Chapter 2: Duel with the Deathscythe
Open on Plantation 4 as its outer wall is suddenly breached by an unseen assailant the only thing seen clearly being its weapon a beam scythe. The whole Plantation is sent into chaos as Squad 4 is deployed inside the city to find their mysterious intruder.
Squad leader: "Be careful everyone. The intruder is invisible on almost every kind of radar including magma energy radar. Nana could only detect it using heat scanners and even then just barely."
Squad 4 Pistle: "Is it some new type of Klaxosaur?"
Squad 4 leader: "No, if it was we could've detected it using our normal instruments."
The squad hears something moving close by.
Squad 4 leader: "Stay close."
Suddenly their FranXX's comms start picking up static before a voice cuts through.
???: "If any of you value your lives you'll leave and run for the hills. I really don't want to kill any kids. Now you gotta ask yourself how much are your lives all worth? Are they worth enough for you to run for the hills and pretend you never met me? Or do you value your lives so little you would discard them like nothing."
Squad 4 leader: "Who is this!? Show yourself immediately!"
Code 085 and 555: "Screw this!!!!"
One of the FranXX exits through the hole and runs off into the wasteland.
Squad 4 leader: "Code 085, 555 get back here this instant unless you want to be charged with desertion!"
???: "Looks like at least two of you were smart enough to leave."
Squad 4 leader: "Show yourself this instant!"
Suddenly one of the squad 4 FranXX are bisected down the middle by a glowing green beam scythe. Their deaths were instantaneous. The whole Squad looks in terror as magma energy splatters all over their FranXX almost like blood. It is then that their unknown assailant reveals himself.
???: "Allow us to introduce ourselves. My name is Duo, Duo Maxwell and my intimidating friend is Deathscythe, Gundam Deathscythe. But you can just call us the god of death."
Squad 4 leader: "Open fire!!!"
Squad 4 instantly opens fire on Duo and his Deathscythe with their magma energy based weapons to no avail as none of their weapons even scratch the Deathscythe. The Black Gundam quickly rushes at the squad lining up its swing and cuts apart the heads of three members of squad 4 in a single swing.
The squad leader and her partner look in abject horror as six of their friends were just killed in one stroke like they were nothing. Not knowing what to do the leader of squad 4 and her partner run away deeper into the city. Meanwhile Duo is smirking with excitement in his cockpit.
Duo: "Oh I love it when they run. Don't you Deathscythe?"
The Deathscythe's eyes flash green in response.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
With the Squad leader and her partner they make their way to the central tower in their FranXX finding a defensible position to hold up in as the two wait to try and intercept the Deathscythe.
Squad 4 stamen: "Tokoko we can't kill that thing. We need to run!"
Tokoko: "There's nowhere to run! Yonyo our friends are dead I'll be damned if we don't at least try to avenge them!!!"
Duo: "Refusing to run away without being scared. You're a brave girl aren't you. If only you weren't an enemy then I'd totally be asking you out."
Tokoko: "Don't mock us you devil!!!"
Duo: "Me? A devil? Oh no I'm much worse."
Yonyo: "Then what the hell are you!?"
Duo: "I thought I told you already...I'm the god of death."
It happened so suddenly that neither of them could react as their FranXX's cockpit was pierced by the Deathscythe's beam scythe above with the titular black Gundam hovering above them. Magma Energy sprays onto the Deathscythe covering it in the orange sludge.
Duo: "Ah damn it now I have to clean this thing off later. FranXX are so messy when they die. Now to blow this place to hell."
The Deathscythe launches its Buster shield at the magma energy reactor setting it to explode before taking off at full speed.
Duo: "Now to watch the fireworks."
Duo exits Plantation 4 and gets to a safe distance right as the Plantation goes up in flames. Meanwhile code 085 and 555 watch from a distance making out the shadowy silhouette of the Deathscythe. It's as if they see death itself looking at them. They quickly duck behind a rock hiding from the Deathscythe cowering from it.
Duo: "Don't worry you two. I know you're not gonna tell anyone. Because if you do well you'll be seeing me real soon...and anyone who sees me meets their maker."
The Deathscythe suddenly detects something on its scanners.
Duo: "FranXX signatures and they're moving in some sort of convoy. And it looks like they're heading in the direction of my next target. I'll deal with them later."
A few hours ago in the ruins of Plantation 13
The survivors of Plantation 13 gather together setting up a convoy to get to Plantation 26. Argentea is having its arm replaced with an Anti-Gundanium claw arm while Delphinium is given new Anti-Gundanium sabers. All the while Treize meets with Squad 13.
Treize: "I apologize for not being able to arm all of you with Anti-Gundanium arms. But unfortunately these are all the anti-Gundanium arms we have on hand. We shall work on arming Chlorophytum and Genista properly at Plantation 26."
Kokoro: "There's no need to be so apologetic, general."
Futoshi: "We're just all glad to be alive right now."
Ikuno: "General if I may ask? What's being done with the Tallgeese?"
Treize: "Currently the Tallgeese is having repairs done thankfully we can finish repairs here. Zechs will maintain command of Squad 13 however Ichigo will act as the official squad leader."
Ichigo: "Huh!? Me!?"
Treize: "Of course after all you and your partner are in the teen codes right?"
Ichigo: "That's correct."
Treize: "Then there's nothing to talk about."
Meanwhile Miku grabs at her arm still reeling from the phantom pain of when the Gundam Wing sliced off Argentea's arm.
Miku: "That thing...that Gundam why did it hesitate? Why didn't it kill us?"
Zorome: "That bastard probably didn't think we were worth killing! I swear I'm gonna make that White Devil pay the next time we see it."
Miku: "Zorome please think for a single moment of your life! That Gundam it...hesitated when I said Hiro's name. That couldn't have been some coincidence. When we went up against the enemy Gundam there was something so familiar about it."
A couple hours later at APE HQ
Ape Council member 1: "This can't be a coincidence. Five Plantations each of which serving a vital tactical function have been destroyed in the span of a few hours."
Ape Council member 2: "Could this have been a coordinated attack by the Spacians as revenge for the second colony war and the mass sterilization of their population?"
Papa: "That is a possibility but the colonies haven't been active in 5 years. Aside from the raids done to kidnap Parasites. The colonies have been oddly silent."
Ape member 3: "The most concerning attack is the fall of Plantation 13. After all it was where Werner took code 002. If she fell into the hands of the Spacians we may have a massive problem on our hands."
Meanwhile 200 miles away from Plantation 13
Hiro and Zero Two are held up in a cave both the Gundam Wing and Stralitzia standing over them as Hiro gets a fire going. Hiro looks at Zero Two while she is inspecting his Gundam there's just something about it her that draws him in.
Zero Two: "Quit staring you pervert."
Hiro: "Wha-I didn't mean to-!"
Zero Two: "It's fine after all the Dr always said parasites are better off a little pervy."
Hiro: "I..can't tell if you're teasing me or being genuine."
Zero Two: "Who says I can't do both, Darling?"
Hiro: "Why do you keep calling me that by the way? It's not that I don't like it but I'm just the delivery boy. I'm not sure what's going to happen with you and me when I finally get you to the Luna sphere colony. For all we know we might never see each other again."
Zero Two: "Quit being a buzzkill. As for why I call you my Darling.... Couldn't you feel it when we were connected? There's something special about you."
Zero Two walks up to Hiro causing him to back up a bit until she has him pinned against his own Gundam.
Zero Two: "Even when I attacked you weren't afraid. You didn't hesitate to connect with me. And then after all was said and done you would spirit me away to the moon. How romantic."
Zero Two leans in as Hiro starts blushing madly. The situation for Hiro could be described as incredibly embarrassing being a young healthy boy with a beautiful girl pinning him against his mobile suit and leaning closer to him with certain soft bits smushing on his chest. Safe to say Hiro's hormones were going crazy right now. Zero Two leaned in closer her lips close to his and then she licks his neck before backing off.
Zero Two: "And this taste! Every time I taste you my heart races it makes me feel so alive."
Hiro is still blushing like crazy from this close encounter. Sure he was popular with girls back on Luna Sphere but none of them had ever been this forward with him before and he himself never pursued any relationships before because it didn't feel right for some reason. Zero Two however finds Hiro's embarrassed expression hilarious as she starts to laugh.
Zero Two: "The look on your face is so priceless! Were you really expecting another kiss or were you hoping for more~?"
Hiro: "I-I..."
Zero Two: "You really are so easy to tease! It's adorable how much you're blushing! I think I'll enjoy this little trip to the moon with you! I wanted to go there anyway."
Hiro: "Just please don't do anything too crazy I need to get you to the colony in one piece. My dad would never let me hear the end of it if something happened to you on the way."
Zero Two: "What is a 'dad'?"
Hiro: "Oh right I almost forgot about that."
Hiro and Zero Two are then interrupted by the appearance of none other than the Deathscythe. Instinctively Hiro gets in front of Zero Two and pulls out a hand gun.
Hiro: "Who are you!? What are you doing here!? And how do you have a Gundam!?"
Duo speaks to Zero Two and Hiro through the speakers of his Deathscythe.
Duo: "I could ask the same thing with you. And you're with a cute girl like that. You're from the colonies right?"
Hiro: "So what if I am?"
Duo: "Listen pal I'm not your enemy. I'm also from the colonies. Side 4 to be exact. I'm a part of operation Meteor just like you are apparently."
Hiro: "You know about that?"
Hiro holsters his handgun.
Duo: "Hold up. You look familiar."
Duo exits his Deathscythe's cockpit and gets down using a wire line. He steps closer to Hiro and Zero Two, Zero Two bearing her fangs as he gets closer.
Duo: "Couldn't really make you out well up there but now that I see you up close I recognize you now. You're Hiro Yuy aren't you!"
Hiro: "Yeah that's my name."
Duo: "Holy shit man I'm a huge fan! You're Luna sphere's MS dueling champion! "The sad eyed Prince" himself!"
Hiro: "I really hate that nickname..."
It's then that Duo takes notice of Zero Two. He quickly fixes up his hair a bit before putting on his most charming expression.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Duo: "And what would the name of such a beautiful girl like you be~? Mine is Duo Maxwell~."
Zero Two: "Zero Two. You smell like cheap cologne and desperation."
Duo: "A sharp tongue too a like a woman with a little bite to her~."
Zero Two: "Darling can we just leave and find another cave to rest in? His cheap cologne is stinging my nose."
Hiro: "Unfortunately no. This was the most ideal place to set up camp. Like it or not we're stuck with him."
Duo: "Oh what god do I owe for allowing me to camp out here with such a beautiful rose like yourself Zero Two~."
Zero Two looks like she's about to throw up in her mouth. Meanwhile Hiro finally gets a fire going.
Hiro: "Alright now I'm gonna grab the sleeping bags out of my Gundam. I should have an extra one in the storage compartment."
The next day with the Plantation 13 convoy
Treize, Noin, Zechs, Nana, and Hachi are all gathered together as they discuss the recent attack on Plantation 13.
Hachi: "Thanks to analyzing the flight path of the enemy Gundam I was able to deduce its point of origin."
Hachi clicks a button as a map is displayed on a screen.
Nana: "Hold on a second those coordinates align with the crash site of one of the meteors me and Dr FranXX were monitoring the other day!"
Treize: "Meteors you say?"
Zechs: "Just how many of these meteors were there?"
Nana is quiet for a moment before answering.
Nana: "Five, there were five meteors all of them originating from the moon."
Noin: "The moon!? Then this was a Spacian attack!"
Dr FranXX: "Yes but the issue has now become that we are no longer dealing with one enemy Gundam but five."
Dr FranXX arrives at the meeting.
Treize: "Glad you could join us Dr."
Noin: "So do we have any idea what we're up against? We all saw what the Wing could do but what about the others?"
Nana: "I'm afraid we don't know and unfortunately something appears to have happened at Plantation 4 because global communications are down."
Noin: "Wait a second...General can you cross reference the location of the Gundam crash sites with Plantation movements?"
Treize: "Of course."
Zechs: "What is it you suspect Noin?"
Noin: "Think about it like this Zechs Plantation 13 was being used to develop experimental weaponry and Plantation 4 acts as a global communications hub."
Zechs: "Are you suggesting the landing sites of these Gundams weren't random but instead a deliberate attack meant to cripple APE's infrastructure?"
Noin: "That's precisely it."
Hachi: "And it looks like Noin is correct."
On the map the movement of Plantations is displayed as well as the Gundam crash sites each of them appearing to be near very specific Plantations.
Nana: "By Papa..."
Dr FranXX: "Credit where credit is due those Spacians must've planned out this attack months or even years in advance and it would appear that the enemy is going to converge on Plantation 26."
Noin: "Not only is squad 26 the most experienced parasite team outside of Oz but Plantation 26 also doubles as a mobile suit manufacturing plant..."
Treize: "If Plantation 26 falls mass production of mobile suits will grind to a halt. After that I have no doubt the enemy intends to dig in on this territory and force a war of attrition."
Nana: "But what is their plan for the Klaxosaurs? Even if they force us into a war of two fronts they'll be forced into one as well."
Dr FranXX: "Unfortunately it's too early to say for sure what exactly the Spacians have planned regarding the Klaxosaurs. However during the era of the Peacecrafts they heavily opposed the use of magma energy."
Hachi: "You're not suggesting they would ally with the Klaxosaurs are you? Spacians or not they are still human."
Dr FranXX: "I did not say they would or would not I am merely stating what we know about their motives so far."
Meanwhile in squad 13's quarters
The children of squad 13 had decided to also have a meeting regarding the destruction of the Plantation that they were charged with defending and failed.
Goro: "Okay so from what Zechs told us this code 002 disabled the a Tallgeese and ran off with the enemy Gundam."
Zorome: "Whoever they are I'll wring that damn traitor's neck when I find them!"
Miku: "If you could do that anyway. Unless you've forgotten that Gundam ran circles around us and I can was holding back."
Mitsuru: "In other words we don't have a ghost of a chance if we face that Gundam and it fights us seriously."
Ichigo: "As powerful as that monster was it can't be truly invincible. The anti-Gundanium weapons we have will give us an edge but the big problem is whoever is piloting that thing. Uncovering the identity of the Gundam's pilot should be a top priority."
Goro: "Right. That thing it acted as if it knew us. The only possibility of that being the case is if its pilot is one of the Parasites taken from the garden five years ago."
Zorome: "in other words somebody betrayed us and joined the damn Spacians."
Meanwhile at the Gundam camp
Hiro is trying to sleep key word being "trying" as he can't so much as close his eyes because Zero Two refused to sleep in her own sleeping bag and is currently spooning Hiro much to young Gundam pilot's embarrassment.
Duo however was not even trying to sleep as he was monitoring the movements of the convoy he spotted earlier and they just moved into position.
Duo: "Alright you two get up we got a convoy to wreck."
Hiro: "Wait what convoy?"
Duo: "Oh you know the convoy full of the survivors of Plantation 13 guess you missed a few of them when you arrived. But don't sweat it we can take care of it here and now. After all there's a sand storm rolling in."
Hiro: "Wait Duo let's talk about this! I know the parasites there!"
Duo: "Aw don't tell me you got sentimental and spared the enemy."
Hiro: "Duo please just listen to me! They aren't like other parasites I know they can change!"
Duo: "If they were younger that might've been an option. But they're too enthralled by APE's propaganda there's no hope for them now."
Hiro: "How do you know that!?"
Duo: " yourself a favor...stay here and protect the VIP. In the meantime I'll go fix your mistake. Parasites who have lived in APE this long are beyond me I know."
Duo rides his kick line up to the cockpit of his Deathscythe and powers it on. All the while Zero Two stirs from her sleep.
Zero Two: "What's happening Darling...?"
Duo: "And in case you don't see me again it was nice meeting you. Especially you my beloved Zero Two~."
Zero Two: "Die in a hole."
The Deathscythe takes off at top speed leaving Hiro and Zero Two alone in the cave again. Hiro crawls out of the sleeping bag with a determined look on his face.
Hiro: "Stay here."
Zero Two: "Where are you running off to Darling?"
Hiro: "I'm going to protect my friends. All of them."
Meanwhile at the convoy
A massive sandstorm has blown in forcing the convoy to stop in their tracks.
Hachi: "Advancing any further in this weather could prove dangerous. There's a high probability of Klaxosaurs attacking during the storm. Squad 13 you are to remain on high alert."
Squad 13 are gathered together in a tent alongside their commanding officers as they are being briefed on the situation.
Treize: "As explained beforehand Zechs will lead squad 13 on the field for the time being. You are to follow his orders to the letter."
Ichigo: "Sir I mean no disrespect but are you sure it's a good idea for us to sortie in this sandstorm? Protocol dictates we should move to another area until the storm has passed."
Treize: "That is true but unfortunately our current situation doesn't allow for such detours. It is of the utmost urgency that we make it to Plantation 26 before the Gundams do. We will be moving out in a few hours. My men being Naturals require as much rest, clean water, and food as you parasites do if not even more."
Zechs: "Personally I have a feeling we're in for a tough ride."
Noin: "Nothing you can't handle given your track record back at the academy."
Nana: "We have to be careful. We may know what the Wing is capable of but in regards to the other Gundams we know nothing. And what's worse thanks to this sandstorm our motion detection radar is offline meaning our only way to detect Gundams is effectively useless at the moment."
Suddenly the alarms go off as everyone suddenly hears an explosion.
Hachi: "We're under attack! Everyone to your FranXX!"
Noin: "Someone get me an Aries!"
Zechs: "Noin this could be a Gundam. Are you sure you want to-?"
Noin: "Of course I'm sure! Squad 13 may be parasites but they're still just kids. Not to mention you might need someone watching your back too."
Treize: "Consider this a combat exercise. After all Noin is an instructor back at the academy."
Ichigo: "Alright everyone to your FranXX we don't know what we're dealing with but it may possibly be one of the Gundams so brace yourselves for a rough fight."
A few minutes later Squad 13 have mounted up in their FranXX while Zechs pilots his repaired Tallgeese. They are now joined by Noin piloting a flight type mobile suit called an Aries.
Zechs: "Stay alert the enemy can only be detected by visual means and this sandstorm will make such a thing difficult."
Noin: "Chlorophytum and Genista on me. Since neither of possess anti-Gundanium weapons you four are the most vulnerable to an attack."
Kokoro: "Okay thanks."
Ikuno: "At this point we may as well be in the way."
Mitsuru: "I hate this feeling! Why am I so useless!?"
Futoshi: "It's not your fault if it helps. I don't like the feeling either but I won't be able to protect Kokoro against a Gundam as we are now as much as I hate to admit it."
Zechs: "Delphinium and Argentea will be with me. We are the kill team since we're the only ones who have weapons capable of damaging Gundams."
Ichigo: "Understood sir."
Goro: "We won't let you down."
Zorome: "Hell yeah time for some payback against that White devil!"
Miku: "Cool it Zorome we don't even know if it's a Gundam we're dealing with let alone the same one."
Zechs: "Noin your group will hang back while mine will seek out the enemy."
Noin: "Understood."
The Tallgeese, Aregentea, and Delphinium move out into the sandstorm while Noin's Aries, Chlorophytum, and Genista remain on guard patrolling the area of the convoy.
Meanwhile Duo watches the group splitting up with a smirk on his face.
Duo: "This sandstorm was the perfect cover. They'll never see me coming with their motion trackers not working."
Duo moves his Deathscythe in closer to the convoy moving towards Chlorophytum the FranXX being unable to see him in this weather.
Mitsuru: "Damn it! If Hiro were here what would he do!? Huh?"
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Him and Ikuno are suddenly caught off guard when one of their FranXX's legs is chopped off magma energy spraying everywhere as they see their enemy. They see another Gundam this one black looking like the grim reaper himself.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ikuno: "BY PAPA MY LEG!!!!!!"
Duo: "Ouch that's gotta hurt."
Mitsuru: "What the-!? You talk!?"
Duo: "Of course I can talk. Allow me to introduce myself since you deserve to know the name of the one who's gonna kill you all. The name is Duo Maxwell and this is my Gundam Deathscythe. You survived the last Gundam attack you won't survive this one."
Genista suddenly comes to Chlorophytum's rescue blasting at it with her Magma cannon but just like the Wing it doesn't even leave a scratch.
Kokoro: "Get away from our friends!"
Noin comes in shooting at the Deathscythe with her Aries.
Noin: "You won't win this time Gundam! Zechs come in we have visual contact with the enemy it's another Gundam! Zechs come in!"
All Noin gets is static.
Duo: "Yeah you won't be calling for help. I'm jamming communications as we speak. It's just the six of us."
Noin: "Damn it!"
Meanwhile with Zechs and his group they are searching through the sandstorm searching for any sign of the enemy.
Zechs: "Any visual contact with the enemy."
Goro: "No sir."
Ichigo: "I'm afraid without any radar we may as well be stumbling around blind."
Zorome: "Damn it all!"
Miku: "Uh do any of you guys hear something?"
The moment is suddenly interrupted when the Gundam Wing flies over them in Bird mode.
Zorome: "It's that white devil again!"
Miku: "It's come back to finish the job!"
Zechs: "Don't stand around return to the convoy I'll pursue it!"
Zechs prepares to activate the Tallgeese's super vernier thrusters.
Zechs: "Last time I underestimated you but this time I'll be the one to end you!"
The Tallgeese speeds off at blinding speed easily breaking the sound barrier as it gains on the Wing. Zechs himself strains against the Tallgeese as the G-forces placed on his body are taking their toll.
Zechs: "I've got you now!"
Inside the Wing's cockpit Hiro looks back at the Tallgeese as it gains on him in shock.
Hiro: "What the hell is this guy thinking!? An unaugmented human like him won't survive going this fast for-!"
The Tallgeese then slams into the Wing forcing it to make an emergency landing right near the convoy where he spots the Deathscythe preparing to finish off Chlorophytum.
Duo: "Sorry but this is the end for you two."
The Deathscythe brings its beam scythe above its head ready to end Mitsuru and Ikuno right there when suddenly.
???: "NO!!!!!!!!"
The Deathscythe's beam Scythe is caught by the Wing's shield.
Duo: "What the hell are you doing!? Whose side are you on!?"
Hiro: "Yours obviously! But we don't have to do this! They haven't done anything wrong! They don't have to die!"
Duo: "They've seen you dumbass! They could ruin this whole operation! Are you really willing to put the future of the colonies at risk for them!"
Hiro: "Duo listen to me I know who these parasites are I know for a fact they could join us!"
Meanwhile in Chlorophytum's cockpit Mitsuru stares at the Wing Gundam recognizing something familiar about the pilot's voice.
Mitsuru: 'It can't be...Hiro?!'
Hiro: "Please Duo I don't want to fight you! Just...give them a chance. Please. Can you grant Luna Sphere's champion this one request."
Duo scowls for a moment before relenting.
Duo: "Fine...but you take the blame if the whole operation goes tits up."
Hiro: "Thank you Duo."
Zechs: "Don't you forget about me!"
The Tallgeese charges the Wing, Hiro defending himself with his Gundam's beam saber as the Tallgeese and Wing Gundam enter a beam saber clash. The Deathscythe is then ambushed by Argentea who slashes at the Gundam with her anti-Gundanium claw actually scratching the Gundam's armor.
Miku: "Look at that Zorome! The new claw really can hurt it!"
Zorome: "Alright! Get ready for some payback Spacian scum!"
Duo looks at the damaged part of his Deathscythe seeing his Gundam's shoulder armor has been pierced.
Duo: "Looks like you guys mean business. Let me introduce ourselves. My name is Duo Maxwell and this is my Deathscythe. You have been chosen to reveal my existence to the world you will see what's happened here and tell of it later!"
Zorome: "I feel like that's a reference to something that I don't get at all."
Miku: "Same here."
Duo: "Wha-!? It's not a reference I came up with that line on my way to this convoy! Ugh whatever!"
The Deathscythe enters a combat ready stance as it prepares to engage the Deathscythe. Meanwhile Delphinium engages the Wing alongside the Tallgeese going for one of the Gundam's wings but Hiro is able to quickly trip up Delphinium.
Ichigo: "Lieutenant Zechs! If we team up we should be able to disable the Gundam together!"
Zechs: "No I wish to face this Gundam alone."
Goro: "But sir our top priority is capturing the Gundam's pilot and retrieving code 002!"
Zechs: "Yes and I will make sure that comes to pass. But please do not interfere. This is my fight."
Ichigo and Goro: "We understand sir."
The Delphinium backs off as the Wing and Tallgeese face off against each other. The two mobile suits charge at each other and clash their beam sabers against each other before the Wing tries to sucker punch the Tallgeese, Zechs however quickly catches the punch and judo throws the Wing to the ground holding his beam saber towards its head.
Zechs: "I believe that you said you were a champion of some kind and yet I find myself disappointed..."
The Wing quickly pulls out its Buster rifle and blasts at the Tallgeese at point blank range.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Zechs is barely able to maneuver out of the way and as a result half of the Tallgeese's left arm is completely blown off.
Zechs: "Damn!"
The Wing then tries to go in for the kill with it's beam saber but Zechs thinks fast and quickly dodges by punching the Wing's arm causing it's beam saber to go into the Tallgeese's head. Hiro backs away from the defeated machine exhausted as he fires a buster rifle shot into the sand dune to kick up more sand. All the while Argentea and the Deathscythe are clashing when Hiro opens up a private communications line to Duo.
Hiro: "The Tallgeese is down. I've created a diversion it's time to go."
Duo: "You better be right about this!"
Noin: "I won't let you get away!"
Noin charges at the Deathscythe with her Aries at full speed however Duo is quick on the draw and slices her Aries in half at the waist just barely grazing the cockpit. The Deathscythe then disappears into the sandstorm along with the Wing.
Zorome: "Get back here you yellow bellied coward I'm not done with you yet!"
Miku: "Zorome calm down! At the very least this time around nobody died."
Meanwhile inside Chlorophytum's cockpit Mitsuru is having a full on existential crisis.
Mitsuru: 'I don't understand...why Hiro? Why would you betray us? I-I can't tell the others if they knew...I don't want to think about what might happen...'
(And that's a wrap and finally I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and look forward to the next one bye. Also one more thing.)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
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