Ammaki Ammavai(nandhu)ka

Ammaki Ammavainandhuka - The one who became a mother to his mother.

Hi D&S darlings,🙋🏻‍♀️

The title speaks for itself. This is a full and full wash-his-amma's-feet-with-his-tears types mother sentiment one shot showing D's bond with his amma. Hope you will like it as much as I did. Do keep some tissues handy incase you need them.Hihihihi..

Happy Reading ! 😊


D was working hard day in and day out for Sahoo. One fine day, he was in a deep sleep when his nokia phone shrilled.

D's precious Nokia phone 👆🏼

It took several full rings for the sound to reach his brain and he stirred in his sleep. Without opening his eyes he searched for his phone and finally managed to get hold of the little device that was sandwiched between the mattress and his gigantic bums. His eyes still closed, he answered the call.


D:Hihihi.... Shraddooo ma,
my love, my marathi mithai, 'muah muah' .. see, I am very generous, I've given you two kisses, what will you give your darling Sahoo in return?

"9 types of biriyani with 15 variety of chutneys and many other land, water and air creatures. All kept hot and ready for you here!"

D: Food !! You love me so much Shraddooo... awww... wait, I'm coming to feed you... galliyan, galliyan, galliyan aaaa....

He didn't know the song except the word 'galliyan' so he uttered repeatedly with a tune in an attempt to impress her but for his bad luck,

Su: Annaya ! Stop! It's me Sujith, why are you shouting I can hear well. You want galliyan, I don't know what it is but I'll ask the chef to make for you. How many plates you want ?

D: 😕😕(mv: Brainless fella, I sang a beautiful song he thinks it's a dish. Is my singing that bad?...huh mm) No need, why did you call this early ? 😡

Su: Annaya, we have an important scene to shoot at RFC at 1200hrs, the time now is 1230hrs. Where are you ?

D: Oops..Huh, uh.. I'm getting dressed ra, I'll be there in 5 mins.

Su: Ok be quick we're all waiting for you. See you soon!

Call ended.

D: Ooohhhh this fanta pet bottle won't let me sleep in peace also.

His sleep disturbed, he was irritated but being the workaholic he is, he decided to go for the shoot. Sujith's mention of dishes triggered his hunger.

Half sleepy and rubbing his eyes, he went down the stairs calling out loudly to his mother,

D: Ammaaaaa.... Ammaaaaaa....
I want milk ! Ammaaaa... ammaaa... I'm hungry I want food also..!

The 40 year old gentle giant whining like a 5 year old kid searched for his mother everywhere. Not finding her,
he went to her room. She was relaxing on the rocking chair, her eyes closed. He sat down beside her and nestled his large head on her lap.

D: Ammaaa....yaaawnnnn....I want something to eat! Make for me..!

His mother who got up the moment she felt the weight of his large head on her lap, spoke in a feeble tone.

SKG: Nandhu, give me a while I'll make something for you.

D: You don't sound right, what's wrong with....

He placed his hand on her forehead and realised she was running a fever.

D: Amma !!! You're not feeling well !!! 😰

The actor inside him took full form and he started mouthing mother sentiment movie dialogues. He clutched her legs tightly. Tears streamed down his cheeks.

D: Ammaaaaa, don't leave me !!! You are my god !!! You carried me for 9 months, you bore the pain of childbirth to bring me into this world, you brought me up with love how can I ever repay you ???? Ammaa you don't worry, I will sell my watches, car, our house, properties,my golden waist thread and even my kidneys to save you ammaa !!!

SKG: Kanna, it's just a mild fever. If I eat medicines and take rest I will be fine for that why do you have to sell everything including your kidneys ?😳

D: because you are my mother !!! My god !!! And I am a hero, I have to do all this and save you !!!! I will tear the skies if....

In a rage, he tugged her saree lightly.

SKG: Kanna careful, don't tear my saree. It's one of my favorite.

D: Huh...mmm... hihihihi...sorry amma...Anyone can be a son but to be Sivakumari garu's son, one should have a range !!! I have that range and also a range rover I will bring you to the best hospital in that and save your life !!! You can trust this son ammaa!!!

His mother did not know whether to laugh or cry seeing her son's antics. He got up quickly rubbing his tears away. Scooping her in his arms in cinema style he was about to take a step when his mother stopped him,

SKG: Nandhu, put me down please kanna. I have doctor's number saved on my phone. If you call she will only come home we need not go to the hospital.

The doctor arrived and checked her. It was only a viral fever. She prescribed some medicines and advised her to take some rest.

After doctor left, D took some cold water and towel to sponge his mother.

SKG: It's ok nandhu, I can manage. You said you had to go for shoot, I'll make something you can eat and go.

She tried to move out of the bed but D stopped her.

D: No, there is no one at home. I'm not leaving you alone in this state and going anywhere. I am cancelling shoot today.

She tried explaining to him but D was adamant and refused to budge from the place.

SKG: Ok fine, don't go for shoot atleast allow me go to the kitchen I have to prepare food for the both of us.

D: No ! I won't let you do any work today. You have to rest. I will cook today!

SKG: Nandhu?? You ?? 😲 No no no! I'm already having fever I don't want to get diarrhea. We'll order food.

D: 😕😕Amma, you don't like food from outside besides when you are not well it's best to have home food. Don't underestimate my talents! I am Bahubali! I am Siddhanth Nandhan Sahoo ! I have my father's blood in me I can cook blah, blah, blah....

His mother could tolerate the discomfort due to fever but not his chatter. She folded her palms before him begging him to stop. A sense of victory surged up within him as he had convinced his adamant mother to allow him to cook.

D: Give me 15 mins, I'll make the best lunch for you amma !

Saying he skipped happily to the kitchen humming his all time favourite 'Darlingey osi na darlingey'.

D: Mmm...what shall I make?

He looked around the kitchen, glanced into the vegetable basket and fridge while thinking what to prepare.

D: When I am down with fever amma feeds me hot rice and pepper rasam. I will make the same for her. Yes!

He took rice grains and rinsed it well in water. Then he put in the rice cooker.

D: How many glasses of water should I pour for rice to cook ? Let me ask no she will doubt my talents then it will be puppy shame for me.Think nandhu think.

He thought hard and recalled watching a cooking show some time back in which the chef was making some rice. He followed that.

D: Ok rice will be cooked now. Next rasam. Oh no I don't know how to make rasam ! I don't have the recipe ! Must ask someone.

He scrolled though the contacts in his phone.

D: R...Rana... he only knows to slurp one pot of rasam it's a waste asking him...who else...ah got it ! Rama garu, my bangaram, the best cook!! I will call her.

He called her unfortunately phone was switched off. The next person he tried contacting was SSR but he too was not reachable.

D: Grrr whole family must be shooting for RRR so phones switched off. If I ask Akka she will come running I don't want to trouble her. Oh no what will I do now ?

SKG: Nandhu, is everything alright ? Should I come?

D: No need amma everything is fine ! I can manage. You don't come here.

He stopped his mother from coming to the kitchen. He had to act fast. Like a new bride in in-laws house, he searched for 'how to make rasam' videos in youtube.

D: Yes ! This looks delicious and the method seems to be easy to make.

Excited, he got to work.

D: Let the tamarind soak in water meanwhile I'll grind the pepper corns, cumin n garlic.

Though there was a electric grinder, he preferred to use the traditional grinding stone to get the most flavour. He sat down to grind the spices.

D: Huff...puff... this is more tedious than lifting dumbbells there is no need for gym just have to grind spices and I can get back my Bahubali physique...huff...puff...

Once grinding was done, he began cooking. Soon, the kitchen was filled with the aroma of rasam.

D: Mmmm... the aroma is just out of this world! Wow ! I've just made the best pepper rasam !!! Amma will be so proud of me!! Pabsuuu, nuvvu superrreh !!!

He kept the rasam and cooked rice on the dining table. He wanted something extra to complement the dish so he fried appadams as well.

D: Hihihi... it's so easy to make, just put in hot oil and fry. Appadams done!

After arranging the plates on the dining table, he went to his mother's room to call her.

D: Amma ! Lunch ready !

SKG: That was fast. So what have you cooked ?

D: Mmm it's a surprise I won't tell you come and see for yourself.

He closed her eyes from behind and walked her to the dining area. He took his hands off her eyes.

D: Tada !!!

SKG: Rice, pepper rasam and appadams ! My tongue is very bitter I really craved to have some tangy rasam and you made that.

D: See, that is your nandhu ! I could read your mind. Sit down, I'll serve you.

She was about to take a mouthful when he stopped her.

D: Amma wait, I'll feed you.

SKG: It's ok nandhu, I'll eat myself.

But he didn't listen. He took some food, rolled it into a huge ball and brought it to her mouth.

D: Remember this is how nanna used to feed us all na.... open your mouth wide say aaaa...

SKG: Yum! Good job Nandhu ! Though I feel little more salt should have been added.

D: That...errr...that... I didn't know how much to add amma..😔

SKG: It's ok kanna, the rasam is still delicious.

D: Ok then here is the next mouth...say aaa....

His mother scooped some food.

SKG: Now you open your mouth.

D: It's ok amma I will have later... you eat...

But she knew her son couldn't withstand hunger and inspite his protests, she fed him. The mother and son duo enjoyed their simple yet filling meal. Later he cleaned the table, washed their plates, gave her medicines and made her rest in her room. He sat on the bed and taking her feet to his lap began pressing it.

SKG: It's ok kanna, you don't have to...

D: You relax, I will press for sometime you will feel better. Amma, shall I sing you laali(lullaby) song ? You will sleep well.

SKG: You plan to make me sleep or run away ?

D: Amma don't tease me I can sing well... Even Sweety loves my voice you know...

SKG: Huh, come again...when did she hear you sing ?

She raised an eyebrow at him.

D: Huh..uh...mmm... I mean once on Bahubali sets we all played 'antakshari'. That time I sang and she liked it.

He kept a face of thief trying to break into a house.

SKG: Hmm.. Can I trust you ? You won't bring a bad name to our family na ?

She knew her son yet she feigned suspicion just to play with him.

D: Amma ! Don't suspect me ! You have given birth to a Sri Ram! I'm an obedient son, I treat women like my mothers and sisters! You know whenever Shraddooo wears baby clothes, I remove my jacket to cover her. I did the same for Jackoooo but she threw it back at me she didn't want to cover herself.😔

His mother laughed.

SKG: Kanna, how would she cover herself when showing everything is her work ?

D: Hmm you are right amma...but I'm a good boy...

SKG: Yes that's what I believe but only god knows the truth what you are doing. 😏

She riled him up.

D: Amma ! You don't trust me you're thinking like my fans. I'll call Raj, I'll call Rana, I'll call Sweety, you speak to them they'll tell you how innocent I am. 🥺

SKG: I was just pulling your leg kanna I believe you. Don't keep that face, smile now.

D: 😁😁 I'll sing you to sleep. Close your eyes.

Cleared his throat,

D: Ooo paapa laali janmake laali...

He crooned a song from his favourite movie Geetanjali for his mother. She drifted off to sleep. He pulled the quilt over her and ensured she was comfortable before leaving her room.

His mother was sleeping and he felt bored. He didn't know what to do and roamed the house aimlessly. As he went to the backyard, he noticed buckets of unwashed clothes.

D: Our helper has not washed the clothes nevermind I will do it !

He took his mother's saree first and gently placed it on the washing stone. He folded his palms in prayer and bowed his head in respect then circled the stone once.

D: Amma's saree, I have to be gentle.

He washed it carefully and delicately. Next he placed the other wet clothes on the washing stone and rubbed it with soap then he scrubbed those and started beating it against the stone, in the old way of washing clothes.

D: Huff, puff... these are not clothes these are all the lusty guys who look at girls. I will twist them like this, thrash them like that because I am the saviour of girls !!! Grrr !!!

He bashed the clothes ferociously against the stone venting his frustration until he was satisfied and after squeezing the water he unrolled his pant only to find it torn at the knees.

D: Oops, my pant is torn. Huh..uh... stupid pants, poor quality material, china made cheap ones that's why it tore so fast shop guy cheated me. Nevermind I'll still wear it for events, people will think its fashion and I'm hot...hihihi...

He hung them on the clothes line to dry. He gave himself a pat on his back for doing a wonderful job. He removed the dried clothes and tried to fold them but he couldn't.

D: Grrr it's not folding properly nowadays clothes are such bad quality.

In the name of folding he rolled the T-shirt's and pants in a haphazard manner and chucked it inside his cupboard.

D: Phew ! Done ! Now I can relax!

His phone buzzed.It was Sujith again and D realized he hadn't informed about his absence.

D: Oh no pet bottle will give me an earful, what to do now hmm...

Nevertheless he picked the call.

Su: Annaya !! You said you would be here in 5 mins, it's been 3 hours! Shraddha is waiting for you here in two piece. Where are you ??

D had hearts in eyes at the mention of Shraddha and the two piece.

D mv: Huh..uh..Shraddooo is waiting for me, I have to go but amma is not well. Shraddooo or Amma ? No doubt it is Amma. My god is important to me.

Su: Annayaa ! Are you there ??

D: The subscriber you have called is currently unavailable. Please try again later.

And D switched off his phone.

D: Sigh, I am not fortunate to see her in two piece. Better luck next time nandhu.😔

SKG: Ahem, ahem... see who in two piece ?

His heart skipped a beat when he heard his mother's voice from behind. He turned and faced her with sheepish grin on his face,

D: Amma! When you came ? How are you feeling now ?

SKG: Much better. I came when my son became the recorded voice.

D: Erm you didn't hear properly amma I meant two places. Sahoo is shot in two places mainly Hyderabad and Dubai. I said that. Hihihihi.

SKG: Is it so ? I did hear two piece though...

But D was quick to divert her mind,

D: Amma ! You know I did the laundry today. I folded clothes as well.

SKG: Oh no why did you do all that nandhu? Our helpers would have done it.

D: It's ok amma. I was feeling bored and so I thought of doing this small help.

SKG: Still I feel bad. Made my son, a big star,do all house chores. I'm such a cruel mother. 😔

Her face fell. D couldn't bear to see his mother sad. He looped his arms around her neck,

D: Amma, never say that ! You are the best amma one can ever have! Big star ? Since when you started seeing me as a big star ? I've always been your little son, having watery nose clutching the end of your saree pallu walking behind you without even wearing underwear.

His mother laughed out aloud. She ruffled his hair,

SKG: 😂😂 you used to scream and make a fuss whenever I or nanna made you wear an underwear so we gave up.

D made a cute face. She warded off evil eyes from him and pecked his forehead. He was over the moon seeing the happiness on his mother's delighted face.

D: Amma I feel happy seeing you happy!! I want to get you something ! Mmm you ask me, ask me anything ! Jewellery, sarees, mmm you want a new car ? Or shall I take you on a foreign trip ?? Spain, Switzerland ? Tell me amma...

He looked at her enthusiastically waiting for an answer,

SKG: Aiyo I don't want all that I'm fine in India don't want to go anywhere mmm but since you're asking so much I'll tell you what I want...

D: Tell...tell...tell...

She caught his chin in between her fingers,

SKG: Kanna, pls agree for marriage. Amma wants to see you married, living happily with your wife and children. I have to fight with your wife over tv serials, your children should come running to me when you chide them.They should have your resemblance and I should raise them up like I did the three of you and much more. I don't have any other desire. Will you fulfill my wishes nandhu?

She looked hopefully at her son who by then had shrunken like a deflated tyre hearing her wishlist.

D mv: On no I'm cornered !! Amma, you could have asked me to do Bahubali 3 for this. For you to fight, I have to marry and bring home a girl ? Pabsu life would become a bus stand after that. No way, I should not say 'no' directly. It will hurt amma. Have to escape tactfully...

SKG: Nandhu, what happened ? You're sitting like a bomb fell on your head...are you ok ?

She shook him.

D: Huh..uh...I'm absolutely fine amma. I was pondering on your words. You are right. I have to get married.

His mother's happiness knew no bounds.

SKG: Oh my son has finally agreed for marriage ! Gods have heard my prayers! Thank god! I'll call Shyamala right away ! Have to start looking for a bride blah blah blah....

D: Amma, that err.... hang on amma... mmm... is it a must I should marry the girl you choose ?

SKG: My son has agreed for marriage that itself is enough for me. It's your life. Whoever the girl, I am fine. Tell me, you have anyone in your mind ? I'll speak to her parents immediately!

D: No I'm not seeing anyone now but with your permission, I'll only find my bride. Let me wrap up Sahoo after that I will be free and I can look into this. Until then no marriage talks, let me concentrate only on work. Ok amma?

He kept a puppy face and spoke in the sweetest tone and his innocent mother fell into the trap.

SKG: Ok, ok, no hurry you finish your work first then search for your girl. Just bring her to me and I'll fix your marriage the soonest. My son will get married... I'll get grandchildren... I love you nandhu.

D: I love you too amma !

She took him in her embrace dreaming about the day of her son's marriage.

D mv: Hihihihi bought some more time. Pabsuuu talents won again !! Yes ! Yes ! 😎

SKG mv: How will my daughter-in-law look like ? Where will she be now ? 🤔

Meanwhile somewhere in Seattle,

"Camera... rolling..... start.... action !"



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