Chapter 3: Battle of the Gundams
Plantation 66, AC195 April 7, G-day
FranXX squad 66 is left in ruins their FranXX filled with bullet holes leaking out Magma Energy their cockpits blown apart. The only survivor being Plantation 66's leaders Code 756 and Code 888 who are in the middle of a Mexican standoff with the perpetrator of their Squad's destruction. The Gundam Heavy Arms.
Code 756: "Spacian'll pay for killing our friends!"
???: "I told you to stand down. But you didn't listen. The death of your squad is on you."
The Heavy Arms opens fire on the FranXX its bullets boring into its armor before exploding killing the pair of parasites.
???: "Now to destroy the Plantation. My unit's heavy armor should protect me from the explosion."
The Heavy Arms makes its way to the outer wall of Plantation 66 blowing a hole in the wall with rockets. The Heavy Arms is shot at by the Plantation's automatic defenses as the airbase situated on top of the base attempts to evacuate. Unfortunately for everyone the Heavy Arms ignores the automatic defenses and locks onto the Magma Energy reactor with its targeting system.
???: "Target locked. Firing guided missiles."
The Heavy Arms launches guided missles from silos in its shoulders the missiles blasting through the Plantation and landing a direct hit on the reactor causing it to go critical and explode. The Heavy Arms and its pilot however seem barely phased as while it retreats the Heavy Arms is caught in the resulting explosion however the Gundam remains unharmed.
???: "Trowa Barton: mission complete. Proceeding to phase 2 of the operation."
Present day Squad 13 caravan
Mitsuru is hold up in his tent alone thinking on what he learned yesterday that Hiro their friend long thought dead at the hands of the Spacians is not only alive but has joined the Spacians and is piloting the very Gundam that destroyed Plantation 13.
Mitsuru: "Why Hiro? Why betray Papa, betray us? I don't understand, don't you remember our promise?"
???: "Mitsuru it's Ichigo. Can I come in?"
Mitsuru: "You may."
Ichigo enters the tent seeing Mitsuru who clearly looks stressed with bags under his eyes it's clear he hasn't slept since the fight against the Wing Gundam and Gundam Deathscythe.
Ichigo: "You haven't been the same since the battle with the Gundams. Did something happen?"
Mitsuru: 'Should I tell her the truth? No. Out of all of us Ichigo was closest to Hiro if she knew the truth she'd crumble but I can't just lie to her.'
Mitsuru takes a deep breath before speaking.
Mitsuru: "I think I know who the Wing Gundam's pilot is..."
Ichigo: "Really!? We should tell the others and-!"
Mitsuru: "No! They can't know. And all you need to know is that the pilot of that Gundam was once a very dear friend to all of us. If I told you...if I told everyone we'd fall apart..."
Ichigo wants to argue back but Mitsuru's eyes are filled with sadness.
Mitsuru: "Please...don't make me ruin his memory..."
Ichigo: "...It's Hiro isn't it?"
Mitsuru says nothing confirming Ichigo's suspicion. The poor girl doesn't want to believe it so she doesn't.
Ichigo: "No you must be mistaken Hiro would never do something like this he would never betray us all and join the Spacians even if they did take him he couldn't have joined them."
Mitsuru: " was his voice."
Ichigo: "No! It's been 5 years. For all you know whoever that is only sounds like Hiro. Hiro never betrayed us."
Mitsuru wants to argue back but decides not to he's known Ichigo long enough to know how stubborn she is and that the only way she'd accept the truth was if she saw Hiro step out of that Gundam's cockpit.
Mitsuru: "If you don't want to believe me then fine. Just don't go hurting yourself in the process."
Meanwhile on Luna Sphere colony
Luna Sphere is an idealic futuristic colony cities being built within the many craters and magma tubes. A jarring change of pace from the stasis of the lifeless Plantations of earth. The streets of Luna Sphere's cities bustle with life people moving through the streets, merchants and customers haggling, children laughing and playing the cities of the moon are clearly alive. The most lively city on the Luna Sphere colony is none other than the capital city of Sanc named after the kingdom that had long ago on earth practiced total pacifism.
On the outskirts of Sanc the future leader of Luna Sphere Princess Relena Peacecraft wakes from her sleep.
She looks to a picture of her close friend and appointed knight Hiro Yuy.
Relena: "Hiro...I hope you're well on earth. Dr J assured me of your safety but even so I can't help but worry about you my friend."
Suddenly the door to Relena's room opens as a maid enters.
Maid: "Good morning Princess Relena. It's a wonderful day in the colony the internal temperature outside is 72 degrees. Also I must remind you that you are to oversee a duel between Sir Yamato and Sir Augus."
Relena: "Knights...always looking to prove something."
Maid: "Also you have a scheduled meeting with Dr J he believes he's managed to create a new communication satellite that will be invisible to APE."
Relena: "Really? If that's correct then we may no longer need to communicate from colony to colony by messenger. The Alliance will finally stand a chance against APE once we can better coordinate with each other."
Maid: "Indeed but I believe that conversation would be better held with Dr J. In the meantime breakfast will be ready shortly when you come downstairs Princess."
Relena gets out of bed and begins to dress herself as she spares a look towards Hiro's picture the photo in question being taken the day Hiro swore to be Relena's knight.
Relena: "Hiro...I hope you are well and that you found the one you needed to return to Earth for."
Meanwhile on earth
A lone FranXX wanders the wasteland it appears damaged as it scans the area. Its sensors detect the incoming APE convoy as one of the FranXX's occupants exits and shoots off a flare.
Ape caravan
Nana spots the flare as she quickly goes to general Treize to inform him. She finds Treize bathing much to her embarrassment.
Nana: "General we spotted a signal flare. Possibly survivors of a Gundam attack."
Treize: "Survivors you say? Well then let's not keep them waiting. Have Ichigo and Goro dispatched to pick them up."
Nana: "Understood sir. I'll have them dispatched immediately."
One hour later
The two parasites are brought to the convoy by Delphinium the two parasites named Hiichiwan or code 111 and his partner Misamu or code 336.
Hiichiwan: "Thank you so much we owe you guys. After our Plantation was destroyed we've been wandering the wasteland."
Goro: "Don't mention it we've had our plantation destroyed and we're on our way to Plantation 26."
Misamu: "Really? So are we."
Ichigo: "Then you can join us I'm sure general Treize would be more than willing to welcome you."
???: "However there is some information we require."
Zechs walks onto the scene.
Hiichiwan: "You're...the Lightning Count. What are you doing here?"
Zechs: "I was accompanying General Treize when Plantation 13 was attacked. The Plantation was destroyed by a Gundam."
Misamu: "A Gundam?"
Zechs: "That's correct. I want to know for sure if Treize's theory was correct. What was it that destroyed your Plantation?"
Hiichiwan: "It was...a Gundam just like yours. Only it was commanding other mobile suits. A whole battalion they decimated our squad and destroyed our Plantation within minutes. Me and Misamu are the only survivors."
Ichigo: "We were lucky to survive our last two Gundam attacks."
Hiichiwan: "You survived two Gundam attacks? How?"
Ichigo: "Honestly it was pure luck. That and the Wing Gundam showing mercy to us for some reason."
Hiichiwan: "So you were spared by this Wing Gundam. That's...interesting."
Zechs: "That Gundam didn't extend its mercy to me. During my last duel with the enemy they no doubt had full intention of killing me. For whatever reason the Wing Gundam's pilot in particular is against killing parasites."
Hiichiwan: "A Gundam that doesn't target parasites...?"
Treize makes his presence known.
Treize: "Why don't you give our new arrivals a tour of the caravan, Ichigo?"
Ichigo: "Oh, of course. Please come with me you two. We'll get you well acquainted with the caravan."
Misamu: "We thank you for your kindness."
Meanwhile in the parasite tent
Zorome is busy venting his rage into a punching bag having lost against the Gundams not once but twice.
Zorome: "That bastard! It's all their fault our Plantation got destroyed! At this rate we'll never get to become adults and it's all their fault! Duo Maxwell...and whoever you are piloting the Wing Gundam! I'll get my payback even if it kills me!"
Miku: "Don't you think you're overdoing it with the punching bags? You've already gone through six of them."
Zorome punches the punching bag so hard it splits open getting sand all over the floor. Meanwhile the poor janitor passes by and sees the mess wondering what he did in life to deserve a crumby job like cleaning up sand bags.
Miku: "Look I'm as angry as you. You're not the only one whose life got turned upside down by the Gundams. In fact it's pretty safe to say that all our lives got messed up the Gundams. None of us get to become adults if we don't stop the Gundams."
Zorome: "BUT HOW!? Every time we've fought the Gundams they always toy with us and we lose anyway!"
Miku: "Well they can't be as invincible as they seem Zorome. That attitude they take with us could be a weakness to exploit."
A few hours later in the parasite tent
Misamu and Hiichiwan are alone together in the tent as they check for anyone on their way.
Hiichiwan: "Does the coast look clear?"
Misamu: "Clear enough. You got the transmitter and communicator?"
Hiichiwan pulls out two small devices, presumably the transmitter and communicator.
Misamu: "Good, activate the transmitter and give me the communicator. We should inform master Quatre that we've successfully infiltrated the caravan."
Hiichiwan: "Right."
Hiichiwan gives an awkward salute as if it's his first time saluting this way.
Hiichiwan: "For the colony alliance."
Misamu: "I'm pretty sure that salute is meant to be done with your right arm."
Hiichiwan quickly corrects his mistake and salutes with his right arm while blushing in embarrassment.
Meanwhile several miles away
A small encampment has been set up with four FranXX and a small platoon of custom mobile suits hanging around on standby. All the while a young man with blonde hair watches a giant worm like Klaxosaur burrowing through the sand dunes.
???: "Such a majestic creature..."
Suddenly a soldier enters the tent.
Soldier: "Master Quatre we just received word from our infiltrators. They've successfully infiltrated the enemy convoy and are awaiting orders."
The young man now identified as Quatre turns to the soldier.
Quatre: "Does the enemy suspect them?"
Soldier: "No master Quatre. Hiichiwan and Misamu reported that the Plantation 13 survivors suspect nothing."
Quatre: "Good. Have the rest of Squad 7 mobilize with the Maganac corps. As for Hiichiwan and Misamu tell them to ready the EMP and not set it off until we launch our attack."
Soldier: "Understood master Quatre. Also they reported that the Gundam Squad 13 faced showed no intention of killing them."
This catches Quatre off guard he had suspected that there were other Gundams and pilots if Instructor H was to be believed but it seems like whoever attacked Plantation 13 was a like minded individual to himself.
Quatre: "Interesting...perhaps my fellow Gundam pilots are like minded individuals to myself. How goes maintenance on the Sandrock?"
Soldier: "The engineers say that the Sandrock is fully operational you have nothing to worry about."
Quatre: "Good. Well then let's move out."
Back on the convoy
Hiichiwan and Misamu have snuck into the main transport's magma energy reactor and are setting up the EMP.
Hiichiwan: "You really think they don't suspect us?"
Misamu: "Of course they don't. If they did we'd be locked up in a cell right now and get sent in for reeducation."
Hiichiwan shivers at that last part.
Hiichiwan: "Don't remind me. The last thing I want is to end up serving APE again."
Misamu: "All we have to do is set this EMP where nobody can see it then we head back to the parasite quarters and establish an alibi."
Hiichiwan: "Right. But what if someone caught on?"
Misamu: "Nobody has caught on. The mere idea of Parasites turning traitor is almost unheard of. They won't suspect a thing."
Misamu puts the finishing touches on the EMP as she the proceeds to find a loose panel close to the reactor. Hiichiwan lifts the panel up to reveal a small maintenance shaft a perfect spot to hide the EMP device.
Hiichiwan: "Nobody would suspect anything fishy in that maintenance shaft as long as we don't mess with any of those cables."
Misamu: "Which is why I'm the one putting it in since I have the delicate and precise hands of a surgeon. All that time cutting our squad's hair really paid off."
Misamu carefully and skillfully maneuvers the EMP device doing her best not to disturb any sensitive equipment as she places down the EMP and carefully hides it underneath some cables being careful not to unplug or damage any of them.
Misamu: "Alright we're good to go. Now put the panel back so we can get back to the others and establish an alibi."
Hiichiwan: "Right."
Meanwhile in a meeting room
Nana: "What!? What do you mean Squad 13 should actively engage the remaining Gundams!?"
Dr FranXX sits in his chair engaged in a meeting with Nana, Hachi, and even General Treize. Nana is currently shaking in fear at the mere thought of actively seeking out the Gundams for a fight.
Dr FranXX: "I understand your concerns Nana but in order to develop proper upgrades for Squad 13's FranXX we require adequate combat data of both the FranXX and the Gundams. Currently we possess data regarding the Wing Gundam and Gundam Deathscythe but that sill leaves three unknown units not to mention that Code: 002 has gone AWOL with the Wing Gundam."
Hachi: "I will have to agree with the doctor on this."
Nana: "Hachi you can't be serious!? The children barely survived their last encounter with the Gundams! The only reason why they and by extension we aren't dead is because the Gundams showed mercy!"
Hachi: "Yes I understand your concerns but the fact remains that gathering combat data on the Gundams should be a top priority. They present a danger to all humans who live on earth."
Treize: "As far as we know of course. Unless you've forgotten commander, us Naturals barely if ever live in Plantations. Many live in small scavenger communities or tribal villages near some of the few remaining oceans on the planet. Of course with the exception of the Naturals who choose to join OZ. Currently we do not know if the Gundams are targeting the Natural population. After all the Spacians have a grudge against APE not the ghettos that most Naturals live in."
Dr FranXX: "That is a fair assessment. But still it speaks to our lack of data regarding the Gundams and their pilots. Currently the only one who has identified themselves is the pilot of Deathscythe. The one calling himself Duo Maxwell."
Hachi: "Judging by his psychological profile that we gleaned during our last encounter with him he appears to favor stealth tactics and psychological warfare above all else. Meanwhile for whatever reason the Wing Gundam's pilot appears to be proficient in both long range and close quarters combat. But we know frighteningly little about their own psychological profile aside from their hesitance and even out right refusal to kill Parasites."
Dr FranXX: "This is true. And it is valuable data that can help us build effective countermeasures against the Gundams. Which is precisely why we must seek out those that remain. The more data we gather the more we can predict and prepare ourselves accordingly. The last thing we need is to be caught off guard by another Gundam."
Nana: "Which is why we should avoid them! It's not just about the safety of the children but about the safety of the Plantations as a whole. If we don't make it to Plantation 26 before the Gundams then that's it the Spacians win!"
Treize: "Both of you make valid arguments. I agree with both sides. On the one hand we should learn more about the Gundams in order to create weapons and tactics to counter them but at the same time we need to prioritize making it to Plantation 26 before the Gundams. That's why I propose a compromise. We need to keep moving to Plantation 26 and ensure we make it there before the Gundams by engaging with any we encounter and slowing down their advance. All the while we gather valuable data regarding the Gundams and their pilots. However survival of this convoy is first priority so should it look like Squad 13 is losing retreat orders are to be given immediately."
Nana: "That...sounds reasonable."
Meanwhile outside the convoy
Trowa Barton looks through a pair of binoculars scoping out the APE convoy.
Trowa: "Enemy convoy spotted. Exact numbers: unknown. Preparing to engage the enemy."
Meanwhile inside the convoy
Hiichiwan and Misamu are in the parasite quarters as they get in contact with Quatre.
Quatre: "We're only a click away. Now's the time to take out the convoy. Detonate the EMP."
Misamu: "Of course master Quatre."
???: "What?"
Misamu and Hiichiwan spot Miku who overheard them.
Hiichiwan: "The jig is up!"
Misamu rushes Miku and delivers a swift kick to the back of her head.
Misamu: "We need to get to our FranXX and fast! We might have maybe twenty minutes before she wakes up!"
Hiichiwan: "Right!"
Hiichiwan quickly pulls out a detonator and pulls the trigger.
Meanwhile in the command center
Treize, Nana, and Hachi are in the midst of commanding the convoy when suddenly they feel a large shockwave as all the equipment in the room shuts down.
Nana: "What just happened!?"
Treize: "Hachi, get emergency power on right away. Nana, find Zechs and mobilize Squad 13."
Suddenly Treize's orders are cut off by the sound of rockets being fired and Gatling guns going off.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Multiple convoy vehicles explode as a hail of missiles and bullets rain down on the convoy.
Treize: "We are under attack! Get me a visual!"
One of the deck hands gives Treize a pair of binoculars as he scans the area for the enemy. What Treize sees causes him pause as he sees the Gundam Heavy Arms unloading everything it has on the convoy.
Nana: "General what are we up against?!"
Treize: "Gundam."
Meanwhile outside
Trowa continues to fire his barrage of bullets and missiles when he suddenly notices a lone mass production model FranXX leaving the Convoy and heading right for him.
Trowa: "They're retaliating? No. They're retreating."
Trowa is about to open fire on the incoming FranXX when his radar suddenly detects something approaching him fast. None other than the repaired Tallgeese with Zechs in the cockpit. Zechs quickly slams into the retreating FranXX and the Heavy Arms using his mobile suit's Super Vernier to maximize the impact.
Zechs: "Repairs on the Tallgeese are not complete but I've learned enough from my previous defeats. This time you will be the ones retreating."
Meanwhile in the hangar bay
Ichigo, Goro, Futoshi, and Kokoro mount up in their FranXX as per Zechs' orders. Mitsuru and Ikuno however are having issues with their FranXX.
Ikuno: "Wait! Just give me another minute!"
Mitsuru: "Forget it. Ichigo, me and Ikuno are having complications looks like we're sitting this one out."
Ichigo: "It's alright."
Suddenly Zorome runs into the hanger looking confused as his partner is nowhere to be found.
Zorome: "Where the hell is Miku!? And for that matter where are Hiichiwan and Misamu!?"
Ichigo: "It looks like they beat us to the battlefield go find Miku and meet us outside. We're dealing with another Gundam."
Zorome: "Another one!? Is the one that destroyed our home here!?"
Ichigo: "No from the looks of it we're dealing with just one. Zechs is already engaging."
Delphinium and Genista activate as they prepare to launch out of the hangar.
Ichigo: "Squad 13 launching!"
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Delphinium launches out of the hangar at full throttle Genista not being far behind them.
Back in the fight the Heavy Arms opens fire with everything it has. Hiichiwan and Misamu just barely slip out of the way to avoid getting turned into swiss cheese. The Tallgeese evades using its Super Vernier and quickly uses its momentum to dash behind the Heavy Arms and deliver a slash with its beam saber leaving a large slice in the armor.
Zechs: "Looks like this one's armor is thicker than the other two. But that makes it slow."
The Heavy Arms attempts to retaliate with its rockets only to find that it's out. Trowa then unleashes a hail of bullets at the Tallgeese but he's soon blasted at by Genista's magma cannon.
Kokoro: "You aren't getting away this time!"
Futoshi: "Let's take this one down together Kokoro!"
The Gundam is about to open fire again when suddenly a large barrage of beams interrupts them all as everyone turns to see a whole Platoon of unknown Mobile suits and leading them is yet another Gundam.
Ichigo: "Another Gundam!?"
Goro: "And it looks like they brought friends."
Quatre: "Hiichiwan, Misamu you did well. We'll take it from here."
Ichigo: "What is that Gundam pilot talking about?"
Futoshi: "Explain yourselves now!"
Hiichiwan: "We appreciate the save master Quatre."
Then much to the shock of Ichigo, Goro, Kokoro, Futoshi, and even Zechs a whole squad of mass production model FranXX as well as Hiichiwan and Misamu join up with the new Gundam and its posse.
Ichigo: "I-I don't get it what's going on?"
Misamu: "You haven't figured it out yet? We left APE and joined master Quatre."
Goro: "You defected!? Why!?"
Hiichiwan: "Because APE and Papa don't care about us! All we are, all we ever were was statistics to them! We used to think we were fighting for the survival of humanity but now it's clear Papa and the others are the ones killing the planet!"
Zechs: "I believe you've said enough."
Zechs in the blink of an eye uses his Super Vernier to rush at Misamu and Hiichiwan's FranXX at full speed with its beam saber out ready to kill! Quatre in his Sandrock and the members of Misamu and Hiichiwan's squad try to protect them but it's too late as Zechs buries his beam saber right in the head of the FranXX killing both Misamu and Hiichiwan.
Zechs: "Treason will be punished by death! Delphinium, Genista! Kill them all!"
Ichigo: "Wha-but they're parasites like us!"
Goro: "Ichigo's right this is wrong!"
Zechs: "They are traitors they need to be made an example of or would you rather be the example instead!?"
The Heavy Arms cuts off Zechs with a hail of bullets as it fires at the Tallgeese, Delphinium, and Genista forcing them all to scatter.
Quatre: "Wait! Stop! We don't have to kill them!"
The Heavy arms opens fire on the Sandrock only for Quatre to quickly bring up his Gundam's arm mounted shield to defend. Meanwhile Trowa practically empties all his ammunition. The rain of fire continues until suddenly...
Trowa has run out of ammunition. Thinking quickly Trowa jettisons his Gundam's arm mounted Gatling gun shooting it at the Sandrock like a rocket the jettisoned weapon making contact with the similarly heavily armored Gundam with a loud bang. Now seemingly unarmed Trowa draws his Heavy Arms' arm mounted sword and using a combination of his acrobatic skills and his Gundam's thrusters quickly closes the gap between him and the Sandrock.
Ichigo: "Are they fighting each other?"
Zechs: "It would seem so. We must take advantage of this. We can destroy them both while they're preoccupied fighting each other."
Suddenly the large platoon of mobile suits and the defected squad of FranXX surround the Tallgeese, Delphinium, and Genista.
Maganac captain: "We suggest you surrender or don't that'll make this more fun."
Zechs: "If you think I'll allow you traitors to run free you're mistaken."
Zechs is about to rush at the Captain when suddenly Zechs and his subordinates are hailed by Treize.
Treize (comms): "Zechs pulls Delphinium and Genista out of there we've restored functionality to the convoy and the Gundams are preoccupied fighting each other now is the time to leave."
Zechs: "But general..."
Treize (comms): "Our primary objective is the safety of the convoy and Squad 13. We can get even for our losses another time."
Zechs: "Understood. Genista use your cannon to blast the sand and obscure our escape route. I will do the same."
Kokoro/Futoshi: "Right!"
The Tallgeese aims its arm mounted beam cannon at the ground just in front of the Maganac captain with Genista doing the same as they both fire off their weapons and blast sand everywhere obscuring everyone's vision. Taking advantage of the situation The Tallgeese, Delpihinium, and Genista retreat while the Sandrock and Heavy Arms Gundams are locked in combat.
The Sandrock parries the Heavy Arms' arm blade the red Gundam clearly struggling as it wasn't meant for close quarters combat. The Sandrock however was. Quatre is putting Trow and his Heavy arms on the back foot eventually slashing off the Heavy arms' left arm. Trowa tries to retaliate against the Sandrock with a desperate punch only for Quatre to catch the fist. Trowa seeing that he cannot win pulls out a detonator and prepares to activate his Gundam's self destruct sequence.
Quatre: "Please come out of your cockpit I just want to talk. We shouldn't be fighting each other."
Trowa: "What is he doing?"
Quatre steps out of his Gundam's cockpit to try and reason with Trowa.
Quatre: "You came from the colonies too right? You met a scientist who built that Gundam and they trained you to come down here and fight. I know because it was the same for me. So please we shouldn't fight each other. Let's just talk."
Trowa: "..."
Trowa puts down the detonator and opens his cockpit to talk to the fellow Gundam pilot.
Trowa: "Why did you stop me from destroying the convoy and killing the enemy."
Quatre: "APE may be our enemy but the Parasites are victims. We don't have to kill them. They can be reasoned with."
Quatre then looks towards the broken FranXX piloted by the now dead Hiichiwan and Misamu. Quatre has a sad expression as he was close to the two now dead parasites.
Quatre: "Look my rescue operation was a bust and it cost me the lives of two good friends of mine. But I think if we work together we can stop such tragedy from happening."
Trowa: "APE ruined my sister's life. I will not give them a free pass."
Quatre: "I'm not asking you to forgive APE I'm asking you to help me save their victims. Please."
Quatre holds out his hand to Trowa who looks at it hesitantly.
Trowa: "Well my Gundam is damaged. And by the looks of it you're the only ones close by who can repair it. Are you also going to Plantation 26?"
Quatre: "Yes. We are. It's our mission to secure this area for the Colony Alliance."
Trowa thinks for a moment before shaking Quatre's hand.
Trowa: "Very well then. Two Gundams fighting together are better than one."
An hour later back at the convoy
Zorome: "Damn snakes!"
Zorome pounds his fist into a wall having been filled in on Hiichiwan and Misamu's betrayal by Ichigo and Miku who regained consciousness not long after the battle was over.
Ichigo: "I still can't get over the fact that a whole squad would go AWOL like that and join the Spacians."
Miku: "Well one thing is for certain we won't be able to trust any stray parasites in the wasteland going forward."
Goro: "There's also the matter of Mitsuru and Ikuno's paracapcity failing. Being down two FranXX greatly dampened our combat effectiveness. If it weren't for the Gundams fighting each other we would've either been captured or killed."
Hachi: "For the foreseeable future we'll be tightening security."
Dr FranXX then enters the conference room looking like a kid on Christmas morning.
Dr FranXX: "Such splendid data we recorded from our encounter with Gundam 03 and 04! I have to congratulate you kids for your exemplary work. With the data I've gathered I'll be able to design upgrades and countermeasures to leave those two Gundams in the dust!"
Nana: "Dr don't you think you should read the room a bit?"
Dr FranXX: "Nana please. The last 24 hours have been difficult for the children I think they deserve some levity. Now then we need only find and battle against the fifth Gundam and I can't wait to see whatever it can do I just know it's going to be spectacular!"
Noin lets out a sigh at the Dr's antics.
Noin: "We're now going to war against the Klaxosaurs and the colonies and he thinks that's a good thing."
Zechs: "In my experience it's best to just let Dr FranXX be. I take no pleasure in war nor the slaughter of humans. The reason I joined OZ was so that at the very least the blood I'd spill was blue rather than red."
Noin looks to Zechs remembering the secret he entrusted only to her and General Treize she couldn't help but feel sympathy for him a man born into a family once dedicated to total pacifism forced to fight a war he never wanted.
Treize: "All that aside we must take caution. We will arrive at Plantation 26 within the week. Everyone get some rest. I have a feeling you'll all need it. Especially if we encounter that last Gundam in the coming days."
A boy of Chinese decent meditates at a ruined temple in the middle of a desert oasis it's honestly a miracle that the place is still standing.
???: "The time for battle is nearly upon us Nataku."
Sitting above the temple is the boy's Gundam a large and imposing machine with an arm claw resembling a dragon's head.
???: "Who will be my next opponent I wonder."
(And that's a wrap for this chapter it has taken me a while due to procrastination and writer's block but I hope to get the next chapter out sooner so stay tuned for Chapter 4: Enter the Shenlong)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
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