Chapter 5: my name is Hiro Yuy
Wing Gundam and the 9's custom FranXX immediately engage in high speed aerial combat the two mobile suits appearing to be evenly matched however Alpha and his partner appear to have the advantage as Hiro is only firing small shots from his Buster rather than charging it for a kill shot.
9 Alpha: "Aren't you a soldier 016? What's with the hesitation to take your enemy's life?"
Hiro: "You're a parasite like I was. You didn't choose fight, you weren't given a choice like I was. So I'm giving you a chance to surrender now."
9 Alpha: "Surrender? To you? Please don't insult me or my loyalty to Papa. I'm bringing you back to Papa dead or alive so unless you kill me you're in for a bad time."
Meanwhile with squad 13
After learning that their enemy is none other than Hiro Squad 13's morale has practically shattered with the exception of Zorome whose anger has reached a fever pitch. His partner Miku however is just as shattered as the rest of their squad as her connection with Zorome finally breaks.
Zorome: "Wha-?! Hey! What's gotta into you we gotta get back in the fight!"
Miku: "It was Hiro this whole time...he destroyed our home and the reason we're even alive right now is because he didn't want to kill us back then..."
Zorome: "So what!? He's still a damn traitor!"
Miku: "Don't you get it! He was holding back because he realized who we were! If he wanted to he would've killed us all back then..."
However the one taking this revelation the worst is Ichigo...she didn't want to believe it when Mitsuru told her but it would seem in a cruel twist of fate he was right and now faced with a reality she would never want to accept...she folds. Delphinium's connection suddenly breaks as the blue FranXX falls to its knees.
Goro: "H-hey Ichigo! C'mon you gotta get up!"
Ichigo: "It was...Hiro who fought us. He destroyed Plantation 13 and...killed all those people..."
Goro tries to think of something anything he can say to calm Ichigo's nerves but he can't. Though he's not showing it Goro's just as devastated by the revelation of Wing Gundam's pilot as she is.
Goro: 'Hiro, a part of me wants to be happy you're alive but...why side with the Spacians!? Why do you have to be our enemy...?'
Meanwhile on Peacemillion
Howard, Sally, Duo, and Zero Two are watching Hiro's duel with 9 Alpha, Zero Two looking visibly anxious.
Duo: "Damn it!"
Duo slams his fist onto the wall!
Duo: "It's all that dragon dumbass' fault! If he rendezvoused with us instead of taking a swing at the convoy we wouldn't be in this mess!!!"
Zero Two: "If Stralitzia was working right now I could go back him up...."
Howard: "I'll admit the situation isn't looking good. At this rate Plantation 26 is going to make it to their location before we can. Hiro may be forced to use the thumper."
Zero Two looks at Howard with an inquistive expression.
Zero Two: "What's a Thumper?"
Sally: "An alliance weapon it's deployed similar to a grenade. Its purpose is to call a Klaxosaur to its location."
Zero Two looks at Sally in a mix of surprise and disgust.
Zero Two: "You willingly call to those monsters!?"
Duo: "Never actually field tested them. Doc S told me to not pop mine unless I was in a serious jam and needed a diversion to escape. There's a good chance it might just not work."
Howard: "There's a lot you don't understand little lady. Especially about who your true enemy is in this war."
Back at the convoy
Hiro charges 9 Alpha's custom FranXX his Gundam's beam saber ready to cut 9 Alpha's FranXX to ribbons!
9 Alpha: "I'll admit I wasn't expecting that the Spacians could create reliable beam weaponry however..."
The 9's Custom FranXX suddenly puts away its spear as it draws two purple beam sabers from its hips and clashes with Wing Gundam's Green colored beam saber.
Hiro: "Beam sabers!?"
9 Alpha: "Reverse engineered from the Tallgeese. Did you know even the FranXX are descended from the Tallgeese? It's funny really every mobile suit owes their existence to the Tallgeese and yet only our custom FranXX and Gundams have been able to match or even surpass it in might."
Hiro: "A machine is one thing the one that gives a Mobile suit it's strength is it's pilot! I am Hiro Yuy champion duelist of Luna Sphere, and I've never known defeat..."
Hiro breaks the beam saber clash and goes to cut off the Custom FranXX's arm but 9 Alpha and Beta are quick to counter and push Wing Gundam back. Now the 9's go on the offensive as Hiro brings up his Gundam's shield to defend himself from the Custom FranXX's onslaught. Remarkably the shield doesn't even have a scratch on it.
9 Beta: "Anti-beam coating over Gundanium armor...impressive."
9 Alpha: "But not impressive enough!"
The Custom FranXX suddenly disappears in a flash and slashes at Wing Gundam's back wing thrusters sending the Gundam falling down into the sand below. Hiro tries to pull up his Gundam as he does he sees Delphinium standing above him, Dobergun aimed right at Wing Gundam's head.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ichigo: "Hiro...please, stay down don't make us do this..."
Hiro has a hesitant look on his face before hardening his resolve as he pulls Wing Gundam up onto its feet, Delphinium now having a clear shot at the cockpit but due to Ichigo and Goro's nerves Delphinium seems to shake. Squad 13 with the 9's Alpha and Beta surround the grounded Wing Gundam.
9 Alpha: "Are you going to surrender now? Now that your Mobile Suit is grounded even if you did use that Buster Rifle of yours, you'd at most only take out one pair of these weaklings."
Hiro looks around to his old friends, to think that things would turn out like this...
Ichigo: "Why? Tell us why you'd side with the Spacians!? Why betray humanity!?"
Hiro is silent as suddenly Miku and Zorome interject.
Miku: "Why would you destroy our home!?"
Zorome: "How could you kill al those adults!?"
However the most heartbreaking question came from Mitsuru.
Mitsuru: "Why did you abandon us?"
Hiro picks up a device as he looks to see where Gundam Shenlong is and to his luck it appears the Shenlong is close enough as Hiro opens up his cockpit and steps out of his Gundam.
Hiro: "I never abandoned you...every day I always thought about you guys in the colonies I would always look around and feel sad that you couldn't be there..."
This sudden confession hits Squad 13 like a sack of bricks, even after all these years and his time living in the colonies he still thought about them...
Hiro: "But you have to be delusional if you think I'm the one who destroyed your home...look around at what APE has done to Earth! They've destroyed our home! And don't get me started on the Adults, they stopped being human long ago."
9 Alpha: "I think that's quite enough out of you..."
Hiro: "I wouldn't take another step closer. My Gundam is powered by a Micro-fusion reactor fueled by hydrogen isotopes. The same goes for Gundam Shenlong. Both of our Gundams are fitted with a self detonation device to prevent capture or our Gundams falling into enemy hands. And in my hand is the remote to trigger my Gundam's self detonation system."
Meanwhile on Peacemillion
Sally: "Damn it! To think he'd resort to that!"
Zero Two: "Darling wouldn't do this would you...?"
Meanwhile inside the Plantation 13 convoy
The control room is a buzz as Nana and Hachi are in a full on panic.
Nana: "Squad 13 pull back immediately! At this range two hydrogen detonations would destroy the convoy!"
Hachi: "We need to move the convoy now!"
Meanwhile Dr FranXX, Zechs, and Treize all watch the situation with vested interest.
Zechs: "He's willing to give up his own life to keep the power of the Gundams from us. I must admit I'm rather impressed by his resolve."
Treize: "But wouldn't you say it's a waste since you haven't had the chance to properly settle your affairs with him?"
Zechs: "Yes. I was hoping I could finish our fight on even terms."
Dr FranXX: "You and your sense of honor truly is amusing Zechs. Do you see code 016 as a rival of sorts?"
Zechs: "You could say that. I see such an ending to our rivalry as disappointing."
Meanwhile on the battlefield
The situation is tense as Hiro has his finger on the trigger of the detonator.
Hiro: "Come any closer or touch the other Gundam and I will trigger my self detonation system. I won't give you any more warnings. From this distance my Gundam self detonating will trigger a chain reaction that will set off Gundam Shenlong's reactor, even with its own self detonation system cut the Gundam will explode all the same and I don't think you'd be able to outrun a blast like that."
Zorome: "You bastard!!!"
Kokoro: "Hiro please, if you surrender now you won't have to work for the Spacians anymore. Just tell us what they're doing to force y-."
Hiro: "Who said I was forced? I was rescued, I pushed myself to the limit to become a Gundam pilot, I chose to come here."
That revelation shocks Squad 13 to their very core. Hiro, the boy who named them, who they believed would one day lead them not only sided with the Spacians but actively chose to fight for them.
Ichigo: "N-no..."
Hiro: "You all have to the count of ten to back off before I detonate..."
Goro: "Hiro wait!"
Hiro: "Ten!"
Futoshi: "He can't be serious..."
Hiro: "9!"
Ikuno: "I'd say he's deathly serious!"
Mitsuru: "Hiro don't-!"
Hiro: "8!"
Miku: "He's really planning on blowing us all up!?"
Hiro: "7!"
Zorome: "You coward! Don't you dare take the coward's way out!"
Hiro: "6!"
Kokoro: "This can't be happening..."
Hiro: "5!"
Goro: "Hiro think about this! We're your friends I know you, you wouldn't do this to us!"
Hiro: "4!"
Ichigo: "Hiro nooooo!!!"
Hiro: "3!"
9 Alpha: "You certainly have resolve I'll give you that..."
Meanwhile aboard Peacemillion
Duo slams his fist into the wall!
Duo: "How am I so useless! I should be there backing him up!"
Zero Two: "Darling...don't go..."
Back on the battlefield
Hiro: "2!"
Ichigo: "Everyone! Full retreat!"
Zorome and Miku: "To hell with that!"
Hiro: "1..."
Hiro looks at the trigger for his Self Detonation system as he pulls the trigger again.
Click click click
Hiro: "What...?"
9 Alpha: "Oh, why isn't that lucky I must've hit your Self detonation system when I grounded you. Looks like you're not blowing yourself up this time."
Hiro scrambles back into his Gundam's cockpit as he charges Wing Gundam at the 9s Custom FranXX with his beam saber at the ready. However he's then blasted by Genista's Magma cannon sending him flying back. Hiro then tries to retaliate with his Gundam's Buster rifle but it's shot out of his Gundam's hand by Chlorophytum. Hiro then tries to defend with his Gundam's shield only for Argentea to rush him and cut off his Gundam's shield arm. Lastly Hiro makes one final desperate charge for the Custom FranXX only for his beam saber to be knocked out of his hand by Delphinium's own beam saber. Then with a final charge the 9s Custom FranXX punches Wing Gundam in the chest the impact causing the airbags to deploy but Hiro is still knocked out from the impact.
Ichigo: "I'm sorry...Hiro. But you need to face Papa's judgment..."
Meanwhile in the convoy
Everyone breathes a sigh of relief as it appears that the bomb threat is now over however Zechs doesn't seem as enthusiastic as everyone else.
Zechs: "They ganged up on him while he was at a clear disadvantage, hardly a true victory in my mind."
Noin: "This is war after all. Not much room for honor on the battlefield."
Treize: "But some civility should be allowed."
Meanwhile with Squad 13
9 Alpha: "Alright, collect the traitor and the other pilot. Plantation 26 should be arriving any minute now..."
However unnoticed by everyone, Wufei has managed to get out of his Gundam's cockpit as he prepares to manually activate the Thumper on his Gundam.
Wufei: "This ought to buy me some time..."
The Thumper deploys as it sends out a seismic wave underground to attract a Klaxosaur to Wufei's location.
Wufei: "Now to get the command frequency going to make that beast pull me the hell out of here."
Wufei quickly sneaks back into his Gundam's cockpit as he starts tuning his radio to broadcast a specific frequency. Meanwhile Delphinium and Genista grab ahold of Wing Gundam while Chlorophytum grabs the Buster rifle and Argentea grabs the disabled Gundams shield and arm.
Zorome: "Hiro has a lot to answer for when Plantation 26 gets here..."
Suddenly there's a low rumbling noise. Delphinium turns their attention to Gundam Shenlong as suddenly a worm like Klaxosaur bursts up from the ground and seemingly swallows the other Gundam as well as its severed arms.
Ichigo: "A Klaxosaur!?"
9 Alpha: "It ate the other Gundam!"
Miku: "Well if it's a fight it wants-!"
Suddenly the worm Klaxosaur burrows underground and seemingly runs away.
Zorome: "It ran?"
Meanwhile on Peacemillion
Howard breathes a sigh of relief that Hiro is alive albeit captured by the enemy.
Sally: "Looks like the command frequency is working. Gundam Shenlong and its pilot, Wufei Chang is on a direct course for us."
Zero Two: "He used a damn monster to get away...and left Darling behind..."
Howard: "I wouldn't count Hiro out yet. All Gundam pilots received training in guerrilla warfare. If anyone can escape APE captivity it would definitely be Hiro. Our main objective should be either recovering or destroying Wing Gundam. We can't allow Gundams to fall into APE's hands. He might be a bit roughed up but Hiro will definitely escape."
Zero Two seems to accept this but bites her nail in frustration.
Duo: "Fret not my beloved I the god of death shall cut open Plantation 26 like paper!"
Zero Two: "Die..."
Howard: "We're picking up multiple Mobile Suit signatures on radar, Gundams Sandrock and Heavy Arms appear to be among them."
Sally: "Some timing. And Shenlong's ETA?"
Howard: "30 minutes."
Sally: "Good. Let's have the crew ready to make repairs as well as rearming Heavy Arms and the Maganac corps."
Howard: "Of course. By the wanna go save him right?"
Zero Two turns to Howard.
Howard: "The modifications to Stralizia will be done by tomorrow morning. I understand you're able to pilot solo. You should probably be there to give him a hand in escaping."
Zero Two: "So long as I don't need to fight alongside those monsters I will rescue him..."
Meanwhile in an unknown location
A blue light illuminates what appears to be an ancient palace of some kind as Klaxosaurs move about the structure. In the center of what appears to be a throne room sits a small blue skinned girl with white hair and a long blue horn that almost gives off the impression of royalty.
???: "So the knights prepare to gather together...and the humans who escaped to the stars now return home to reclaim their world. The time for emergence is at hand, the copy must not fall back into the hands of our enemy."
The girl stands up as what appear to be tendrils on her back now form into a large and prominent tail. She then starts walking through the palace towards a chamber housing what appears to be a Mobile suit.
???: "The scientists who built you have sent their chosen knights down to the earth. I require your insight into the next step once more, ZERO."
Hours later inside Plantation 26's holding cells
Hiro is awoken by water being splashed on him by one of the guards.
Guard 1: "Wake up traitor!"
Guard 2: "The Doctor has some questions for you."
Dr FranXX walks into the cell, Hiro himself currently being restrained to the wall by handcuffs.
Dr FranXX: "As I live and breathe, it truly is you Code 016."
Hiro: "My name is Hiro Yuy, rank: lieutenant, serial number: XXXG-01W."
Dr FranXX: "Ah, they trained you well. I'm guessing that no matter what form of interrogation these brutes perform on you that you won't budge."
Hiro: "Hiro Yuy, Lieutenant, XXXG-01W."
Dr FranXX: "Your Gundam has a unique ability to remotely initiate paracapacity with a FranXX. The one who built it must have built it with capturing Zero Two in mind. However its physical appearance is also rather frightening to me."
Hiro: "Hiro Yuy, Lieutenant, XXXG-01W."
Dr FranXX: "You know before I designed the FranXX I helped create the Tallgeese alongside five other scientists. Is Gundam 01 a creation of Dr Jay Null."
Hiro scowls but hardens his resolve.
Hiro: "Hiro Yuy, Lieutenant, XXXG-01W."
Dr FranXX: "I'll take that as a yes. You should know your friends are worried about you. Code 015 especially despite everything you've done she wants you to join them again. Would you like that?"
Hiro hesitates for a moment before falling back into his training and giving his response.
Hiro: "Hiro Yuy, Lieutenant, XXXG-01W."
Dr FranXX: "I assume that means you've made up your mind. Very well. You will be judged by the council early this morning and your punishment will be carried out in the afternoon."
Dr FranXX exits the room as another person enters the room this being none other than Treize Kushrenada.
Treize: "I must say your skills as a pilot are remarkable. I've read up on your file, when you were living in the Garden you were a designated special research subject. Where are my manners I am general Treize Kushrenada leader of the OZ special group as well as the representative of the Naturals. Your mobile suit is quite impressive, the engineers haven't seen anything else like it. I'd personally like to shake the hand of the one who built your Gundam."
Hiro: "Why...?"
Treize: "Oh?"
Treize's curiosity is peaked as Hiro just addressed him without giving his name, rank, and serial number.
Hiro: "Why work with APE? You're a Natural aren't you? Among the few remaining true humans on earth you can see what they're doing to your home. So why...why side with them instead of us?"
Treize looks at Hiro intrigued.
Treize: "Cut the cameras, that's an order."
Guard 1: "Sir what are you?"
Treize: "I'm ordering you to cut the cameras."
Treize looks the guard standing behind him as they fiddle with a device on their arm and turn off the cameras. Then once the deed is done Treize pulls out an ornate handgun and shoots the guard in the face.
Hiro: "Wha-what!?"
Treize: "Who said I was on their side, Hiro Yuy? I am on my side, the side that will return humanity to its former glory. APE is merely a means to an end for me."
Hiro: "If you're against APE then why don't you join the alliance!? Release me now and we can fight them together!"
Treize chuckles a bit.
Treize: "So young, so optimistic...the alliance was formed by the many people of colonies as well as those from old days who believed Magma energy was a curse disguised as hope. For now the alliance is united together by their hatred of APE and purpose of destroying them, but once they're gone and everyone has resettled back on Earth it will be back to people fighting one another over established values and personal interests. I'm fairly certain you can expect oppression to become quite common among the colonies once this war comes to an end. The issue is humanity itself is infected by the disease called war. And OZ is the cure."
Hiro: "What are you planning?"
Treize: "If I told you now that wouldn't be much of a surprise but rest assured your friends play vital roles and my role is to set the stage and execute the great plan."
Suddenly an OZ soldier enters the room.
Treize: "Dispose of the body."
OZ Soldier: "Yes your excellency!"
The OZ soldier then proceeds to wrap up the APE guard's body in sheets to disguise the body.
Treize: "It was nice talking with you Hiro Yuy. I look forward to our next meeting."
Treize walks out of the room.
Meanwhile in Squad 26's bird cage
After Plantation 26 had arrived, Squad 13 was set up in Squad 26's boarding house for the time being. Currently Squad 13 is trying to relax but given all that's happened the children seem anxious, none more so than Ichigo. Ichigo is currently holed up in the library trying to find something to read to hopefully get today's ordeal off her mind.
Goro: "You're worried about what they'll do to Hiro aren't you?"
Ichigo's attention is caught by Goro however she doesn't respond and how could she, Hiro was alive but turned out to be the very same Gundam pilot who destroyed Plantation 13 how was she supposed to react?
Goro: "This is a bit much for me too. After what happened today I almost wish I could go back to thinking Hiro was dead. At the very least then we knew he wasn't the enemy. At least...we thought we knew."
Ichigo: "What do you think Hiro meant?"
Goro: "Huh?"
Ichigo: "About how Papa and the others are destroying the planet, what do you think he meant by that?"
Goro: "He was probably referring to the mass desertification that occurred due to Magma energy mining. But now that the Earth is one big desert we really don't have any other choice to survive."
Ichigo: "Bu then, how have the colonies been surviving without Magma energy?"
Goro: "That I'm not so sure of. Zorome says that life in space has to be harsh so maybe they're only barely surviving. It would explain why they're trying to take territory here on the Earth."
Ichigo: "But...Hiro didn't look like he was struggling to survive. Remember what he said about being sad we weren't with him in the Colonies? What if the Colonies aren't just surviving up in space but thriving and doing it all without Magma energy?"
Goro: "But that wouldn't make any sense, if that was the case they wouldn't have raided Garden facilities five years ago for children nor would they be trying to recruit Parasites to their cause."
Ichigo: "Before Plantation 13 was destroyed I thought I knew all I needed to know. All of you were my friends, we were protecting humanity from the Klaxosaurs, and the Colonies turned their back on the Earth. Now I'm questioning if anything we know is true..."
Goro doesn't know how to respond to that but tries to comfort Ichigo as best he can. Goro gently wraps his arm around Ichigo surprising her a little but she doesn't stop him.
Goro: "If there's anything you can count on and know for sure it's that every one of us aren't just friends we're practically family. You can trust me to help shoulder any burdens because I'm your partner it's what I do best."
Ichigo: "Thank you Goro."
Goro: "Anytime Ichigo."
Meanwhile with the alliance forces
The worm Klaxosaur had brought Wufei and his Gundam to a large encampment set up around Peacemillion which has now landed on a nearby Dune. Over the hills the scouts watch Plantation 26 as they prepare for the assault. Down in the tents the remaining Gundam pilots as well as Zero Two have gathered with Major Sally and Howard to discuss a plan of attack.
Sally: "Here's the plan. Gundams Sandrock and Gundam Heavy Arms will lead a frontal assault on Plantation 26 while Gundam Shenlong and Gundam Deathscythe alongside Stralitzia will slip into the Plantation. Your primary objective is to cut off power to the anti-air defenses and if possible rescue Hiro Yuy from APE forces as well as recover or destroy Wing Gundam."
Duo: "A solid plan. Both Deathscythe's stealth capabilities and Shenlong's speed we'll tear this place down in no time."
Quatre: "Along with our own FranXX squadron as well as the Maganac Corps combined with both Sandrock and Heavy Arms' heavy armor we should be able to keep the main defensive force distracted."
Trowa: "There are however wildcards such as the Lightning Count not to mention the 9s Alpha and Beta. We're likely to face heavy casualties."
Wufei: "Since they have Hiro, they're probably expecting us to attempt a rescue. Unlike the G-Day attacks we won't have the element of surprise on our side. It's likely they're expecting all of us to show up meaning they might notice something is up if Nataku and Deathscythe are missing."
Sally: "That much is true. Which is why in the everything goes sideways we'll be deploying a Gutenberg class thumper. Dealing with a problem that large will divert the Plantation's attention from us to focus on the larger threat allowing us to regroup and double our efforts on the attack. Once Plantation 26 has been neutralized we'll be returning to Luna Sphere to gather more troops and Mobile suits to properly secure the Asian continent."
Zero Two: "I don't like the idea of fighting alongside Klaxosaurs..."
Wufei: "Well missy if you don't like it then you better do your job and not slow me down."
Howard: "That's enough Wufei."
Sally: "As much as I know you don't like it, it's all we've got for a backup plan. If all goes well Hiro Yuy should be in our ranks again and with Wing Gundam and Peacemillion no longer under threat of being shot down we'll be able to secure aerial superiority and bombard Plantation 26 from below. Once Peacemillion is above Plantation 26 be advised to watch out for friendly fire. We'll have officially pushed APE out of Asia if we can pull this off. And we'll have secured one of the last remaining oceans on the planet."
Quatre: "Which means we'll be able to set up a facility to create and refine hydrogen isotopes. We'll have enough fuel for our Mobile Suits to properly take the fight to APE instead of relying solely on hit and run strategies. Also this territory is situated near a garden facility meaning we can liberate more children from APE."
Sally: "Any questions before the meeting is over?"
Duo raises his hand
Duo: "Yeah, how much are we getting paid for this?"
Quatre chuckles a bit while Trowa remains as stoic as ever, Zero Two and Wufei both roll their eyes at Duo's antics. Sally sighs at Duo's attempt at humor before answering.
Sally: "Your pay can be discussed after the battle. Please have some tact, you're a soldier in the Alliance military not a soldier of fortune."
Duo: "I know, I know. Just wanna know I'm not fighting for nothing. Honor is nice and all but it's not gonna feed all the kids back in Side 4's orphanage."
Quatre: "Your colony has a resource shortage?"
Duo: "Well yeah, not like every Colony is as rich as Luna Sphere. Lots of people back home are banking on this war ending the recession."
Zero Two: "The what now?"
Trowa: "I don't think we have time to explain to the Beast Princess how the economy works."
That comment about her being a "Beast Princess" catches Zero Two's attention.
Trowa: "Is something the matter?"
Zero Two: "Are you familiar with that picture book?"
Trowa: "Picture book? Oh, you mean the fairy tale about the Beast Princess and the Prince? Yes it's a rare find but it's a famous picture book. I own a copy myself though it's pretty badly damaged. Have you read it?"
Zero Two thinks for a moment before answering.
Zero Two: "No, I was too young to read."
Sally: "Alright then. With this meeting adjourned you're all free to find your sleeping quarters. Rest up, we have a big day tomorrow."
The next day at Plantation 26
Hiro is brought before APE's council with Treize Kushrenada, Zechs Marquise, Nana, Hachi, and Lucrezia Noin escorting him. Hiro himself being cuffed.
Papa: "Code 016 you stand accused of high treason, how do you plead?"
Hiro: "Guilty, I won't deny what I've done in fact I regret nothing."
Vice Chairman: "You choose to not only admit your guilt in your actions but that you have no remorse for what you've done."
Hiro: "Correct. If you're gonna put me to death just get it over with. I'd sooner die than betray my home."
Gorilla: "That's ironic given how you've betrayed your own Squad."
Hiro: "I've betrayed nobody. The only betrayers I see here are you. You've all given up your humanity for some vain desire to live forever! So just get it over with and tell me how I'm going to die!"
Zechs: "If I may suggest a method of execution, I have yet to settle my business with Hiro Yuy. I suggest a duel to the death."
That suggestion surprises Nana and Hachi.
Nana: "But with his Gundam fully repaired he could easily escape!"
Hachi: "Are you really giving him an opportunity to escape after everything he's done!?"
Treize: "Not quite, on top of the repairs we made some modifications to Gundam 01's Self Detonation system. We have the ability to remotely trigger the Gundam to self detonate if he attempts to escape the duel. Should he somehow survive the duel he may be taken under OZ's jurisdiction and sent off on suicide missions. Does that seem fair to you great members of the council?"
Papa: "This seems acceptable. The duel shall commence in the afternoon. However we want the Gundam intact. Though made by our enemies Gundam 01 could serve as a suitable weapon for our purposes."
Zechs: "Understood."
Zechs then turns to Hiro with the young boy glaring at the Lightning Count.
Hiro: "I will kill you."
Zechs: "I look forward to it."
(A there we go sorry it took so long but Chapter 5 is here hope you guys enjoy. See you guys all later."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
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