Abduction as Seduction (Trial #1) Part 1 🍋
"We're starting off kind of heavy aren't we?" Connie murmured anxiously. "I don't want to freak you out too soon."
I cracked my neck and shrugged, glancing up at my cautious girlfriend with all the love and understanding in the world. "Shouldn't we start from top to bottom alphabetically?"
A tight lipped grin spread over her face. "Is that what we're doing?"
"That's how I organized them. Look, I'm not afraid of any of these... missions. I'm more afraid of hurting you in the process." I held her hips tenderly, my mind briefly flashing to what I could do to her. I could hurt her if I really wanted to, but I didn't, I truly fucking didn't.
"You'll never hurt me, not in any ways I don't want you to. I just feel guilty..." She trailed off, wringing her hands as she became lost in thought.
"Hey, don't get so in your head. You'll have time to think and come to terms when we get there, or I guess, when I forcibly take you to where we're going." I gave her a shit eating grin and waggled my eyebrows, breaking her out of her nerves to shove at me. I loved how she tried to fight me occasionally, I loved my feisty girlfriend.
"How come you're so chill about this?" She croaked weakly. "I feel like I shouldn't get to live them out. Like somehow I'm not... special enough." Her brows knit together in conflicted frustration, and I could tell she needed pre-care.
"One, don't talk down to yourself or we're skipping to S so I can spank you. Two, I wouldn't be chill about this with anyone else. And three, I wouldn't be chill about this with anyone else because you are special." I cupped both of her cheeks, looking deep into her eyes, searching for the love I felt for her in there. "You're my everything. You're every star in the sky, every blade of grass in the ground, every grain of sand and every drop in the ocean. You," A kiss. "Are," Another. "My," And one more. "Everything."
And to my expectations, she started to cry. I knew being sappy, reminding her just how much I loved her in my own special way would cure her if only for the moment.
"That's so stupid," She sniffled into my chest. "So schmaltzy. I'm going to throw up all over you."
"Completely not my thing," I laughed and rocked her, swaying gently in tune with the music ever present in my mind. She was my music too, but I was saving that line for something special. "Besides, crying it out will help your nerves settle. Ask me how I know."
She hiccuped and laughed. "I love you."
"I love you too Ni, go hang out with your friends. And remember," My tongue found a home on her collarbone and trailed up her neck causing a delightful shiver. "It's okay to scream," I bayed softly.
All the hairs on her body stood on end and she moved back to squint at me, scrubbing already dried tears off of her face. "I feel like more than once you're going to make me wonder if you haven't already thought about these things prior."
Not quite, but yes. "I'll never tell." I tucked my hands in my pockets and locked lips with her. "I'm going to miss you."
She snorted and hoisted her bag over her shoulder as she stood. "It could be a minute, an hour or a year. It's your choice, Steven."
"So it is. I love you, and you're precious to me. No matter what happens." She started to walk off, smiling gratefully but I called out to her one more time. "What's our safe words?"
"Green for keep going, yellow for slow down, red for stop." She recited with the knob in her hand. "I'll see you soon, yeah?"
I grinned mischievously. "Maybe."
She departed and as I heard her car start I exhaled a long, strained breath. This was going to be hard, and not like a test or an essay would be, but the kind of hard that could result in a dusty explosive disaster as things came crashing down, or a sweet victory she'd gush over and about for years to come. I couldn't afford to fail.
It was easy to find a dungeon, though, I would just have to make sure the Crystal Gems had stepped out beforehand. I didn't think that they could hear noise from the outside but I didn't want to take any chances. They didn't live very far away, only just past the boardwalk and down a couple of blocks but I would need my car, so I grabbed my keys and backpack.
I'd studied this to no end, trying to make rules for myself in my mind as I took my time getting there. Abduction play could be done wrong, very wrong, and leave behind a borderline traumatic experience for both of us. However, the idea of snatching her when no one was looking was thrilling. After she'd further explained free use to me, there was a new sort of pride that fell upon me, a thick confidence that snuffed my anxiety almost to nothing.
But there was not the cruelty in me she had requested with nervous eyes. I could only go so far in my natural, romantic state. There was still some rearranging of the furniture in my mind to do, I would fail if I didn't and I couldn't afford the anguish that would come with it. I wanted to blow her mind, tease and play with her the way she wanted.
My cock throbbed without sympathy as a slight stiffening occurred. I needed something to think about, something to get me in that state of mind but it was invisible, not tangible to me in the same way that the air around me was not. I would have to find it in myself.
I drove over the sand as the musky and salty smell of the ocean rose to surround my senses. The Beach House had not changed much since my dad had started living there, save for the elevator chair at the bottom for when he grew tired like middle aged men like him sometimes got. He rarely used it, but it was there for an off day when his hips ached and he held his back in pain from his years of sleeping in a van.
Shaking myself from loaded thoughts before they became sour, I hurried up the steps, peeking in and finding it dark and empty just as I had asked. It was still surreal to be in here after my serendipitous growth spurt, to see how tiny things are now compared to when I was five, or even 16.
I loved tiny things, but the tiniest thing I loved was my Connie. She wasn't short, a staggering 5'9 as opposed to my nearly 7' stature, but to me she was small. I liked looking down at her when she was there, I loved how I could kiss the top of her head as I wanted to, I loved that she had to go on her tippy toes to kiss me. And now, I was going to do this for her. There was another feeling behind the undying lust and roaring adoration for her, a sense of obligation in return for all she'd done for me. She wouldn't like that, so I kept it to myself, and having those thoughts tied back to my trauma was a cinder block anyhow which was not something I idly thought about in purpose anymore.
I sighed as more thoughts came despite my attempt to ignore them, flitting butterflies glowing white as I surveyed Roses– no, my– room. I needed to meditate, I needed music to clear my mind since I had plenty of time before rendering the perfect prison for her.
I let my phone play whatever and sat in lotus pose among the fluffy pink clouds of my heritage.
My therapist had taught me square breathing, but I modified it because it always left me faint afterwards.
'In for four, out for eight. Now you're good, now you're great.' The air coursed in and out of me, like a familiar touch I had come to love and need. I never meditated in here anymore, save for a dinner with the gems when they asked my company.
I hadn't realized I had slipped into psychic ghost powers until I stood to get ready. My body stayed frozen, tranquil in its stillness as my soul wiggled its fingers in front of my face.
This was as good of a time as any to visit Connie then. Maybe I could give her a precursor teasing to excite and hopefully soothe her if need be.
We'd been tethered since childhood so it was not a difficult task. When I quieted my mind and listened to my heart I could find her, that red string of bonding leading me to her like it always did when she was away.
She was sitting on the couch, playing a silly drinking game with our best friends. I would have to be careful not to graze along them and raise alarm or worse, project my thoughts onto the screen they were playing Heads Up with.
Each team was squished together on the couch, with one standing confidently in the middle with the screen held out to their pumped teammates.
"Uh... gay! Gay people! It's super gay for half a second and everyone loves it!" Adam cried.
"Uh... Shitts Creek?" Jasmin asked apprehensively.
"Okay, okay. Think music, but more." Connie widened her hands. "Way more. Like... music with plot!"
"A musical!"
"Oh shit, this one's hard." Jacob squinted at the screen. "What song even is that?"
"Jesus, even I don't know," Adam laughed.
"Dude, you're not supposed to be helping them!" Hazel cried.
"I'm a neutral party." Adam took a long drink, gulping it almost all the way down and slamming it on the table. "The man of the house."
Connie and Hazel looked perplexed but tried to explain it anyways as Jacob bounced his baby lightly on his lap. She was beginning to nod off since the night was growing late, so he picked her up before correcting, "Actually, this is my house," and giggling at Adam.
The buzzer went off and Jasmin groaned. "We're going to be so buzzed. Thankfully this beer is light proof. Jacob don't snatch our baby before Mommy gets kisses!" She whined. He walked backwards and pretended to throw the infant, eliciting a giggle from big brown eyed Daisy.
"She's so cute." Connie was animated from the alcohol, but I sensed a mild hint of genuine longing.
Jacob barked out a laugh as Jasmin nuzzled her nose against Daisys little one. "You weren't that cute when I first changed your diaper at home and you projectile pooped on me!" Her daughter grabbed her face in excitement and Connie swooned again, a hand placed firmly on her chest.
I smiled at Connie in her bouncy excitement, seemingly forgetting the anxiety from earlier. I dodged Jacob narrowly and snuck over to Connie. Standing behind the couch was the easiest, I could lean down and flirt from above like I was there in person.
I placed a kiss on her neck and her giggles stopped, caught in her throat as the muscles there tensed.
"You okay, Lioness?" Alex asked dryly. "You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Yeah I'm fine... just felt nauseous for a moment. Let's keep playing." My hands lazily stretched over her shoulders groping at a breast and feeling the nipple harden through her clothes as she took a sip to hide her need from the others. It was a cute gesture, and I murmured that in her ear.
"You sneaky son of a bitch, I just knew you'd pull some shit," She told me mentally.
I landed more insistent kisses on her neck, nearly tasting her skin as if I were there. She squealed a bit when I rubbed my stubble over her cheek but masked it like a sneeze.
"You sneeze like a kitten," Anna laughed.
She shrugged. "Can't help that I'm so irresistibly cute to some people."
I narrowed my eyes and backed away, annoyed by her factual statement. She was certainly cute, but that cockiness had to go. I was supposed to be flustering her, not the other way around. And yet I felt the imaginary blood rushing to my face.
My consciousness found its way back to my body and I let out a slow breath to ease into myself again.
I worked tirelessly, notching and adjusting things just so. There were multiple rooms for me to explore and expand to my liking before I decided on one. It was supposed to feel like an old fashioned cellar, dank and musty with no hope of ever escaping until our allotted time. I fingered the chains, hoping I made them thin enough in an emergency for her to break free if I fell asleep.
A song graced my ears, synthy and startling to my senses. It sounded old, but early 2000's old as the words drifted from my speaker. I stood back, locking my eyes on the room before me as the music slowly coerced me into a state of eerie fascination.
The words were filthy, clearly about depraved sex and animalistic urges to fuck until you can't see straight. It was sensual though, somehow only dancing the line between obscene and implied in its notes. I could read music auditorially like one might read a book with words. I could hear them, feel them dancing into my mind like a festive conga to be taken apart and devoured by my love for it.
I could feel the electricity of the song strike my heart as the bridge and chorus hit, first an anticipatiory orgasmic climb until hitting the climax and falling down into something that made my eyes flash open when I hadn't realized they'd shut in the first place.
"I'm dominant by definition
I'm turned on by your submission
The dark side is how we've been living
Let me show you what you've been missing
You-you-you are, you are my slave
My little fucking disaster
I-I-I am, I am your god
Call me, call me, call me your Master,"
The notes warbled, the synth spun like a record being manipulated and goosebumps trekked their way up my arms. It stirred something deep within me and an involuntary glow overtook my body. That beast was offering its hand now, done with coy introductions and looking me in the eye as it moved on to the second verse, even dirtier than the last.
The chains thickened considerably, growing weighted in a way that almost made me smile. With a tilt of my head, ones for her arms appeared instead, barred to the wall with what could feel like cold and unforgiving steel. They shifted on the ground as they became heavier, and instead of a door, I put up a cage like structure and the key appeared around my neck.
I was feeling even more odd as the song continued, an orbital shift had happened deep within me like a ringing bell in a chapel. The song had sung to something possessive and controlling inside of me. An untamed, unstoppable version with my gem vibrating along with my mind.
The song ended and my eyes finally moved from the cell, the spell of disassociation evaporating and leaving an empty but intense feeling in my chest.
And when I thought about Connie, trapped in this little room with nothing to do but cooperate, the deep tingle started again in my pants.
I didn't need to say it out loud, but I did anyways. "Make me a bed."
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