Somnomophilia (Trial #22)
Today had been a long day for Connie. She was feeling heavy and full and tired from spending the good part of the day at the ruins safely bubbled. After an hour of nonstop world building, Steven worked his magic enough that eventually he collapsed and she had to whistle warp her way home to grab The Gems.
Steven had apparently oversold himself and essentially ran out of juice. They got him home and he apologized profusely until Connie had to kiss him to shut him up. She was so relieved that he wasn't hurt, just stupid at times. Steven was powerful, but his human body could only take so many direct zaps of his energy before he got winded and ready to leave. It was a safe guess to say Steven was anxious and excited with the rapidly approaching day of their baby's birth, and he had been so in his head about it that he simply passed the threshold of exhaustion without noticing it.
Since she'd started to have a bit of a rougher pregnancy, Steven had been devoted like never before. It was actually a little annoying not to be able to grab a drink from the fridge without him tensing up and waiting with bated breath for her return. He almost never followed, but he wanted to so badly. She knew he was right to be worried. Gems like Bluebird were still out there, and there's no telling who else Pink/Rose abandoned or hid away. A pregnancy with Stevens baby was a target on her back for old foes and new enemies alike. She was fully aware of that.
She drowned in thought as she sipped at her hot cocoa and watched him sleep off his burnout. Mostly she thought about how cute he was when he slept. In her absence he'd grabbed a pillow to hug against himself and his cheek was smooshed on it while he snored lightly. His messy hair had been thrown up in a silk hair tie that was starting to slip off (she'd have to replace the inner band soon) as he tossed and turned.
She giggled when he furrowed his brows in his sleep and stuck a hand out to her. "Snuggles. Immediately. Please," He croaked. That was the second part: Steven needed the emotional validation and unconditional love before his powers would return properly and fully. Steven just needed to be loved. Connie had plenty to give him.
She set down her mug and crossed over to drop a kiss on the outstretched grabby hand. "You're such a big baby. What am I gonna do with two?"
Steven burrowed a bit before he answered, trying not to obviously blush. "Am not. Bed."
Sleeping was such an easy endeavor lately. Her pain and discomfort was no longer being healed artificially, as she was now at the time where any contraction could be The Beginning. The cool bedsheets welcomed her, but she wiggled back so Steven could use her like a teddy bear. His polar bear arms surrounded her so nicely, the crook of his shoulder was her resting place at the moment. Safety was her biggest comfort, and with his legs now on top and under one of her own, she felt safe and sleepy as he rubbed at her tummy.
No sooner had an hour passed of lazily snoozing did Steven flip onto his back and readjust Connie to his liking as gently as possible. Now she would be the one being clingy, because her big boyfriend was putting out the perfect amount of warmth as his power returned. She clung to him like a wet bathing suit and purred happily when his head turned her way to put rapid and repetitious kisses to her forehead. Having a bump was incredibly frustrating, but it turned out if Steven wanted something bad enough he would focus his hyperactive brain to find a solution quickly. The current solution was having Connie a bit more tilted so he could reach down and rest a hand in hopes of kicks or movement.
Connie reached up to scratch at his scruff and he rumbled his approval. "Are you trying to wake me up?"
"Is it working?" She giggled.
He raised an eyebrow and his chin at the same time, directing her scratches a bit lower. "Does it need to? I like cuddling. I love when you touch me."
"Damn it. Alright, five more hours." Connie chuckled as he scooted until he was face level with her breasts, buried his nose there and fell asleep with the shadow of a shit eating grin. "I hate you so much for being able to fall asleep in five seconds."
He hummed and nuzzled in further, effectively ignoring her for the apparent godsend that was her boobs. She dozed in and out of sleep and awoke to two lovely surprises: her being back to spooning and Steven rock hard behind her, still snoring.
Perhaps it wasn't the most morally pure thing she'd ever done when she reached back to run her fingers over it. No doubt about it, he was leaking too. Looking back up at him she could tell he was perhaps dreaming, but still very much asleep.
"Wow, you're really, really hard. Are you dreaming about me being a catgirl again?" She murmured, slowly turning over. Now she could rub her thumb over the tip to coax more out. Just for fun. He was sleeping after all. They'd briefly discussed sleepy/sleeping sex and Steven had told her with a naughty glance over his shoulder that she could have him any time she wanted to.
But sitting here and having to be the first one to make the move was actually a little scary. After their anniversary their dynamic had wildly changed and stayed the same at the same time. He had found more sure footing in taking a Dominant role in their relationship, and Connie was pleased to no end by being his submissive. But she worried about pushing him past an invisible boundary and hurting his trust.
Next to her, Steven groaned in his sleep and throbbed in her hand. She bit her lip as he got rigid enough that now it definitely was hard to believe he was having pure dream. As much as she wanted to hop on top and ride him, he was sleeping and her best friend and she was so afraid of losing that.
His hips jerked hard into her hand and she jumped back guiltily, but the way it leaked was too enticing. She dipped as best she could to lift his cock the extra distance and suckle the precum oozing from it. "O-oh fuck," He whined.
"Damn it, Steven." She climbed on top of him and positioned herself. "You come in here with that big strong body and soft cheeks and start moaning like that. You dr-drive me nuts."
Steven was pretty sure this was a recent but reoccurring dream that he could never remember awake.
"You're a fucked up little whiny bitch. You know that, don't you Starboy?"
Above him, his beautiful, kind future wife was riding him with her hair billowing around her like a goddess. She had a golden glow in the sunlight of their flower field, and anything that came near her dissolved mid air from her majesty. The shining gold reached the irises of her eyes as she looked at him like his mere presence disgusted her. "Look at you. You've become nothing short of a manwhore. Aren't you ashamed?"
Ah, so that's what she represented: the golden state of purity and innocence. His conscience perhaps, in the form of someone he trusted. Still, her mean words were making his stomach feel like fireworks. He felt so good. "Yes," He hissed and grabbed at her hips. "I'm s-so ashamed."
Dream Connie laughed at him, a mocking and acidic sound that made him feel cold all over and burning hot on the inside. "You think that after having this dream again that you're going to look your perfect wife in her eyes?" She slapped him square across the face with no remorse and his breathing hitched in his throat.
"O-oh fuck." The sting made him glow in defense as she slammed down harder. She was trying to hurt him emotionally, tear him apart for no reason other than she could. "Oh god! Why is this h-ha-happening to me?!" He couldn't understand what this was or why he felt one second from bursting as his cock filled with so much blood it felt like it was going to pop.
"You know why," She yelled. "You are a burden! A good for nothing masker afraid of his own power." She leaned down to grab his neck and squeeze hard to give herself more leverage. "You're a coward. You're a spineless little fuck."
"I-I know!" The hands around his neck were making him dizzy and he panted with the effort it took to string together a sentence. "I'm sorry." He was, but he wasn't. Not if he could keep reliving this dream over and over again with her slick pussy punishing him for existing so pitifully.
She leered at him and released her grip from his neck to pull at his hair. "I don't want your apology. I don't accept apologies from weak losers like you."
Steven felt the world around him shaking and the edges of his dream getting distorted as they began to make way for a much bigger event. "Oh, fuck I'm gonna cum!" He lifted his hips in time with her thrusts just to get that much deeper. Connie's lifelike pulsing around him was making his eyes cross with intense pleasure. It was like nothing else he'd ever experienced in a dream, and then even better.
Locking eyes with her was the wrong thing to do. They were cold with disappointment, destroying him and yet his throat began to close with choked gasps that sounded so pathetic he wanted to cry about it. Like everything else.
"You don't deserve to cum. You're pathetic, a scandal, and a murderer." She clawed at him and everything fell away but sensation and sound as he felt like he'd been kicked in the chest. "You don't deserve me."
He nodded profusely. She was right. He deserved nothing. His body went into fight or flight and pushed him into his Diamond form to join the glow without warning. So good, his thighs and cock and stomach felt so incredible and it was rapidly spreading with no rhyme or reason other than to torture him sexually. "P-please! I need it!"
"Of course you do, you like to solve every moment of sadness with sex. What would everyone think about you being so fucking wretched this is what you think about when nighttime comes?"
That wasn't necessarily true! He was just affectionate and loving. Connie thought he was sexy and he thought she was ethereal. His hands were handsy, and with her always teasing him that's just how they were. But there was no way to tell her all of that. He was suffocating, he was sure of it. The need to cum trumped his ability to think, but none of the understanding. Steven Universe knew what he was deep inside, and he wanted this cruel bitch to tell him like it is. "They'd ha-hate me!" He realized he was crying, and then started again as he realized he was about to cum even harder now. "The-ey'd never look at me the same!"
"You know what you are! Say it!" She reached back to brush her fingers over his balls and his glow turned bright pastel pink with how hard he was trying to cum. "You can't even say it."
He tried to speak but anything that came out was a loud moan drenched in lust. The tightening of his balls was driving him to new places as she dug her nails into his thighs and scratched. Girlish noises that embarrassed him poured out of his mouth like they were the only sounds he knew.
She cackled and did it again over his chest that was for some reason bare now. "All this dick and nothing to show for it."
His hands flew to her ass as soon became seconds. "Ugh! I know I'm worthless! I know I'm pathetic and weak! Fuck fuck–," If he pounded into her any harder he was going to start breaking things. Oh well. He growled, now lost in the game completely. "I know I'm a monster."
"Good boy. You're such a good boy."
Steven tensed under her and gritted his teeth as he held a euphoric Connie and battered into her. He came so hard she felt the force behind it, and for what felt like the hundredth time, she was huffing out another incredible orgasm that had her biting her lip to stay quiet.
Steven didn't seem to be done though, his hips kept pushing himself inside of her and his voice found its way back to his body as he woke up. "Oh my fucking stars! It keeps going!" He was lost to an orgasm that wasn't beginning to taper out yet and his skin was starting to bead with sweat. Before her very eyes he started panting and yelping, tears bunching in the corners of his eyes before they shot open and brown eyes as dark as night locked in the sight in front of him. Or, on top of him.
Above him, his beautiful and kind future wife riding him like there was no tomorrow with her hair beginning to get frizzy and wet with sweat as it stuck to her face. Her mouth was pressed against her hand with her brows tented, but upon locking gazes with him her eyes widened.
He could imagine how he looked by how hard he was cumming when a series of mini climaxes hit him at the same time. It was too much, too much to do anything but freeze as his fiancée kept the pace full of his baby and dripping milk from her tits. His legs trembled, there was no longer any way to prop himself up, he just had to take it. The last wave was so intense he was whimpering and shaking as his cock forced out another load and his balls ached with pain.
"W-wait I w-wasn't ready for– oh fuck!" Connie's eyes rolled and her head dropped backwards. Steven caught her before she could fall, observing her bliss through the absolute agony of having two productive orgasms as a man.
There was a heavy silence as they came down, even with Steven's trembling moans tapering they were so quiet they were nearly inaudible. They came to terms with their first time having asleep sex, both feeling their pleasure heighten while embarrassment settled on their faces with shock pushing its way to their face soon after.
That was the best sex they'd ever had, and that was saying something. Something loud.
Finally, Connie caught her breath and steadied herself to look into his eyes. "Steven... you've never, ever came twice like that."
The moment was thick as he tried to think of a tactful way to tell her he was actively losing his fucking mind. "I think I'm losing my fucking mind."
She grinned warily, pulling off before she addressed him again. They'd never get anything done if she stayed like that. Steven squawked and gripped her thighs. "You're overstimulated?"
The only way he could stand to affirm her was a soft sob and another full body tremble. Connie shushed and cooed at him, rubbing his cheeks and raining kisses on his face. "What's going on, Starboy?"
"I..." He slowed to a stop and squinted. "I was having a dream about... you. Something was off."
Her eyes darkened with concern. "Off?"
He nodded, though he wasn't sure he could bring himself to say it when it was so rapidly disappearing. "I think we were having sex but– Connie, what's it called when you have a thing for being treated horribly?"
Connie snorted weakly. "Trauma."
"I'm sorry, I can't remember for the life of me what it was about." Steven forced himself to turn over and face her. "I know I've had a history of being a shitty person but please don't leave me."
She searched his face and hummed. "It was one of those dreams, I'll bet."
He quirked a brow as she pulled him into a breast. "What do you mean?"
"Well, the first kink I ever had was a really massive degradation kink. Then a little bit older, it mixed with a praise kink." She swallowed thickly and forced herself to look down at his curious expression. "Now if you call me a beautiful and make fun of me at the same time I feel like I'm losing my mind."
"What do you think it means?"
She giggled. "That we need to go to therapy."
Her fuller laughter felt like stars. "I'm just kidding! Kind of. I love you."
She dropped a kiss on his forehead and he arched his back. His hand carefully reached to run his fingers over her lips. "I love you too. It feels so good to hear you say it."
"Then I'll say it again because I think you need to hear it: I love all that you are, Steven De Mayo-Maheswaren."
Steven sniffled pitiably. "You used our married name."
She held up her ring to gaze at it. She would never get over the meaning. "Gravitas."
He chuckled and burrowed until his lips were flesh against the space between her breasts. "Hold me. I just want– I just need you to hold me."
They spent the entire rest of the day sleeping, curled up together like one might disappear.
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