Change Of Plans

"No matter... Doesn't change the plan any..."

Anti growls soflty, clenching his fists at his sides, nails digging painfully into his palms. Jack's blue eyes move over to him for a second, studying his tense stance, and hearing the fury that leaked from his gruff voice.

Finally he looks to Dark once again who glared back at Anti with such hatred. It was strange to think these two once loved eachother.

"You're helping them? I must say i'm very dissapointed in you Anti... I knew you were weak but it's worse than I thought."

Dark growls in return, his mouth twitching slightly into almost a smirk. Anti's lip curls back exposing a mouth of slighlty sharp teeth.

"Shut... Up..."

Jack sucks in a breath as he looks to Anti once again, silently hoping for him to look over. Thankfully he does, and the pure rage in his eyes makes Jack reel back ever so slightly.

Calm down...

Jack mouths to him, Anti needed to focus. The darker part of him sighs and nods his head, turning towards Dark once again who's small smirk twists into a full on mischeivious grin.

"What's the matter Anti? Have I hit a nerve?"

Dark teases quietly, taking a hesitant step forward. Anti continues to clench his fists, his nails nearly breaking the skin in his palm. Seeing how Anti didn't intend to respond verbally Dark sighs, face going serious for a moment.

"Let me get this straight... You're going to help them get rid of me?... After all I've done for you?"

Dark continues, tentaviely taking another step forward. He tilts his head gently as his red eyes scan the man mischeviously.

"All you've done for me?"

Anti snarls in return, his mismatched eyes nearly glowing in the dark, his lip curled back into a snarl, nearly making him look rabid.

"Every time you've yelled at me... insulted me... beat me... hurt me."

Anti snarls in return, his voice cold and emotionless despite the pure anger that danced in his mismatched eyes. He looked ready to kill Dark any second. Jack sucks in a breath taking a single step towards the darker part of himself but freezes in his tracks as Anti turns his head to shoot a glare at him.

The glare making his body run cold. Once he sees Jack had stopped he turns toward Dark again, who simply grins, hardly affected by the glare. If looks could kill, Dark would be dead on the ground. Unfortunenetly they couldn't.

"You've done nothing for me... Except hurt me..."

Anti continues with a snarl, his fists shaking in anger as he resisted the urge to sock the man in his smug face.

"Don't act like you didn't love it."

Dark purrs in return, his smile growing more and more sickening by the second. At that moment Jack could tell Anti snapped, his eyes narrowed menacingly and a small growl resonates from him, his arm reaching up and fist colliding with Dark's face, making his head jerk to the side. A crack noise sounds, making Jack wince slightly.

Dark reaches a hand up, strangely calmly, to feel his cheekbone where Anti had hit him, his hand brushing the reddened skin gently. He slowly straightens up again, red eyes moving over to the slighlty smaller man who still glared at him with pure fury. His smug smile had dropped, and his tan face was void of emotion.

Without warning his hand snaps out, grabbing the smaller man by his throat and lifting him from the ground with ease. Anti tries to kick him, but can't as Dark clutches his neck tightly cutting off his oxygen before simply tossing him across the room.

Anti hits the ground roughly with a small grunt as Dark simply turns back to the other Irish man, who watched Anti with almost worry before his blue eyes move to the taller man who walked forward quickly.

Jack tries to stand his ground, but his feet instinctively make him move backward. However he doesn't move fast enough as soon the man towers over him. Jack was finally able to fully see his blood red eyes, and the sigh of them instantly makes his blood run cold. Dark wasn't just mad... He was furious.

~~~~~~Outside Jack's Head~~~~~~

Mark paces the bedroom, his hand running through his red hair for what had to be the hundredth time. His brown eyes move to the figure on the bed once more.

With the help of Felix and Ken he'd moved Jack to their bedroom, and laid his unconcious body down on the bed. His eyes continued to twitch, and his body occasionally jolted as though he'd been struck.

Mark wished desperately to help him, but of course he couldn't. Finally he releases a sigh, unable to look at the man's weak state, he walks downstairs. Walking directly by Felix and Ken who sat in the living room, talking in hushed tones, and to the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with tap water.

He chugs it down, the cold water a slight comfort to him, however he still worried for his love upstairs. What if something was going wrong?

"Come on Sean..."

~~~~~~Inside Jack's head~~~~~~


Dark snarls, red eyes studying the man beneath him. Jack sat on his hands and knees, beaten and bruised, struggling to breathe.


Dark adds in a growl, kicking the small Irish man in his gut and making him fall to the ground with a grunt, he could swear he felt a couple ribs crack with the impact.

Jack lets his blue eyes travel over, past Dark and to the spot where Anti was thrown. He was gone. The green haired man stifles a disappointed sigh, Anti had left him, disappeared to who knows where. Jack had to deal with this alone.

"Let me tell you a little something about Anti..."

Dark growls, forcing Jack's attention back to him. He must've followed the Irish man's gazed, noticed the absence of Anti as well. Jack doesn't dare meet his eyes as he slowly pushes himself up to his wobbly hands and knees once again, wincing as a sharp pain shot through his chest, breathing becoming difficult.

"He only cares about himself... So the fact that you thought he'd help you?... That is just hillarious."

The red haired man continues in his deep voice, slowly walking around Jack so he stood in front of him, the Irish man only able to see his shoes from where he sat, forcing himself to keep his head down as he struggled to concentrate, using all his might to try and push Dark back, but nothing works, the man doesn't even budge.

"So what... you're no different... The only difference between you and him, is at least he has a concious... He knows what's right and what's wrong..."

Jack manages to utter, his voice soft and weakened as talking only managed to shoot more pain through his surely cracked ribs. Dark makes a small 'tsk' sound with his tongue and Jack can see him kneel.

The Irish man yelps as a hand entangles in his green hair, tugging his head up painfully so his blue eyes were forced to meet those crimson red ones. They weren't full of anger anymore, as though beating on the smaller man was some sort of relief, however those eyes still contained a slight darkness, daring Jack to talk back again.

"Watch your tone... You should show me a bit of respect."

Dark growls, red eyes narrowing as a small smile curves onto Jack's lips. His blue eyes challenging.

"Or what... You'll kill me?"

The Irish man spats in return. This small boost of confidence coming from seemingly nowhere, making him seem cocky despite the fear that twisted at his gut. Dark glares at him, his cockiness making the red haired man growl softly before a twisted smile curves onto his face, making him look ten times more terrifying and making the smirk drop from Jack's mouth.

"Oh Sean... Wheres the fun in that?"

~~~~~~~~~Outside Jack's Head~~~~~~~~~

Jack's body twitches on the bed once more, though this time Mark isn't around to see. His back arches at a painful angle as his nails claw into the bed, eyes clenched tightly shut and teeth grinding together.

His jerky movements stop almost as suddenly as they started and his body goes limp, not moving. All except his eyes, they twitch open slowly, adjusting to the room.

At first both eyes are a natural blue, but slowly red seeps from the edges, staining the iris until both eyes were a deep crimson red.

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