((I uh... forgot to update.... sorry.... ))
Mark walks in the door, carrying about three bags of groceries on each arm and setting them on the counter. He smiles slightly at Ken when he walks in, the man standing in the kitchen on his phone.
"Hey Ken... Where's Jack? And Felix?"
He asks almost instantly, though he had for the most part decided to ignore what he thought he'd seen, he still worried having left Jack alone with the two men.
"Felix went on a walk, and Jack wasn't feeling well... He went to lay down..."
The black haired man responds simply with a slight shrug of his shoulders. The man looked bored for the most part, however the corner of his mouth twitched, almost into a smirk. Mark overlooks this and walks over to the stairs, simply leaving the grocery bags on the counter and making his way to the bedroom he shared with the Irish man.
The red haired man asks quietly as he opens the door. His brown eyes scan the room. Empty. He narrows his eyes and walks in, closing the door behind him. If one listened closely, small sniffles could be heard from the attached bathroom, and Mark followed the small sound.
He tries the knob to find it locked, before gently rapping on the door. He can hear the Irish man jump at the noise, and stand up quickly.
Mark knocks again.
"Sean... Are you alright, what's wrong?"
The man asks, his voice showing his clear worry.
"I-I'm fine!"
Jack finally calls through the door, his voice cracking and showing he clearly wasn't 'fine'. Mark sighs and tries the knob again, leaning his head against the wooden door gently.
"Open the door Sean... Please..."
The red haired man pleads softly, his hand resting limply on the doorknob. A couple minutes of silence follow, before finally a click sounds and the doorknob can be turned. Mark opens the door quickly and the sight breaks his heart.
Jack laid on the floor, curled into a small ball, tears streamed his face and sobs rocked his already shaking body. Mark sucks in a soft breath and gets down on the floor next to the man, pulling him gently into his lap.
The small Irish man tangles his fist in Mark's shirt, sobbing into his chest as Mark rubs circles onto his back gently. Once the Irish man had calmed down a bit more the red haired man asks the question Jack was dreading having to answer.
"What happened?"
Jack sucks in a shaky breath, his thoughts going back to Dark, the way he stared at him with hunger in his eyes, this makes the man cling to his loves shirt even tighter.
"P-Panic attack..."
The green haired man finally stutters out, his voice barely audible. Mark looks at him, and for a second Jack thinks he didn't believe him, but soon he nods and pulls him closer.
Jack sighs silently and nuzzles into his strong chest before Mark lifts his head gently by the chin, turning his face until he saw the small cut on his cheek.
"What happened here?"
He asks, gently tracing the small wound with his thumb. It had stopped bleeding thankfully, but still stung, making Jack flinch at the small touch. His thoughts race, trying to think of some excuse on how he got it.
He couldn't tell Mark what truly happened, Dark would kill him. That couldn't happen.
"I-I was shaving...."
He murmurs softly after a little silence, keeping his blue eyes lowered. Mark looks at the cut, not saying anything, but not seeming to believe the lie either. Finally the red haired man just nods, slowly grabbing Jack and standing up, holding the small Irish man bridal style as he carried him out of the bathroom. Soon laying him on the bed gently and covering his shivering body with the comforter.
"Get some rest... I need to go put groceries away..."
Mark speaks softly. Before he can walk away Jack grabs his hand, clinging to it tightly.
"W-Wait, I'll help."
He speaks in a hurried tone, beginning to sit up out of the bed. Mark shakes his head and pushes him down gently, ignoring his small arguments. Jack truly just didn't want to be alone, not anymore.
"Sean, rest..."
He orders again, his tone gaining a bit of strictness to it.
Mark interrupts him, his voice rising slightly, his voice firm. Jack shuts his mouth, looking at the man pleadingly once more before nodding, lowering his gaze gently. The red haired man sighs and gives his hand a gentle squeeze before letting go.
"Let me know if you need anything..."
He speaks before walking out, closing the door behind him.
Jack watches the door for a few minutes after he left, half expecting Ken, well, Dark, to walk in. Thankful when he didn't.
Jack sucks in a shaky breath and rolls onto his other side, away from the door. He curls up under the blanket, clutching it tightly against him, his hand instinctively going up to touch the small cut on his cheek.
The green haired man was thankful Mark showed up when he did, but what if there was a time when he didn't. What would Dark do?
Jack shakes his small head and clutches the blankets tighter against him, clenching his eyes shut and forcing thoughts like that away.
Once the thoughts left, so did his energy. His body felt exhausted. Though he tried to stay awake, he finally lets his body force him into a restless sleep.
Mark makes his way down the stairs, releasing a breath as he walks back into the kitchen, where the bags still sat, but Ken was nowhere to be seen.
Mark calls through the house, listening for an answer but hearing nothing. The red haired man hesitantly begins putting things away, though his brown eyes keep watching around him, listening for any movement.
Of course Ken was able to go wherever he wanted, however he was the only one around Jack, and Jack didn't tend to have panic attacks without a reason. So what the hell was going on?
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