Tournament 2

Kurai Kurofuchi:

I was so excited! Ok so... Where are the Dragon Bits? Oh! There's one! I shot a yellow one and it exploded, giving me 10 points. "Ok, fourty more to go!"

"Twin Dragon Judgement!" Two red Dragon Bits had exploded below the cliff I stood on. I looked down and saw Basara pointing Drazeros at where the Dragon Bits once were.

"Amazing." I commented.

"Who's there?!" I backed up right before he saw me.

"There's no one there, Basara."

". . . I'm going nuts."

"This wouldn't be the first."

"Whatever." And he kept going through the snow.

"That was close." Drazelle commented.

I frowned. I really wanted to talk to Basara. Too bad that if I told him, he'll probably won't believe it. I thought back to what I've always considered him as. A black diamond. The color black represents the darkness he held and the diamond represents his indistructability. Even so, eventually, that diamond will started to fade and with a single incident, it will shatter.

I remembered that I used to be color blind. I could only see the dark colors, such as black, midnight blue, dark purple and crimson. After my 'death', i was able to see everything clearly. But I still thought those four colors were the most beautiful. That's how I was able to understand the darkness he held in his heart.

I sighed and shook my head. Worry about that later. Focus on the game.

I ran to find more targets. Soon enough, I've got 50 points and head back.

"Well that filled in the spaces folks!" B-shot Ryu announced. "The ones who made it were Novu Moru, followed by Samuru Shigami and Riki Ryugasaki! Following close are Bakuga Shira, Jenta Kokuji, Kamon Day and Basara Kurochi! And last but not least is the newcomer, Kurokishi!"

I pulled my hoodie back up in place to cover my head, all the way to my bangs. I had used the name 'Kurokishi' in place of my real one. Can't let Basara know. Not yet.

Then, blue spheres appeared in the sky and we have to shoot one of them each. I shot one and I got the number 4. Riki got number 4 too. So I'll be facing him in the fourth round. The game for all the quarter finals is break-bomber.

I barely watched the match and just waited for my turn. As far as I know, the ones who made it to the semi-finals so far are Bakuga, Kamon and Basara. Now it's my turn to face Riki.

"B-shots, ready, aim... FIREBLAST!!"

I shot at the bombs and scored 3 points soon enough. "Got this in the bag."

Riki managed to catch up however and he scored 3 points as well. "Alright!"

We both activate our emblems simultameously. "EMBLEM CHARGE!!"

"Crushing Tidal Burst!"

"Reincarantion Sword!"

"Let the waves crash down, Rising Dracyan!"

"Break through the shadows, Dark Drazelle!"

And... I won. Yay! After shaking hands with Riki, I walked down the steps and went to the waiting room. There's suppose to be 20 minutes before the semi-finals began so we had time to rest up.

Then I sensed someone watching me and snapped my head towards the door. A shilloutte had just barely escaped my sight. This isn't going to end well...


Kamon Day:

"Unbelievable! That girl was able to break through Riki's special shot so easily!" I stated.

"What makes you so sure that person was a girl?" Simon asked.

"The voice? I mean, it's obvious." Garuburn commented.

"Besides, haven't we seen that move before?" Novu asked. "Back at the school. The one who saved us."

"Oh yeah." Yuki said. "What's her name again?"

"Isn't it Kur-MMPH!" Ken immidiately slapped Mitsuru's mouth shut.

"Rememmber what that person told us?" Ken said, eyeing Basara, who just came by. Oh yeah. Don't tell her name to Basara. But to think, Kurokishi was actually Kurai. That's awesome.

In the semi-finals, I'll be facing her while Basara faces off Bakuga! It'll be one epic show!

"Alright folks! Now let's move on to the semi-finals!" B-shot Ryu called. I'm impressed that he doesn't get tired of all that shouting. "Now here are the two B-shots that'll be facing each other off in the first round!" Our pictures showed up on the screen. "It's the newly selected Grand B-Master, Kamon Day vs the Crossfire newcomer, Kurokishi! Let's give them an open welcome!" And the whole crowed cheered for us.

"I'm not holding back!" I told her from across the Break Ball field.

"Neither am I." She replied.

"B-shots, ready, aim... FIREBLAST!"

"In the zone!" I managed to get a point in my first shot. "Oh yeah!"

"No you don't!" She got two points at once, HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?!

"She only need one more point before she wins." Garuburn commented.

"I got it!" I replied. I manage to get another one and now it's down to 2 points each.


"Burning Overdrive!"

"Reincarnation Sword!"

"Light the blaze, Drive Garuburn!"

"Break through the shadows, Dark Drazelle!"

We fired simultaneously but. "Oh no! Our timing's off!" I missed it, DARN!!!

"That finished it folks! The one who'll be moving on to the final round of the Snowbreak GP, KUROKISHI!!"

"Oh man..." I muttered. "If only I got the timing right... Oh well, at least we had fun!"

Kura- I mean, Kurokishi and I shook hands while I congratulate her.

"Thanks Kamon." She said. "And please, just keep my secret a little longer. By the end of this tournament, everything will be made clear."

"Don't worry." I replied. "He doesn't suspect a thing."


Basara Kurochi:

That annoying MC, B-shot Ryu. Doesn't he ever shut up? Whatever. Now, it's my turn to face the West Area B-Master, but he's under my territory.

I walked down the hall leading towards the arena, Drazeros in my right hand, as usual.

"Focus on the match ahead Basara. Don't let that newcomer get to your head." He stated.

"I know already." I replied. That girl, Kurokishi. She's so familiar, but there's no way someone can revive from the dead, right? So it can't be her. Then again... I smirked. She's busted.

I went onto the stage along with Bakuga. So the match is Power Push? This will be easy.

"Whoa! Hang on folks!" When B-shot Ryu called out to us, we both looked up at the screen. "Look's like we'll have to postpone the match! A gang of delinquits are barging through the doors!"

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