
In the grand scheme of things, neither Steven nor Connie believed in any kind of higher power. Perhaps it was the things they'd been through, or maybe it was just that neither were super interested in it. They'd do all the normal Gen Z bullshit like fake praying and shouting, "Oh, God!" but they never really believed one was listening anyhow.

Yes, without a doubt, they did not belong here.

"It's a Wednesday, so bible study is going on upstairs." Connie stared at the pamphlet and grinned wildly. "This is nuts."

"Glad you agree." Steven bit the inside of his cheek as he stared up at the cross in bewilderment. There was some story about some guy being nailed to it and brutally beaten because people didn't believe he was real or something. What a strange story to tell young impressionable children.

Oddly enough, this was Steven's escapade, not Connie's. There was something to all of this that he was beginning to realize and it made him smile even harder.

Kink wasn't a linear kind of thing. Sure, some things made sense with Connie's dominance roaring to life enough to tie him down and sexually torture him. But other things like fucking during the thunderstorm didn't fit any kind of logic he could find. Kink wasn't logical at all apparently. So after a tiny bit of self exploration (really, he barely needed to look) he found that right at the top of his kink bucket list was railing his pregnant woman, premaritally, in a church.

"Are you sure this isn't about your Messiah Complex?" Connie giggled as he opened the door and bowed.

A hundred different responses wanted to bubble out of him, but instead he shrugged and put a finger to his lips.

Her eyes widened a bit and she glanced down pointedly. His eyes followed hers and saw his gem was aglow under his shirt. He raised an eyebrow and tried to will it away, but then he heard footsteps.

He couldn't tell which direction they were coming from, so he grabbed Connie's hand and led her into a dark and quiet sanctuary. They dove for a row of seats, Connie for them and Steven for the floor as they held their breath batedly.

"I could've sworn I heard voices," A man's voice said. "Bible Study does start in a few minutes."

"The good Lord will bring more young people to this church in the next few years, Pastor Mark." That voice was vastly feminine, and there was an edge to her voice he didn't quite like. Something about the interaction felt off kilter to him but he couldn't place it.

"Maybe the good Lord could bring me a wife, too," Pastor Mark grumbled.

Steven and Connie locked eyes at the wrong time and started laughing as quietly as they could. Of course they knew it was a rare occurrence in a church for a Pastor to be like... well, like that, but it didn't snuff out the hilarity.

Their voices faded away and things went still. Connie was rubbing her stomach and smirking to herself.

"What are you thinking about?" Steven teased, sitting up and gathering her into his arms carefully.

She finally let out a giggle and kissed his neck. "We're gonna end up sending our kid to hell too," She told him in mock earnest. "This is a sin, Steven."

A salacious smile rose and he pushed his fingers under her top. "Is that so?"

Like a chain reaction when she sunk her teeth in his shoulder, his hands flew to her ass to grind her against him. "Whoa, you're so excited."

"I'm always excited to get my hands on you–,"

She gasped and pressed her hand over his gem, enticing a muffled yelp of surprise. "Steven. What if you start glowing?"

For a moment the question didn't seem to process, he looked at her blankly as if she'd just spoke gibberish. Then, like a sunrise, he grinned slowly. "Then I suppose they'll think I'm God." He let his glow overtake and they looked above them to see it reflecting on the ceiling.

He lifted her up abruptly and stood to his full height, eyes surveying the room. Where would be the most godless place to fuck in a
church? The podium seemed like the obvious choice, but he was looking for something a bit more meaningful still. He landed on a booth of closed off seating and tugged Connie after him.

"You've got your Diamond eyes on," Connie remarked with a shy tuck of her hair. "They're glowing too. You're bigger."

He didn't turn to her fully, only glanced her way from over his shoulder. "Call it excited if it must have a name."

He reached it and grinned, picking out the very two things that would make this all the more enjoyable: The sign saying it was for main church officials and the fact that from this angle, the Jesus on the cross hanging on the wall behind the podium had his head turned towards them. He smirked at it and practically tackled Connie to lay across the velvet carpet.

Her eyebrows raised and she hummed, motioning him closer with one finger. "If you're going to rail me in a church, I at least deserve an explanation why."

He spoke in between kisses he trailed up and down her neck. "Well, it's relatively simple: if I'm going to be an anti-hero, I may as well knock something really deplorable like this off my list, right?"

The husk in his voice was delicious, but she narrowed her eyes even as she tilted to give him more access. "You're a terrible liar."

He moaned against her neck and nodded. "Uh huh." There was no further acknowledgment until he dragged his teeth over her skin and she trembled. "There's something about being in a place of worship and fucking you until you're in tears that makes me feel extremely powerful."

She giggled. "Oh my. My big strong man is feeling powerful in a church? I wonder why." Her lips curved into a coy smile when he sat up to catch her eye.

"Do everything I tell you to." He didn't give her even a second to react. "Spread your legs, Connie."

He pushed up her shirt and suckled on a breast, chuckling to himself before he bit down just enough to make her squeal. "I wonder if it's considered a sin to do that," He mused darkly. "I wonder if it's a sin to have your legs spread at a church like a slut."

She swallowed and arched her back as much as she could into his touch. "I'm gonna go with a firm yes on that one."

The devilish look he gave her made her pull him down for a kiss she let him lead. He was insistent and rather bossy, establishing his unwavering dominance by biting her lip in retaliation before his hands drifted to her waist. "Take off your panties."

A blooming blush rose as she started to hear voices down the hall. "Someone's coming."

"You're next. Do as your told," He demanded softly. "Take off your panties."

Without breaking eye contact she slid them down and huffed at the feeling of him dipping a finger into her. A moan broke free of her and he pressed his hand to her mouth. "Shhh... you don't want to get caught being fingered at church, do you? What would your parents say?"

Her legs twitched at the idea of being caught and worse, her parents somehow finding out about it. She'd never be able to leave the house again as dramatic as the scenario seemed in her mind. But something about it... something about the risk as the voices stopped outside of the sanctuary door made it harder to stay silent with him working a second finger in.

"The pizza fundraiser will be this Sunday."

Steven held out his hand in front of her face and she took it, nearly making him chuckle. He kissed hers and set it back down before trying again. His fingers slowed as his concentration rose and a bubble appeared in reverse. It cast a ghostly pink light over her face and when it popped, she nearly called for yellow. "That wretched thing."

He nodded slowly. "Don't get us caught, Connie."

"Which pizzas are we getting this time?"

"Dominoes. We've already bought it, it's just sitting in the freezer in the cafeteria."

"Won't it be stale?"

The rose toy quietly buzzed to life and Steven pressed it to her clit, murmuring, "Keep your eye contact. Whatever happens, you keep your eyes on me." The stoic tone was only amplified by him forcing his glow back to his normal hue. This wasn't just a kink for sin, it was now a classic getting caught scenario.

The steady rising in her core wasn't unfamiliar, but he used it infrequently enough that her body equated it to absolute pleasure and torture to the maximum. Unfortunately for her, this time was no different. More often than not Steven used it as a fun and quick way to overstimulate her as a funishment. The inner pleasure sadist in him loved pushing her bodily limits just to see her cry with pleasure and scream his name.

His name. He wanted her to moan his name. He almost didn't even care about how loud it was. A push of a button and it buzzed a bit faster, causing Connie's mouth to drop open in a series of unprepared pants of pleasure. He loved that she was never ready for him to change the game, that she was so lost in what he did to her that she couldn't account for change at all. One of her nipples had caught his eye as it beaded with milk, a sign of her impending orgasm. "Don't cum yet. I'm so serious, don't you dare cum."

She whined in her chest and he pushed his hand over her mouth with a wink. "Be quiet." Watching her eyes cross made him lean down to bite her nipple again. "Eye contact."

Nodding frantically, she started grinding against it and trying to keep her whimpers whisper level. The way he was looking at her, the smile in his eyes, it felt like he was putting her in bondage without so much as having to touch a rope. He was vastly enjoying this, more than he usually did. There was something he was keeping to himself and she swore if they didn't get caught she'd find out what exactly was making him so hyper aroused his breathing was unsteady when she hadn't even touched him yet.

As much as he tried to keep his glow at bay, when her body started convulsing and her tongue pressed against his palm he went alight for her. This was wrong, everything about it was and that made him feel so fucking good. His entire life he'd dedicated to doing only good with it, and it had made him miserable. This was just harmless enough, and looked down upon strongly enough for him to hardly keep his head straight.

What would God think, he wondered, if He were to look down upon him, the literal Savior of the Universe, in His church doing "the devils work"?

How many sins did he break simply pushing the head of his cock into her welcoming pussy as he licked his thumb to heal her overstimulation? How many had Connie broken when she came so hard she made a mess on his hand and the lush carpet below her?

Procreating without the intent to create.

The first rock of his hips forced a change neither were ready for: his Diamond half pushing the limits of both of their bodies as he smoldered down at her and rumbled at the new tightness around him.

Having sex premaritally.

He had to muffle the shaky squeak she let out when he bottomed out gently. As much as he wanted to tell her to shut up, letting out a few suspicious sounds was her job in this fantasy. The idea of being caught fueled him to do it one more time.

What the fuck were they going to do? Arrest the Diamond? Yeah, right.

"Pastor, did you hear something?"

There was a pause in conversation to listen for them but he never stopped rolling his hips to make that sloppy sound her pussy so often made pregnant. She was so wet, and her eyes were wide with the force it was taking to maintain his rule and stay quiet. It almost made him laugh, so he let it out close to her ear. Her heavy breathing went silent as the night when the door to the sanctuary opened.

"I could've sworn I heard something in here, but I know the radiator needs to be fixed. It's been squeaking quite a bit."

She grew slicker and tighter when another pair of footsteps joined and Steven surrounded her with his body, now struggling to keep quiet himself. The adrenaline, the anticipation, the genuine fear of having to explain to a judgmental pastor why he was in here was making him glow brighter.


"Tanya, the young adults are coming down now. We need to make sure they aren't sneaking off again."

The people departed and Connie sighed in relief, wrapping her arms around his neck and grinning. "This is– one big fuck you directed to God himself, isn't it?"

He glowered and nodded. "I saved humanity." He pushed in deeply and tried not to lose his poise and start doing some real damage to this fucking floor. "I've created life." He licked from her shoulder and tugged on her earlobe. "I've risen people from the dead." His thrust got a bit carried away and she whined in discomfort. Forcing the pace back to gentle but quick was a bit hard when he was so worked up. "I've healed, I've had disciples, I've been persecuted and beaten for no reason." Connie pressed human healing kisses to his cheek and he pulled himself out to flip her over. "I've been at the ass end of a lot of shitty situations. If there's a God, I'm already a direct threat at the top of his list."

Challenging God? Idolatry? Pride?

There was no need for him to keep quiet so he pulled her arms behind her back and pounded into her, trembling with delight as his head lolled back. It was a direct fuck you to the church. A fuck you to God, a fuck you to the world. A fuck you to his family too. He was ahead and behind his time all at once, and miserable that he had any time to begin with. His whole life he'd tried to stay orthodox and acceptable, but leaning into breaking the most sacred of rules was driving him to a sense of inner peace.

"I have every right to have a Messiah Complex," He grunted, answering her earlier question. His skin burned with the pink light but he couldn't stop now. "Let it out, who cares if we're caught? What the fuck are the humans going to do to me exactly if we are?"

A low groan burst out of her as soon as permission was granted and their pleasure was allowed to echo and taint the holy space as he drove them both to completion. He'd make sure she made another mess on this floor, in this booth for people who thought they were too good to sit with "common man". Who were they to decide they were better than anyone? Especially for a being they hadn't ever seen.

Steven reached down and rubbed her clit just the way she liked, leaning into his next thrust to watch her eyes begin to tear up. "O-oh, God~!"

"Good girl," He praised and kissed the back of her neck. "Using the Lords name in vain."

"Steven," Connie begged, pushing into his lips to feel the heat caused by his glow. "Fuck me harder."

There was no further encouragement needed, he grabbed her hips and fucked into her as she had asked. Their skin slapping together was loud enough for them to have to be concerned about being caught but they couldn't bring themselves to stop. Connie gripped her stomach with one hand and braced herself with the other.

"Can you take it?" Steven buried himself to the hilt, shaking in anticipation for her word.

She nodded vigorously and grinned. "I want it."

He winced and forced himself to revel in the feeling. Every slick inch of her pussy, every rule he was breaking... he loved the anxiety of it. It was avoidable all together, and the adrenaline rush was making his thrusts end in pounds that made Connie spread her legs more. Every rough thrust he huffed out a strangled, manic sound of delight. This was feeding one of the darkest parts of him, feeding something sinister and holier than this church could ever begin to imagine.

This was sin, a deadly sin in fact. Lust filled him as he filled her to the very brim, causing the slickness heighten dramatically. Connie cried out two words that pushed him into another mini orgasm, another violent twitching of his cock.

"My Diamond!" She growled and bared down on him to lock him in place. This orgasm was stronger, strong enough to have her go completely feral for a moment and bring herself to fuck him right back.

He watched, pleased with his beautiful harlot of a future wife fucking herself on his cock. "Easy, baby." His hands gripped her hips and stopped her mid motion, wanting to feel her pulsing around the head of his cock like a kiss. "Your pussy's praise is everything," He murmured lovingly.

Pulling out so he could flip her over, he was surprised to find her flushed and starry eyed as she crashed her lips onto his. "You have a kink for sin!"

Steven laughed and found her shirt to tug back over her head. "You're not supposed to be smarter than me, the Bible all but forbids it."

Connie rolled her eyes and reached down to run her fingers over his still half hard cock. A finger lifted to her mouth and he licked his lips jealously as she kept the eye contact, her own glow matching his from the concentrated magic inside herself, her undying love for him.

It seemed that perhaps they shared something on a much deeper level than a kink for sinning. Something lucid and spiteful, but never violent, fueling their lust enough that he dove back into her breasts one more time to drink her milk.

He supposed that was a sin too.

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