Chapter 1: Operation Meteor

Open in a small compartment only illuminated by the light of a screen showing the vague appearance of the cockpit's occupant a teenage boy with blue eyes wearing a pilot suit.  He receives a call from the man who prepared him for this mission.

(Just imagine Hiro wearing the same pilot suit as Heero.)

???: "Remember your mission?"

???: "Yes, drop to earth and destroy APE no matter the cost."

???: "Yes but remember your secondary objective."

???: "Secure Zero Two by any means necessary."

Meanwhile on earth

Inside Plantation 13 Dr FranXX and one of his assistants Nana look on a monitor and see five meteors heading towards earth in different locations.

Dr FranXX: "So what exactly am I looking at?"

Nana: "We detected it a few hours ago but the strangest part is their point of origin. The moon."

Dr FranXX: "The moon you say how interesting."

Nana: "Should we call command?"

Dr FranXX: "No, not yet we don't know what this is.  For all we know it's just debris."

POV Ichigo

A petite blue haired girl is currently wandering around the birdcage reading a book about the mythical phoenix.

Ichigo: "The phoenix a bird of fire said to be reborn from the ashes.  A bird that can never be tamed or caged.  I guess you're a lot like that aren't you Hiro."

Ichigo looks up at the moon.

Ichigo: "How long has it been now since you've disappeared?  Five years?  I wonder where you went."

Meanwhile in the wasteland

A Klaxosaur is marching its way in the direction of Plantation 13 its hulking black and blue body striking contrast against the dessert but unfortunately it's mission is brought to an abrupt end when a meteor crushes it on impact.

The smoldering mound seems like just a normal meteor upon first glance however a strange metal shell can be seen at its center. The quiet is suddenly interrupted by a large yellow beam erupting from the meteor as a large bird like robot emerges and takes flight.

Inside the cockpit of the ship its pilot looks at his radar.

???: "Plantation: 500 miles west. Current objective: seek and destroy."

The pilot seems to flinch at the thought of killing Parasites after all they're kids like him.

???: "Parasite casualties: optional. Beginning sortie."

The ship takes off at full throttle.

Meanwhile on an airship

A girl with pink hair and red horns sits across from a man in red wearing a mask.

???: "You're awfully quiet Zero Two. Is something the matter?"

Zero Two: "It's nothing Zechs. It's just that I can feel something familiar."

Zechs: "Familiar you say?"

Zero Two: "It's like a presence I haven't felt in a long time. Not since him."

Zechs: "Ah, yes your 'darling' the one that got away. I thought you told me he died five years ago?"

Zero Two: "Not dead...just gone. Gone somewhere I could never find."

Zechs: "Is that why you always accompany the doctor? Because you're looking for him?"

Zero Two: "I would ask the same thing about why you follow Treize around like a dog."

Zechs: "Unless you've forgotten my Tallgeese was designed to outperform any FranXX. Including Stralizia. And unlike you I possess the proper discipline of a warrior."

Zero Two: "You sound like a robot."

Meanwhile in plantation 13

We find ourselves inside squad 13's habitat the birdcage. The newly christened squad are currently engaging in recreational activities. Reading, books, playing basketball, and listening to some APE approved music.  All the while two boys named Goro and Zorome talk about some new developments that caught Zorome's attention.

Zorome: "You hear about who's coming to the Plantation for the start up ceremony?"

Goro: "No.  Who?"

Zorome: "Zechs Marquis the Lightning Count."

Goro: "Who?"

Zorome: "You haven't heard of him.  He's the ace pilot of OZ."

Goro: "The special forces unit made up of adults and veteran parasites?  That OZ?  And this Zechs is their ace?"

Zorome:"Yeah.  And that's not all Goro.  Zechs even pilots a special mobile suit it's not anything like a FranXX it's an MS in its own category.  I think it's called a Gundam."

Goro: "Gundam? Why is it called that?"

Zorome: "Apparently it's named after the special metal that mobile suit is made of. I think it's called...Gundamium."

Meanwhile the leader of the pack a girl with blue hair named Ichigo reads a peculiar picture book.  "The knight and the beast princess".

Ichigo: "Long ago there was a boy born to be a knight.  He lived and trained to serve his kingdom and its king.  The knight was trained to slay beasts to protect his kingdom but one day deep within the woods he saw the most beautiful beast of them all.  Their princess.  The two fell deeply in love but the king would not allow it and stole away the knight's love before casting an evil spell on him to take away the memories of the princess.  But before the prince was forced to serve the evil king he was spirited away into the sky where he would one day-."

Ichigo is interrupted by a boy named Mitsuru.

Mitsuru: "Ichigo, I thought I should tell you that Nana said the representatives of Oz will be at the Plantation within the hour."

Ichigo: "Thank you Mitsuru. Go tell the others to get ready we have to make it to the start up ritual on time."

Meanwhile with the mysterious fighter

Memories flash through the pilot's mind as he remembers his childhood. He remembers the people he grew up with, became friends with, and even gave names to.

???: "Snap out of it there isn't even a guarantee they became parasites just stay the course even if you have to kill them..."

The pilot grips his controls of his fighter as he tenses up. He decides to make a call to someone.

???: "Hey dad you there?"

???: "Hiro? You're calling again so soon is something wrong?"

The boy now known to be named Hiro tenses up before speaking.

Hiro: "Listen dad I...don't know if I can kill parasites. After all I knew so many of them when I was younger I even gave them names..."

???: "...Hiro my boy I know you if you don't think you have what it takes for this mission you can simply head to area Zero and I can have a new pilot assigned to the Gundam Wing."

Hiro: "No! I can't go back to the colony now! I don't know why but I need to do something here I need to find someone!"

???: "...I understand my son. Do what you feel is right just please if it ever comes down to choosing between yourself and your enemy please choose yourself my son I've already buried one child I won't bury you."

Hiro: "But can I really bury other children...?"

Meanwhile in Plantation 13

Zechs and Zero Two arrive alongside doctor FranXX an old man with numerous cybernetics on his body as well as a sharply dressed man in blue.

Dr FranXX: "I'm glad you decided to accompany us Treize but was bringing the Tallgeese really necessary?"

Treize: "It's only fair the preferred weapon of my ace pilot go with him.  Do you expect me to just have Zechs' talents wasted in a mass produced mobile suit like those rank and file FranXX or a Leo? Please don't insult Zechs like that."

Treize then turns his attention to Zero Two.

Treize: "You know Zero Two there is a more permanent place for you in Oz if you're interested."

Zero Two: "I already told you I have no intention on permanently joining Oz. This arrangement is temporary."

Treize: "No need to get so defensive. Besides we have done our best to treat you well and accommodate you. We even offered you our prized stock of Stamens."

Dr FranXX: "Personally I'm not much of a fan of your militarized Parasite program. You have their personalities sucked out as much as the Geezers."

Treize: "Says the hypocrite who created the FranXX in the first place."

Suddenly the group are approached by Plantation 13's caretaker, Nana.

Nana: "General Khushrenada I'm glad you could make it for the start up ritual."

Treize: "The pleasure is all mine miss Nana and can I just say you look ravishing."

Treize kisses Nana's hand something that causes her face to go bright red.

Nana: "I-I appreciate the gesture general Khushrenada!"

Treize: "Please, call me Treize. Now then Zechs, Zero Two let us go witness the start up ritual."

Zechs: "We have a problem sir?"

Treize: "And what would that be lieutenant?"

Zechs points to a faraway platform where Zero Two is smirking as she makes her way towards an elevator to the birdcage.

Zechs: "It would appear that girl is more trouble than ever. Thankfully she still has the tracking chip Noin installed in her when she became a part of OZ. Shall I go drag her back?"

Treize: "No let her roam about for now. I will send you for her when she's needed."

With Zero Two

When Zero Two started working with OZ she had hoped it would finally bring her closer to finding her Darling but so far it was just the same old boring routine as before what frustrated her the most though was this weird feeling she was getting it made her feel like her Darling was so close but so far away at the same time. And she hated that feeling.  Thankfully though she knew a dip in the Ocean would cool her down the only problem is that the closest thing to an ocean in Plantation 13 was a lake in the parasite habitat.

Zero Two: "Well it's better than nothing."

Zero Two finally finds her way to the lake and strips off before diving into the lake. She swims around for a few minutes and even catches a fish in her mouth. But for some reason something about this scene doesn't feel right. Zero Two looks back to the shore with an unusually somber expression. For whatever she felt like maybe this was where she would meet her Darling again. She starts to think to herself wondering where he could've gone. It's then she remembers something she had almost forgotten about years ago.

Zero Two: "All those years ago...not long after I was separated from him there was a terrorist attack wasn't there? The Dr told me they stole away parasites and took them away to the colonies...."

Zero Two looks up to the sky and reaches out as if reaching out for her long lost Darling.

Zero Two: "You're up there somewhere aren't you Darling? The colonies...I have to get there someday I'll become human first and then I'll come look for you."

Zero Two just lays there floating in the water and staring up at the sky longingly. She floats there for another few minutes as if desperately hoping she's wrong and that her Darling will finally appear but nobody comes as she finally decides to get out of the water and put her clothes back on.

Zero Two: "One day Darling. One day."

Before she leaves however she sees something coming towards the Plantation in the distance.

Zero Two: "What is that?"

Zero Two makes her way over to the very edge of the dome to see the mysterious object approaching Plantation 13 it looks almost like a bird.

Meanwhile with Hiro

Hiro's instruments light up as they scan Plantation 13 and eventually the scanners pick something up.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Hiro: "Enhancing image."

The image comes in and enhances as Hiro gets a clear image of his target APE's secret weapon, code 002 or as she was better known as Zero Two.

Hiro: "Target sighted. ETA five minutes."

Meanwhile with squad 13

Papa the leader of APE gives a speech to all the residents of Plantation 13 as well as the newly minted squad 13.

Papa: "Look upon these children they are the hope against the Klaxosaur menace that has long left our planet in ruin!  They are the brave and young parasites of Plantation 13 who will defend against any who would dare threaten humanity be they Klaxosaurs or the traitors who live on the colonies!  Go forth parasites bring hope and pea-!"

A shadow flies over the ceremony.  As squad 13 looks up in shock. 

Ichigo: "What is that...?"

Goro: "I don't know some kind of fighter."

A loud mouthed girl with pigtails speaks up.

???: "I've never seen a fighter like that..."

Zorome: "Miku you're worrying too much it's probably just some new prototype being worked on by OZ."

Mitsuru: "Ikuno what do you think that thing is?"

A girl with lavender hair wearing glasses presumably named Ikuno looks at the mysterious flying object.

Ikuno: "No idea.  It looks too graceful to be a FranXX in stampede mode."

A portly boy and a kind young girl stand together the girl cowering behind the boy.

???: "Futoshi I'm scared..."

Futoshi: "It's alright Kokoro I'll keep you safe."

Meanwhile Nana and Treize look completely shocked.

Nana: "Why weren't we notified about an unidentified flying machine we should've picked up its magma energy signature!"

Treize: "Unless it doesn't have one..."

Nana: "What?  But that would mean that thing is from...the colonies."

Then without word or warning the fighter opens fire with its machine guns in a strafing run targeting Papa and the adults in the crowd but strangely enough avoiding the parasites.  Squad 13 immediately takes cover.

Ichigo: "We need to get to the FranXX and fast!"

Goro: "What about the start up ritual we aren't supposed to be in combat yet!"

Ichigo: "We don't have a choice."

Nana and Treize hurry out of the ceremony area and towards the hangar.  Treize immediately contacting Zechs on his personal communicator.

Treize: "Zechs we have a situation that needs your immediate attention get to the Tallgeese and prepare for launch!"

Zechs (comms): "I'm already on my way to the hangar."

Meanwhile in the birdcage

Zero Two sees the chaos unfolding below her. She knows this isn't any Klaxosaur this must be a terrorist from the colonies which means.

Zero Two: "This could be my chance...I have to get out there. Darling hold on I'll be with you soon."

Meanwhile with Squad 13

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Squad 13 hurries to the hanger bay and start mounting up in their FranXX.  Normally the Start up ritual wouldn't put them in actual combat but today is an exception.  As for the FranXX themselves they were each unique from each other something very atypical for FranXX squads nowadays.

Ichigo climbs into the blue FranXX with Goro and gets into a very let's just say peculiar position (okay fine yes they use doggy style to pilot these things are you happy).

Ichigo: "We have to hurry Goro!  Start the connection!"

Goro: "Right!"

Goro and Ichigo as well as the other members of squad 13 start connecting with each other many of the girls squeaking in surprise not being used to connecting.

Zorome: "Hey don't be making weird noises at a time like this!"

Miku: "It's a perfectly normal reaction you idiot!"

Goro: "Ichigo are you alright?"

Ichigo: "I'll be fine but we have to go!"

Goro and Ichigo are the first to fully connect in their FranXX Delphinium with the face plate activating.  They are quickly followed by Miku and Zorome in Argentea as well as Kokoro and Futoshi in Genista, Mitsuru and Ikuno being the last to connect with each other in Chlorophytum.

Ichigo: "Alright we know our mission neutralize the enemy fighter and save the Plantation!  Squad 13 let's move out!"

Zorome: "Who made you leader!"

Miku: "Now is not the time for arguing Zorome!"

???: "Indeed."

A mobile suit made from pure Gundamium alloy steps forward this being none other than the Gundam Tallgeese piloted by Zechs Marquis.

Zechs: "I will be assuming field command of this operation.  Prepare for launch."

The Tallgeese loads itself onto the MS launcher as its thrusters start to roar to life.

Zechs: "Gundam Tallgeese, launching!"

Zechs is launched out of the hanger with incredible speed almost becoming a white flash as he launches into battle.

Kokoro: "I guess we know why he's called the Lightning count now..."

Ichigo: "Let's follow his lead."

One by one each of the FranXX launch out of the Plantation ready to defend their new home.

Zorome: "Let's make this spacian regret ever leaving their colony!"

Zechs (comms): "Keep your ego in check we do not yet know of our enemy's full capabilities."

Miku: "You hear that Zorome, keep that head of yours from getting bigger than it already is."

Zorome: "Why you!"

Ichigo: "Now is not the time to be fighting each other our uninvited guest is incoming!"

The mysterious fighter flies low heading straight for Squad 13 and Zechs. Then it does something none of them were expecting as it begins to transform into a humanoid shape revealing itself to not be a fighter but rather a Mobile Suit.

Zorome: "That thing's a mobile suit!?"

Zechs: "Noin, I'm scanning the unidentified Mobile Suit bring this data to Dr FranXX I want to know what we're up against."

Meanwhile inside Plantation 13

A woman receives the scan data from Zechs' Tallgeese as she quickly rushes into the control room this being none other than Lucretia Noin a close companion of Zechs.

Noin: "Understood I'm in the control room now."

Noin finds Dr FranXX who has made his way into the control room and hands him a data pad with the data on the unidentified MS.

Dr FranXX: "These readings..."

Back outside

Zechs and Squad 13 engage the unknown MS together trying to overwhelm it with numbers and force.

Zechs: "Genista, pull back blast that thing apart with your cannon that should bring it down!  We'll keep it busy."

Kokoro: "Right!  Understood!"

Argentea rushes forward to intercept the unknown MS first.

Ichigo: "Zorome, Miku don't break formation!  We don't know what that thing is capable of!"

Zorome and Miku however aren't listening as currently they remember how all those years ago their friend Hiro was killed by Spacian terrorists and have both surprisingly agreed to get even for the "death" of their friend.

Zorome and Miku: "Get ready to die SPACIAN SCUM!!!!!!"

Argentea's magma energy heated claws go to attack the Unknown MS but it brings out its shield and defends itself. But as Argentea's claws grind against the shield Zorome and Miku immediately notice the claws don't even scratch the paint job on the shield.

Miku: "What is...this thing made of...?"

The eyes of the unknown MS flash green.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It then proceeds to draw a beam saber and in a single motion slices off one of Argentea's arms. For a brief moment everyone goes silent. That silence is then interrupted by Miku screaming in pain.


Zorome: "MIKU!!!!!!"

The unknown MS then grabs the still convulsing Argentea by one of its pigtail like antennas while holding its beam saber right in front of the face plate of the FranXX. Miku can only look at the Unknown MS in complete terror thinking it's about to kill them.

Miku: "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry we couldn't avenge you Hiro!"

The tip of the Beam saber stops right before it can kill Miku and Zorome. For whatever reason the unknown MS hesitates to kill them.

Inside the unknown MS' cockpit

Hiro has a hollow expression on his face.

Hiro: "Why...why? Please don't tell me...that I'm supposed to kill them of all people."

Hiro looks out to see the incoming FranXX and now he can almost easily guess who are piloting them.

Hiro: "Ichigo, Goro, Mitsuru, Ikuno, Futoshi, Kokoro, Zorome, Miku...I'm so sorry for what I have to do..."

Back in the fight

Rather than killing Zorome and Miku the Unknown MS throws Argentea by its Antenna straight towards Delphinium knocking the blue FranXX down.

Kokoro: "Are you all okay!?"

Delphinium recovers for a moment pulling Argentea to its feet.

Ichigo: "Me and Goro are fine I'm more concerned about Zorome and Miku. Are you two alright!?"

Miku: "It was...about to kill us. Why did it stop?"

Zechs: "Such weakness for a soldier to show mercy to an enemy on the battlefield I won't show the same weakness."

The Tallgeese rushes at the unknown MS drawing its own beam saber to clash with it. The two MS take flight as they begin a brutal battle the unknown MS matching the Tallgeese blow for blow and even managing to keep up in speed.

Zechs: "This speed and power matches the Tallgeese. But now for the real test!"

The Tallgeese charges the Unknown MS and gets it into Genista's sights.

Zechs: "Genista, open fire now!"

Kokoro: "Rodger!"

Genista blasts the unknown MS with its magma energy cannon. The MS tries to defend with its shield but it doesn't react fast enough and takes a direct hit.

Kokoro: "Direct hit! Is it down?"

A massive cloud of smoke obscures the unknown MS it is still airborne but hidden from sight.

Back in the control room

Dr FranXX: "The Strength and power of that mobile suit can only mean one thing."

Nana: "What is that thing Dr?"

Noin: "And honestly, do we want to know?"

Back on the battlefield

Squad 13 all surround the cloud of smoke nervously waiting for it to dissipate.

Ichigo: "Surely that should've at least made that thing unable to fight anymore."

Goro: "We can only hope..."

Chlorophytum aims all its built in magma energy guns at the cloud as they start charging up ready to unleash a barrage of magma energy blasts the second the smoke clears.

Mitsuru: "Whatever this thing is it's tough. Ikuno we need to throw everything we have at it."

Ikuno: "My thoughts exactly."

Zechs: "Genista, prepare to fire again the instant the smoke clears."

Kokoro: "Understood!"

Futoshi: "We need to make sure that thing stays down. Don't worry Kokoro I won't let whatever that Mobile Suit is hurt you."

Kokoro: "Thank you Futoshi I feel safer already."

The tension continues to build as the smoke is now starting to clear.

Ichigo grits her teeth as she prepares herself for the fight of both her and her squad's lives.

Back in the the control room

the atmosphere is just as tense in the control room as out on the battlefield as everyone in the control room waits with baited breath hoping that this unknown enemy mobile suit was taken down by Kokoro and Futoshi's last shot.

Dr FranXX: "There's no longer any doubt about it anymore what that Mobile Suit is."

Nana: "Dr please tell us what that Mobile Suit is?"

A bald man in a military uniform walks up to the Dr.

???: "We need to know what it is so we can prepare for it."

Treize: "Hachi we're all comrades here. There's no need for such hostility."

Hachi: "The entire Plantation is on the line and this is the first large scale spacian attack since the raids performed by the colonists five years ago. Any and all information on this thing would be appreciated."

Dr FranXX: "That thing is no ordinary Mobile Suit..."

Back on the battlefield

The smoke finally clears away and Squad 13 looks up in despair and fear as they see that even a direct hit from Genista's Magma energy cannon did no damage.

Goro: "It doesn't even look scratched..."

Zorome: "That's no mobile's a devil!!!!"

Zechs: "No, much's a Gundam."

Chlorophytum unleashes a barrage of Magma energy blasts towards the now identified Gundam with Genista firing another blast from her magma energy cannon but the result is the same as before as the Gundam shows no signs of damage.  Ichigo in a desperate attempt to destroy the Gundam propels herself towards the Gundam using the thrusters on Delphinium to launch herself into the air and stab at the Gundam's cockpit but the Gundam easily dodges and cuts apart her magma energy sabers with its own beam saber.

Ichigo: "We...we're throwing everything we have at it and...we can't even damage it?"

Succumbing to despair the connection between Ichigo and Goro breaks as the now inactive Delphinium falls onto the ground below.

Back in the control room

Hachi: "Delphinium's paracapacity just dropped to zero."

Noin: "We're down a FranXX!?"

Dr FranXX: "At this rate there are only two present that stand a chance against this Gundam.  I wonder.  Has Zero Two deployed yet?"

Hachi: "Stralitzia is preparing to leave the hangar..."

On the monitor Nana sees the paracapcity of the FranXX dubbed Stralitzia.  As suddenly the positive pulse drops to Zero causing the negative pulse to go out of control.

Nana: "No...her partner just disconnected?  Then the rumors are true????"

Back on the battlefield

The Gundam turns its attention away from Squad 13 as it transforms back into Fighter mode and flies towards Plantation 13.

Zorome: "It's going for the Plantation!"

Zechs: "Not if I can stop it!"

Zechs blasts off in the Tallgeese becoming a white flash but even still he can only barely keep up with the Gundam.  Zechs pulls out the Tallgeese's beam rifle and fires a few shots at the Gundam trying to shoot it down but the Gundam is able to skillfully evade his blasts.

Zechs: "Whoever this pilot is they're good."

Inside the cockpit of the Gundam Hito is sweating as he's trying to line up a shot on the Plantation with his Gundam's Buster rifle while also avoiding being shot down by the Tallgeese.

Hiro: "This pilot is no joke there's no way I'm dealing with a Parasite behind the wheel of that Gundam. This is an experienced soldier. The only way I can escape is if I trigger a Magma energy detonation in the Plantation's reactor. The Buster rifle should do the job."

Hiro pulls out the targeting system as he makes the final adjustments for his shot. But as the Buster rifle starts charging up its blast the Gundam is suddenly tackled by something.

The Lion like mobile suit tries to bite down on Hiro's Gundam but thankfully the teeth of the beast like MS aren't strong enough to get through the Gundamium armor. Hiro and the beast like MS fall to the ground kicking up sand as they land. Hiro's Gundam transforms into its normal mode as it quickly scans the Lion MS.

Hiro: "Designation...Stralitzia. That's the FranXX that belongs to my target. Why is it in Stampede mode though?"

Stralitzia roars as it charges at Hiro's Gundam. Hiro however doesn't seem worried.

Hiro: "Activating Jian system."

The wings on Hiro's Gundam spread out as Stralitzia stops in its tracks.

Hiro: "Beginning connection."

Meanwhile inside Plantation 13

Nana and Hachi look in shock and confusion as Stralitzia's paracapacity rises both positive and negative pulses rising.  But the most confusing part is what Zero Two is connecting to.

Nana: "Gundam...Wing?"

Hachi: "It must be the enemy Gundam's designation.  But why is it connecting with Zero Two?  Zero Two has engaged it.  This doesn't make any sense."

Nana: "Unless...that Gundam is trying to take Zero Two!"

With Zero Two and Hiro

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The two find themselves in a large grassy field.  Zero Two looks towards Hiro in confusion.

Zero Two: "A Spacian connecting to me through a Gundam now that's a new one.  You know who I am right?  Connecting to me can be a death sentence."

Hiro: "I don't care."

Zero Two: "Huh?"

Hiro: "My mission was to destroy APE at all costs and you just so happen to be APE's secret weapon.  We at the colony would prefer you on our side rather than theirs."

Zero Two: "What a dull answer.  Is that the only reason you're connecting to me?  Because of your mission?  You're by far the most boring person I've ever connected to.  Well that's what I would say if I didn't know that wasn't the whole truth."

This catches Hiro off guard.  He's never had this kind of connection before it's almost like this girl whose hair is as pink as Sakura pedals blowing in the wind with beautiful horns that shimmer like two red rubies can see right into his soul with her beastial yet beautiful blue eyes.

Hiro: "You're right...I came to earth for another reason.  I have someone I need to find no matter what.  I have people back home I want to protect.  I want to win this war even if it kills me!  And for that to find that person whose face I forgot, to protect the people I swore to fight for, and to win this war for the soul of humanity I need you!"

Zero Two smirks seeing the determination in this boy's eyes.  His scent makes her heart race it smells of danger and adventure but most importantly of all freedom.  This is finally her chance she can finally find her Darling.

Zero Two: "Then come to me."

Zero Two grabs Hiro by the wrist and pulls him to her.

Zero Two: "Let me get a taste of you...after all.  You are now my Darling!"

Zero Two pulls Hiro into a kiss something that shocks him but for some reason this feels right.

Back in reality

Zero Two's FranXX starts shining with a bright light as it transforms from its stampede mode.

Inside the control room

Dr FranXX: "When negative and positive come together the iron maiden will reveal her true form."

Back outside

Stralitzia completes her transformation into her true form.  All Hiro can do is blush.

Hiro: 'It's a good thing she can't see inside my Gundam's cockpit.'

Zero Two: "Aw, are you blushing Darling?"

The Gundam Wing actually looks away in embarrassment.

Zero Two: "No need to be so embarrassed."

Their brief moment of peace however is quickly interrupted by Zechs charging the Gundam Wing into the wall of Plantation 13 before pulling out its Tempest heat lance.

Zechs: "Zero Two, back me up it's time we end this Gundam!"

Zero Two has a mischievous smirk on her face.

Zero Two: "Sure thing hold him still for me."

Stralitzia charges forward but instead of charging at the Gundam Wing she instead charges at the Tallgeese Zechs can't react fast enough as his Gundam's backpack is pierced by Stralitzia's anti-Gundanium spear.  The Tallgeese falls to its knees offline after Zero Two cut off its power supply.

Zechs: "Zero Two what are you doing!?"

Zero Two: "Consider that my resignation."

Zechs quickly uses his personal communicator to contact Treize.

Zechs: "Treize this is Zechs!  Zero Two has gone rogue and has joined the enemy Gundam!  Commence immediate evacuation of essential staff!"

Inside the control room

Treize: "Understood my friend.  Nana, Hachi get Dr FranXX on a transport immediately we must evacuate."

Nana: "But what about the children!?"

Dr FranXX: "They're still outside the Plantation we can pick them up later."

Hachi: "And Stralitzia?  We need to report this to Papa he needs to know that Zero Two has gone rogue."

Dr FranXX: "We'll inform the geezers when we're somewhere that isn't about to become a giant crater."

Noin: "What about Zechs!?"

Treize: "You should know better than anyone Noin that Zechs doesn't die so easily."

Treize and the entirety of the control room begin evacuation.

Meanwhile with squad 13

Delphinium finally comes back online though it's obvious Ichigo is not doing alright.

Zorome: "Welcome back 'fearless leader'.  You missed a helluva lot!"

Ichigo looks towards Plantation 13 in fear.

Ichigo: "Someone please tell me Lieutenant Zechs was able to stop the enemy."

Kokoro: "..."

Futoshi: "..."

Ikuno: "..."

Mitsuru: "..."

Miku: "Well he tried anyway...."

Goro: "We have to get back and stop that Gundam at all costs!"

Miku: "Goro are you insane!?  That thing almost killed us...and it was hardly trying!  We threw everything we had at it and couldn't even scratch its armor!"

Kokoro: "Everyone please calm down I'll call Nana and Hachi they should have some good news."

Kokoro and Futoshi try to get in contact with Nana and Hachi using Genista's communication device but all they get is static.

Meanwhile outside Plantation 13

Hiro lines up a shot with his Buster rifle.

Hiro: "Secondary objective complete.  Resuming primary objective."

Hiro pulls out his Gundam's targeting system.  The Plantation's defenses try to destroy the Gundam Wing but they are quickly destroyed by Stralitzia.

Zero Two: "Don't interrupt my Darling while he's working."

The targeting system locks onto the Magma Energy reactor of Plantation 13 as the Gundam Wing's Buster rifle charges up a devastating blast.

Hiro: "To you the ones who are killing our planet for your so called salvation the time of judgement has come.  The time for your punishment for your actions against the people of the colonies is upon you.  I Hiro Yuy sentence you all to death."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The Buster rifle unleashes a continuous beam that melts through the outer wall of the Plantation traveling through the city and vaporizing buildings and the husks of human beings that live within.  The beam eventually reaches the Magma energy reactor causing the massive reactor to become unstable.

Hiro: "Let's go Zero Two, before we get caught in the fireworks."

Zero Two: "Right behind you Darling."

Stralitzia and Gundam Wing take off flying away from Plantation 13 as it starts to explode.

Zero Two: "Where do we fly now?"

Hiro: "To area Zero the fortress the colonies have set up on Earth."

Meanwhile with squad 13

Squad 13 watches in shock and horror as Plantation 13 explodes.  They were tasked with defending it from the Klaxosaurs and the Spacian rebels but in just one battle they failed and have to watch the place they would've called their new home go up in flames.

Ichigo: "We failed...Nana and Hachi are..."

But while most of squad 13 succumb to despair Zorome and Miku only become more enraged.

Miku: "It's all because of that Gundam!"

Zorome: "I swear even if it's the last thing I do I'll kill that White Devil!!!!!!"

Meanwhile with Treize and the others

Treize, Dr FranXX, Hachi, and Nana just barely managed to escape the explosion that destroyed Plantation 13 many onboard the transport were shaken and scared at this sudden and brutal loss.  Treize however remained composed.  He looks down to see the Tallgeese clearly damaged but still relatively in one piece Zechs most likely surviving as well.

Treize: "Well played Gundam.  Well played.  You won this battle, but will you win this war?"

(And that's a wrap this was a story I wanted to do and see if you guys like if you want more Darling in the Gundam Wing get 10 votes on this chapter and be sure to comment.  Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you all later.)

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