
Darkfrost had fallen asleep under the warm sun and opened his eyes to find himself in the clan territory. He frowned in confusion, but then he heard a familiar voice. "Come on Darkfrost! I think I can smell squirrel!!", Shellpaw came into view. Darkfrost smiled. "Coming!".  The Grey tabby followed after his brother enjoying the sun on his pelt and enjoying the day. Shellpaw came up to him, with barley controlled excitment.  "Do you think Seastorm will be proud if I catch a squirrel?" Darkfrost nodded and stuck out his tounge making the younger tom laugh. "Ok", Shellpaw smiled.

Darkfrost was busy burying the squirrel when he heard snarls. He frowned and raced after them. 'I told him not to run off!', he thought frantically. He came up to Shellpaw, and the two cats who had attacked them that day. Shade and Ruby. He beaded his teeth in a snarl. "Get off of our territory now!"  He said viciousley. The two trespassers laughed. "And what are you gonna do about it!?", Shade mocked him. Darkfrost growled and then launched. Barreling into Shade and then wrestling him. Shellpaw was being herded around by Ruby. He was no match for the ginger tabby. She matched him blow for blow, throwing her own as well. Darkfrost struggled to get to his brothers side but was stopped by a searing pain in his haunches. "Is that your brother? Ruby pin him a kill him.", the large black Tom snarled. Ruby matched his smile and sheathed her claws. Darkfrost didn't look away as he heard his brothers frightened gasp and the sickening sound of claws ripping flesh. Darkfrost watched as ruby licked the blood of of her paw. She snarled. "You monsters!  He was no match for you!"  He screeched as his brothers body convulsed and then went limp.  He felt a burning sensation in his shoulders where shade dug in his claws.  Shade laughed and then let him up, he was followed by Ruby as they went back to where they belonged. "Goodbye KittenFrost!", Ruby sneered. Darkfrost  waited until He couldn't hear anymore sounds. He got up and sniffed his brother. " Shellpaw, come on get up, we'll take you to the medicine den and get you fixed up. tears streamed down his face, he knew it was to late. He picked up the limp body that used to be so lively and fun, but now was nothing more than a weight dragging Darkfrost down. He dragged the body all the way to camp, and dropped it in the center. He sat a little ways away from it. he had his head down. He flinched when he heard his mothers horrified gasp. He glanced over to see his beautiful Mother, usually so radiant, kneeling over he dead son. Horror in her gaze. Darkfrost watched as more and more cats came out to see what Sunlily was wailing about. He saw his perfect brother step out, along with his two sisters, Cinderbell and Sagefeather. He felt a shadow loom over him. "What have you done?", Seastorm snarled. "There were some rouges, I couldn't stop them.", he choked out. a rising lump in his throat. Seastorm snarled and with his claws unsheathed, he wacked Darkfrost across the face, creating a red line  going down his cheek, it would soon scar over. Darkfrost lay on the ground, aware of the accusatory stares burning through his pelt. He watched as many of the she-cats went to comfort Sunlilly, or herd the apprentices to their den, and the queens hide their kits from view as well. The toms all huddled  around Bearstar and Seastorm to converse about Darkfrost's fate.   He frowned as he tried to control his tears from spilling over. he tried to stand up but slipped back on the ground as he was surrounded by two senior warriors. Honeygaze, The medicine cat, flanked by two more toms, came up to him with a glimmer of fear in her eyes. She reached towards him  with a wad of cobwebs. Darkfrosts whole body ached. He didn't protest as she tended to his wounds. Then he was herded to a spot where he was flanked on all sides by cats. He tried to say something but instead feel into a pained and troubled sleep.   

He tossed and turned. He heard a familiar voice calling out his name.  "Darkfrost! Darkfrost!! Darkfrost!!!" He tried to answer but choked on his words.

He awoke to  find Fawnshadow in front of him, "Darkfrost, your mother wants to talk to you", She said.  Darkfrost nodded and stood up, he shook off the remainder of the dream he ahd. it still clung to him like sodden fur. The horrible night would always haunt him. He followed The tabby to the elders den and frowned. he didn't want to go in there, Not if his father was there. he stopped in his tracks. Fawnshadow looked back at him. "Come on, Darkfrost.", she said slightly impatiently. "I'm going to see Him.", He said with his eyes narrowed. Fawnshadow sighed and flicked the tip of her tail. Darkfrost hadn't noticed the two cats that had been following close behind until they were up by his side.  Fawnshadow crawled through the entrance and was soon followed by Sunlilly. The golden tabby smiled at her son. The two warriors stepped back just enough so that Sunlilly could nuzzle her son. Darkfrost smiled. "How are you, Dear?'< the golden tabby rasped. "I'm fine", Darkfrost said. Sunlilly waved her tail. shooing off the warriors and sat down beside her son. Darkfrost  relaxed slightly as the two cats backed up and no longer had gazes burning through his pelt. He licked his mother on her ears. and leaned into her warmth. "You don't know how much I have missed curling up beside you dear, you were always my favorite." , The elder rasped. Darkfrost smiled. "Ive missed you too Mother.", he whispered into her pelt.

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