Getting Klaus into a respectable, everyday, normal suit had been an interesting battle that Peter reflected on with a smirk as they returned to the prosthetics office. He had watched with glee as Five bullied Klaus into one of his dad's old suits. They didn't fit well, too short in the leg and sleeves.  Five gave up on Klaus' hair and the smoky remains of eyeliner around his eyes. The overall look was tired and maybe even fashionable if one consulted the right circles, Peter mused. At least they were actually being down into one of the doctor's offices this time. It was the same Doctor who had been rude to them before. His office a thing of glass that made Peter glance around nervously. His feet firmly planted on the floor. 

"As I said to you son and his friend earlier, any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential. Without the client's consent I simply can't help you". 

That did not appease Five. He leaned over the desk, knuckled resting on more metal and glass. "Well, we can't get consent if you don't give us a name". He was a note away from growling the words. 

"Well, that's not my problem", the doctor shrugged. "Sorry. But there's nothing more we can do so-"

Klaus interrupted them. He had been sitting silent in his chair. Peter having been forced into standing behind it since there were only two chairs facing the desk. "Well what about my consent?" He hissed angrily.  

"Excuse me?" They all frowned at him. 

"Who gave you permission to lay your hands on my son and his boyfriends?" Klaus' tone was full of dramatic shock as he pointed at Five.

"What?" The doctor stared. 

"You hard me". 

"But I haven't touched them?" 

Klaus leaned forwards. "Well, how did he get that swollen lip then?" 

"He doesn't have a swollen lip"-

Then in one movement he stood up and smacked Five harshly across the face. The boy letting out a noise of pain. Peter jerked in an aborted moment to reach for him but relaxed. "An his boyfriend. Who gave him a black eye?" Klause turned to the blonde and punched him solidly in the face. Peter was surprised by the force behind it and he let the momentum knock him back into the glass window, hitting it with a thump and a cry of pain that was more for the drama of it than any actual shock. He had been hit before, he could handle it. 

(Once, when they were teenagers around seventeen or so, he and Five had gotten into a vicious brawl. No one but the other. They loved and hated each other in equal passion back in the apocalypse. Teen boys were full of hormones and emotions ran high between them. Peter could remember the blood on his mouth and the bruises welling on his skin as he fisted his knuckles into the the dirty cloth of Five's shirt. The kisses afterwards stung. Pain and pleasure mixed in together with anger and love. They had many fights back then before their relationship eased in to the beginning of what they had now). 

Klaus inhaled deeply as Peter picked himself up from the window. Five was staring at Klaus in shock, gaze flickering between the man and the blonde boy. Peter just grinned despite the rising bruise he could feel forming around his left eye. "I want it. Name, please. Now", the man ordered as he leant on the desk. 

"You're crazy", the doctor pointed. 

He laughed. "You have no idea". Then Klaus noticed a decorative snow globe on the desk. "Peace on earth? that's so sweet". It shattered against his forehead and both him and the doctor shouted in unison. "God! That hurt". There was water dripping from Klaus hair and a few pieces of glitter stuck to his face along with the blood running over his eyebrow from a cut on his temple. 

Peter sniggered. "You're enjoying this", Five murmured as he moved to stand at Peter's side. 

"You are too", the blonde grinned back. Five's eyes flicked to the bruise forming. "It will bring out my eyes", Peter added. Five snorted. 

"I'm calling security", the doctor reached for the phone. 

Klaus snatched it away. "There's been an assault in Mr Big's office. We need security. Now! Schnell!"  He sighed as he dropped the phone. "Now listen here Grant"-

"It's Lance". The doctor was beginning to resemble a headlight blinded bunny right before the car hit. 

"In about sixty seconds two security guards are going to burst through that door, and they're going to see a whole lot of blood and they're going to wonder 'what the hell happened?' And we're going to tell them that you beat the shit out of us". He pitched his voice up dramatically at the end in an approximation of a sob. Peter was pretty impressed by Klaus' acting skills. 

Five was smirking like a cat. Peter liked smug happiness on him, especially since it wasn't aimed at him. Feeling just as smug, he leaned over and leaned on the brunette's shoulder. Two smug smiles now fixed on the doctor as Klaus worked his magic. 

"You're going to do great in prison Grant. Trust me. I've been there. A weedy guy like you, my god. You're going to get passed around like a", he hissed through his teeth then forced a smile. "You're going to do great. That's all I'm saying". 

"Jesus. You're a real sick bastard", Lance the doctor was pale. 

"Thank you". Klaus spit out a piece of glass. It bounced off the desk with a quiet chime. 

 Peter began laughing. His giggles echoing off the glass around them, much to Lance' horror. Five shut him up by grabbing his cheeks between his hands and head butting him in the nose. Peter jerked back at the pain and felt something warm trickle down his lip. "Really?" He scowled at his husband. Then his fist collided against the brunette's cheek, wiping that smile form his face. 

Peter could taste the blood dripping across his lips from his nose when Five straightened with a grin. He knew that grin, recognised the look in his husband's eyes. He grinned back as the boy stepped close enough to grab him by the blazer and pull their faces together. The kiss was brief, for they were still in a glass office with a very freaked out doctor and Klaus, but still them. It tasted of blood must have stung Five's split lip. Either way, Peter was smirking when they pulled away. The kiss hard and fast, hard enough to bruise. 

"You're right, the bruises do bring out your eyes", Five chuckled as he turned back to the doctor. 

"Flirt", Peter rolled his eyes as he leaned his hip on the edge of the table. "Now where were we?" 

Lance was gaping at them. "I need to check some files. Follow me". He scurried towards the door. 

"Yes Five! Get some!" Klaus raised a hand for a high five that was ignored as Five went for the door. "Peter? Yes!" He crowed as Peter jumped up to slap their hands together. 

It took a bit of time for the Doctor to find the right file. Klaus leaning over his shoulder and Peter and Five sat onto of the cabinets probably did not help. When he did pull out the right file, papers flicking, he frowned. "Oh that's strange". 

"What?" Five demanded. 

"The eye, it hasn't been purchased by a client yet". 

"What? What do you mean?" Klaus swung an arm over the man's shoulder and leaned in closer. It made Lance flinch slightly. 

"Well, uh, our logs say that the eye with that serial number- This can't be right. It hasn't even been manufactured yet". He blinked at stared at the two boys. "Where did you get that eye?" 

Peter watched Five deflate with a sigh. 


"I was pretty good though, right?" Klaus exclaimed as they left the building. Peter blinking in the sunlight as he walked along side his husband. "What about my consent, bitch?" Klaus laughed. 

"Klaus it doesn't matter", Five huffed as they reached the street. 

"What is the deal with this eye anyway?" 

"Someone is going to loose an eye in the next seven days", Five stated. 

Peter sighed. "We believe that they are going to cause the end of the world, or that they are connected to it".  Five began walking and he skipped a set to catch up. 

"Yeah can I get that twenty bucks like now? or What?" 

"Your twenty bucks?" Five echoed in disbelief. 

"Yeah, my twenty bucks". 

He took a step into Klaus' space. "The apocalypse is coming and all you can think about is getting high?" 

"Well I'm also quite hungry. Tummy is rumbling". He made a noise in imitation. It reminded Peter that he was hungry too but it wasn't an urgent matter. 

"You're useless. You're all useless", Five huffed as he turned away. He took a seat on the steps of the building and Peter sighed. He stared up at the bright sky. It was so blue. He wanted to fly. His feet had been on the ground for hours now and it was itching at him like an addiction. Why walk if you could fly? 

 "You need to lighten up old man. Hey, you know, I've realised why you're so uptight", Klaus took a seat at Five's side. "You two must not have had much fun. Why don't I take you both on a night out". 

"We're fine", Peter spoke for them both. "Thanks though". 

Klaus blinked at the blonde. The black eye was beginning to darken around his left eye and his nose was still slightly pink, blood rubbed away onto his sleeve. "You never did tell me how you met. Peter, how did you find my brother?" 

Peter sighed and took a seat at Five's side. The brunette shifting to let the blonde lean against him, used to his need for touch. "It's all a bit of a blur really. I was twelve. My mother died. She was my world. People wanted to take me away, send me into foster care or an orphanage. I don't know. But something happened and I woke up in the apocalypse". 

Five let out a breath of air. "He found me after a year. I had grown so mad that I was talking to a manakin. I had even named her. So I thought he was another hallucination when he turned up". 

Peter made an amused noise. "Yeah. I suppose my name being Peter Pan did not help". 

"I couldn't get rid of him after that", Five sighed. "He kept on flying back". 

"We've been together over thirty years", Peter nudged Five's shoulder with his own. 

"Thirty years. Wow", Klaus sighed. "The longest I've been with someone was three weeks. Only cause I needed a place to sleep. He did-"

Whatever he said next was cut off as Five took Peter's arm and blinked them both someplace else. Peter laughed when they reappeared in to a taxi driving past. "Don't stop. Just keep going", he instructed the driver. Peter pulled the window open as they drove past Klaus. 

"Hey! Hey! Hey! What about my money?" He shouted after them as Five waved. Peter tugged a twenty dollar note form his pocket and chucked it out of the window. Klaus running after it as the cab pulled away. 

"You don't need to enable him", Five muttered. 

"We paid him for his assistance. Whatever he does with it is his own business. Now is there a good diner where we can get some food and plan our next move?" He leaned forwards to talk to the driver. "Take us to the nearest diner please". 

"Where did you even get the money?" Five frowned. Peter just grinned mischievously. The brunette rolled his eyes but was unable to deny his lips twitching in amusement. 


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