#2 Melted Crystal

Fuyu's POV

I finally reach the outskirts of town, getting to the forest area. Those two weren't following me so I stop by a nearby tree to take a breather. Leaning on the tree I start panting, feeling the effects of my rampage and fight with Gajeel. "That girl is quite naive. Thinking she can change a monstrous demon." There was a chuckle from my right. Looking in the direction, I growl; making my hair spine up in anger. It was Zeref smirking at me as he finishes up his little laugh. "Changing a demon who's purpose is to destroy everything. Who does she think she is?" he chuckles. "Tch Cut to the chase, what do you want?"I barked. "Give Natsu his curse back. He's demon side has awakened."Zeref gives me death stares. "I won't. " Zeref replies with a grin. "Natsu has his scarf and you have your crystals but what does Wendy have to protect her against my magic?" It sounded like a threat which got me even more heated.

My mind went blank with rage. Next thing I know I was in my demon form and had a crystallized demon claw gripped around Zeref's neck, however, I wasn't near him to use my own hands. Zeref smirks as his death magic activates to my violence only to have my crystalized claw to absorb the magic and crumble to dust. "Keep Wendy's name out of your mouth or I'll-" I growl bearing my fangs. "Or you'll what? Kill me like you were saying you would do? Why does this girl have so much power over you? Making you lose your mind and almost got yourself killed if it wasn't for your instincts." He taunts walking towards me.

He's not wrong...why do I act so irrationally when shes involved? I stopped rampaging because of her.

I grip my head trying to understand why Wendy makes me feel weird. Why don't I want to hurt her like the rest of the humans?

"If she bothers you that much, then let your instincts take over ." He says as he places his hand on the side of my face with a soft smile. He leans in towards my ear and whispers, "- and kill her like a good Etherious." I quickly slap his hand away and leap back. He laughs at my actions. "I just want you to use your curse the right way. See you around Fuyu." Zeref grins before walking away.

I shake my head; trying to get Wendy out of my head. "I need to stay on my goal. Wait..." I looked around noticing that Levy still has my book. I quickly facepalm at the realization. Now I gotta find where they went before Zeref finds them first. Judging from the feeling I have, they already opened my book. I grip my head as a strong pain strike it before spreading to the rest of my body. What did Zeref do to me?

Levy's POV

Well after the fight with that Fuyu kid and Gajeel, the town is mostly destroyed. I sigh knowing how hard making the report will be. Having to rebuild towns isn't hard but its the fact that we might have caused its destruction. Gajeel stands beside me. "At least no one was seriously injured. " I comment. Gajeel looks down at what I had hugging against my chest. " What's that you're holding?" The chaos made me forget that I still have the book that Fuyu wanted. It still looked quite old but the title was still there. If he's an Etherious demon like that kid claims, I guess it makes sense there would be a book about him. I sigh thinking the first time I tried to read this book. "But it still hard to make sense of what it says. But...maybe Lucy knows. She's good at figuring out stuff like this," I smile thinking of the idea to make a trip to Magnolia town.

Wendy's POV

Taking a normal class C ranking job. It's a pretty easy package delivery job. "Ah this job is too easy," Sherria complains as she leads on her arms as we walk through a pathway. "Well, it was the only job left after everyone else took the jobs. " I start skipping along still holding the small box in my hand. "You think you can finish up this job on your own? I wanted to meet up with my cousin, Sherry." she claps her hands as she stops in front of me. "Hmm, I think I can handle this. The village we have to deliver this to isn't that far away anyway." with that Sherria skips off humming towards the guild. Ah, guess they're planning on going to that new spa thing in town. I quicken my pace towards the village.

After a while, I stop to take a break and set up a small camp since it was starting to get late. I didn't think it would take this long to get to the village. Before I could sleep, I started to get the scent of someone unfamiliar which kept me on edge. More like two people with a toxic smell. I get into my offensive stand. "Show yourself.I know you're there." I shout. It didn't take long for me to get laugher in response. "So the little girl thinks she can take us on all by herself." the first person says as they walk out through the forest. He was followed by another chubbier person behind him. "What do you want?" I ignore their comments and glare at them. "Well since you're delivering that package. You must be a wizard. We're here to steal that from you." the first person says before charging towards me. " Fast wind that runs heaven...VERNIER!" I chant the enchantment on myself. I quickly dodge the person's punch and appear behind him. Underestimating me will be their downfall. " Sky dragon's claw! " Wind swirl around my legs as I spin kick the guy's head into the ground before landing back on my feet. I look towards the other guy who looks shocked. "What? Grr." He swings his arms towards me which stretches like a rubber band.

I leap up into a tree branch as his arms got closer to me. My speed was way too fast for him to grab me. The first guy gets back up; rubbing his head. "Well then. Guess I do have to use my magic on you after all. " he grins as purple smog starts covering his arms before swirling into a ball of toxic mass. He leaps up towards me as I ready myself to attack. "Re-raise!" I chant surrounding myself in a veil of dragon slayer energy. I dash towards the guy, readying my fist and chant, "Power of the stout arms that tears heaven... ARMS!" getting enchantment on my arms as wind surrounds them. "Sky Dragon's Crushing Fang!" I slash a fist leaving behind a trail of wind in my wake. This was enough to get the guy to move back in pain. Without giving them time to counter, "Sky dragon's wing attack!" I blast a pair of whirlwinds at them, sending them flying into a tree.

The two guys force themselves up, one starts chuckling. What's so funny? Suddenly something cold and sharp gets pushed into my arm. I leap back to see a syringe with purplish liquid inside. I quickly pull it out and see a 3rd person who stabbed the dagger into my arm. They start to surround me as I grip the wound. My body starts going numb. Oh no... Before anything, something lands in front of me and roars at the guys. The large figure grabs two of the guys by the head. Looking up to see the figure was Fuyu in his demon form. It still looks scary.  While Fuyu was busy with them, I used this time to expel the poison from my body.

Fuyu starts spinning the guys around as wind begins to build up. I block my eyes from the strong winds that were sucking me in.

Fuyu ends up throwing them into the sky with a cyclone while destroying a big chunk of the forest in the process. The last guy shivers and runs away as fast as he could. I start to walk over towards Fuyu. "Thanks for that. I didn't see that last person coming." I tapped his side since I couldn't reach his shoulder.

He shoots a death glare my way, causing fear to spike inside me to make me shiver. "F-Fuyu, are y-you ok?" I could hardly get the words out as he turns around to face me. He gives out a low growl that brought shivers down my spike as I take a few steps back. He continues walking, his fangs bearing towards me as his claws come out. Carla flies in front of me to protect me but Fuyu swats her away into a tree.With a quick swipe, Fuyu grabs my neck. I struggle to breathe as I was lifted high up while trying to grip his arm. "F-Fuyu!"I cough as he growls in response. "F-Fuyu,..its me...Wendy!" I try to shout but it ended up slightly muffled. His wolf-like ears twitch to my voice. He grips his head and slightly winces. This gave me enough time to slam my foot into his face, enough to get him to let me go. I cough as I regain my breath. I quickly grab Carla and ran into the forest, panting. "Wendy wait!" I hear Fuyu from behind but I kept running back towards the guild.

Fuyu's POV

I finally come to, only to see me choking Wendy. What?! I grip my head and wince back a little trying to make sense of it all. Was this a dream? Wendy kicks my face, getting herself free. This isn't a dream... I watched as Wendy runs away. "Wait, Wendy!" I shout wanting to explain that I wasnt in control. But it was too late and she was long gone.

I sigh before looking at my surroundings to see a small camp, a box, and a poster about delivering something to a village. I guess she was on a mission. Damnit! I facepalm knowing I ruined her mission.  What happened to me? Why was I....? I think back to my encounter with Zeref. He must've done something to me. I picked up the box, I might as well finish the mission for her seeing how it's my fault she can't complete it. I shrink into my human form and use my wind curse to get to the village listed on the poster at a faster pace. Didn't seem that far away.

After delivering the box and collecting the reward,  I decided to head to Wendy's guild to give her the reward. Sigh, she must hate me by now.
                                                               -After stalling for hours-

I stood at the door of Lemia Scales, scratching my head. What should I say? What should I do? Say sorry for trying to kill you? Agh this is too stressful. Wait why am I stressed? She's just one human girl! 

I take a deep breath and opened the door. I was greeted by stares and glare from the girl that was with Wendy before. I only took a few steps before, "It's you!" She roars charging towards me with black swirls of wind surrounding her fist. "SKY GOD'S BOREAS!" She chants in rage, throwing the attack towards me; generating a large black whirlwind as it gets closer. Tch. Guess they know what happened.

I held a hand out to catch the force of the attack, only having it push me back towards the door. I swipe my hand to the side to direct the attack upwards,  letting it bore through the roof of the building. "What a nice warm welcome. " I grin sarcastically placing my hands into my pockets.  "Tch." The girl glares more death stares. "Sherria, What was that about!?" Another one in the guild question in shock while trying to hold her back. Everyone looks at me shocked as well probably from how I handled that attack. "He tried to kill Wendy," Sherria replies, leading to the rest of the guild to get ready to attack. What a bother. "Sigh and here I thought this would be easy. I just want to see Wendy." I reply scratching my head. Not really wanting a fight for once. The rest of the guild members start mobilizing around me. "Hard way it is then."  I held my arm out getting ready.  

"Ice make: Snow Tiger" chants a white-haired guild member as he creates a large tiger made of ice. The tiger rushes my way. At the same time, another guild member with a dog face charges towards me with long green nails.  I quickly leap up to avoid the guy with the long nails. As I land, I quickly grab the top and bottom fangs of the tiger as it widens its mouth. I overthrow the tiger into the guy. Getting a short break, I scan the room for Wendy, spotting her near the back of the guild, hiding with Carla.  Got ya. I dash towards Wendy but was stopped by a punch to the stomach which pushed me back a bit.  Shit. I cough seeing Sherria with her fist surrounded by black winds.  She was joined by the white-haired guy.   " I really don't want to fight you guy. I just want to give Wendy her mission reward." I mutter getting ready to deflect their attacks while still in my human form.  "Sky God Bellow!" Sherria yells a tornado towards my way.  I brace myself, holding back the attack with my hands. "Wendy! Just listen to me! I'm sorry I tried to kill you, but Zeref did something to me and I didn't have control over myself! " I try to explain while being pushed back by the force of the attack. It shoots me through the door to the outside. I was still standing as I watch the white-haired guild member stands in the doorway of the guild, the doors now broken.  He raises his hand towards me to use ice magic to create a dragon made of ice. The dragon charges toward me. "Now this is getting annoying. " I mutter turning into my demon form getting frustrated by all the obstacles as the rest of the guild members surrounds me.  The large dragon roars charging towards me. I use my curse to surround my claws by crystals. I leap up and slash the dragon's head off before landing by the entrance being blocked by  Sherria. 

I watch as feather-like shaped winds formed around her arms. "Last warning. Get out of my way. I'm not trying to hurt Wendy." I tried to say as calmly as I could. " You're going to die right here, demon," she comments getting into her attack position. "Heh, fine then. Show me what you got." I taunt. "God Slayer's Secret Art: Heavenly Gathering of Cloud" She chants sending the attack my way as they take the form of wings as it swirls towards me.  I cross my arms in front of me to shield myself from the strong attack. it starts to scratch through my fur, forcing me to create a barrier of crystals to protect myself. In order to not get blown away, I dig my claw into the ground, getting on all fours in the process.  If I wasn't a demon who's curse dealt with wind, I could have died form this attack. I grin finally having an attack powerful enough to need me to try, from a human no less.  I start to use my curse to control the wind of the attack to compress all the wind into the palm of my hand. I grin watching their faces as Sherria's attack turns into a swirling ball of black wind in my hand.  "Here have this back." I grin throwing it towards her. Another guild member runs in front of her and uses wave anti-magic to dispel the attack. Heh, I use this time to dash towards the entrance and swipe my arm across to create a barrier of crystals around the building to block everyone from interfering.  I sigh while rotating my arm as I walk towards Wendy who was hiding in the back of the guild. "Man it's hard not trying to fight back. " I comment.

 Carla steps in front of me with her arms stretched out. "Leave Wendy alone!" she shouts at me. I shrink back to my human form and place my hand into my pockets.  I look over Carla to see Wendy staring at me in fear so I turned into my human form. " I told you I was dangerous but you didn't want to listen," I start while scratching my head. "Besides I didn't come here to fight you. I just came to drop this off. The reward from your mission." I reply pulling out a pouch of jewels. I place it on the table next to me.  "Why would you come all the way here for that?" Carla questions for Wendy.  "I'm the reason she never finished the mission because of me. So I finished it for her. " I take a step but Carla glares getting ready to attack, unlike last time so I stopped. Seeing Wendy this scared gave me a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach and I don't like it. I want this feeling to go away. So I  pulled out a circular crystal orb from my pocket. "This is a crystal with Memory-Make magic contained inside. If you want to forget about me, what happened, or everything dealing with me.  This crystal will ease your memories of me. Like we've never meant. " I explain placing the crystal on the table next to the reward.  "Just hold this crystal and chant 'Ease Fuyu' and it will do so.  You'll never have to see me ever again." I explain further, looking at the ground as I go. The feeling in my stomach turns into pain and it moved from my stomach to my heart. What is this feeling? I don't like it.   I turned towards the exit. "Why should we trust you?" Carla glares. I stopped. "I never wanted to hurt Wendy and Zeref used that fact against me. Besides Wendy doesn't need to be involved with Zeref and me, " I simply reply before walking away. Once reaching the exit, I take down my crystal barrier and slam my foot down in order to use my curse to shoot myself into the air before the guild member could attack me. 

While high up in the air, the clouds surrounding me, I grip my chest as the pain inside me grows. Why does this hurt so much?  I start to feel something wet rolling down my cheek. What? I quickly swipe whatever it was away and place my hood on. "Tch it not like I cared about her, "I mutter under my breath as I land near the town.  After getting supplies, I head towards the train station. Gotta get back to finding Levy, the Magic council is my best bet. I watched the train roll in, however, more tears uncontrollably start to stream down my eyes as I grip my chest as the pain increased more near my heart. I  punched one of the station's support beams. Shit!WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?! WHAT DID THEY DO TO ME! Make this stop! This pain is so weird and strange. I don't know how to make it stop.  I look down at my other hand, watching it shiver like the rest of my body and my eyes were too blurry from the tears to see clearly. Was I poisoned?

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