Honestly, it should've been really fucking annoying and borderline scary especially with his literally explosive anger. But this was different, and regardless, she was as unafraid of Steven as could be.
Men do stupid things, as do women and everyone in between. But possibly one of the dumbest things guys did was rage at video games.
And not just normal raging like she would find herself doing, quitting and trying to strangle the controller for an indeterminate amount of time. No, boys would throw things, curse the TV and its manufacturers and their mamas, climb to the top of the tallest of mountains to shout into the void a single swear that would echo around the world five times.
It was always in stages with Steven. He wasn't an angry person externally, though sometimes when an inner bubble was popped you would find a plentiful well of it. It was messy and sometimes a little perilous to navigate. But one rarely got to see that side, so it could be worked on externally.
This would be a good test. His anger with games read different, the so-mad-you-can't-stop-laughing and tearing your hair out kind. Only occasionally would a show of strength happen but it was mostly so gentle.
"So what exactly is this?" He leaned back against his chair, forcing it to recline a bit.
Connie narrowed her eyes a bit, deciding to test out a more motherly tone. "Feet on the floor, Mister."
He descended immediately with a little blush her way. "Yes, Ma'am. But really, what is this?"
"Do you remember how we talked about controlling our anger?" He nodded. "This is called Getting Over It."
The hybrid leaned forward again and sighed. "Why is it called that? Is this a game that's going to tell me to get over myself repeatedly?"
She only grinned.
It started out relatively smooth. He giggled about being in a witches cauldron and slowly figured out the controls. It wasn't timed, so he could sacrifice speed for knowledge.
"This is going to be easy," He boasted. His head tilted as a voice spoke to him. "Is that voice going to be there the whole time?"
"He's going to be your best friend."
The first fall his jaw dropped at the ridiculous distance he fell, nearly at the beginning again. "That did not just happen."
"It did," She observed.
He grumbled a bit but stretched out his neck and continued playing. She'd been screwing around on her phone for a while when a deep growl tore out of him and he took a sharp breath, abruptly pushing away from the desk. He unplugged his headphones too. "I'm done. I'm so done. I'm done."
She smiled a shit eating grin as the narrator sympathized with him for no other reason than to piss him off further.
"Oof, you just lost a lot of progress. That's a deep frustration, a real punch in the gut."
The man took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. "It's trying to help me out with encouragement. How... pleasant."
"Take some deep breaths." His fiancé gave him an innocent look and batted her lashes. "We're just trying to encourage you to be your best self."
He narrowed his eyes to slits and turned back to the computer. As soon as he started moving again, the narrator started talking about the games creation in that soothing but slightly condescending tone. Connie could've counted every uptick of his blood pressure by the tightness in his neck and shoulders.
A few rapid movements brought her eyes to the screen an hour later and she watched as the man fell what must have been four levels down.
Cheerful bouncy music started playing and Steven made a sound in the back of his throat, clenching the sides of his chair so tightly his muscles were bared at full force.
Connie swept her gaze over him and hummed. "You're so handsome when you're like this."
He scoffed and turned to her humorously. "When I'm actively trying not to burn down everything in a fifty mile radius?"
"Yeah kinda. It's funny. You and the other boys get so frustrated over nothing. After all," She leaned over the edge of the bed towards him. "It's just a game."
"I hate everything."
"I love you," She crooned sweetly.
He pushed his face into hers and hummed. "You did this to me. You're a cruel mistress." Their lips met briefly. "I love you too."
She also really liked how his voice got, gravelly and tense like that. An involuntary shiver raced through her when those heated eyes gave her a quick once over.
He played for a bit longer, and then reached an area he was unfamiliar with. Nervous, he took his hands off the mouse just before he landed so he wouldn't twitch and ruin it.
Unfortunately, that's not how the game worked and Connie watched Stevens hands thread into his hair and pull. "Oh my stars. This is it. Run. Run my love, I'm going to explode. Carry on my legacy and– OH MY GOD DON'T YOU START, BENNET!"
"Oh no, it happened again. Keep on trying, don't let it get to you."
He shot up and out the bedroom door, completely abandoning the game and Connie listened for any loud bangs or growls.
There was silence for so long she wrapped a robe around herself and peeked out into the living room.
There he was, raging at the top of his lungs but bubbled. Even through the pink she could see he'd turned an unbearable shade of crimson. She couldn't help it, she laughed so hard she slid down the doorframe. Her tummy made her have to spread her legs, and as she landed, Steven turned to look at her. His eyes had turned a bright glowing pink, as did he. He popped the bubble, landing firmly on the ground as he mumbled out a few more curses and surged towards her. Excited, she scooted away, pearls of laughter still falling from her as he scooped her up and nuzzled into her breasts.
"What are you doing?" She lifted his head but it immediately fell back down into her chest and suckled. A soft moan escaped her as he took a particularly hard drag and swallowed audibly. "St-Steven. You can't just drown your problems in my boobs."
"Yes I can. I'm doing it right now. It's working."
They would have to just work on it.
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