"Sit down and be quiet"
Chapter Fifteen: This Was The Day
2x12:Profiler Profiled
*Trigger warning*
Eden loves their newest member of the team Emily. She was funny, blunt, smart and witty. She loved everything about her. Emily had gotten Eden out of her stoic shell. She had tried not to pry but she also truthfully had good intentions she loved her. Emily reminded her alot of Lexie too. She was still trying to earn her stripes and thats fine. Eden didnt like how harash Hotch was on her but she understood, that he was hesitant to have someone he didnt pick be placed on the team. Eden, JJ, and Garcia are all huddled around Reid he was going a magic trick.
" Nothing's happening."
" Watch" the bottom was fizzing out it goes flying in the air hitting Emily in the forehead who just walked in.
" Ooh. Ah, what-"
" I'm so sorry, Emily." Reid was laughing alongside everyone else.
" What was that?"
" Don't you recognize a rocket when you see one?" Penelope says.
' I- I was merely demonstrating a physics law I- I-I didn't meant to hit-"
" oh, show me?" Emily was eagerly walking towards his desk.
" All right. Uh... well, turn around, please."
" Turn around."
" Yeah, he's not gonna show you... how it's done." JJ grabs Emily's arm and turns her around.
" A magician doesn't reveal his secrets."
" But I thought you said it was physics? " Emily begins.
" Trust me. It will not do you any good to argue with him." Eden mutters as Emily nods.
" All right, all right, turn back and observe." they all turn around. It goes flying in the air surprising them as they all let out a surprise gasp. It lands on the ground and Hotch picks it up all the women start pretending they are working.
"Physics magic."
" Yes, sir."
"Reid, we talked about this." Hotch says walking the container back over to Reid.
" I'm sorry, sir."
"Really starting to get some distance on those." he smirks before heading back up to his office.
"So he does have a sense of humor."
"Sometimes." Reid replies.
" Hey, where's Morgan?"
" In Chicago. He goes there every year for his mother's birthday." Reid explains as Eden takes a seat at her desk.
"All secrets deep all secrets become dark that's in the nature of secrets " Writer, cory doctorow.
Eden wasnt expecting to get a call like this. While she had her thoughts on Derek, she would never make him out to be a murderer. When they landed in Chicago they made to the police station in five minutes.
"Special Agent Hotchner, FBI I'm looking for detective..." Hotch pulls a piece of paper from his pocker. "Gordinsk"
A bald guy wlaks up the group. " I got this, Chuck. How you guys doing. Wally Dennison, CPD."
" Where's agent Morgan?"
" Detective Gordinski's in with the suspect now." Dennison replies as Eden feels her stomach drop at the words suspect.
" I need to see him."
" When my partner's finished talking to him." Dennison was being smug and no one liked it.
" I have your superintendent's personal cell number, and in the interest of not running roughshod over another police agency I've resisted calling him so far I need to see agent Morgan now."
" I'll get Gordinski. He's the, uh, primary." he walks off going to get Gordinski.
" I don't like them calling him a suspect."
" Me neither." Hotch says and after a few mintues a burly man comes up to the group.
" Detective Gordinski, CPD." he shakes Hotch's hand.
" You think an FBI agent, a bau profiler committed a homicide."
"Actually, three homicides at least, over 15 years." Gordinski replies he was too smug as well/
"You-you think he's a serial killer." JJ asks.
" This is ridiculous."
"Racist." Eden says covering with a cough. Everyone turns to look at her and she just shrugs.
" Has he been charged with anything?"
" I got 72 hours for that." Gordinski says with a proud smile.
"I'd like to see him."
" Be my guest. This way." Dennison leads him that way.
" Agent Gideon, right." Gordinski asks he shakes Gideons hand.
" Yes"
" I owe you a big thank you I had no suspects at all until you looked over my case for me and sent me this profile. Everything in it points to that son of a bitch, Derek Morgan." He hands him the file and Eden now knows this guy is so racist.
" I profiled him."
"It's all right there." He points to the file proudly.
" Detective, a profile's just a guide."
" Yeah, this one guided me to him." He continues,
"They're really more useful in the elimination of suspects rather than the inclusion." Reid says.
" That's not the way you presented it to me."
" Well, if I confused you, I'm sorry." Gideon says,
"I'm not confused at all."
" Look, whatever it is in here that made you consider agent Morgan a suspect has to be coincidence. You can't rely solely on this." Eden explains she was pissed.
" You're right, I'm not."
"15 years ago, I was a new detective. One of my first cases was a black kid 12 or 13 years old, found strangled in a vacant lot near here." Gordinski explains.
" Boy was a john doe, right."
He nods, " Still unidentified to this day."
" Wait, a 12-year-old kid that no one reported missing." Emily asks.
" Ever. Four years ago, another body turns up, same M O. Worked that case just as hard, came up with just as much nothing. Nobody in the area had ever seen the kid before."
" No one's looking for these kids." Eden asks that makes her heart break but it also makes her feel a bit better knowing it cant be Derek.
" Then a few months back, I attended a seminar that you taught at CPD headquarters I told you about my case, you said to send you the files and you'd look 'em over. This is the profile you worked up. There are about three million people in Chicago. Your profile said I was looking for a black male, 25 to 35, with a knowledge of the area. Nonthreatening to children- either knows them or is normal enough that he doesn't scare them A probable criminal record. It also said the way the body was placed gently on a mattress, not just tossed on the ground, indicated someone who was probably consumed with guilt, especially for the first victim. Your exact words are- "with a guilt-ridden offender, "the bau postulates the first victim is the most important " and the unsub may still visit the place of the crime or even the victim himself". Care to guess who visits my first victim every time he's in town."
" Can't be just visiting the victim. There has to be more than that."
" Sure. You said the unsub might try to inject himself into the investigation to keep tabs on it. Morgan has called our headquarters many times since he joined the bureau. Always about this case."
" So, wait, he talked to you about it."
" Headquarters. He'd never call me. After I got your profile, I checked airline records. Turns out Derek had just left Chicago when the other body turned up. Then yesterday another kid ends up dead and the last person he was with was Derek Morgan. In the boy's pocket we found one of his FBI business cards, his cell number written on the back of it. In fact, every time Morgan's in town, he hangs out with kids."
" This is all just coincidence." JJ says.
" A hell of a lot of coincidences."
" It's purely circumstantial." Emily continues.
" So's a fingerprint. Did I mention that Morgan found the body in 1991 Hidden way back in a vacant lot. Now, don't you teach that when a body is hard to find, the person finding it is always a suspect."
"There are key pieces of the profile that don't fit, detective. Uh, the age, 25 to 35, Morgan was 15 or so at the time." Reid speaks up,
" Also says that age is the hardest to predict, and I should never exclude someone simply because of a discrepancy with the age."
"What about the speculation that since he didn't managed to leave any evidence at the scene of the crime and he most likely has a criminal record or previous law enforcement knowledge. Derek wasn't even in the bureau yet when the first body was found."
" He may not have had a knowledge of law enforcement but Derek Morgan definitely had a criminal record." Gordinski says as Eden growsl she hits the desk next to her.
"You are so desperate to have it Be Derek, that you are missing alot of facts. I'd hate for your desperation to cost you your career," Eden snaps
"Are you threatening me?"
"Who me? I dont make threats....I do make promises and I always keep them." and with that Eden walks away.
"We are dealing with A desperate detective here. Three dead boys, no evidence at all, so he applies the profile directly to someone he already suspected. It's easy to get tunnel vision that way."
" One begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts. That's, uh, one of sherlock holmes's favorite quotes." Reid says as Eden smiles he always knew exactly what to say.
" We need to figure out who really killed these boys before they decide to charge Morgan"
" What do you want us to do." Emily asks.
" Last victim was someone Morgan was seen with. Conveniently, Morgan was already a suspect in the other two."
" Someone set him up." Eden says as He nods.
" We should consider Morgan a victim. Prentiss, you, Eden, and Reid talk to his family, learn about him- especially around the time of the first murder."
" Do we have the address." Emily asks the two women grabbing their coats.
"I can take you."
" Oh, that's ok." Emily says politely as Eden just rolls her eyes.
" No. Actually, that's not a bad idea."
" Right. Okey-doke, lead the way, detective" they follow after Denninson.
"Is, uh, Derek all right." a younger woman Angela hands Reid a plate with a slice of cake on it.
"He wouldn't let us go down there."
" He's fine. Our boss is with him." Emily speaks up..
" Did he tell you Gordinski's been harassing him since he was a kid."
" Why's that." Reid asks.
" You'd have to ask that bastard"'
"Oh, Sarah." her mother warns.
" It's true, mom."
" Sure it is." Dennison speaks up.
"What are you even doing in my mother's house." Sarah snaps a the man.
"I dont like you" Eden turns to him as he rolls his eyes.
" They asked me"
"Not really." Reid says eating his cake.
" I don't understand how they could think he did this." His mother ask.
" Someone may be trying to make it look like he hurt those kids."
" And the police believe it." Sarah asks.
" Just following the evidence." Denninson says.
"Watch your mouth." Eden mutters.
" But he's an FBI agent."
" Actually... law enforcement officials are just as probable statistically to commit a crime as anyone else. Look at the cross-section of a society, there's a general population and a small fraction-" Reid babbles
" he's not actually saying we believe Derek's involved in this." Eden speaks up for him.
" Oh, no, no, yeah, not at all I'm merely, um- speaking theoretically."
" You're Dr. Reid, right." Angela asks.
" Mm-hm."
" Derek talks about you." Sarah says as Eden smiles
" He does." she nods.
"Yeah and You must be Eden. Derek talks about you too." Angela says as Eden gives a perplexed look.
"Anyway, so... someone may be trying to make it look like this was Derek." Emily explains.
" But Derek loves kids. Every time he's here, he goes to the youth center."
" Youth center?" Eden asks.
" The upward youth center."
" Does that have some sort of significance for him?" Reid asks.
" What... are you saying there's something in it for him. Other than giving back to the poor kids of your neighborhood."
"Sarah..." his mother says.
" Sarah, we're friends of your brother's. We're here trying to help. When we ask a question, it isn't to denigrate or demean anything he's done. We just have to know everything, so we can figure out where to look next. Is there some special significance to the youth center." Emily explains.
"The youth center saved his life. My husband, um, their father, was killedl when he tried to stop a robbery. Derek was with him, he was ten A year or so later, he started getting into trouble."
" What kind of trouble?" Eden asks.
" He started running around with older kids. They would give him money to run errands for them. Not drugs. No, Derek would never disgrace his father's name."
" But they were gangbangers. So people started looking at Derek like he was one of them." Sarah explains.
" One night, he and a friend were attacked by some boys from another gang. Big fight. And one of the other boy's head split open. And that was the first time Gordinski arrested him."
"Now, he wasn't a detective yet, just a street cop, but from that night on, no matter what happened in the neighborhood, he'd pick Derek up for it. " Sarah continues.
"Probably because he was involved."
"Sit down and be quiet." Dennison was squaring up to Eden. "You really want to play this game see whose is bigger cause mine definitely is." They were glaring at each other, while Derek's sister watch amused by how sassy the small woman was. They were also smirking they liked this woman more and more by each minute.
" Stan's never arrested anyone who didn't need arresting."
"Why are you still talking?" Eden asks as he sits back down.
" He did with Derek."
"Until Carl Buford stepped in." Derek's mom continues.
" Carl Buford."
" He runs a youth center." Dennison says as Eden looks back at him.
" He took Derek under his wing. Mentored him. Became like a surrogate father. He taught him football and that changed Derek's life. He got a scholarship to college, with it he got his degree."
"Where is Carl Buford now." Emily asks.
"He still runs the youth center."
" I'd like to talk to him. Detective, do you think you could take me over there?" Emily turns to Dennison.
" Just you." Reid asks.
" Yeah I thought maybe you two could stay here and keep going through this stuff."
"Good idea. Yeah, keep going through the stuff." Reid nodsunderstainf what Emily was saying.
"Yeah excellent Idea Wouldnt want to Crush whatever's left of Detective Dennison's ego." Eden mutters as Dennison rolls his eyes he and Emily leaving.
"I am sorry about my behavior....I just Derek wouldnt do this and they are so desperate to pin this on him." Eden says as Angela nods.
"Derek said you were sassy." she chuckles.
"He also said she was hot tempered, Stubborn, always had to be right."
"Yeah well Derek, is annoying, arrogant, nosy, but..he's a good person, one of the best people I've met and if you tell him I said that I will deny it." the women laugh. Eden's phone rings and she opens it seeing a text from Hotch to come back. "We have to go but I promise you I will get Derek out of this."
" They're beyond reason. We have to find hm first." JJ walks over to the group. Derek had escaped custody and left. Of course Gordinski put an alert out for Derek which only made things worse.
" Any ideas. "
"His mother said that Buford practically raised him after his father died, he mentored him, took him on trips, spent all of his time with him. Basically became a surrogate father." Emily explains as Eden thinks for a second. Derek hated Buford, which doesnt make sense unless...
"I think I might actually be sick." Eden leans back against the desk.
" Jason, I think I know what he was afraid we'd find." Hotch says as everyone looks at him, Eden had figured it out. "Detective, we may know where he's heading."
They arrrivedat Carl's office and waited outside the door, Listening, to he and derek's conversation.
"God, I should have told somebody about you when I was a kid. When you were helping me. Well, you know what happens in cases like this. Once that dam breaks, the flood comes. One kid steps up, just one. And then another one, and another. Because they're not scared of you anymore. They know they're not alone. James Barfield is your dam."
" Whatever lies James told you..."
" they're not lies. You did the same thing to me" Derek yells as Eden can hear the hurt behind his voice.
" I did nothing to you, to James."
" One by one, they're gonna pile up until there's so many accusations. You can't say that they're all lies"
"Any idea how many kids I've helped get out of this neighborhood. Hm. How many lives I've provided. Look at you. You'd probaby be dead by now." Carl says,
" Yeah, well, it wasn't for free, was it"
" I pulled you out of the gutter I pulled myself out of the gutter, all the way to the FBI I did that."
" You sayin' I had nothin' to do with making you who you are."
" No, Carl. Actually I'm saying you have everything to do with making me who I am. Because of you I'm somebody who gets to spend the rest of this life making sure guys like you go down."
" Look, Derek... I never hurt you. You could have said no."
" You're under arrest, Carl." Gordinski walks into the room from the back door.
" I've helped a lot of kids."
" Let's go." he says.
" The neighborhood won't be the same without me. It's gonna be worse without the center. " Buford yells.
"Somebody'll keep this center running. The neighborhood will I will. "
"Wait. Wait. Derek... isn't there something you can do for me." Burford asks.
" You go to hell." they lead him out and Gordinski doesnt even bother to apologize. Eden had plans for him though. Derek turns to the doorway where Hotch and Gideon were. They were the only ones who came besides Eden, they didnt want to make him even more uneasy than he was.
She runs up to him and hugs him and he sobs into her chest, holding onto her for dear life. She decided to stay back to help him with the youth center and to also attends Damiens funeral. Because even if he wasnt known. He was still loved. She slept in his sisters room even though Derek insisted she take his room and that he would sleep on the couch.
They were becoming really good friends even if neither of them knew it.
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