One Night Stand: Part Two (Trial #16)

When Steven saw her from across the bar, he knew he was going to sin tonight.

He was a charmer at heart, and a genuine one at that. How he'd ended up at a bar he'd never know, but he felt fluffy and silly. Everything felt generic and strange. Still he was having a good time people watching and joking with the bartender until he saw her.

She was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen in every lifetime he'd ever lived. She was bold and confident and bratty. Steven liked the latter the most. Something about her said she was brave and wild, he liked that in a woman.

"What about this one? It's country," Steven said turning up the radio.

Connie gagged and slumped over in her seat. "I hate country. But fine."

"You're lucky you seduced me otherwise I'd kick you out," He teased her as her eyes met with his. "Country is stellar."

Her jaw dropped indignantly. "I did not seduce you. You were the one saying you were gonna pimp me out!"

"And yet you're sitting here next to me, in my car. I could be taking you anywhere I wanted to." Steven threw her a mischievous grin.

She regarded him and smiled the prettiest smile he'd ever seen. "You invited me. So I'll go where you take me, and kick ass if I need to."

"Why are you so gorgeous? What's that about? Are you an axe murderer?" He was kinda serious. What the hell was up with those dips and curves calling his name?

Connie groaned and tugged at her hair in disappointment. "Ah, crap! I forgot it in the trunk of my car! I was supposed to drive you to a dark alleyway..."

"Poor girl. Maybe next time." He pulled the car into the hotel parking lot, but neither made a move to get out.

"This song is so shmaltzy," She said after a pause. "Are you sending me mixed messages?"

"No." Maybe. "What Ifs is beautiful. All those worries about hurt coming from love are totally valid but... there's also the other stuff people don't focus enough on. What if it just works?"

Connie tucked her hands between her thighs and sighed heavily. "You got me. I do like this one. It's sweet."

"Whoa did you just compliment me?" Butterflies filled him, his entire life felt complete and they hadn't even stepped foot in the hotel yet. He wanted this girl to like him so badly it was making him eager. "That calls for an actual drink. Come on, short stack. I'm gonna show you how the Universe parties."

"I could still kick your ass," She told him emphatically. "Don't think you could overpower me if I didn't want you to."

Steven sucked in a quiet breath and locked eyes with her. "Let's put that theory to the test. The first part."

"Is this... is this the Swinton Inn?" She whispered in horror as they got out.

Steven nodded carefully. "Yeah, why?"

"You're loaded, aren't you? I walked into a reverse princess story." Her giggle was so cute he laughed too. "Alright, prepare to see barely socialized girl gawk at everything."

He fought back 600 dirty comments and smiled. "It'll be nice to see you all wide eyed instead of at my throat with an axe."

She didn't say anything at first, only looked up at him with a knowing look for long enough to make him bite the inside of his cheek. "I wish I had a mirror so you can see how you're looking at me."

"And how exactly am I looking at you?" He asked with a chuckle. "M'lady." He held her door open and motioned her inside.

"You're looking at me like I'm a steak dinner. Which is... cute and all, but I'm worth far more than a mere cutlet." She grabbed the other door and walked into it instead, leaving him completely speechless.

That was the sexiest thing he'd ever witnessed. "That was so disrespectful. Can't a guy be a gentleman?"

She turned, walking backwards as she locked eyes with him. "I don't want a gentleman right now. We're getting wild tonight aren't we?"

That comment settled right in his pants so he tried to beat it down by distracting her. There was no way she wouldn't notice Steven Universe and the almost insta boner she gave him just from smiling. "Elaborate."

"Going home with strangers. My parents taught me not to do that. Holy shit, that chandelier is so tasteless. It's not contributing to the lighting if it's 50ft in the air!"

"You're small so it probably looks higher up than it is." He quickened his pace to ruffle her hair. "I could actually pick you up and throw you."

"You're half gem." This time she grabbed his hand and lead him toward the elevator faster, leaning against the wall and studying it.

"Thats not... the only reason I can," He mumbled. Was it suddenly hot in there? "If you wanted to hold my hand you could have just asked."

The doors swished open and she bounced in, motioning him to follow with a finger. "I'm just definitely feeling those two high proof shots now. Come here."

It was as if she'd hypnotized him. He did exactly what she asked, and then more. He stalked her in until her back was pressed against the wall and her chin was tipped up to meet his eyes.

Something inside of him was screeching at top volume. He needed this girl. It terrified him to no end, which only excited him more.

She grabbed one of his hands and his other traveled along her cheek, then up her hairline. He hoped like hell he wasn't being intimidating but somehow he knew where the line was.

They were having an entire conversation without speaking, every tiny action was loud and fuck he wanted to kiss her so badly.

Her lashes batted up at him, a confident, 'I know you want me.'

He responded with his thumb tracing the bow of her lip. 'Maybe I do, but I know how to be polite.'

Connie's brows ticked up for a moment before her hand encircled his wrist, not stopping him but simply adding contact. She turned into his palm and he almost broke the sacred silence. Eyes met his again. 'I like this.'

The ding behind them didn't send them apart like he thought it might, but she tugged him closer for a split second before pushing him off. "You're a royal tease."

He was so shocked he almost didn't follow her out of the elevator. "I'm the tease. Right." He watched her walk a few doors down and barely resisted watching for longer. "Where do you think you're going?

She stopped short and tossed her head back. "I can't believe you let me walk past it so confidently."

The door beeped and he cracked it open. "You'll live, sweetie pie. Are you ready?"

Connie snorted and entered herself. "Never call me– wow..."

"Pride cometh before the fall." He shoved his hands in his pockets and watched the girl's eyes travel to the amenities. "No shit to talk? Sad. I'd almost come to enjoy it."

"Why would you waste so much money on stuff you're not even going to use enough to make it worthwhile? You're reckless." She finally tore her eyes away from the sauna and turned to him to wag her finger. "Reckless man."

He had a strong urge to show her just how reckless he could become, but instead he walked past her and into the kitchen. "You don't have a peanut allergy, do you?"

"No? Are you going to make me a PB&J? Sweet, but too sugary."

"Nope, this is so much better. Screwball for my fellow black sheep. I have a feeling we both don't really fit in anywhere. I keep this for special occasions." He nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw she was next to him now.

"Ah yes, the outcasts." The amount of bitterness in her voice told him he'd guessed right, but then it was replaced with interest. "It's not roofied?"

"Of course not. I'm an axe murderer, not a rapist." He grabbed two of the 25 complimentary shot glasses (she might have been right about him overindulging) but paused when she put a hand on his arm.

"Why don't we just drink from the bottle?" She suggested quietly. "Less dishes, right?"

He smiled at her like she was the one and nodded. "My kind of girl."

"If you have a hot tub, I'm taking advantage of it. You've never known simple luxury till you've had a drink straight from the bottle in a hot tub." Who was this woman?

He clutched the neck of the whiskey and followed her with a faux disappointed head shake. "There goes the Universe charm suggesting you take off your clothes."

Her deft fingers pushed down her leggings and she stepped out of them, stopping his tease as he tried to focus on not dropping the glass bottle. Her shirt was just barely long enough to obscure most things from view, but those legs were treacherous.

"Thats what I thought." She stepped toward the balcony and giggled. "Come on! Are you going to keep staring at me like you've never seen a woman before?"

Apparently he hadn't because no one had ever floored him like this. He almost couldn't even flirt back. "I'm just surprised you're so comfortable. But I get it. I'm great."

"You could certainly be greater with less clothes on!" Her face dropped as soon as she got it out. "I can't believe I just said that."

He finally found function in his body and reached out to hold a firm hand to her back. The feeling of her against him felt so right. "You just begged me to take my clothes off. That's so cute."

He felt her shiver even past the rueful look. "Don't worry, I won't laugh at you. I'll keep it in until you take me home." The mention of home seemed to confuse her for a split second but it passed. Now he wanted to know her even more.

He tugged off his jeans and she immediately turned cherry red, glancing away bashfully. "Aw," He scooped her up bridal style and hummed. "Why so shy all of a sudden? Where's all that bravado?"

She swallowed and tried to answer, but finally gave up, shaking her head over a huge grin.

"You're all talk. I also have bad news for you, darling." He shouldered the door open and set her down right in front of the hot tub. The entire world seemed alive tonight, the air on the closed balcony was as warm and thrilling as Connie was.

"Please don't tell me you've got a girlfriend." She frowned and took the bottle to skim the inscription. "I'm definitely not helping you cheat."

Steven chuckled. "The standard men have set is so ridiculously low. No, I was going to say I'm not getting in the hot tub with my hoodie on. I'll overheat." He tugged it over his head and put his hair in a bun. When he looked up again she licked her lips subconsciously. "Those eyes are going to get you in trouble, Connie."

"Okay, first of all, you might be bigger than me–,"

"And taller."

She put a foot into the hot tub and started over. "Okay, you might be bigger than me, and taller than me–,"

"Definitely stronger," He added.

Her sigh of content made him submerge up to his shoulders before he embarrassed himself. "Why? Because I'm a girl?"

Steven grabbed one of the rocks for ambiance around them and held it up silently. He palmed it and clenched his fist. Turning to the side so she would see, he opened and blew the dust into the night air. "You were saying?"

"Half gem..." She took a long sip at that, three shots at least, and made a reluctant face. "That's almost as terrifying as it is hot."

"Thank you. My turn." He overreached her drink easily. It would take him more to get that pleasant buzz to rise.

"How old are you?"

"Depends on if you're talking about my stone, or the body around it." She let out a squeaky giggle and scooted so their sides were touching. "25."

"So you're older than me too? Great. I can handle that." Her shirt was sticking to her chest to show a very cute bralette that was making his mouth water. He must have not been very stealthy because she nudged him and caught off guard, he tipped a bit. "Kinda seems like I might be stronger than you anyways. Perhaps you duped me with a parlor trick."

He set the bottle down clumsily and braced himself. "Try it again. You could put every iota of force you can conjure behind it and I still won't move."

She bared her teeth and pushed him as hard as she could, and like he promised he didn't move. At least not until she started straining and used her entire body to push. She was determined to win, so he'd give her a win but only on his own terms.

He turned and leaned backwards, she slipped, and then their chests were pressed together with her hands intertwined with his. "I'm also faster than you."

"I still won on strength." He could almost feel her lips moving they were so close.

"Yeah... I guess you did." Her legs left her straddling him in a very precarious position. With her hands in his like this from a certain light she almost looked familiar. Important.

"You're looking at me funny."

He tried to stop but the nagging thought that he knew this touch, not just holding hands, but this exact kind, with her, wouldn't leave him. "I know you."

She glanced to the side and chuffed. "I would make a joke about being the woman of your dreams if I didn't kinda feel the same." Her thumb rubbed against his thoughtfully, now mirroring what must have been his expression. "This feels... like we've done it before."

His eyes dropped to her lips for an obnoxious amount of time as if a glance wouldn't have gotten his point across. "There's only one way to find out. Maybe."

She let go of his hands and her fingers threaded into his hair tightly. "Does this feel familiar?" Dodging his lips she pressed hers to his neck.

He shuddered as his stomach dropped and grabbed her hand. "You've done it a million times. Is this familiar?" He kissed her hand and she blinked rapidly.

"You're a huge romantic no matter how much of a smart ass you are," She murmured. "What about this?" Her palms pressed against his cheek and her nose nuzzled against his.

"You think you're a badass but you're actually a sucker for stuff like that." He didn't know where the absolute sureness was coming from, his heart raced with fear and anticipation.

They hesitated, searching each other's faces as their minds reeled. They hadn't met before tonight, logically their memories didn't ever share any moments. But it felt so easy, the entire night had happened too easily.

He didn't realize she wasn't sitting on his lap until she did, which made him turn to the side in embarrassment. The low growl couldn't be helped when she settled firmly. Apparently she wasn't deterred by it even if she almost looked pale.

Her eyes drifted down to stare between them. "I don't know what to say."

"Me either."

"No, I mean–," She ground down on him and they huffed in sync. "I don't exactly know how to say what I'm going to say tactfully."

There was an edge to her voice that made him plant his hands at her hips. They fit perfectly. "Then don't say it tactfully."

"You... have a really big dick," She blurted and covered her mouth again. "You told me I should just say it!"

He wheezed out laughter and rested his forehead on her shoulder. As if it was an automatic response she danced her fingers up and down his neck. "Is that a good thing?"

She reeled back. "Oh shit, you're a virgin aren't you?"

"Would you like to find out?"

Connie pulled his head from her shoulder and smirked. "That was the most smooth and ambiguous answer I've ever heard and yet your face is so red we might be having to get out of the hot tub anyways."

"My mouth and mind are not on the same team," He confessed.

Her thumb followed the curves of his lips before she spoke again with that confidence he was starting to fall in love with. "Take me to bed with you, Steven Universe."

He took a short moment to scooch forward and stand, grasping her thighs so she wouldn't slip out of his arms. She'd probably meant for him to walk her there, but she'd said to take her so that's exactly what he was going to do.

They were wet, which would make things uncomfortable later but he couldn't be bothered to care. He laid her down gently and settled himself over her, almost pained at his lack of knowledge. "You're so beautiful."

"You say that all the time, Steven."

"I know." He kissed her neck gently once. "Where have I met you before?" His kisses resumed, drifting lower until he reached her hips.

"Oh~ y-you're always going for my weak spots, Starboy. Everything before meeting you at the bar feels–,"

"Distant." He sunk his teeth into her hip and she grabbed at his face. His hand pushed her legs open and her shirt up. "You said I was reckless earlier. I think... I think you make me reckless."

It would sting, but only briefly. He shredded her panties apart in his hands and dropped an apologetic lick to her thigh. Her hiss dropped into a moan that made more bells in his head sound. He needed more of that.

Steven decided not to waste anymore time and dipped his tongue into her pussy. She squeaked and he buried himself in further, locking her in place with his arms as he explored. But it didn't feel like exploring, not when he knew everything to do to make her rock her hips against him. This taste, it was home.

She came with a cry of his name, a cry that now echoed as a little more fog lifted. He kept going, her taste was shoving away the arching terror he was starting to feel. This time a gush made him hum in delight and pull away to watch her face. "Connie."

"Steven." They didn't need to say it, pieces were coming back together.

The second she nodded her permission he shoved his boxers down and gripped his length. "We'll remember, Berry." His eyes met hers to see a tear fall as she smiled.

"Biscuit, get on with it. I wanna remember with you inside me."

He was not going to disobey such a direct order, not from his Connie. And she was his Connie, his brain knew that much.

Upon sliding in he remembered her birthday as her legs latched around him.

The first slow thrust brought back what felt like everything and he started crying, leaning down to press his lips to hers and taste her tears.

She moaned when he picked up a steady rhythm. Her face morphed into unadulterated joy looking up at him, it was a nuclear bomb of devastatingly powerful emotion. That alone triggered another surge of memories, some painful and some of the best ones he had.

"I just figured out why you look like my future wife." He kissed the top of her nose with the same boyish charm she loved. "You are." He slammed into her harder now, the rush of finding her yet again gave him a boost he didn't know he was lacking.

"I love you," She cooed. "I missed you."

He shut his eyes and smiled. "I told you. I told you– fuck–," She grew creamier and it knocked the wind out of him. His arms encircled her waist and he slowed his movement. "I knew I would find you."

"My god!" She lifted his face to rest his mouth over her nipple, which he obediently sucked.

Another few memories brought a small twitch to his cock. He suckled harder and she gasped. "P-please cum with me!"

He nodded and pulled away, "I-I've been holding for you." He let his gaze travel all over her face, absolutely adoring and lusting for this woman. "Let. Go."

He lifted her legs and changed the angle of his thrusts, pushing them both so far over the edge they wouldn't have been able to hold any longer without the other anyhow.

Steven gritted his teeth and pushed into Connie as deeply as possible, no doubt hurting her a little as she cried out and milked him like she had so many times before.

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