Pyrexiophilia ("Trial" 20)

Steven turned over in bed and tried to stretch out his body. "Oh god," He mumbled. "No, i-it barely bothered me I thought." The hybrid groaned quietly and settled back into bed.

Connie had been reading in the window seat, enjoying the sounds of the ocean and the fantasy world she was diving into. Midsentence her eyes snapped up to fix on the bedroom door. She hadn't heard anything or noticed any movement, but she felt it within her being strong enough to narrow her eyes in suspicion. "Something just happened."

She bookmarked it and crossed over to push the bedroom door open. It was a cloudy, bleak winter day so the lighting in the room was dark and blue in its shadows and highlights. Steven lay on his back with his arm thrown over his face and she almost turned back at the normalcy.

He stirred a bit and hummed. "Connie."

"Hello, love. It's almost four in the afternoon, your nap should probably end now," She teased.


"Why not?" She frowned and came closer to stand over him in concern. Her fingers found his hair first, finding it warm and damp. He was burning up in the face, far more than his normal heat. "Oh, Steven..."

"I feel don't feel good, Ni. Carry on my legacy." He turned sharply to gasp at pain in his joints, grabbing at her hand. "P-please take care of me. I'm so sick."

Connie's heart fluttered in her chest. She felt, especially lately, that he was always taking care of her. The woman grinned and crouched down to place a careful kiss over his cheek. "I'll be right back with your Fever Kit, okay?"

He nodded and whined pitifully. "I miss you. Your ass is otherworldly from this angle."

She snorted and rolled her eyes. She'd really only seen Steven get sick twice: A year ago, and right now. The last spell had given her a tiny taste of Sick Steven, and he was doggish in retrospect. It was like despite his sickness, he was constantly starving for her with even less of a filter than normal.

His confidence had dipped, she guessed, more than they both thought when they went to their first parenting class. He grew pretty tortured about how small the child would be, and how he feared breaking such a magnificent and delicate creature. It had really only been a fearful mumble and a flash of pink before it had passed.

"There goes Starboy repressing his feelings again," She sighed as she pulled out the pink crocheted bag from under the sink. "Shiva this thing is ugly."

It truly was the most hideous thing she'd ever seen. It wasn't very large, no bigger than a slightly above average pencil bag and bright neon pink that had been snuffed out from constantly being under the sink. Steven adored the thing, so she kept his stuff in it only after giggling she would rather be sick than use the bag.

"You brought my Fever Kit." He licked his lips and huffed. "I love you."

"I love you too. Open up." He opened and watched her eyes dreamily. Steven would never admit it to anybody ever, but he secretly liked when he got fevers as rare as they were. The aches and pains and heat couldn't possibly begin to compare to Nurse Connie coming and doting on him for hours with soup and medication and endless affection to reactivate his healing ability. She would start dressing down as well, foregoing her normal attire for a comfy off the shoulder shirt that dipped so far down he'd get overhead glimpses of her breasts as she leaned over and rubbed his cheek while he ate or slept. Her hair would go up messy and most would tumble down her back, as brave and nonconforming as she was.

And it was so.



"You're running a fever alright. Your resting is normally 99.5, but you're at a 102." She cooed at him for a moment and stroked his cheek. "My poor baby. Is there something I can do?"

Yes. She could ride him to kingdom come. "I-I just like that you're here with me. I love having you as a wife."

"You big softie. We aren't getting married until after baby is born, remember?" She chuckled. "Do you want me to get you some soup before we cuddle?"

He nodded as fast as his crippling headache would allow. "Yeah, my last meal can be soup."

"Steven, you men are so goofy with your common colds and fevers. You aren't dying."

He groaned deeply and wiped some sweat from his face. "Why don't you baby me? You're supposed to be treating me like a precious flower because I'm sick!"

Connie strutted back over with her hands clasped behind her back. "You wanna know how I know you aren't dying?"

He could see down her shirt again, all the way to the slightly distended tummy she was beginning to sport. He wanted to shove his face in there, feel her warmth trapped between her skin and the shirt. "How? I sound like a blender attacked my vocal cords."

She hummed and leaned over his hips, turning back to glance at the obviously erect member tenting the thin sheet. "I caught on pretty quickly from the first time. Keep it in your pants, Sick Bay."

His jaw dropped as she marched out to make his soup. Sick Bay? When the hell did she get so clever? All that did was make him shift uncomfortably as he got harder. He swore he wasn't this bad the last time, but something told him he may have been even worse. Did it get better or worse as his sickness progressed? He couldn't remember much past his name and basic trivia about his life with the thick fog of illness in his head.

"Wake up, Biscuit. I've got some Tylenol and soup for you. You've gotta eat if you're going to be that tall." She cracked a smile as he forced himself to sit up.

Had he fallen asleep? He hadn't even noticed. Connie's Prima Noir perfume just barely made it into his congested nose and he gathered his energy. "If I begged on my hands... and knees for you to– to feed me. Would you?" He managed weakly. "I can't get enough of you. You smell... delicious."

She blushed hard but squared her shoulders. "You're not getting me with that this time, Steven. I swear there's got to be another way."

He lolled his head. "I can hear that you want it. Come and get it, baby."

She wordlessly lifted the spoon and he collected its chicken broth in his mouth. It was almost too hot, but it soothed his sore throat just the tiniest of iotas. He shamelessly swept his gaze over every inch of her as he ate. Those curves were calling his name to run his tongue over them. He longed to shove down his symptoms and plow her like Christmas morning snow.


He broke out of his trance and looked up. "Yes, my flower?"

"You keep looking at me like that and it's distracting me. Be-have, Mister. And I'm serious." She pointed a finger at him and he flushed hard.

"Fuck, that was so sexy. You're going to be... such a great mom." He reached out to pull her in by her waist and press his lips to her stomach. "Mind if I have some of Mommy's attention?"

The baby wasn't big enough to kick yet by any means, so it didn't respond.

"See? Even Baby is on board with me." He bit her side and chuckled when a bit of soup spilled in his hair.

"Steven! Off! Bad boy!" She scolded with a laugh. "Your body needs to learn how to fight it off! I felt so guilty last time."

He whined and let her go. "You seductress. Walking in here with... soup. Swaying your hips when you walk by like a harlot. The second I get enough energy I'm going to fuck you stupid." He fell back into bed, promptly falling asleep into peaceful oblivion at what he was doing to his poor fiancée.

She shut the bathroom door and studied her face, deep red from arousal flushing out her cheeks. He rarely spoke so freely and confidently, with such intense need for that long. He'd gotten her last time, but she knew she shouldn't have and felt guilty until they'd woken up and he was healed. It still didn't make her feel much better about it though.

Steven fucked like a powerhouse would be expected to fuck, either incredibly gentle, or a rough in his thrusts and chaotic good with his hands. But the last time he'd fucked her when he was sick was filled with her trying to moan that he needed rest and care, while he grunted as he focused on fucking her like a well oiled machine could only hope to match. He was near vicious, and selfish for once which got her off far too hard too many times. He was such a selfless lover, and he'd made it clear near the beginning that he'd never use her.

But that night? It felt like a small part of him just wanted to get off, and when he moaned her name as he ragdolled her around his cock she felt the rush of helpfulness and absolute honor.

Her pussy clenched woefully at their dilemma and she sighed, deciding to make a serving of a drink heavy in vitamins. She'd make him a smoothie, that would surely distract him. She could even throw in a bit of her own milk since it was packed with extremely useful nutrients for child and grown man alike. She wondered if he'd even notice the barest taste difference as she dropped the pineapples and black berries over the substance and it turned her milk a lilac color. Ice cream was a bit of an indulgence since sickness loved sugar, but she would make him take a couple of gummy vitamins before he drank it.

When she walked back in, he was already sitting up and trying to stretch out his arms and neck.

"Good morning sleepyhead. You still feverish?"

He grinned. "If you poured water on my skin, it would sizzle off." He watched her step hesitate to a stop.

"What happened to your voice?!" She squeaked.

"I'm just sick and my throat is worse than this morning." Curse him, he looked so smug she had to remind herself he was sick. "Why?" He drawled. "Is there something wrong?"

Yes. His normal tenor was filled with burning bass. It was low and provocative and rumbling enough that she felt every word in her pussy.

Connie shrugged it off unconvincingly and brought him his drink. "Make sure you drink as much as you can." She cradled his head in her lap while he sipped like a happy toddler at the close proximity. "It'll help your throat."

He took a long sip and swallowed, a groan of bliss as his throat was soothed. Then he frowned and took another, slower sip. She could see him working the drink around in his mouth as his brows settled low over his eyes. "Connie."


He turned his lips so they'd be against her hip and asked, "Did you replace cow milk with Connie milk?"

"I needed to get rid of some before I got mastitis. Is it okay?"

He set the cup down on the bedside table and made her lay back for him as he got between her legs with his body.

"Steven! You need rest!" She groaned. "What is up with you?"

"I've got the sick hornies and they won't go away until I get you off..." He wiggled his hand in the air sideways and tipped his head slow enough not to hurt his neck. "Two times. Think I'll be pressing my luck to go for three."

Connie tried to protest again but his hand snaked its way under her sweats and she shut her legs. "Steven!"

"Do you not want this?"

"Of course I do! But you're sick!" She cried in conflicted torture.

He stayed solemn and pulled her legs apart easily, slipping down to plunge a finger between her lips. The slickness almost took him out. "Oh my stars, Ni. You're drenched for me. Fuck! I don't care if I'm sick, I'm getting it tonight. I'm... I'm evoking the Free Use rule."

Connie's eyes widened but his didn't meet hers at first. When they did she had a micro moment of falling in love again for no discernible reason. It was the first time he'd ever spoken those words without her reminding him. That only turned her on to full power. "What if you get me and baby sick?" She tried weakly. Her legs spread a bit more of their own fruition and he hooked his fingers over the waistband of her panties and tugged so he could see her full glory.

She was warm down there, the heat and wetness made his cock throb painfully hard. He needed this tonight, not because he was sick, but because when he was sick his one track unshackled mind of chaos desired to be buried to the hilt in her with no logic to it. "You and I both know I'll get better faster than you can get sick."

The truth was, at this point Connie was going to let him do whatever he wanted to her. If he wanted to fuck any hole she had she would let him without any hesitation. "Ugh, fi-i-ine!"

Steven gave her no warning, he was fully utilizing his free use though he may have slickened her up if he'd needed to. She didn't even realize he'd pulled down his pants. That was her first clue-in that she'd been right the first time. His rare selfish mind was somewhere in there, and she was going to indulge it just a tiny bit.

"You're fucking perfect," He praised.

He rocked into her a few times, getting a feel for her with long keens before he stopped and pulled out. "Face Down Ass Up. I need to be rough with you."

The way he said it paired with those glowing eyes had her scrambling to obey, sighing in content until he cut her off with a wild bucking of his lips. "Fuck!"

"That's it," He moaned and placed a hand around the back of her neck so he could ream her as hard as he could manage in his quickly irrelevant state. He loved watching the way her body lurched under his thrusts and how her moans restarted before the last one could finish every time he bottomed out. "Keep making those sounds."

He wasn't asking, and he didn't need to. She let go and made whatever sounds he made come out of her without holding back. She was quaking around him from the very deepest parts of her as he started to put more aggression behind his fuck. Every twitch was exaggerated and happened again when he grunted his approval.

"Heads up." He wrapped both arms around her hips careful to not disturb baby. "Is this safe?"

"Yes." She was unable to catch her breath even in the pause, but then was left actually breathless as he slammed her against him and worked his hips at the same time. "Ohhhh my fucking stars that's s-so good!"

Steven hummed lowly and buried his head in her hair. Every stroke of her warm pussy had him fucking her hard enough to call it hate sex. The rough meeting of their hips was pornographic and nearly stung, forcing a glow to shine so brightly the entire room was pink now.

The miliad of sounds she was making were beginning to get choppy, and he realized she was trying to speak. He only let her because it would get him off faster, and then he'd grab her first and second like they were nothing. "Ah- fuckfuckfuck, Steven!" She grew so cockdrunk that it became near hysteria as she half laughed, half cried. Her entire body was flooded with pleasure, and her orgasm was approaching fast and strong. "I'm gonna cum!"

He growled under his breath and gasped. "Cum for me. I'll help you." One arm loosened and his finger pressed against her clit, letting his thrusting make the movement for it.

It sparked quickly and she let out a wanton cry of his name.

"Louder!" He kept his hand there and changed the angle of his fuck.

This time she screamed his name so hard he felt it in his chest. He didn't want to, but the telltale flutter made him pull out so she could drench his cock and thighs. "Fuuucking hellllll..." He grabbed her ass with both hands and worked her hips back and forth, a pseudo ride that always got her to make the lewdest, sluttiest sounds.

"I'm–!" She couldn't contain herself long enough to tell him before a guttural exclamation burst out of her. "Fuck yes!" She lifted her hips a bit more and whined into the mattress, "Use me! I want it!" Her orgasms left her wanting for him to reach his as well, she would keep cumming until she passed out at this point because he refused to change the angle once he found that special spot.

"Is that what you really want?" He picked up speed until he felt the flicker of worry she would get whiplash. He forced her chest back into the bed hard and chuckled. He knew that tactic, he was going too deep and slamming against her g-spot with more force than he ever had and she couldn't take it. She was going to anyways. "Fine. But you're going to take every inch every time. I'm almost..."

Nothing could be felt past the heavy euphoria of fucking her so well she could only squeak and cry out his name over and over and– "Oh my fucking god." He pushed in her as deeply as he could go, his balls tightening as he gave her his release.

He slumped forward, expecting his sensation to come back and whoop his ass for all he was worth.

And it did. He barely could pull out before he was facedown next to her in absolute agony. "Worth it. So worth it."

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