【UY01U .SJ . QC. L1EUX】

«Chapter 2»


Xornoth yelled out in alarm as he pulled Joey up.

"WHY IN THE NAME OF AOER WOULD YOU JUMP OUT OF THE WINDOW?"  Xornoth Said as Joey simply smiled & giggled.

"Aww~  Xorny are you worried over me~?"
  Joey said, teasingly as Xornoth pulled them up & looked worried but also as if he was gonna chokeslam Joey, which, honestly, his horny ass wouldn't mind.

Xornoth said as they then pushed Joey out of the window, they simply closed their window & turned his desk lamp off so Joey would hopefully see from the window that Xornoth was "sleeping"... lol-
  Unfortunately for Xornoth, Joey is a very stubborn (and horny) man.

  Xornoth soon learned that as he heard the window being unlocked with the key they chose, foolishly, to give Joey so he could enter their room whenever for "School help"... Is the excuse they give, Scott knows their both lying, Scott is very traumatized.

"Joey istg-"
Xornoth was abput to scold Joey as they sat up but then got hit by a hug attack, it was super effective.

"JO-"  "Hush Pretty boy! I'm pretty sure a guard spotted me.."  "..I'm not surprised, you're hard to miss."  "Aww Xorny~"  "in the sense you're fucking annoying."  "..."  "I love you~ ^_^"

  Xornoth said, teasingly as they pushed Joey off of themselves, Joey pouted bit both Xornoth & Joey knew he couldn't stay mad at them fpr much longer than a few hours... Or minutes-
They took a peak outsude the window, just to see guards were surrounding the area, fuuuuuckkk. Why did Joey have to fall so loudly?

Why did Joey even fall at all? Now, did Xornoth push him? Yes. BUT it wasn't Xornoth's fault, it was Joey, trust!

"They only heard you, didn't spot you.. yet, I'd be wise for you to stay here until they leave-"  "You want me to stay?? Oh Xorny~ Were not even formally courted~! What would you family think~?"  "From the type of shit we've done in this bed, you cam tell I really don't care if it's seen as 'inappropriate' for you to spend the night."  "Eh, I know, just like to tease... So~..?"  "Another round?"  "Yes."

Xornoth eyed Joey in surprise at his quick answer before chuckling, and to Joey? Xornoth seemed really fucking pretty at that moment with the moonlight radiating off him... Ok! He liked admiring his boyfriend's beauty, and??

Xornoth hummed as they giggled a bit, crouching down to meet Joey's eyes, Joey flushed as he saw Xornoth's calm & soft expression.

"If you bite me that high again I will rip your dick off. Also stop staring, fucking simp." Xornoth Said, sweetly as if he just confessed how much they adored Joey, sometimes Xornoth was simply too hard (in more ways than one) for Joey to comprehend... Now did Joey care? No, he loves Xornoth so much, gayass bitch-

Xornoth froze at the voice & Joey whipped around to see Jae, Xornoth's personal guard.
The reason for personal is due to them being friends for a long time & Jae's cligyness towards Xornoth, even after becoming a official knight with important duties, made the king & Queen simply give in & make Jae Xornoth's personal knight so that atleast being with Xorn is apart of his Job.. mostly since yelling at Jae to get work done & to STOP HUGGING XORNOTH YOU MISERABLY GAY MAN had gotten quite tiring.

"Jae? Why are you up?" Joey asked, quite annoyed since well... Jae clinging onto HIS fucking boyfriend is weird, like- Back off.

"Heard something in Xor's room, got informed there was a possible breaking, I panicked & ran up here just to check if Xornoth was alright.. I won't inform the staff about- whatever gay shit's happening, I promise"

"Thank you! Now please leave me & Xornoth alone."
Joey couldn't shake off the weird feeling that Jae's story was off. If he had been rushing to see if Xornoth was safe, wouldn't he be in atleast some quick armor & have some weapon? But no, just simple attire..
  It wasn't something Joet could think about much longer since he had no reason to, Jae probaly just forgot, which is a real shitty thing to do in a possible intruder scenario as a knight, but ok.

Jae closed the door & Joey waited for his fpotsteps to fade away fully.
"Hey Xorny, so~ uh-"
Joey paused as he saw Xornoth, they were stiff & had a look of panic, but  simply smiled & giggled at Joey despite it.

"Huh? Sorry I was- Spacing out!"  "...Well pay attention more! I could've been telling you about something important & you could've just been nom the wiser~!!"  "Ah, the dramatics is what I truly love about you most~"  "Is it because we have that in common?"  "Nuh-uh-"  "Wdym 'nuh-uh'!?"  "..Do you wanna makeout?"  "Yes."

eeeeee, I loves me some Jae action!
(I really don't but he has an important part in this story... 😈)

[Word Count ~ 850 !!]

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