witch off guard and caused her to blush at seeing Slytherin's champion and hero until he spoke.
Ren: Hello Daphne would you mind if me and Kylo sit with you and Eve on the way back to the station.
Daphne: Uh....sure of course...R...Ren.....I mean yes you can come and sit with us. Yes thats what I was going to say please do come in.(Daphne saids to Ren who allowed him and Kylo to enter)
When Ren entered the compartment it brought a smile on Eve's face to see the boy who looked after all and made her very happy as well as seeing Kylo that brought her joy when she sees Kylo jumping onto the chair and lay his head on Eve's leg.
Ren: Hello Eve.
Eve: H....hi Ren....
Ren: Hope you don't mind Kylo resting on you, he really enjoys your company.
Eve: I don't mind and besides I like him around me, he protected me after all.
Daphne: So Ren any plans for the holidays?
Ren: Well spending time with my father and the other lords are one thing I am going to do then after words I am to continue to study and train more to improve myself. Us Palpatine must always be prepared for anything that comes next so I will basically do training and studying and maybe something else I will not sure of but I am sure it will come to mind.
Daphne: Understandable, I will be traveling with my family to see the most exotic places in the wizard world and I will make sure to write you all about it.
Ren: Thanks and I am sure you will have a splendid holiday. What about you Eve?
Eve: Well I will be spending time with my mother and father. All of us are having a gathering with close friends and relatives like we do every year but I will make sure to write you Ren and tell you all about it.
Ren: I am sure you will Eve.(Ren saids and pats Eve on the head that made her blush and smile while enjoying the pets from Ren)
Eve: His touch is so warm....I can't stop enjoying it.(Eve saids in thought)
Ren: Oh here I got you both gifts for Christmas and don't bother getting me anything because your friendship is something I always wanted.
Daphne: Ren you didn't have to do that.
Ren: What kind of person would I be if I didn't do something respectful towards those close to me.
Ren hands both Daphne and Eve their gifts in which they were both happy and excited of what Ren got them until Daphne decided to open hers with Ren's approval and when Daphne opened her gift from Ren she gasped in pure shock of what she was looking at.
Daphne looked at the gift that she received in which was a beautiful Slytherin necklace with green gems around the snake while holding a bigger green gem that brought a sparkle in Daphne's eyes.
Daphne: Ren....this......this...oh Merlin....this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. How did you?
Ren: I forged it myself, let's just say I am an excellent craftsman when it comes to jewelry, and I wanted it to be special for you Miss Greengrass.
Daphne: 😢sniff....Ren...I....I love's the most charming and lovely gift I have gotten for Christmas thank you.
Ren: You are very welcome m'lady. Why don't you open yours Eve.(Ren saids to Eve who nods and begins to open up her gift as well)
Eve opened up her gift and inside it brought the girl into tears as well because what she was looking at was the most beautiful site in her entire life in which was a necklace with a rare stone that shines like the moon itself.
Ren: Eve I forged this necklace myself that took me a while to craft as well as finding this rare stone called Moon Howl. Moon Howl stones are communally rare in the wizard word which means they will glow as bright as the moon that shines above our heads and it brings good fortune to those who wear one.
Eve didn't say anything because she got up from her seat and looked at Ren with tears of happiness and joy and gave him a hug that someone who Eve came to know and care about made her the happiest witch in her entire life and Daphne who couldn't help it got up and gave Ren a hug as well.
Eve: 😢sniff....Thank you....thank you Ren...I...I love it!(Eve saids with tears of joy)
Ren: I am please that you like it Eve as well as you Daphne I am also pleased that you like your gift.
Daphne: You are truly amazing Ren...I have never met anyone like you before.
Ren: You as well Daphne and you too Eve.
Eve: Can...can you put it on...please...
Ren: I will be delighted Moon Star.(Ren whispers to Eve that caused her heart to skip a beat and blush)
Daphne: And can you do me as well Ren.
Ren: Of course Ice princess.(Ren whispers to Daphne who turned pink after the nickname Ren gave her)
As soon as Ren put on both necklaces on the girls both of them smiled at Ren and decided to sit next to him and rest their heads on his shoulders in which Ren didn't mind one bit not even Kylo who was resting on Eve's leg until the train arrived at the station.
When the train arrived at nine and three quarters, many of the Hogwarts students looked out their window and saw all of their families and relatives waving at them and couldn't wait to celebrate the holidays with them. Ren looked out his window and saw his father smiling and waiting to see his son again and it brought a smile on Ren's face that he's back to spend time with his father and the lords until break is over.
Ren got off the train while waving his friends as well as Eve and Daphne goodbye and thanked him for the gifts and went over to see his father who had his arms opened wide to allow his son to hug him in which Ren did.
Ren: Father!(Ren saids and runs over to hug his father Lord Palpatine)
Palpatine: Hehehe..hello my son. I have received great news from you at school in which I am proud that you have brought Slytherin into victory in the game of Quidditch. Myself and the lords knew you could do it.
Ren: Thank you father, I missed you very much as well as the lords. Speaking of which did you get the letter from you know who and was told about what he needs to come back.(Ren saids then whispers the last part to his father)
Palpatine: Yes I have my son, and he told me about what you are planing to help get his body back somehow by using the sorcerers stone that is somewhere in the castle.
Ren: Yes after break is done I am going to search for it and implant a fake one just in case somebody else tries to find it basically the Potters or the old goat.
Palpatine: Very wise move my boy.
Ren: I learned from the greatest.
Palpatine: Come let us head on home so that you can meet with the lords and your grandfather.
Ren: Let's come on Kylo it is time to go home.(Ren saids and told his familiar to follow him and his father)
Lord Palpatine and his son along with Kylo used the same teleportation like before that was port key and magically returned back to Palpatine manor where the lords are waiting for their young apprentice to return. When they arrived at the doors of their home, both Palpatines headed inside and looked to see all the lords waiting patiently to see the lord and young lord return home that brought a smile on Ren's face to see the lords and his grandfather again.
Bane: Welcome home my grandson.
Ren: Grandfather.(Ren saids and goes over and hugs his grandfather)
Ren also gave a bow at seeing his godfathers Maul, Dooku and Revan of they all bowed to see their godson again and couldn't wait to hear the news of whats been going on in Hogwarts.
Maul: Tell us young one whats been going on in the school since you arrive there since we know so little after the letters you sent us.
Ren began to tell everyone about whats been happening in Hogwarts like that Ren made lots of friends in Slytherin as well as helping them gain points for the deeds that he did at the school while some like the Potters and Potter Jr always kissing up for the spotlight that made all the lords roll their eyes about the idiot family until Ren told them that he made Potter look a fool especially during Quidditch where he brought Slytherin a victory win against Gryffindor that brought the lords pleasing smiles to know about but got a good laugh when Ren told them of what happened to Potter Jr and is now spending the entire month recovering after the fall and landing on his pride as well as Weasley who got hit in the head by a bludger.
Dooku: It would seem that you had a wonderful time in Hogwarts our young apprentice.
Revan: And I sense that your abilities are growing as well very impressive my godson.
Ren: Thank you my lords, father told you about Lord Voldemort's return and how he needs to get his body restored.
Maul: Yes we received the letter from him and I am surprised that he survived all these years though his body was destroyed but not his soul.
Ren: I felt bad for him but with my help I am sure to find the stone so that he can somehow get his body back and will be able to return.
Revan: He said it was in the castle so might as well check in the forbidden rooms because thats where the secrets are usually kept.
Ren: I will look into it until I return to school after break. I also should check the library to find out information about the stone.
Dooku: That would be a wise decision Ren, learning about these things will help improve your skills even more.
Ren: Yes but for now I would like to continue my training as well as my studies.
Palpatine: Actually my son I am afraid we will have to put your training on hold for the time being.
Ren: Why is that father?
Dooku: Because young one we have received an invitation for a gathering.
Ren: What kind of gathering?
Palpatine: A gathering of old friends that we knew for many years and were great allies to the Sith and I think you might find them very amusing my son.
Ren: Really what are they like?
Maul: They are very skilled and easy to hide in the shadows and they fought with the Sith for many generations until we all had to go into hiding but we always pay them visit time to time to see how they been.
Dooku: Especially their leaders.
Ren: What are the leaders names my lord if you don't mind me asking?
Dooku: The first is Lord Viktor, second is Lord Marcus Corvinus, then there is Lucian and Sonja of which Sonja is Viktor's daughter and Lucian is her husband.
Ren: Wait a minute you said the second lord was called Marcus Corvinus right.
Dooku: Yes why you ask Ren?
Ren: I met a girl named Eve Corvin when father and I were getting school supplies in which I met her parents Selene and Michael Corvin are they by any chance related?
Palpatine: I see that you have met my old friends from school my son and yes they are related to Lord Marcus because he is the leader of the vampire clans along with Lord Viktor.
Ren: The Vampires as in like the ones in the Sith legend that I read in the book of the Sith.
Palpatine: You are correct my son and as for Lucian he is the leader of the Lycans after the first leader died in the hands of his enemies.
Ren: The Vampires and The Lycans, I read about them in books I always wanted to me them and learn about their history but it was said that they were all but exist?
Maul: No they are much alive young apprentice and are growing in the numbers.
Ren: I would be delighted to meet them my lords and father.
Palpatine: You will my son and they will be very pleased to meet you.
Revan: I am surprised that you befriended a Corvin.
Ren: Yes I have, Eve is a very special witch in house Slytherin even though she had a tough time there and got into situations with those idiot Potters and their moron son, I was able to help her out and show her kindness and it would be nice to see her again though she never mentioned of being a vampire to me.
Palpatine: Actually my son she is more than that.
Ren: What do you mean?
Palpatine: I have met the young Corvin a long time ago and I found out that she is both half vampire and half lycan basically her mother is a vampire while her father is a hybrid mixed with both lycan and vampire blood.
Ren: Eve is a hybrid, I never met a hybrid before and they are quite strong with both blood from two species makes me wonder how strong is Eve.
Revan: Trust me Ren, hybrids are very powerful and I know that your friend will share her side whenever she wants to.
Ren: Yes I think it would be wise for her to show me if she wants to or not.
Palpatine: Well then shall we all be on our way, Ren I will have Grievous put your things away while you change into your robes and you may bring your saber with you because everyone might want to see your skills in combat.
Ren: As you wish father I wont be long.
After a while later Ren came down from his room and into his Sith robes with his saber attached to his belt and saw his father along with the lords who are ready to leave and meet the vampires and the lycans for the gathering.
Ren: I have finished father and ready to leave.
Palpatine: Excellent now let us be on our way. Lord Maul if you would please the port key to Castle Corvinus.
Maul: Yes my lord.(Maul saids and got the port key to teleport to the place called Castle Corvinus)
Ren: What is Castle Corvinus like father?
Palpatine: It is the castle that has been the vampire and lycan clans for many generations to come my son and I think you will find it to your liking.
Ren: Interesting, I wonder what their library is like there.(Ren saids in thought)
Soon all the lords even Ren gathered around the port key and placed their hands on it and was later teleported out of the manor and somewhere far away from where they stayed. When they all arrived to the location, Ren looked at the area in which he was blown away of what he was seeing with his own eyes but when he saw the castle that his father mentioned it was the most amazing site that he has ever seen.
Ren: Father is that what I think it is.
Palpatine: Yes my son welcome to Castle Cornvius home of the vampire and lycan clans.
Dooku: Magnificent isn't it my godson.
Ren: Yes indeed it is a rare site to be hold, I can feel such presence in that fortress as well as magical aura.
Maul: That is because most of the vampires and lycans are wizards and witches.
Ren: Just like Eve.(Ren saids in thought)
Bane: Come let us be on our way for the gathering.
All of them walked together and headed towards the castle. Ren took in the area and felt such great power while he and his father as well as the lords walked together then sensed something up close in which he looked to find actual lycans guarding the boarders of the castle and they looked how Ren pictured them in the books he read.
Ren: Actual lycans in person..(Ren saids in awe of seeing the beast up close)
Maul: I see that you are impressed by them apprentice, they keep watch on the boarders of the castle so no intruder will come close to this place and they will attack anyone or anything that brings to the people who live here any harm.
Ren: I see, I would like to see them in action.
Dooku: I am sure one day you will Ren but for now we should head on towards the gathering. Everyone there is waiting.
When they continued on all of sudden the lycans were looking towards Ren with some interest in which Ren looked and saw the lycans staring at him and gave them a bow where the wolves did the same and went back to guarding the castle.
Ren: Seems like I have a connection to the lycans.(Ren saids in thought)
The lords and Ren came upon the gates of which the guards who are vampires looked to see who was at their gates and found out it was the lords that they all know and allowed them into the castle and once inside Ren took in the surroundings and saw that the castle looked even bigger in person even bigger than Hogwarts and had this feeling to explore and learn from it. Ren and his father as well as the lords came to the area where all the vampires and lycans were gathering of which they came face to face with a fellow vampire who greeted them.
Welcome to Castle Corvinus may I know who steps foot into the fortress home to the vampire and lycan clans.
Palpatine: I don't think we need introductions since you already know who we are.(Palpatine saids and removes his hood to revel himself as well as the lords)
Lords Palpatine, Dooku, Maul, Revan, and Bane it has been a while my lords and I take that you have received your invitation to our gathering.
Palpatine: Yes indeed and it's good to see you again Kraven.
Kraven: You as well Lord Palpatine, Lord Viktor has been waiting to see you again after so long.
Palpatine: I am honored, Ren allow me introduce you to Lord Viktor's second in command of the vampire clan Kraven.
Ren: It is an honor to meet you sir.
Palpatine: Kraven this is my son Ren and the heir of Palpatine manor.
Kraven: My he is the spitting image of you Lord Palpatine, welcome young Ren to Castle Corvnius.
Ren: Thank you Kraven. This is my first time meeting an actual vampire in person.
Kraven: Well we hope that you will enjoy your welcome here young Palpatine.
Ren: I am sure I will though I would like to know more about the vampire and lycan history since I do like to read about ancient cultures.
Kraven: We do have a library here and I can have one of the guards show you the way but for now allow me to escort you all to the gathering.
Kraven took the lords and Ren towards the gathering room where the lords as well as their loyal subjects are waiting including the lycan leaders and fellow soldiers. Kraven then told them to wait by the door until he tells his lord that the remaining guest have arrived in which they all bowed and await to be summoned.
Palpatine: So tell me my son while we wait how did you meet young Eve Corvin?
Ren: When you went to do something in another store in Diagon Alley, Kylo was sensing something in the alleyways though it was something dangerous but it turned out to be a young girl who got lost from her parents and felt frighten until me and Kylo helped her reunite with her parents who Eve let us use some of her parents hair to track and locate them so that I can have Eve return to her mother and father who worried about their daughter. After I helped Eve get back to her parents her parents introduced themselves to me in which they told me that you were friends with them at Hogwarts.
Palpatine: I see and you are correct both Selene and Michael were good friends of mine during school and they told me all about their heritage and where they truly came from and I promised to them as well as their clans to keep them secret and away from the wizard world until the time comes to make themselves known.
Ren: They sound very splendid people even though one is a vampire and one is a hybrid.
Palpatine: They sure are my son and I can tell that their daughter has already told all about what you did for her in school.
Ren: Hehehe I guessing that she did.
Kraven soon came back and told the lords and Ren that they may enter the room. The doors opened and inside were the gathering of the vampires and the lycans.
Ren looked to see so many vampires and lycans all gathered in one room and felt such incredible magic coming from each of them as well as the four standing near the front that caught Ren's attention. Ren sensing that one in the chair is Lord Viktor and one the other side was Lord Marcus along with Viktor's daughter Sonja and her husband Lucian leader of the lycans.
Palpatine: It has been too long my friends. It is nice to see you again. Lords Viktor, Marcus as well as you Sonja and Lucian.(Palpatine saids to the vampires and lycan)
Viktor: Palpatine and the lords you are always welcome to our home and yes it has been too long since we last seen each other.
Dooku: We have received your invite my lords, Lucian and Sonja how goes the training with your students.
Sonja: Lord Dooku it is good to see you again and our training towards our students are doing quite marvelous thank you for asking.
Lucian: You look well old friend as well as you lords Maul and Revan it's been while.
Maul and Revan: Lucian.(Both said and bow their heads towards the lycan leader)
Marcus: Lord Bane, my oldest friend it is good to see you again.
Bane: Yes it has Marcus were you able to fully transform into your vampire form completely.
Marcus: Indeed Lord Bane and I grow stronger each day thanks to your wisdom.
Bane: That is good to hear Marcus though we are sorry we couldn't save him, in which we all sorry for your loss.
Marcus: Thank you Lord Bane.
Ren: The loss of who?(Ren saids in thought)
Marcus: And who is this with you? What is your name child?(Marcus saids towards Ren that got the attention of Viktor and the other vampires and lycans in the room)
Palpatine: Everyone allow me to introduce you all to my son Ren Palpatine, you may reveal yourself my boy.(Palpatine saids to Ren who nods and removes his hood to show his face)
When Viktor along with Marcus as well as the vampires and lycans looked at Ren more closely they can see that he was indeed a Palpatine and shares similarities to his father and sensed such great power within him including his magic.
Viktor: Come closer child.
Ren walked forward towards Viktor and then gave the lord a bow while kneeling in front of him to show his respect towards the lords of the vampire clan.
Ren: My lords of the vampire and Lycan clan it is truly an honor to be in your presence, I have read so much about your kind. Your battles are highly legendary and I would like to know more about you.
Sonja: He shows such behaved manors towards us father and is very wise like his father.
Lucian: And to the fact that he looks just like him.
Viktor: Rise young Palpatine.
Ren rose towards his feet to look upon the vampire lord with greatness in which Viktor got up from his throne and walked towards Ren to get a better look at the boy.
Viktor: You have a fine son Lord Palpatine and I can see that he has been trained well by you as well as the other lords. I can see no fear in him which is good and yet I can feel such incredible power coming from him does he know of his heritage.
Maul: Indeed he does Lord Viktor in which he is learning well for his age. When the time comes he will take his place of those who came before him.
Viktor: I see tell me young Palpatine how highly skilled are you when you were taught under the guidance of your father and the lords.
Ren: Why tell you my lord when I could give you a demonstration of my power.
Palpatine: I think that would be a brilliant idea my son, if you would allow it Viktor.
Viktor: Of course I will and I would like to see this boy and his skills. Send in the the guards if you will.(Viktor saids and asked to bring in his guards)
Once the guards came in everyone made some room for Ren do give out his demonstrable towards the vampires and the lycans of his power. Ren took his stance he disrobed to reveal his Sith apprentice robes and then pulls out his lightsaber and turns it on to reveal the red blade.
(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)
Viktor: Begin.
One of the guards took out a crossbow and fired an arrow towards Ren but thanks to the force the apprentice dodged the attack in a second then another came and Ren did the same thing but then looked to see more arrows coming his way and decided to block the attacks with his saber then used the force to grab hold the crossbows and crushed them into pieces.
Then soon two vampires jumped into the air and landed behind Ren who were about to strike at him when all of sudden Ren used the force to hold them still then push them back towards the wall knocking them out cold.
Lord Palpatine was impressed of how his son is learning well in the force and able to dodge the attacks that the vampire guards were doing to him in which none of them couldn't keep up with what Ren can do. Viktor as well as Marcus were observing the young Palpatine with interest in how a child of his age was able to handle his own against fully trained vampire guards.
Ren looked to see one of the guards charing towards him with a sword in hand in which Ren stood still and used something that Lord Dooku taught him and that was shooting a blast of force lighting towards the ground and aimed it directly at the guard who got shot with the lightning and flew backwards.
The vampires and lycans were amazed of what they just seen that the boy did to the guard in which they never imagined a child with such skill was able to perform that ability that could take years to master but for Ren he was able to handle it quite well. Then soon when there was only one guard left, Ren did an incredible backflip and landed in front of the guard then used his saber to cut the vampire guards weapon down to size and then used the force grip on the guard in which Ren lifted the guard into the air and slammed the vampire into the solid wall knocking the vampire unconscious just like the others.
Once the fight was over, Ren turned towards the vampires and lycans and gave them an honorary bow and it caused all of them to clap for an incredible performance even the lords like Maul, Revan, Dooku, Bane and Palpatine clapped for how Ren did absolutely marvelous.
Viktor: Impressive very impressive, you have been trained well Ren Palpatine. You signally took down five of my best guards without breaking a sweat, you truly are your fathers son.
Ren: Your words honor me my lord Viktor.
Sonja: This boy shows potential and great strength.(Sonja saids in thought while admiring Ren's skills in combat)
Marcus: You have incredible power for one so young though I wonder how strong you will become fully grown.
Dooku: He grows stronger each day Lord Marcus and soon he will have the power to bring down those who have deceived us.
Viktor: Well if this is true what I can is that you young Ren Palpatine will become someone of great power and will help us take back what is ours.
Ren: Thats why I am being trained for my lord.
After the Ren gave his demonstration towards the vampire and lycan clans, the young Sith apprentice got to meet the vampires and lycans who shared incredible secrets and stories about the battles they all fought many centuries ago and Lucian was pleased to meet Ren and was impressed by the boys talents that he introduced his fellow lycans to Ren and the young Palpatine was honored to meet such powerful lycans such as Raze who was tall, strong, and shows absolutely no signs of fear of death and was the strongest lycan of the clan in which he challenge the young Sith apprentice to an arm wrestling contest to see who would win while everyone around them were placing bets because a lot of them were betting of Raze to win since he never lost a challenge in his life while some were betting on Ren to win in which he did by using his force strength to slam Raze's arm onto the table that shattered into pieces leaving all the lycans in shock that Ren beat Raze in an arm wrestling contest for someone who is at the age of eleven. Even though Raze lost he wasn't angry with Ren no he was impressed with the boys strength and has asked if the boy would like to train with him to improve his abilities even more and Ren took the offer to train with Raze along with the other lycans even Sonja offered to teach Ren some skills in combat they were past down for many generations of the vampire clans and Ren excepted her offer as well and was pleased with the skills that were being taught to him. Viktor was honor enough to share the history of his kind along with the lycans in the library and with some much knowledge Ren couldn't stop reading so much incredible history of both species. After words Ren decided to get some fresh air and looked out to see it was night time and the moon itself that was full began to show and it was a beautiful site to see.
Ren: Sigh....what a view.(Ren saids while enjoying the view from the castle)
Ren?(A female voice saids from behind Ren in which he turned around and saw who it was in which was none other than Eve Corvin herself)
Ren: Eve?
Even: Ren!(Eve saids in joy and runs over towards Ren and engulfs him into a hug)
Eve: What....I..I mean what are you doing here?
Ren: Well it turns out both our parents were close friends in Hogwarts as well as the fact that I just found out my father and the lords are friends with the lycans and vampires in which myself and my father and the lords were in invited for this gathering. And by the looks of it, it is the same gathering that you said to me on the train.
Eve: know what I am and my mother and father....
Ren: I do in which I am not upset with you as matter of fact I always wanted to meet a vampire and a lycan but a hybrid however that is something I never excepted to meet in person.
Eve: I'm sorry....
Ren: Why you sorry?
Eve: Because I kept it from you and our friends in which I didn't want to expose myself of what I am.
Ren: Hey it's alright, I understand you have to keep it a secret because of whats been going on in the wizard world; I get it and secret sometimes need to be kept hidden until it is the right time to reveal them to others. And if you want to keep your hybrid self a secret than I can respect that as well as if you want to show me your hybrid form.
Eve: You will keep my secret hidden..
Ren: Of course I will Eve that is if you can keep mine.
Eve: Whats your secret?
Ren: I am the apprentice of a Sith lord ever heard of them.
Eve: Yes I have...they were sorcerers who fought along side both species during the great wars but soon said that they all died out.
Ren: Not all of them.
Ren used the force to lift Eve up into the air in which she looked at Ren in complete shock that the boy she came to know and befriended is a Sith.
Eve: Your one of them...
Ren: Actually I am just an apprentice but soon as I finish my training I will take my place as a Sith lord along side those who came before me.
Eve: Ren...that is amazing....and I promise to keep your secret as well.
Ren: Thank you Moon Star.(Ren saids to Eve who blushes again at the nickname)
While the two were out talking to each other, two people were watching them in which they were liking what they were seeing in which the two were Selene and Michael Corvin who looked upon their daughter who was enjoying her time with the boy she likes.
Michael: I like him, he makes Eve very happy and after what she told us about what he did I think our little girl found someone who can give her a great life.
Selene: Ren does have skills as well as the courage to stand up to those who appose a threat to our daughter, I approve of him to be with Eve and he's a Sith which is better.
Michael: Eve's growing up so fast and already has someone to admire and love.
Selene: Yes indeed she does.
The two continue to look at Eve and Ren together and decided to leave them be and head back to the gathering to catch up with some old friends from school.
Eve: Ren....
Ren: Yes Eve.
Eve: I...I....I want to give you something that I always wanted to give you since the day we first met and...I can't keep...inside me any longer.
Ren: What is that you wanna....mph.(Ren saids then stops when all of sudden he felt a pare of soft lips touching his in which he looked to see Eve kissing him)
Eve: Mph......I....I....I am so sorry...I didn't know what came over me...Ren...I didn't mean......
Ren: No you don't have to apologize actually it was quite nice and it was my first.
Eve: R...really...I'm your first......
Ren: Yea.
Eve: Ren...even though you and I known each other for a couple months I came to realize that you mean so much to me and I was wondering if I could be in your life.
Ren: You know when I first met you Eve, you were alone and scared in an alleyway but somehow I saw something else, I saw this amazing and beautiful girl who is not only nice and kind towards me but she is also full compassion and trust in which I have never met any witch like you Eve Corvin even if you are a hybrid which I don't care because I like you just the way you are.
Eve: Then do you except my feelings Ren....
Ren: Does this answer your question.(Ren saids and kisses Eve on the lips in which caused her to kiss back)
Eve: I....I love you Ren and I want to be with you forever.
Ren: I love you too Eve and I want to be with you as well.
Eve cried tears of love and joy and hugged Ren for dear life and thanked him for excepting her feelings in which Ren hugged back and patted her head that Eve still likes a lot and while the two enjoyed their first relationship together. Lord Palpatine looked and saw as well as heard everything and it brought a smile on his face that his son has found love in someone who really likes him in which he approves of Eve Corvin being with Ren and looks forward to see a great future for the two of them but also thinking that his son will also have more than one person in his life because the lord has foreseen something that his son will have and it will be great for him.
Ren: Merry Christmas Eve.
Eve: Merry Christmas my love.
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