((Hey guys I'm back :) Thank you for being so patient with me. I'll try to get back on schedule))
Jack groans as his eyes flutter open, he slightly panics at first seeing he was on the floor before the nights events hit him. He sits up, stretching his sore back and smiling as it cracks a few times.
His eyes move to the bed where Felix, or... Anti, Laid still passed out, laying on his stomach and sprawled across the entire bed, his hair falling messily over his head. Jack shakes his head and stands up, ignoring the ache in his lower back and simply walks out of the room, closing the door behind him.
He still felt some pity for the darker part of himself, but not enough to forgive him for what happened, not even close.
The smell of bacon leads the Irish man downstairs and he makes his way into the kitchen, his small smile dropping as he sees Ken in the room as well.
Mark sat at the stove, and the sound of sizzling bacon resonated around the small kitchen. The red haired man looks over as Jack walks in and smiles slightly.
"Morning, Sean."
He greets gently. Jack forces a small smile and sits on one of the stools, as far from the black haired man as possible, though he felt his gaze on him.
The Irish man yawns softly, forcing a hand through his messy, green hair. Mark takes the bacon off of the stove and puts two pieces on three plates, setting one in front of Jack, one in front of Ken, and one for himself.
"If you don't mind me asking..."
Mark speaks again, stopping Jack in the middle of a bite.
"Why is Felix in our bed?... and you on the floor...?"
The red haired man ask curiously raising an eyebrow at the Irish man. Jack sucks in a small breath, his hand instinctively going to his still sore throat, thankfully Anti hadn't left any marks.
"He uh... He came home drunk last night..."
The green haired man explains simply, his blue eyes shooting a glance at Ken, but looking away almost as soon as he met those eyes. He could almost feel the black haired man's smirk.
"He uh...woke me up... and then passed out...."
He finishes with a shrug, purposefully leaving out the details on the unpleasant manner he was woken up with. Mark sighs and nods gesturing to the counter where the half empty bottle of whiskey sat still.
"That explains the alcohol... Why the hell did he go out drinking so late?"
The red haired man questions biting into a piece of his bacon.
Jack begins, his eyes automatically moving to the black haired man. His ocean blue eyes meet with Ken's brown ones, a small tint of red entering them as he stared back. Silently daring Jack to tell the truth. The Irish man gulps quietly and forces his gaze downward, and silently cussing Dark out when he smiled at that.
"He's just stressed I suppose..."
The Irish man mumbles, staring down at his half eaten food, no longer hungry. Mark seems to notice he doesn't want to talk about it anymore and asks no more questions out loud, though many race through his mind.
"That's Felix for you."
Ken finally speaks up, his gruff voice containing almost a bit of amusement. He stands from the counter letting Mark take his plate. Once Mark turns away Ken walks behind Jack, as he passes he lets his fingers graze across the exposed nape of the Irish man's neck, sending shivers down his spine, and dread twisting at his gut.
When Mark turned back around Ken had exited the kitchen, making his way upstairs. The black haired man walks over to the bedroom where Felix still lay passed out on the bed, his eyes shifting from brown to a deep red as he opened the door and looked at the sleeping male with a sigh.
"Fucking idiot..."
He mutters under his breath, simply turning around and walking to the guest bedroom again, closing the door behind him.
Downstairs Jack forced himself to finish the food on his plate, realizing he needed to eat, and not wanting to worry Mark. Though of course Mark worried regardless.
"Sean... Are you alright?"
The red haired man asks after putting his own plate in the sink and turning around again. Jack sucks in a small breath and nods his head, forcing a small smile onto his pale face.
"I'm fine... Why do you ask?"
Mark sighs and walks around the counter sitting on the stool next to the Irish man.
"You've just seemed really jumpy the past few days... Especially around Ken..."
The red haired man adds that last part under his breath, either Jack didn't hear it, or he deliberately ignored it. The green haired man lowers his blue gaze the small smile dropping from his face, and his hands nervously picking at the fuzz on his sweatshirt.
"I... I just..."
The green haired man mutters, struggling to come up with some lie, something to avoid telling the truth, Dark's threat still clear in his mind.
Mark reaches out, grabbing the smaller man's hand gently, stopping him from picking at his shirt.
"Sean... The truth..."
The red haired man speaks softly, his voice calming as he rubs small circles onto the man's pale hand with his thumb. Jack sucks in a breath and forces his gaze up, blue eyes meeting those worried chocolate brown ones. He opens his mouth to speak, wanting to tell Mark everything, but Dark's threat rings through his head once again.
Not a word of this to anyone... if you say anything, I'll kill Mark and make you watch...
Finally Jack gulps and instinctively squeezes the red haired man's hand, worried that if he let go, he'd lose the man forever.
"I... I can't tell you..."
The Irish man murmurs under his breath, blue eyes lowering to their intertwined hands, unable to look at the small bit of hurt that entered his brown eyes.
"I can't tell you alright!"
Jack snaps, his outburst surprising the red haired man. Mark looks at him as he calmed himself, and sighs, his brown eyes examining the Irish man's pale face, his gaze landing on the small cut that had healed a lot by now.
"Sean... Did... Did Ken hurt you...?"
Mark finally asks, a small bit of realization hitting him. It would explain the man's fear around the black haired man. Jack sucks in a breath at that question and says nothing, simply standing from the stool and pulling his hand out of the red haired man's, instantly missing it's warmth as he grabs his plate bringing it to the sink.
The red haired man watches as Jack fills up the sink, beginning to wash the dishes that had piled up. Mark sighs and stands as well, walking to the doorway but stopping before he walked out.
"I'm always here to talk..."
The man speaks calmly before walking out of the kitchen. Jack sucks in a breath but doesn't turn his head, simply distracting himself with the chore of washing each plate, bowl, and cup that littered the sink.
Soon Jack hears a couple footsteps behind him, but simply shrugs them off as being Mark, and continues with his task. Until a pair of hands grab onto his hips and he jumps with a small yelp, instantly turning around to meet a pair of deep red eyes.
Jack's blue eyes widen as he tries to squirm away. But the man's larger body keeps him in place. Dark's hands grip the smaller man's hips firmly, and a small smirk twitches onto his face at the Irish man's fear.
The Irish man begins to call for help but is cut off as Dark speaks in his gruff voice.
"Go ahead and scream... See where that gets you."
He grumbles softly, his voice not containing anger, but the threat clear. Jack gulps and shuts his mouth, simply resorting to trying to push the larger man away.
"Good boy."
Dark chuckles, his words sending shivers of fear down Jack's spine. The green haired man's attempts to push him away do nothing, he simply gets pressed harder against the sink.. The Irish man whimpers as his lower back presses painfully into the edge of the counter.
"Dark... Enough..."
A soft voice says from behind the two. Dark turns his head and smiles slightly seeing the blonde haired man, his mismatched eyes tired as he glared at the man. Dark says nothing as he pulls away from Jack, who releases a small sigh of relief.
The black haired man keeps silent as he walks over to Anti, leaning over and whispering something to him. Anti simply shoots him a glare as he walks out.
Jack sucks in a shaky breath, silently trying to calm himself as to not suffer another panic attack.
The Irish man finally manages to stutter, hesitantly pushing himself away from the counter, his back aching from the pressure. Anti simply rubs his temples, not bothering to look up, the hangover clearly getting to him.
"Don't thank me... I'm still pissed at you."
He mutters in response, voice a soft growl. Jack sighs and nods, turning back to the sink and finishing up with the last few dishes before grabbing a cup and filling it with water, handing it across the counter to the blonde man. Typically Jack would refuse to show any kindness to this man, considering he'd tried to kill him not long ago, however he couldn't help himself, and Anti didn't seem threatening at the moment.
The man takes a long drink of the water, not bothering with a 'thank you'.
"Anti... Can I ask you something?"
The Irish man finally asks, studying the hungover man curiously. Anti finally looks up, mismatched eyes meeting Jack's ocean blue ones.
"You just did..."
The man mutters in response, his eyes filled with annoyance. Jack resists the urge to roll his eyes and simply continues.
"Why didn't you kill me last night? You could have so easily... but you didn't..."
Anti straightens up slightly at the question, his eyes inquisitive as though he didn't know the answer himself, though of course he tried to hide that.
"Keep asking questions like that and I still might..."
He grumbles softly. Jack looks at him shutting his mouth, which makes Anti smile slightly before releasing a sigh.
"I don't know alright... I guess I just... felt..."
Jack finishes for him when he paused. Anti cringes, and shoots an annoyed glare at the Irish man but doesn't argue.
"I don't know... I was drunk alright? Who the hell cares what I did... Hell I don't even remember most of it."
Anti defends himself crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back in his chair lazily. Jack looks at him and narrows his eyes.
"What do you remember...?"
Jack inquires softly, blue eyes studying the man's tired face. Anti shrugs his shoulder gently and tilts his head at the Irish man.
"I remember trying to kill you, and then everything is kind of blurry..."
"So you don't remember what you said?"
At that question the man's mismatched eyes narrow slightly and he sits up in his chair, leaning forward so his elbows rested on the counter.
"No... what did I say?"
He asks simply, frankly worried about what he had said when drunk. Jack stifles a smile and shakes his head.
"Nothing important."
The green haired man responds simply, blue eyes shining with a bit of pity as he remembered the conversation from the night before.
"Tell me what I said..."
Anti growls demandingly. Normally Jack would be scared of this man, in fact he used to be terrified, but now he didn't feel scared, not of Anti anyway, Dark was a whole different story. The Irish man simply shakes his head and walks to the kitchen door, Anti following him out and glaring at him with annoyance.
"If you don't tell me I swear I'll kill you."
The man threatens with a snarl, mismatched eyes shining with anger, and a bit of worry hidden underneath. Jack smiles and stops at the foot of the stairs.
"No you won't."
He responds smugly before walking up the stairs. Anti watches after him angrily, though silently cusses himself out for seeming so weak.
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