
"Are you fucking insane?!"

Felix exclaims loudly as they return home, lowering his voice as Anti shot him a warning glare.

"Jack can't do that, it's completely crazy."

The green haired man sighs as he stands, not yet opening the front door in case Mark or Dark were directly inside.

"Look, he's strong enough to handle it, I know he is. Besides this is the only way."

Anti explains with annoyance. The two men continue to argue back and forth, Jack simply staying silent in his head, thinking intently on the plan Anti had explained. It was completely insane, but it could work. At least that's what the darker part of him seemed to think.

I'll do it.

Jack finally speaks in his head, making Anti stop mid sentence and smile victoriously.

"He's in..."

Anti claims simply, shooting a smirk at Felix before reaching for the door, stopping as his hand touched the handle.

"By the way... Felix... Be sure to stay away from Dark... He still thinks your me."

The green haired man orders, simply earning a nod of acknowledgement from Felix, who'd planned to keep his distance in the first place. Dark terrified him.

Once they walk inside the Irish man's eye shifts to the natural baby blue and Jack controls once again. Hearing the door Mark walks from the kitchen, smiling gently at the two men.

"Hey, where'd you two run off too?"

Jack smiles innocently, selling the facade strangely well despite the worry that twisted at his small gut.

"We just decided to take a walk. Sorry about running off so soon."

The Irish man laughs softly, Mark smiling in return though it dropped ever so slightly as he nodded.

"No worries... Hey Felix... You alright?"

The red haired man questions, brown eyes going to the Swede who simply stayed quiet, not hiding his nervousness as well as Jack had. Felix nods and plasters on a clearly fake smile.

"Yah... Fine... Just feeling a little sick is all."

The blonde explains, not completely lying. The plan did nauseate him slightly, he felt as though he could vomit any second. Mark opens his mouth to question it more but Jack interupts him.

"I'm sure it's nothing. Come on Felix, why don't we get you to bed."

Jack suggests kindly, placing a hand on the Swede's shoulder and leading him towards the stairs, shooting Mark a slightly apologetic look for leaving him, and finally making his way up the stairs.

Once they were up the stairs, Jack's eye floods green again and his hand tightens on Felix's shoulder for a second before releasing it. As they walk down the hall he peeks his head into the guest bedroom and every other room upstairs, and sighing in relief when Dark was nowhere to be found.

The two make their way to the guest bedroom for now, while Dark wasn't at the house, and sit on the bed. Felix clutching his stomach worriedly.

"Anti... Are you sure this will work? What if it doesn't?"

The green haired man shrugs his shoulders, honestly not seeming very worried about it.

"Well if it doesn't... Jack might die."

Anti explains nonchalantly, feeling Jack reel back in his head at the mention of death.

I could die?!

He questions loudly, his volume of voice making Anti flinch slightly.

"It's a risk... But honestly I think you can handle it. Even I have to admit you're pretty strong."

The green haired man nearly cringes as he admits that. Jack can't help himself from releasing a small laugh, earning a growl from the darker part of himself.

"Look you're either in or you're out... I need to know right now."

Anti snarls softly. Jack sucks in a small breath, if he was in control of his body he'd be chewing on his lip out of habit, but finally he makes up his mind.

I'm in... How are we going to do this?

The darker part of Sean smiles at his agreement, and opens his mouth to explain but stops as the bedroom door opens. Half-expecting it to be Dark, it surprises all three of them when Mark walks through the door, opening his mouth to speak but stopping as he looks at the green haired Irish man.

His brown eyes widen as he looks into those mismatched eyes, he blinks a couple times, telling himself he was seeing things but soon realizes it was real.


Mark breathes softly. Anti sucks in a sharp breath, silently cussing under his breath.

"Sean... You might want to handle this..."

He mutters quietly, letting his green eye shift to the normal ocean blue. Jack, in control once again, looks into Mark's widened eyes, his voice apologetic.

"Mark... I can explain."

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