Chapter 4: Enter the Shenlong

We open in the desert as we see the Wing Gundam and Gundam Deathscythe dragging a now fuel depleted Stralitzia.

Duo: "Ya know I'm not one to complain but this thing is slowing us down way too much we should've arrived at Plantation 26 yesterday. Magma reactors are the pits."

Hiro: "Complaining about this won't change a thing. Besides Zero Two needs her FranXX."

Duo: "Speaking of which how come she gets to ride in your Gundam and not mine?"

Zero Two: "I'd rather die than sit on your lap."

Hiro: "Well we don't exactly have a spare fusion reactor or the equipment to yank out the magma reactor and install a fusion reactor."

Duo: "Speaking of which my fuel is starting to run low.  If we can't find somewhere to refuel we'll never make it to Plantation 26 for phase 2 of operation meteor.  And I don't see a fuel depot anywhere.  Especially not one that uses hydrogen isotopes."

Hiro: "We'll make it Duo.  Now quit complaining and don't drop Stralitzia."

Suddenly Hiro's Gundam detects an unknown signal.  It's hailing them.

Hiro: "Duo I'm being hailed by an unknown signal."

Duo: "Is it an APE signal?"

Hiro: "Doesn't look like it.  Patching it through now."

Hiro patches the signal through and is suddenly greeted by the face of an older man with sunglasses wearing a Hawaiian T-shirt.

???: "Well what do we have here. Two Gundams carrying a FranXX now that sounds like the start of a joke."

Hiro: "Who are you and how do you know about the Gundams?"

???: "Let's just say I worked on one of the Gundams in particular. You're probably running low on fuel by now right?"

Hiro: "So what if we are."

???: "I should probably introduce myself properly.  The name is Mike Howard I'm an engineer from Luna sphere and you must be Relena Peacecraft's knight Hiro Yuy."

Hiro: "You're from Luna Sphere?  And you know me?"

Howard: "There aren't many in the alliance that don't know your face.  You are a champion mobile suit duelist so I guess it makes sense you'd be given a Gundam.  Hang tight you should have visual in a moment."

Suddenly Hiro, Duo, and Zero Two spot a massive white ship flying overhead.  Hiro almost immediately recognizing it.

Hiro: "That's Peacemillion!  The flagship of the alliance fleet..."

Duo: "What's that thing doing on earth?"

Zero Two: "Eh, I've seen bigger."

Suddenly three white Aries fly down to them.

???: "This is major Sally Po of the alliance military.  We are here to escort you to Peacemillion for refueling, repairs, and debriefing.  Are your units capable of flight?"

Hiro speaks up first.

Hiro: "My Gundam is.  But Duo's Deathscythe isn't and Stralitzia's magma reactor ran dry yesterday."

Sally Po: "I see.  I'll have a recovery team ready to get these two up to Peacemillion.  In the meantime I need you to come with me sir."

Hiro: "Understood.  You gonna be okay out here Duo?"

Duo: "Eh, I've been wandering the Asian wasteland for days I can wait a few minutes as long as they have actual food onboard.  These MREs are stale."

Hiro: "Alright then.  Lead the way major.  And just so you know I do have a passenger onboard."

Sally Po: "I figured as much given the state that FranXX is in."

Sally's Aries changes into flight mode with Hiro following suit converting his Wing Gundam into Bird mode and flying alongside Sally to the massive ship that is Peacemillion.

April 7th, AC 195, G-Day

Plantation 8 stands in ruins with a squad of FranXX battered, beaten, and even burned.  The strange part is they seem to be alive for the most part.  Standing over the squad leader's unit is none other than the Gundam Shenlong holding its beam glaive just above the FranXX's face.

Squad leader: "Well what are you waiting for?  Finish it."

???: "You fought well.  But still I'm disappointed.  I thought you parasites would be stronger.  Nataku didn't even need to go all out."

Squad leader: "Who is Nataku? Your partner?"

???: "My Gundam."

The Shenlong takes its beam glaive away from the head of the FranXX.

Squad leader: "What are you-?"

???: "Call me Wufei. If you want a rematch on better terms I'll mark you for pickup by colony forces. They'll treat your injuries and see that you're given proper housing and food. Once I'm on leave in the colonies if you've gotten stronger I'll be happy to accept a duel."

Wufei's Gundam Shenlong drops a small beacon before wandering off.

Squad leader Stamen: "Uh, did he just-?"

Squad leader: "Destroy our home and offer us a new one? I think he did."

Peacemillion, present day

Hiro and Zero Two find themselves inside the hanger bay with Hiro's Wing Gundam undergoing maintenance and refueling.

Zero Two: "Peacemillion huh."

Hiro: "It was named in honor of the leading family of the colony alliance, the Peacecraft family. I'm actually good friends with the current head of the Peacecraft family Relena."

Zero Two suddenly starts giving Hiro the stinkeye.

Hiro: "What's with that look?"

Zero Two: " better not be cheating on me."

Hiro: "What!? No she's just a friend. Not every knight falls for his princess."

Zero Two: "Good because you're mine and mine alone."

Sally: "Well isn't that a surprise."

Sally Po approaches the two.  She's a mature woman with light brown hair and blue eyes wearing a military uniform all the while she carries an aura of discipline and gentleness.

Hiro: "Major."

Sally: "I never expected that you of all people would get a girlfriend let alone such a unique one at that."

Hiro: "It's not like that major!  I mean it sort of's complicated.  She does this with all her partners from what I've gathered."

Zero Two: "That may be true but there's something special about my Darling."

Sally: "That I can soundly say is true.  Not just anyone can pilot a Gundam.  Speaking of which I have to mobilize a heavy lifting crew to pick up your friend down there as well as your FranXX."

Hiro: "Sally can you get me in contact with the engineers stationed here on Peacemillion?  I want to know how long it would take to give Stralitzia the proper modifications for service in the alliance military."

Sally: "You can ask Howard.  After all he was a part of the team who created the first mobile suit the Tallgeese.  You might call it the prototype Gundam.  So he may know a thing or two."

Hiro: "Thank you major. By the way have you made contact with any other Gundam pilots?"

Sally: "So far we've made radio contact with two other Gundam pilots. We're set to rendezvous with them tomorrow and begin the assault on Plantation 26."

Hiro: "Are there any others?"

Sally: "Yes actually but to put it lightly that guy is a prick.  But he's also one of the best fighters the alliance has sent down here."

Hiro: "Where is he?"

Sally: "Hard to say but seeing as those two other Gundam pilots made an attack on the survivors of Plantation 13 it's safe to assume he'll take a swing at it too."

Hiro: "How much further away are they from Plantation 26?"

Sally: "According to radar they'll be there within 24 hours."

Hiro: "Damn it! If he attacks the convoy he'll be captured for sure. We can't risk Gundam technology falling into APE's hands."

Sally: "What are you suggesting?"

Hiro: "I'll move out to intercept the enemy and provide backup to the unaccounted Gundam pilot."

Sally: "And how exactly do you plan on getting there so fast?"

Hiro: "Does this ship have a fortress grade railgun?"

Sally: "Yes, why?"

Hiro: "The Gundanium alloy of Wing Gundam should be able to allow it to survive getting shot out of it."

Sally: "Are you insane!?"

Zero Two: "My, Darling what a reckless idea.  I knew I liked you~.  This'll be fun."

Hiro: "You're staying here Zero Two.  You're too valuable to fall back into enemy hands.  Plus I doubt your FranXX would survive the launch."

Sally: "Forget the mech, you won't survive!  The g-forces you'd be subjected to would crush your organs!  You'd be shitting out your spine moving at that speed!"

Hiro: "All Gundam pilots received chemical and metabolic enhancements. My skeleton and organs can handle the G-forces fine. After all the Gundams aren't able to be piloted by normal humans the speeds they achieve would kill normal pilots."

Zero Two: "But I want to go with you..."

Hiro: "I'll be fine.  I'll rush in grab the Gundam and its pilot before we're overwhelmed.  It's likely that APE's council is sending out a ringer to investigate the sudden destruction of five Plantations all at the same time."

Zero Two: "The Nines.  I wouldn't doubt the old man would dispatch Alpha and Beta to investigate."

Sally: "Anything useful you can tell us about them?"

Zero Two: "Well I never interacted with them much but I have fought with them and the rest of their squad.  I can say for certain their FranXX are capable of fighting against Gundams.  And they're about as skilled as Zechs so they're no pushovers."

Hiro: "I'll make sure not to underestimate them.  How long till I can launch?"

Sally: "I'd say we have maybe an hour until we can get the railgun prepped and your Gundam refueled and ready.  But I still think this plan of yours is insane."

Hiro: "That's why they won't see it coming."

Meanwhile at the Plantation 13 convoy

Treize is currently holding a meeting those attending being Zechs, Noin, Dr FranXX, Hachi, and Nana.

Dr FranXX: "The data we gathered from the last confrontation with the Gundams will prove useful I've already discovered ways to counter them.  However should the Gundams we encountered thus far fight as a unit it could prove bothersome."

Zechs: "Their differences in designs may seem counter productive but together working as a unit each Gundam covers the weaknesses of the others."

Noin: "Zechs is right.  Gundam 01 is primarily a long range combatant relying on its heavy firepower although it does have some close quarters capabilities it's main strength is using its atmospheric flight capabilities to stay at long range and destroy its targets with its Buster rifle."

Hachi: "Such a weapon was capable of breaching Plantation defense and destroying the main reactor.  But it's clear Gundam 01 couldn't destroy Plantation 13 from the range it was most comfortable with.  Gundam 02 is a stealth unit focusing on close quarters combat it also had a high level of mobility likely meant to close the gap.  But as a consequence it suffers at long range and due to its mobility its defenses are lacking."

Nana: "Gundam 03 appears to be the slowest but most heavily armored and armed.  It excels at mid and long range and is not to be underestimated at close range however this heavy armor and weaponry comes at the cost of mobility.  It also has the weakness of having limited ammunition it can't easily replenish.  Once it's out of ammo the Gundam will resort to close quarters combat although it's obvious it's not the Mobile suit's strong suit."

Noin: "Gundam 04 however appears to excel in close quarters however it's main function appears to be as a commander unit for other Mobile suits so its mobility appears to be lacking but its armor appears to be almost as heavy as Gundam 03's and its mobility appears to be a bit better than 03 as well."

Treize: "There's also the issue of Code: 002 now being in the hands of the Colony alliance. No doubt the specials will do what they can to keep her out of our hands."

Dr FranXX: "Back to the drawing board then. It's unlikely we'll be able to reclaim her. So we'll have to grow a new specimen."

Zechs: "That will be easier said than done if your reports are anything to go off of."

Dr FranXX: "I wouldn't be so sure.  We collected Code 002's genetic data replicating the stability of the specimen should be no problem.  The only issue will be replicating the quality.  I may have to grow multiple specimens at once to achieve the desired result."

Hachi: "For now it looks like we're on the home stretch.  I'll try to contact Plantation 26 within the hour that way we can receive the reinforcements should we be intercepted by a Klaxosaur or a Gundam."

Zechs: "I agree. Hachi have Squad 13 on high alert and ready to deploy and scramble any anti-air defenses we have."

Hachi: "Understood but why are you concerned about the anti-air defenses?"

Zechs: "Call it a hunch but I have a feeling we'll be seeing Gundam 01 again very soon."

Meanwhile with Squad 13

Zorome has been pacing back and forth in the Parasite quarters clearly not taking the news of rogue Parasites well. Ichigo meanwhile is maintaining her composure although some part of her thinks back to what Mitsuru told her about Hiro being Wing Gundam's pilot.

Ichigo: 'No, there's no way Hiro would do that. That he would turn against Papa or us, wouldn't he?'

Truth be told Ichigo hadn't really slept much since the infiltration the other day something apparent by the bags under her eyes. Thankfully though Goro was there to pull her out of her thoughts as he put a hand on her shoulder.

Goro: "Good news, we're almost to Plantation 26 and not a Gundam in sight."

Ichigo: "For now..."

Goro: "Hey, chin up. You're our leader everyone is looking to you. Plus Hiro would've wanted you to have some rest."

Ichigo rubs her eyes a bit. She knows Goro was right, burning the candle at both ends wasn't doing her any good she's tired and needs rest. Ichigo sighs before responding.

Ichigo: "You're probably right. Being sleep deprived isn't helping anyone. But you can't blame me for being too stressed given all that's happened. With rogue parasites running around and the Gundams planning on attacking Plantation 26 I haven't exactly had much peace of mind."

Goro: "It's okay you're only human."

Suddenly the alarms go off

Zorome: "Finally some action!"

Meanwhile on Peacemillion

Hiro is meeting with Howard on the bridge of Peacemillion, Duo now being present.

Howard: "I can have that modification done in no time."

Hiro: "Good, if Zero Two's service record is anything go off it'll be a real help if she's able to fight with us."

Duo: "Not to mention how beautiful of a machine Stralitizia it makes one wonder if love truly can bloom on the battlefield."

Zero Two meanwhile continues to ignore duo's advances.

Howard: "Well if she decides to fight or not is up to her.  Unlike Parasites you're not conscripts bred for fighting well most of us anyway.  Why did you come back to Earth though, Hiro?  If memory serves Dr J and Princess Relena gave you a pretty cushy life."

Hiro: "Well for starters I have friends who are still in APE who I want to get out.  And secondly is...well I don't think I understand it myself.  I don't remember anything about the night I was taken to Luna Sphere but something I do remember is that I have to find someone."

That statement once again peaks Zero Two's interest as she starts paying more attention to the conversation.

Hiro: "The details are blurry at best but what I do know is that I made a promise to that person long ago but even I don't remember it exactly.  I don't even remember their face."

Zero Two: 'Could it be?  No, you're just a means to an end.  If APE hasn't helped me find my Darling then the Colonies surely will and he's my one way ticket there.'

Howard fiddles with a console as he checks on the status of Wing Gundam and Deathscythe's repairs and refueling.

Howard: "Alright Wing Gundam is refueled and repaired and the ship's railgun is has been unloaded.  We're ready to do your crazy plan."

Hiro: "Alright, load Wing Gundam and have it changed into Bird Mode.  And tell my father I fought to the end if I'm forced to activate my self-detonation system."

Meanwhile outside the Plantation 13 convoy

Wufei waits standing in front of the convoy patiently sitting in his Gundam.  The convoy comes to a halt in front of Gundam Shenlong.  The Gundam then stands up as Wufei makes his declaration.

Wufei: "Allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Wufei Chang.  I demand a duel with your Squad's leader."

Wufei's challenge is quickly met by Squad 13 deploying in their FranXX to face off against the Gundam. However Delphinium appears to be outfitted with the Tallgeese's weapons having its shield on its arm right arm and the Dobergun attached to its left shoulder.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ichigo: "Surround him! Don't let him escape!"

Squad 13: "Rodger!"

Genista, Chloriphytum, and Argentea do just that surrounding the Shenlong and cutting off its means of escape.

Wufei: "I heard Zechs Marquis was here. Could you all do me a favor and get out of my way?"

Zorome: "This guy's already pissing me off! Let's just gang up on him and get it over with!"

Goro: "Easy Zorome. Don't let him get on your nerves."

Wufei: "I'd recommend you back off and bring the Lightning Count out here. There's two things in this world I can't stand bleeding hearts and women. And just my misfortune I'm surrounded by just those two things."

Ichigo and Goro thoroughly having enough of this guy pulls out the Tallgeese's shield and draw a beam saber from one of the compartments.

Ichigo: "Well tough break because we're your opponent!"

Delphinium takes a defiant stance against the Gundam. Wufei however just looks bored as he readies the Shenlong for combat.

Meanwhile inside the command center

Treize: "I'm curious Zechs. Why have you chosen to sit this fight out?"

Nana: "For that matter why did you have Delphinium equipped with the Tallgeese's loadout?"

Zechs: "I figured I would test Squad 13's leader. So I gave her and her partner the tools they needed to win and allowed them to fight in my stead. If Squad 13 becomes too reliant on me they will grow weak in my absence and surely die. This is where they prove their worth."

Treize has a knowing grin on his face.

Treize: "So you wish to bring them into OZ?"

Zechs: "If they can prove themselves."

Hachi: "Hold on, induction of a Parasite squad into the ranks of the OZ special group needs direct approval from Papa."

Treize: "Or direct approval from myself seeing as I am the head of OZ. Let's see if Squad 13 can deliver."

Back outside

Delphinium and Shenlong engage in a vicious clash however Wufei appears to have the advantage as he is attempting to land fatal blows targeting Delphinium's head with his beam spear meanwhile Delphinium is on the defensive searching for an opportunity to attack and disable the Gundam.

Wufei: "Word of advice always fight your own battles never someone else's! It's obvious you're a novice, at this rate Nataku and I won't even break a sweat!"

Goro: "Ichigo, this guy is a close range fighter we can use that to our advantage with the Dobergun!"

Ichigo: "Right!"

Delphinium pulls away from the Shenlong and opens fire with the Dobergun the Shenlong deflecting two shots with its beam spear but the third scoring a clean hit on the Gundam's head and breaking its faceplate a bit.

Goro: "As long as we keep our distance we can win!"

Ichigo: "Not so tough now are you!"

Wufei: "I'll admit that I'm either getting sloppy or not half bad for a woman."

Goro: "Don't let him get to you Ichigo."

Ichigo: "I know but I'm still going to beat that smug attitude out of him."

Then suddenly the Shenlong throws a punch with a giant claw on its arm coming down to form what looks like the head of a dragon before the arm actually extends and nearly scores a direct hit on Delphinium's head before firing off plasma flames from its mouth.

Wufei: "You are right about Nataku being a close range mobile suit. But that doesn't mean I'm slow or helpless at range."

Zorome: "Is his Gundam's arm a dragon!?"

Miku: "Starting to feel glad we're not fighting him."

Goro: "Ichigo we can't let that thing hit us we have to stay out of this guy's reach and bring his Gundam down!"

Ichigo: "You don't have to tell me twice!"

The battle would resume with Delphinium trying its best to stay out of range of the Shenlong but doing so was easier said than done as the Shenlong's extending arm and plasma flames on top of the Gundam's high speed was making it difficult to keep out of reach and land hits on the mighty machine with the Dobergun. At one point the Shenlong threw out its dragon arm and managed to grab Delphinium by its rightmost thrusters before using its plasma flames to detonate the thrusters causing Ichigo to yelp in pain as well as severely limiting Delphinium's maneuverability.

Wufei: "Ya know I always wondered what the point of a thruster skirt was. It makes for such an easy target and once it's gone you're as good as done!"

Wufei using his superior speed and maneuverability to his advantage uses his beam spear to slice off Delphinium's left side thrusters on the FranXX's hip. Defeat seemed all but inevitable at this point.

Ichigo: "Is this what you spacians do!? Pick on people weaker than you for your sick kicks!?"

Wufei: "That's ironic coming from someone fighting for APE. We lost more than you could've possibly known during the first two colony wars. We were sentenced to die out a slow and pathetic death. But I won't go out with a whimper! Not now! Not ever!"

The Shenlong charges preparing to land the killing blow but Ichigo and Goro don't seem at all worried as they draw another second beam saber from the Tallgeese's shield before dropping it while shutting off the other.

Ichigo/Goro: "We couldn't agree more!"

Then in one swift motion Ichigo and Goro just barely dodge the beam spear's killing blow as the weapon knocks Delphinium's helmet off. Ichigo and Goro then place their beam sabers right into the shoulder joints of the Gundam before igniting both of them and cutting the Shenlong's arms off using Wufei's momentum against him to then throw his Gundam into Argentea who quickly uses their anti-gundanium claw arm to cut off and disable the Gundam's self detonation system.

Wufei pulls himself up having gotten a concussion from the impact.

Wufei: "Wha-what happened? Did Nataku...lose? Did I...lose?"

Wufei seeing he was in the clutches of Argentea tried to self detonate only to find that his self detonation system had been compromised.

Wufei: "No! I won't let myself be taken!"

The Shenlong tries to fight back with its head mounted Vulcans but it's in vain as Argentea punches the Gundam square in the face mangling the Vulcans and now fully disabling the Gundam.

Kokoro: "Ichigo and Goro did it..."

Futoshi: "Yeah these Gundams aren't unstoppable after all! We can beat them!"

Mitsuru however doesn't look as enthused knowing just who they would be forced to go up against in the future.

Meanwhile on peacemillion

Wing Gundam has been loaded into the railgun currently in its Bird mode. Hiro grips the controls as he prepares to launch.

Howard (comms): "Last chance to get off this ride."

Hiro: "Thanks Dr. But I need to do this. If APE figures out how to create machines capable of matching or destroying Gundams we may as well have already lost this war."

Duo (comms): "What happens if you get captured?"

Hiro: "Then I'll plan my exit strategy. If I can't recover the Gundam I'll recover the pilot and destroy it."

Sally (comms): "Good luck Hiro. And Godspeed!"

Hiro tenses up a bit before steadying himself.

Hiro: "XXXG-01W Wing Gundam, ready for launch!"

The railgun charges up as the energy surges through Wing Gundam, the Mobile Suit's screens going a bit static. It's a tense few seconds as Hiro prepares fire the thrusters on his Gundam.

Zero Two (comms): "Darling, make sure not to have too much fun without me."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(The railgun sounds like this.)

Wing Gundam is shot out of the Railgun moving at insane speeds! Hiro is pressed hard into his seat but thankfully his enhanced biology in combination with his pilot suit manage to keep him conscious and alive as with some effort he quickly fires up Wing Gundam's thrusters and flies off towards the Plantation 13 convoy praying he makes it in time.

Meanwhile with Squad 13

Chlorophytum moves over to Delphinium to assist the FranXX back to the hangar.

Ikuno: "Ichigo, you alright?"

Ichigo: "Me and Goro are fine. A little banged up but fine. What about our new 'guest'?"

Mitsuru: "Feisty from the looks of it."

Zorome and Miku are dragging the disabled Shenlong by the ankles in Argentea all the while Wufei screams curses at them in his native tongue.

Wufei: "Èrbǎiwǔ Sān bā!"

Miku: "Yeah, yeah scream your insults at us when you're in a cell."

Meanwhile in the command center

Noin, Treize, and Nana can't help but look impressed by Ichigo and Goro while Dr FranXX looks excited to finally get a closer look at one of the infamous Gundams. Zechs meanwhile maintains his typical stoic demeanor though it's hard to tell his expression behind his mask anyways.

Zechs: "Code 015 and code 056 performed above expectations. The capture of Gundam 05 and its pilot will no doubt be a boon to us."

Noin: "Even so she only won because the Gundam pilot underestimated them. I have no doubt that none of the other Gundam pilots would underestimate them."

Hachi: "Delphinium also suffered significant damage during the fight. Thankfully it was about to receive an overhaul to allow it to fight with the Gundams on equal footing."

Noin: "I'm just glad everyone made it out alright."

Suddenly something appears on the radar.

Nana: "We have an unknown object approaching it's charged with a high amount of electricity!  Current distance 700-!  No, 300 meters!"

Hachi: "What could possibly move that fast!?"

Noin: "Some kind of Klaxosaur?!"

Nana: "Negative!  No Magma energy detected!  By Papa it's a Gundam!"

Meanwhile back on the battlefield

Squad 13 is suddenly caught off guard as Wing Gundam changes back into Mobile Suit mode and crashes into the ground at ludicrous speed.  The Gundam's eyes flash green as it turns its attention to the Shenlong being held by Argentea.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Wing Gundam charges at Argentea before delivering a drop kick sending them flying before landing to pick up the Shenlong.

Ichigo: "It's here for the Gundam!  Stop it!"

Genista immediately opens fire on Wing Gundam however the Gundam effortlessly dodges both shots from the magma cannon.  Argentea recovers from the shock of Wing Gundam's attack and quickly tries pouncing on the Gundam with their claws.

Zorome: "We still need to pay you back for what you did to Plantation 13!!!"

Miku: "You won't get away this time around!"

Wing Gundam quickly ascends in altitude to dodge however Argentea manages to grab onto the Gundam's ankle.

Zorome: "Get down here and fight me like a man you coward!!!"

Miku: "This won't go like the last two times!"

Wing Gundam points its Buster rifle at Argentea but doesn't fire as Hiro doesn't want to kill his friend however this leaves him unaware of Chlorophytum charging up and firing its own magma wing busters sending the Argentea falling down and blasting the Shenlong out of Wing Gundam's grip.  Wing Gundam quickly dives down to catch the Shenlong stopping just before they hit the ground as Squad 13 surrounds them.

The moment is tense as nobody dares say a word waiting for the enemy Gundam to make a move.  Mitsuru is the first to the silence.

Mitsuru: "HIRO!!!!  That's you in there isn't it!?"

Hiro's expression turns to that of shock he never imagined someone would find him out.

Ikuno: "Mitsuru, what are you talking about?"

Mitsuru: "It may have been years since I saw you but when I heard your voice before there was no mistaking it...Hiro it's you in there.  So tell me...why would you do this?  Why betray Papa for the spacians!?"

There's silence for a moment before Hiro links his comms to theirs even revealing his face.  Ichigo couldn't believe it, Hiro the boy who named them all, who treated them not as numbers but as people, someone she held most dear whom she believed was killed by the colonies was alive but not only that he was a Gundam pilot, their enemy.

Hiro (comms): "I'm sorry you had to find out this way.  I never wanted to do this to you."

Ichigo: " way.  It can't be...why?"

Goro: "Hiro...?"

Kokoro: "Hiro is a Gundam pilot...?"

Futoshi: "The same one that destroyed Plantation 13..."

Zorome however rather than shocked was furious.

Zorome: "What is this!?  Some kind of sick joke!?  Who are you really!?"

Hiro: "My name is Hiro Yuy.  Code 016.  And for what it's worth it's good to see you all again..."

???: "My oh my."

Wing Gundam then turns to see an unusual looking FranXX flying above him.

???: "Isn't that a unique toy.  I assume you and your friend are the ones behind the missing Plantations?"

Hiro: "That must be one of the 9s.  Alpha I presume."

Alpha: "In the flesh.  To think that all this trouble was caused by a rogue parasite.  Papa is going to have a field day deciding your fate."

Suddenly Treize contacts 9 Alpha.

Treize (comms): "Alpha good to see you made it in time."

Alpha: "Ah, general Khusrenada what a pleasant surprise to see you out here.  I was thinking I was fashionably late.  What is your reason for this call?"

Treize (comms): "Simply a request.  Leave the Gundam pilot alive and the Gundam intact.  Dr FranXX wants it for study and I believe Papa would prefer to reign down judgement on code 016."

Alpha: "As you then let's dance!"

(And there we go sorry for the long wait I've been busy with work and stuff hopefully I can get the next chapter to come out sooner anyway I hope you all enjoyed this make sure to vote and comment I'll see you all later.)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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