Enkuopoiphilia (Trial #6)

Steven jabbed a finger on the date, circled in every color of the rainbow with a suggestive winky face. "Today is the day," He said to no one.

He hadn't gotten off in nearly two weeks, life had gotten busy. And half way through his Connie made an off hand comment. The kind of off hand comment that gets someone nearly railed in an alleyway. Then they actually talked about it and though there was tons of blushing and "Never mind that was stupid" they'd been able to admit things were slowing down enough in both of their lives to try something really new.

So he was saving his release, edging a bit so they could achieve their goal.

But that came with its own sets of problems. So far, there were very few things Steven would change about the kink exploration. All of this was an absolute blessing to him, but nothing would make him happier than–

"Welcome home," He presented a bouquet of saturatedly red roses, a redness you could fall into and never return. The kind only he could grow whenever he was feeling like this.

Connie hummed, a heavy blush rising to her cheeks at the expression of her boyfriend: sweet and starving. "Flowers? You shouldn't have," She giggled when he went for her
stomach, shoving up the fabric as if it would make his point less obvious through the clothes.

"I'm going to be honest with you, and I know you're going to be mad–,"

Connie cupped his face with furrowed brows. "Steven! We have all the time in the world! We don't have to–,"

"I did not do anything today in the house. I did not do laundry, I certainly didn't clean the bathroom and I did not do the dishes. And I'm genuinely sorry." He peeked up at her with those brown eyes, not manipulative but seriously apologetic.

She sighed. "Maybe I'll have to make you wait until after we do the chores together." She stroked his cheek, nearly laughing at how he couldn't seem to stick to a color. Brown or pink, Steven? What'll it be?

They settled on brown after a deep breathing she recognized from therapy. "I can do the chores all by myself. I'm a big boy, and you had work. But... I've been thinking all day. Really thinking. I truly hate purity culture, I think somehow my childhood really just didn't allow for it in most ways. And of course, doing this is a big step up. One I'm completely ready for, one I think we're both ready for. But..." He kissed her stomach again, pulling her body into him and nipping into deeper hungry kisses. "I feel like if we're really going to do this, there's something I wanna do first. The right way."

Connie was completely lost, though in retrospect of this moment she would have swung a bat to the back of her head to get her brain working. "What's up, Steven? If it's a reasonable request, I will provide it. It's okay to have human requests. You need things out of this too." He let her cradle his cheek, feel the baby fat just barely still there, tease his baby hairs and she let him kiss her tummy as he gathered his thoughtsa.

He finally leaned out of her touch, just barely and adjusted his position. "Connie."

This was not the moment she realized. "Steven, what's wrong?"

"Connie Maheswaren." He hugged her again, he couldn't help it.

"You're starting to scare me! I–,"

She froze and she felt her fingers graze a string on the back of his neck. He didn't wear necklaces, his preference always laid with earrings and rings.

Connie didn't know why she did it, save for the jump in tension when she brushed across it. It was almost corduroy in texture, but singular. She leaned back to lead her fingers back to the front of it. Briefly she got his expression, the same expression he would have when it was time to release pent up magic.

The now infamous 'Finally! face'.

And then a ring, as pristine as being freshly made and warm from his body heat slipped into her palm. Now it was her turn to make the face, though hers was more tearful and shocked than his.

This was the moment she was hit by a bus, it felt like a bus, of emotion.

"Hold on, please don't cry yet." He dug a hand in his pocket and pulled out a couple of pieces of paper. "I'm- I'm already so emotional, I knew I wouldn't be able to remember this because there's so much to say. And we have all the time in the world."

She nodded, trying to blink through tears that wanted her to miss the moment. "Okay."

"Connie Maheswaren, my Jam Bud, my love of my life, my first fusion and my last heartache. From the moment I saw you on that parade float, the first time we so much as made eye contact, I was so incredibly in love with you. Your smiles and frowns alike give me that thing I've been searching for without so much stress, purpose. To bring them and coax them away." He blushed heavily. "That was so corny wasn't it?" He was crying too now.

She sniffled and nodded vigorously, a hand over her nose. "Yes, super corny. Keep going."

"You're my favorite instrument, I could sit for hours, live for eons worshipping every curve and valley– curve and valley? No peak and valley. Why would I–?" He smiled widely when Connie giggled and pulled her a little closer. "This is the worst proposal ever, isn't it?"

"It's the best one ever. It's you. It's us. Hurry up."

A few seconds of choking on his sobs before he could move on. "Every peak and valley is my favorite terrain. Your voice is my song, Connie. We were meant to be together, we're puzzle pieces and I want that last latch so badly I can't even be bothered to read the rest of this." He crumpled the paper slightly when he tossed it to the side. "That took me so fucking long you don't even know, but I need this latch. I need you as my fiancé and then my wife and the mother of my child. Marry me, this time not permafused. I want to be able to look next to me and see your smile, I want to live through every argument verbally, I want to be by your side when you're sick and I can't heal you. I want the good, the bad, and the ugly. If nothing gold can stay, I want to be everywhere you are, and be able to see you. I'm rambling, marry me, Connie Maheswaren."

Her face was twisted up in tears as she tried to focus on saying yes and not a sob. She could do this easily enough, "Yes." But she could not do anymore but to collapse into his arms. The kitchen needed to be swept and cleaned, the floor was sticky slightly and sand could be found everywhere, but they cried there.

Then it was scrambling up to get back into position, dead silence between them and everything else as he ripped the necklace off with his bare hands. And with a deep breath, slid the engagement ring on her finger.

The ring was platinum just by the weight, and of course because only the best for his love, untarnished in every way as the pink diamond shaped stone glittered at her. A symbol as volatile as nuclear ammunition, between Diamond and human woman. His alien, his gem, wanted her too. His human had spoken, in that human way human men talk when they are so in love they cannot contain it by societal norms any longer. But his Diamond had agreed, and as strange as it may seem, to her it was the ultimate declaration of love. The bands swooped upwards and back again to meet giving it a regality she almost felt too pretty for such calloused hands.

"It's a princess cut, for a Queen." He kissed her ring finger. "For my Queen."

"What's the stone?" She breathed. As if knowing his answer, a bit of firelight caught in a spectacular prism of light and then more.

"It's better than a Diamond, it's Moissanite. You deserve far more than what a diamond could give you, so," He glanced up at her and grinned a satisfied and cocky smile. "It's lab grown."

It didn't need to click why. "It's a hybrid."

He nodded against her leg. "Mhmmm..." When her hand reached the side of his neck he purred softly, a sweet sound that told her this was the happiest day of his life to date. "We don't even have to get married now, we can wait as long as we like."

"There is... something else we could do in the meantime." She hated to add to the romantic mood since she was sure it was all a wonderful daydream, but if it was a dream she wanted the whole nine yards.

He locked eyes with her, pink against brown, and with an almost smile whispered, "I want to get you pregnant so bad, I won't be able to control it much longer."


And they could hardly make it to the bed, tearing the clothes off of each other and themselves and kissing between. A frantic, almost so fast it was slow race to the bed as if this were their last night together instead of their first made the air thicker it seemed. She all but leapt into his arms and he caught her with just as much strength as he always did. His back missed the bed, but he didn't even think once of it while his fingers were spreading her open just so he could stretch and get her off because the countdown to his limit was approaching so rapidly it was alien.

He needed to breed this perfect resource, his incredible fiancé.

Her hips moving against his hand and cock made him wild, and she loved it. There was no mental process to encouraging your womb to accept visitors. It happened when it did but she could feel it, a deep desire paired with a brain for body science at choosing the day of the week she was the most fertile.

They had been planning this for awhile.

A flippant, heartfelt desire spoken aloud when yet another small child ran into Stevens arms unprompted, the baby magnet he was naturally.

"God, I want a baby so bad."

Her body shuddered as the waves of pulsing desire roughly pushed her to the height of pleasure.

She didn't know if he was feeling the same amount of determination that this would be the night, if he had just randomly picked the date she was ovulating to propose before he bred her when the entire week was left open for him to choose. Maybe he had kept a secret timer on his phone, or maybe her fertility was a mating call from her inner animal to his. To breed was to create life, and they were going to create some, dammit.

He ripped a hole in her panties, the new ones and lifted her legs to eat a meal of her. A meal that was creamy and savory to him, one he even in the throes of passion he could not bear to deny the selfish mind. He loved her with his tongue, his lips, his mouth. The slicker, thicker rush made him moan as he pulled away. Her body was so ready he couldn't possibly fail. A quick, messy ponytail and he was pushing himself in to a sharp gasp.

"I love you!" She ran her fingers up his back, tucking a kiss onto his shoulder. "Now breed me."

He picked up speed so fast her gentle brushing became claw marks. She howled and gasped a gasp saved for epiphanies, the epiphany being that his cock was punishing all the right places.

Being the minor control freak that he was, he wanted to do all of the work. She was going to lie there and take whatever he had because he had a lot to fucking give. Every time she squealed he would hold her body down tighter. When she moaned his name his skin went aglow immediately and he fucked into his home harder, deeper. It was primal heat fanning the flames she was gushing alcohol onto, the legs she was now gushing against when he pulled out for a split second to get every drop. His body was ready, ready to breed her and give her his children. Hopefully only one, but hey, he could settle for triplets too.

The amorous nature of their wild fuck burst out of them at intervals when words could weave themselves together in the haze of the moment.

"I'm going to get you pregnant." His thrusts turned pornographic as he rested his lips on her damp forehead. How long had they been going now? Minutes? Hours? He was so close, but how long had he been that way? Were they on the floor next to their bed? It didn't matter, it almost didn't matter.

"Please, please." Her back arched involuntarily when he hit that precious spot harder at her plea.

A low keen when she pulsed around him this time. "Ohhh... shit. I m-meant to make this soooo gentle and now," He nibbled on her ear and chuckled when her erogenous zone made her squirm. "I can't help but fuck you like I'm breeding you. Breeding kink unlocked." He slammed into her so hard his vision went black. His dick started twitching against her walls, he was dribbling so much precum there was almost no friction, their fuck was wet and sloppy.

He then heard it, a quiet, breathless whisper that put more power behind his fuck, nearly invisible to his ears. He leaned down to put his ear next to her mouth and bit back a growl. Strangely enough, he found her native tongue a thrill he couldn't get enough of especially like this, broken up by erotic little sounds in between. "Shakti, m-mujhe urvarata pradaan karo– Ohhhh f-yes! Mujhe shaanti pradaan karen–,"

This was going to get him off too fast, "E-english baby."

The switch flipped seamlessly, her hands holding his face so he could look into those dark pools. "Grant my b-body the ability to conceive. Grant me this child."

His lips crashed onto hers as close became now, an answer to her prayer immediately happening within the second she'd begged. He filled her, a ridiculous 5 1/2 pumps of pure, unadulterated promise that yes, she was his, and yes, he was going to get her pregnant. Every pump brought a long, stretched praise from his lips, a grunt or a whimper of bliss as he gave her nearly two weeks of pent up cum. His glow heightened at the last one and he paused, a tiny snarl resting on his mouth as it overstimulated him and then died out.

Connie rubbed her nose against his, mewling softly how much she could feel his cum pooling into her. How warm she felt deep inside, how she felt alive as it simultaneously brought another smaller flutter. He growled so deeply she could've barely heard it when she pulsed. "Oh! St-stop that. I'm s-so sensitive and I wanna stay like this– oh stars."

They were both sweaty, entangled and panting as they looked at each other starry eyed.

"You're pink."

He shifted to look down at his arms, enticing a hiss from them both. "I guess I am." He flashed her a lopsided, still blissed out grin. "Sorry."

"Don't be, you're so sexy. And mine. Forever." She kissed him and his dick twitched hard. "Why are you still hard?"

"I couldn't dream of going again right now, but romance is kind of a huge turn on for me. Even wild romance." He kissed the drool off of the corner of her mouth, huffing a laugh when she caught his lips again needily. "A prayer?"

She blushed and pushed her hands against his chest as if she could ever possibly move him. "I'm not religious."

"It sure sounded religious. So desperate for my seed that you turned to the gods?" He smiled into the kiss. "Quite silly, really, when you're being insemenated by one."

"Good stars, you're just the worst!" She laughed and it sounded like freedom through commitment. "Don't forget, you're half human too."

"A demi-god then. You make me feel," He gripped her side hungrily and pumped a couple of painful, leg shakingly pleasurable times. "You make me feel like a god. And you're so wet and full there's almost no friction. To know I did all of this extends beyond the pleasure of a weak human man."

Slowly, she flexed around him. "You sure don't fuck like a weak human man, and you breed strong remember? Fertility test was shocking."

Another stroke to his ego. "The perfect concentration of swimmers." A kiss. "And then some." In fact, his score was so wildly interesting to the doctors that they'd called and asked if they could use his results, anonymously, as an example for students working in the fertility fields of medicine. Hers was slightly lower, still young but her parents had tried for a second baby on her 3rd birthday and gave up the task when she'd turned 4.

He'd been all too happy to pick up the "task" stating, "My childhood was entirely involved with picking up the slack," Which earned him a less than amused swat. "It just means I get to try everything."

She giggled. "So, you think we did it?"

He closed his eyes and hummed. His glow started to pulse, on and off repeatedly. She'd never seen something like that after sex. It was like turning off some mode that had activated, and it was the warning countdown of it officially shutting off. An almost audible "Are you sure?" and Steven internally hitting yes as his eyes opened again on the human cycle.

"If I didn't somehow get you pregnant after all this, I want you to know now that I never will."

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