Phone Sex (Trial #18)
When Steven had looked up this kink, everything he'd been able to find was about sex over the phone. The story had been a little ambiguous, and rather short, so he didn't get too much information.
He hated the idea of not sleeping in the same bed, he always hated that idea. Connie was his tether more often than not and when he woke up from nightmares she always helped no matter how hard, late or early it was. To not have that comfort would mean no sleep at all. He'd expressed that to her and after a moment of confusion, she laughed and jumped into his arms. "I'm serious."
"Honey, that's not the version I'm looking for. I like my giant space heater. I get so cold and sad when you're gone," Her voice ended soft and small as her grip around his shoulders tightened. He squeezed back and she kissed his neck. "Did you set up gaming with the boys?"
He nodded eagerly. "Yeah, we haven't played anything together in almost a month."
"You guys act like you don't constantly hang out." She wiggled down after kissing his cheek. "Go on, Starboy. I'm gonna take a nap." Her jaw dropped in a yawn she quickly covered as she made her way towards the bedroom.
"You know I kinda am starting to love that nickname almost as much as Biscuit, right?" He called as he plopped on the couch and started his console.
"It's written all over your face, silly. I'll miss you." She blew him another kiss.
Miss him? He smirked to himself, surprised and pleased at her silly show of clinginess.
The bedroom door shut and he sighed contentedly. "You guys on?"
"ClownSausage and ClownSausage Jr reporting for duty!" Jacob crowed.
Steven grinned, imagining the wide eyed silly toddler and her silly father. "Hey Daisy, are you and Mommy keeping Daddy in check?"
She squealed at the sound of his voice and in the background Jasmin called out, "Alex and I say hi!" Then closer, "I'm taking the baby for nap time."
"Hey we're here," Hazel greeted. "Adam's logging on."
Steven snorted. "Sure doesn't sound like he's logging on."
"I'm trying to, someone is being needy! Anna sit!" There was a moment of quiet before more shuffling occurred and finally his voice was closer to Hazels. "You're so fucking lucky you're cute, Anna."
"I'm bored, Daddy! What am I expected to do? Entertain myself? This is bullshit."
Hazel scoffed. "Don't be a brat now. Be a brat later when we have time to do something about it."
"I am a princess and I will be treated like one, god dammit!"
"Connie, call your girlfriend!" Steven shouted through a choked laugh.
Connie's giggles emanated from the bedroom and Anna scrambled off when her phone rang.
"Have your women been extra clingy lately?" Hazel being the natural born leader started leading them over a cliff side and they all followed close behind.
"I'd definitely say Connie's been extra affectionate." He took a long range shot at a zombie just as a grenade went off right next to them and they groaned in unison.
There was a prolonged silence before Adam asked as carefully as he could, "Any chance she's pregnant?"
Steven needed no such hesitance, save for whispering. "Oh yeah, that girls probably knocked the hell up. I'd be a miracle if she wasn't." He grinned even though they couldn't see it. The man was in fact pretty sure she was pregnant, and had been pregnant for at least five weeks. She also hadn't gotten her period in those five weeks, he'd been told to expect it the following week (it always came after a really horny week) and it hadn't yet. She wasn't showing any symptoms of pregnancy but after a while of brooding about it, he could guess maybe cumming in her so often had more of a positive effect than just being orgasmically satisfying. He didn't know how he knew. Something just itched at him about how glowing she'd gotten lately. But, she hadn't said anything and he didn't know for sure. Something told him that asking women if they're pregnant was a big no-no, so he'd gone out on a walk to freak out about it the night of the storm.
Unfortunately, he'd chickened out of asking again.
"You've gotta quit stalling, dude," Jacob sighed. "I didn't have that problem, but we found out a bit late and had to scramble for everything since we weren't planning for it. Imagine telling people your girlfriend is 3 1/2 months pregnant and that you just found out. Then she came a month early on top of that. It's worth the trouble if you didn't know any better. You do."
Steven groaned again and mentally took a heavy amount of damage. "I will."
"You're worried she's gonna skewer you, aren't you?" Adam chuckled.
"Yeah kindaaaaaa..." He glanced to the side, thankful his headset was on because she was now standing outside of their bedroom. "I'm... gonna have to go?"
"No, no, don't let me distract you," She purred. "I'm just here to watch."
"Alright, then." In that lingerie it was impossible for her not to be distracting. It was almost nothing, and yet covered everything he wanted to see. He could guess it was reminiscent of a red ribbon with it coming up over her shoulder, between her legs and over her breasts. She looked like the best gift in the world with her damp and freshly brushed hair.
"Anna," Hazel growled in annoyance. "What– oh."
Connie strutted over to him and held back a laugh at how his eyes kept switching between the TV and her. And then the stupid, needless lean forward and deep blush crawling up his neck. When she crawled in front of him he muted himself and regarded her carefully. "What are you doing?"
She gave him a provocative smile and pushed his chest. He fell back and she hummed at the growing bulge. "Having fun."
"Y-you're going to do this now?" He squeaked in shock. "That's crazy!"
"Why are you getting harder faster then?" She raised an eyebrow and pressed a kiss to it. "My second best friend loves me too."
"Steven, I need defense over here!"
"Shit." He clicked his headset back on, trying not to notice the way her mouth was brushing against the crotch of his jeans. "Yeah, I'm here. Connie was asking about... milk."
He was able to focus at least a little on taking out hordes, he knew this game front and back from the hours he'd spent fucking around on it.
Connie grinned up at him. This was far past erotic to be fighting for his attention quietly with other people that might hear them. She could now fully understand why he liked to fuck her while she worked on her computer. His intense expression told her this might even be easy. Her fingers traced around it until it jumped at every touch and he swallowed.
"Bisky, I like lusting for your attention too," She confessed, rubbing her cheek against his thigh. "Can I?"
His chest rose and fell quickly and he nodded, lifting his hips. "Jacob, q-quit shooting at me!"
"That's not me, that's Hazel. I got... lost."
Her pouty lips kissed his tip and he bit back a hiss. His eyes shut for a half a second before he must have gotten shot at again the way his controller buzzed. She swirled her tongue around and huffed at his taste. She loved his precum almost as much as his cum, and she was going to get plenty of both.
Steven growled under his breath. Her mouth on him while he was trying to stay aware was fucking with his head. They had an objective, they were supposed to find the breaker box and make it malfunction somehow without electrocuting themselves. It should've been easy, but there was an amount of zombies that made the task completely impossible to do by ones self. Especially if one had his sexy fiancé bobbing her head and whimpering softly to herself, pulling off to kiss down the length just under his line of view.
Steven cleared his throat. "You okay Hazel?"
"Oh yeah, just got shot too many times and had to respawn. Stay where you are."
"Sounds like someone's being a sucky team captain," Adam giggled. "Need someone to take over?"
"I'm fine."
"Someone sounds grumpy, too."
"The sun is glaring off the screen!"
"Is not. I'm sitting right next to you and I can see just–,"
Steven was thankful for the silly little argument to cover the yelp he made when Connie relaxed her throat to take a part of his cock into it. He pulsed and tried to keep his breathing steady even as his sweaty fingers kept slipping off of the buttons. Was his breathing shaky enough to be noticeable?
She pulled off and did it again, gagging and constricting around him.
"Steven, you good man?"
"Yeah, why?" He breathed out a long breath he hoped was silent and one handed his controller to grab her hair and guide her. "I'm totally fine."
Jacob snorted. "You sound distracted."
"You just ran off a cliff, Jacob!" Hazel sighed and the distinctive sound of him dropping his controller sounded.
"You're just standing there."
"Fucking–," Steven bucked into her drooling mouth. She was completely drenching his cock in her saliva to the point of it dripping onto the couch. His resolve had strengthened with their bickering and he was going to use this opportunity to get off as fast as possible. Her tongue kept traveling up the length and back down again with her mouth. "Jacob what the hell?"
"What the hell what?"
"You actually just shot at me that time. I saw your gamer tag!" Steven wiped sweat from his eyes and bit his tongue as hard as he could. He shot Connie a look as Jacob responded and she gave him a cocky smirk.
She tugged a bit at the bow in front of her outfit teasingly, pulling it an inch out. "You want it?" She murmured.
He nodded eagerly and gave an affirmative grunt.
It slipped off her shoulder and down her body in such a sexy way he leaked at the sight like a teenager. They'd finally made it past the second wave of monsters and had a bit of free time to gather loot but the only loot he was truly looking for was in front of him kneeling.
She straddled his hips, mouthing to be quiet and lowered herself down to the hilt. Her hand fixed over her mouth as she rested her head on his shoulder and lifted once. Thankfully she was small enough for him to wrap his arms around her waist and see over her, but that didn't stop him from temporarily going blind anyways.
Her teasing, agonizingly slow riding almost drew a keen out of him but he stayed steadfast. If this was a game, he wasn't going to lose. "Left."
They took off down the hallway and Jacob paused. "I f-feel like there was a boss fight here." His weak tone was nearly drowned out by a blood chilling roar that had them all moving their joysticks to look up at the ceiling.
"I'll be upfront if you guys can focus and flank me."
"I'm a healer, not a fighter." Steven grabbed Connie's hips to slow her down before the sound of her creamy pussy got any louder.
Hazel hummed and pulled out a scythe. "We've got a save icon."
Great, because Connie started rolling her hips, rubbing on his cock in new ways. He could feel her slow and heavy breathing on his neck, and the hickeys that followed. He narrowly avoided being one-shotted by the ghastly creature.
"Steven, I need a heal over here!"
He tossed the wrong potion and everything started to go downhill.
"Dude! That's– that's greek fire! Hazel no don't–!" Adam tried but it was far too late to stop the train wreck.
"Shit is this greek fire?" Hazel yelped.
"Thats what I just said!"
The monster roared again and stalked after the panicking team trying to retreat as the fire spread to their clothes and started giving sporadic but sharp damage.
"I'm sorry!" Steven moaned and gritted his teeth. "G is right next to H in the... thingy and I hit too soon."
Connie bit his earlobe and he couldn't help the whimper that squeaked out of him. "Dammit!" He watched as the corpse of Adam's character was smashed against a wall through dazed eyes. Her pussy started milking him and twitching, coaxing him to fill her.
"And that's me and Steven." Jacob laughed tensely as the monster swept its tail and took them both out.
Hazel ran straight into it. It was genuinely no use to even try to take it out alone with him barely clinging to life and the monster not even to half health. "Go again?"
"Sure, why not?"
"Not like I have anything else to do." Hazel replied dryly. "Ow! I was kidding, An– Adam!"
The quartet tried again and Steven made sure to pause before he grabbed a healing potion this time. He'd been doing pretty good before she started dragging her nails down his back as her pace quickened. "Oh, shit." His cheeks flooded with heat. His orgasm was officially approaching now.
"This monster... is such a cruel bitch," Jacob grouched.
Connie shook her head against his neck and he could feel a cruel smirk of her own spreading across her lips.
"Fuuuuck, I swear to God this boss battle is the strongest one and it's only 1/3 of the way through the–," Jacob stopped short and fell completely silent.
The monster took that as challenge and went for him, but Hazel cut him off. "Nuh-uh." He tried to slice a heavy damage special he'd done a trillion times.
He missed.
Steven eyes were nearly crossed with the urge to cum. His mind could barely focus enough to switch to defense and pull out a modded shotgun. Hazel tried the move again, growling something under his breath just as he made contact.
It took a good amount of damage and now they were ahead of themselves with the need for this to be over with.
Hazel cursed loudly and Steven managed to choke out a laugh. "You good?"
"Yeah, Hazel. You good?" Adam teased. "Whoa, wait that wasn't–,"
The monster switched to heavy defense, deciding to take them out one by one.
It went for Jacob first who, bless his heart, did his very best with a heavy sigh. He was killed a little later than instantly.
Steven gritted his teeth and lifted his hips to meet Connie's with as little shuffling as possible. He slipped a hand down to rub her clit, tugging on her earlobe with his teeth; a warning to stay quiet. It hadn't occurred to him until now that he could fight back. Her riding shuttered in its movements with a tiny almost inaudible whimper, her pussy giving him a glorious and tight squeeze that rocked his world so hard he dropped his controller.
He leaned all the way back to look down at her and they locked eyes. He didn't back down from their staring contest until she looked away flustered. Steven wasn't stupid, he knew the look he was giving her was a look she found erotically terrifying.
He'd warned her to stay quiet, and now...
He picked her up with one hand and his controller with the other. There was a much easier way he could be doing this, and it would possibly help his focus.
"Come on, now! That's not fair..." Adam was apparently sulking as Hazel restarted the round cheerfully.
"One more shot! I did it, you can do it, champ!"
"S-swear to god, Hazel."
"Are you kidding? Again?!" A soft murmur could be heard in the background of Jacob's mic as someone responded but it wasn't picked up all the way. "We can do it, right Steven?" The poor man sounded preemptively defeated enough to make the crew laugh sparsely. "I need that otherworldly encouragement you give."
Steven smirked at Connie bent over the back of their couch with him buried to the hilt. "We've fucking got this." He told Jacob in solidarity. "This round is the one, I can feel it."
His confidence was widely misplaced, the only team member who didn't keep fucking up was Hazel.
Steven knew his mic was equipped for voice isolation but he couldn't be sure how much that actually worked so he kept his breathing steady as his hips pressed into her with a gentle beat. She fisted the pillows and groaned into them. "Don't let your knees buckle," He teased without thinking.
"Wh-what?" Jacob asked slowly.
Connie snorted and glanced back at the annoyed and humiliated hybrid.
He licked his lips and thought quick on his feet. "Don't get sloppy with your offense/defense switch offs. Makes the team look–," Connie gave him a flutter that nearly made his knees buckle.
Jacob didn't seem to heed his advice as he went quiet again and his character took poison damage until the skin looked caustic. "My bad. That one was on me."
Steven was a healer and Adam was a long range archer, so he could stand behind him and do nothing until he needed to help. He set his controller down, grabbed Connie's hips and plunged into her wet walls. She felt so fucking good around him and he wanted to tell her that, he wanted to encourage her, but their friends were listening closely so he did the next best thing: brushing his lips along her neck and nodding slightly.
"Steven, heal!"
He snatched it up and threw a healing potion.
"D-dude... why?" Adam groaned as he erupted into flames once again.
Jacob laughed hoarsely and Hazel clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "Not your best look, Baby boy."
"Shut up," He grumbled and saved him at the last second with a higher grade heal he saved for special occasions.
He focused his full attention on Connie again and if these shallow thrusts kept rubbing on the head of his cock like that he was going to cum in a matter of seconds. He tapped her side quickly and picked up speed, holding back a small grunt of effort as he chased it. It built just as Adam called for another heal and a clatter sounded, Adam's character now going from dodging expert to still noob.
It was too late and he wasn't going to stop for a fucking video game, not when she was begging to be filled with his seed by all that purposeful milking she was doing. He placed a hand over his mouth and gripped her hip as he came, his eyes rolling back with silent ecstasy. The idea of being caught like this was incredibly enjoyable as he had now come to find out. They'd definitely be doing this again but he felt the need to apologize as he came down. "Listen, guys. I'm gonna be totally real with you and say that was not my best game and possibly so far down the list of my worst that the only way I could be more terrible is by standing there."
Hazel chuckled at their F rating. "There's no way we're going to beat this tonight."
"Absolutely no way," Jacob agreed solemnly. There was a moment of silence before he grunted, "It's like someone gave them catnip."
"I know," They all agreed immediately, somehow knowing what he was griping about before it hit them.
More silence overcame the best friends before Jacob groaned in embarrassment.
"Alright, if no one's going to ask it, I will." He didn't elaborate at first, opting to let out a shaky sigh. "How many of us just got assaulted for absolutely no reason during all of that?"
The other three men hesitated a split second too long before the girls started crowing in laughter.
"We got em!" Jasmin cheered. "Oh my god! That was so much fun, Connie!"
Anna hummed and a bit of shuffling was heard before she squealed. "You sure are clever, I never would've even dared."
"Guys, you aren't supposed to rat me out!" Connie's eyes were on the man behind her, totally shocked and even near humorous about the affair. And still rock hard inside her.
"Okay, well it's good to know that we don't just suddenly suck. Should've known when Hazel missed his lucky move," Steven sighed, still glaring at Connie with wicked intent. He dared her quietly to look away, but her wide eyes stayed on him.
"I should've been obviously getting head when I walked off a cliff. You guys are stupid for not catching on."
"I feel like there were moments when we let something slip and it just worked. I set the team on fire twice," Steven giggled and slapped Connie's ass. "Alright, I hate to cut this short, but we really should go."
"Roger that."
"See ya."
"Good luck, Connie!" The girls chorused faintly.
"Oh, she'll need it." Steven promised.
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