Fifteen: For the life of...

Fifteen: For the Life Of...

Rain lashed the Hunter Base as Viggo paced within his tent, peering intermittently at the map fixed to the wall.

"He should be back by now," he growled, his scarred face pulled strangely by the expression.

"He won't be," Johann said coldly. "She will have gotten to him. She was very determined-she even evaded me." Viggo raised his remaining eyebrow and turned to face the Trader. A knife whiffled past his face by a fraction and embedded deep into the wall. "You-as she-underestimated me. But she was quick and she got away."

"You failed to stop her," Viggo replied smoothly, the vague note of triumph in his voice at the irritation in Johann's face. The man was dangerous, ice-cold and ruthless and took immense pleasure in pointing out the failure of his subordinates: not a man without his own faults, Viggo still found himself enjoying the reversal of the situations.

"She was lucky," Johann snapped.

"She's a liability-a dangerous one," Viggo corrected him smoothly. "She has annihilated over seventy percent of the fleet. Our dragons are released, our men slain and even the village is gone. That Evil Valkyrie is after our hearts!"

"No," Johann snapped, leaning forward with his eyes narrowed with hatred. "She's just a girl. And all alone. She's after us because she believes that Hiccup Haddock is dead."

Viggo paused from his pacing and stared at Johann.

"Believes?" he repeated. Johann gave an irritated snort.

"He lives," he snapped. "When I went to Berk, I found that he had survived and was being cared for at home by his father. He was in a coma..."

"Was?" Viggo's tone was extremely cynical.

"No one pays any mind to 'Trader Johann'," the man said bitterly. "But I listened-and went to see the young man and quietly end him...but that lizard was there. He saved the boy-and I think he woke."

"Did he see you?" Viggo snapped. Johann shook his head.

"He had just woken from a long illness and I doubt he would register who I was," he said. "My cover remains intact, I think. But he is alive and he will recover."

"You forget-Astrid Hofferson knows who you are," Viggo reminded him.

"And yet word had never got back to Berk despite her having ample time," Johann snapped. "I advised the Fliers to attack any Terrible Terrors since I know the Riders use them to communicate."

"SIR! SIR!" A Hunter poked his head round the flap of the tent and Viggo rolled his eyes.

"What is it?" he asked coldly. The Hunter threw a sloppy salute.

"We've found him, sir," he reported.

"Really?" Viggo's voice was cold.

"Well, actually we found his dragon," the Hunter reported. Viggo remained silent. "It's dead, sir."


"It appears to have crash-landed-but there were Nadder spines sticking out of the carcass," the Hunter reported.

"That dragon would have come to him if he was alive," Johann commented brutally. "Interesting-she brought it down. And Krogan underestimated her. He is dead then." He looked over at Viggo. "Promote Joren to the lead of the Fliers."

"Go," Viggo snapped, his eye sparkling with irritation. He was the leader of the Hunters and resented being treated like a subordinate by the Trader. Though Johann was clearly a powerful and dangerous man, a man who had plotted his stratagem a long time in advance, a man who had killed to set up his deception, who had cultivated his persona for years and who could walk almost anywhere as the laughable 'Trader Johann' but who would kill and destroy if he considered it in his best interest. Both men watched the Hunter leave and then glared at one another.

"She is more dangerous than I had anticipated," Johann commented.

"More than you can realise," Viggo snapped. "And you had her in your hands-and let her go."

"Just how many times have you failed to destroy her?" Johann retorted. "Can you even count that high?" Viggo walked to his desk.

"This is different," he snapped. "Until now, the Riders would do anything to avoid harming a dragon-even allowing Ryker and I to evade them because we were using dragons. Astrid was Hiccup's second in command and before he was rescued, she would protect dragons above stopping us-as would he. But now-she has proved she will kill a dragon if necessary to stop us. That is...disturbing..." Johann gave a sneer and rose to his feet.

"Not really," he said. "We know now we can't rely on the presence of dragons to protect us-and that she can bring down a Singetail. So you can either sit here and wait for you to come to you-or you can take action."

"Meaning?" Viggo asked sharply. Johann folded his arms.

"Attack Berk," Johann said. "Finish Hiccup."


Returning to the Edge was bittersweet because every inch reminded Astrid of Hiccup and of how much she had failed him. She had killed a dragon in anger, killed one deliberately to get at Krogan and take her vengeance. And in doing that, she had completely let Hiccup down. She glanced at the site of his wrecked hut and blinked: it hurt her that he was gone and that what she was doing now would hurt him, would upset him if he knew. But he would never know because they had taken Hiccup from her. The best, kindest, most compassionate, most amazing man and they had killed him. And without him, her heart was frozen with rage and vengeance and she knew that no one could ever take his place.

Calmly, she made her way to her damaged hut and swiftly made herself something to eat from the remaining store, fed Stormfly and then gathered more provisions and equipment from the Edge. And then, very methodically, she sharpened every weapon that she possessed and then curled up to sleep in her bed. She lay on her side for a moment, staring at the curled shape of Stormfly, the peaceful breathing of the dragon reminding her that she wasn't alone, that she still had one person who would stand by her, no matter what.

But for now, her heart was hurting so badly so she quietly sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. Silently, she moved to the small, innocuous wooden box pushed against the wall, half-covered by her weapons and carefully moved them, then opened it. Within were a few personal items-an old string of carved beads that had been handed down from an aunt, the little axe that her Uncle Finn had made her, the picture that Hiccup had drawn of her when she was young and foolish and despised the boy who grew into the man who was everything to her... She reached down and folded at the bottom was a folded piece of cloth: one of Hiccup's old tunics. She couldn't remember how she came to have it but her hands closed on it and she pressed it to her chest. Quietly she rose and headed back to the bed. Sniffing the faintest edge of his familiar scent, she felt her lips curve up in a small smile. Clutching the cloth to her chest, she closed her eyes and imagined, just one last time, that he was here with her as she fell into a dreamless sleep.


Night was deep around the Hunter Base, the moon and stars obscured by the clouds and a light drizzle discouraging anyone from wandering casually around the base. The lookouts were scanning the horizon-such as it was-and the flames were reflecting off the restless sea in the harbour, lightening the shore. but the landward side was dark, the trees and rocks seeming to swallow the light. The roars and whines of the imprisoned dragons echoed up from the cages and the patrolling guards yelled a few obscenities at the captive reptiles.

Hood up and camouflaged by her dark clothing, Astrid sneaked through the camp, clinging to the shadows and listening carefully for any guards as she slowly made it to the cages. They were carefully guarded and she was well aware of the fact they had been caught so many times trying to free dragons as a result of traps laid by Viggo. And as she was alone, she had no one to rely on. But she had a plan as well and as she walked through, she found the four most powerful dragons and carefully poured the water she had collected over them and then opened the locks on the doors. Carefully, she splashed the next three largest dragons with the water and paused, waiting. There was a pause and the dragons began to growl, fire drooling from their jaws. Smiling Astrid darted forward and pulled the cage doors open, then ducked back into the shadows as the guards walked past.

Quickly, she dashed away as the dragons barged their way out of the cages and attacked the guards, their ferocity increased by the parasitic Grimora Dragons that they had acquired from the infected water Astrid had collected from Grimora Lake Island. In the ensuing chaos, she stealthily moved through the camp until she reached Viggo's tent. And then she paused: the lamp was out and there was no sign that he was in. But she listened carefully and cautiously slipped though the opening into the tent, clinging to the shadows and crouching, listening.

There were no other sounds of breaths in the tent and the place felt cold, as if there hadn't been anyone in it for some time. As she looked, Viggo's sword was gone and so was his cloak. He had evaded her. Slowly, she rose and looked around, looking for his plans or any signs of the DragonEye-but, as expected it had been taken by the man. Quietly, she saw his flask of wine waiting for him and a cushion on his chair and she snorted, then did a final sweep. She needed to know where he was so she could deal with him. Checking the door flap and hearing the cries from the dragons attacking the Hunters, she performed a methodical search of the room and found a copy of the recipe for the Wine of Hela and the antidote and she carefully removed them, leaving a present for Viggo instead. And then she glanced at the map on the wall, seeing the island of Berk circled in red ink.

She frowned. Anxiety was running through her so she sneaked out and headed down until she could view the Harbour-and then she froze.

There were no Hunter ships in at all. Every single vessel had gone.

"Good thing Viggo ain't here to see this mess," a Hunter commented to his colleague as they patrolled past. Pressed into the shadows, Astrid listened. "But he's off leading the attack." He chuckled. "Maybe we'll finally be rid of those Riders-once Berk is conquered..."

Ducking away, Astrid ran through the camp, uncaring of who saw her now. A guard foolish enough to step in her way and try to stop her found himself cut down without hesitation as she barrelled forward and then found herself facing an enraged and Grimora-possessed Monstrous Nightmare. She backed up a step, her eyes wide and one hand raised, her axe clamped in her other hand and held behind her back.

"Hello, big boy," she murmured. "I mean you no harm. I let you out. You wanna go bother someone else?" she asked and the dragon growled at her, his eyes slitted and ferocious. A familiar squawk sounded from overhead and Stormfly swooped in, hissing at the aggressive dragon. Without hesitation, she flamed and the angry dragon leapt back. In that moment, Astrid leapt onto her back and clamped her hands onto the edge of the saddle. "Up! Up!" she urged and the swift Nadder accelerated upwards into the damp sky as the dragons attacked the remaining Hunters. She glanced back and then leaned low over Stormfly's neck.

"Head for Berk, girl," she said grimly. "Time to go home. Before the Hunters destroy it."


Bucket and Mulch were patrolling Berk on their Zippleback Smokey and Sparks with Gustav, concentrating on the horizon when Bucket pointed to his friend.

"What are those?" he asked simply as Mulch carefully pulled out the spyglass they had been entrusted with and peered through it.

"Oh dear," he said, his honest face troubled. Bucket looked at him.

"What is it, Mulch?" he asked.

"Ships," he reported. "An armada in fact. I think we ought to report to the Chief-straight away..." They turned and accelerated away, speeding urgently to Berk. On their way, they caught up with Gustav who was rounding the headland on Fanghook. The leader of the A-Team saw them speeding back home and followed.

"Hey! What's up?" he called as Fanghook closed.

"INVASION!" Mulch shouted. "Gotta warn the Chief!" Gustav glanced over his shoulder and then blasted and shot past the speeding Zippleback.

"HUNTERS!" he yelled.


The warning horn echoed through the village of Berk and Hiccup looked up in surprise from his bed. Toothless scrambled to his feet and growled as the young man glanced over at Snotlout, who was sitting with him. His cousin had been fairly uncommunicative and had muttered a few self-conscious words but otherwise had said little as Hiccup had felt awkward as well. He knew that Snotlout was struggling because he knew in his heart that he should repeat his apology for how he had behaved towards Hiccup when he was younger when Hiccup was actually conscious to hear it but was really struggling to find the words. Knowing he should say something to make his cousin-and friend-feel more comfortable was making Hiccup feel conflicted since he also wanted to hear Snotlout say the apology but after everything he had suffered as a child and younger teen, he didn't feel he should have to make it easy for him. But the larger part of him that was Hiccup the leader of the Dragon Riders and Heir to Berk was reminding him that Snotlout was his friend, his fellow Rider and one of the people who had-against all the odds-found the cure to save his life.

"What's that?" he asked. He was still feeling horribly weak and he could only stay awake for a few hours without needing a nap. He had regained motion in all his limbs but his movements were clumsy and he was very worried he would never regain his dexterity and hard-won skills at Riding, smithing, drawing and sword-fighting. But he was tense because that was a sound he had learned to fear from the time he had understood what the horn meant: Berk was under attack-and he was helpless.

Snotlout was on his feet, his face relieved at something he felt more comfortable with. In truth, he had wanted to apologise properly, to finally alleviate the heavy feeling of guilt in his chest whenever Hiccup treated him like a friend when all he had done deserved far less. And he had known once Hiccup woke that he would have to have the conversation...but faced with Hiccup's bright green eyes and small smile, he found his courage had withered and he had sat, saying little and playing his his nails. The warning horn was the perfect distraction.

"Attack," he said solidly. "Toothless-stay with him. I'll go and find out what is happening..." And he was up without looking back, speeding to the door and throwing it open-to reveal the shape of the Chief, racing up the hill with a worried look on his face.

"Get back in there!" Stoick growled, bursting through the door and looking at his son. Hiccup pushed himself to sit upright and met his father's eyes.

"What is it, Dad?" he asked. The Chief's face darkened and his eyes lit with anger.

"Hunters!" he spat. "A full armada of them...looks like every ship they have. And they're armed and accompanied by Fliers..." Hiccup gave a smile.

"I secret's out," he shrugged. "I think Viggo has found out I'm alive and has come to finish the job..."

"But how...?" Stoick asked as Snotlout rolled his eyes.

"Johann!" he spat. "That windbag couldn't shut up to save his life! Of course he'll have blabbed!"

"He's right, Dad," Hiccup added as Toothless growled, ambling forward and wrapped a wing around the one-legged Viking. Hiccup looked up lovingly and rested shaky hand against Toothless's snout. "It's okay, bud-no one will harm me when I've got you..." The Chief glared at his nephew.

"You're staying with him," he commanded, glaring at the shocked Snotlout. "You protect him with your life..." Hiccup sighed and shook his head.

"Dad-we both know that is a stupid waste of a skilled and experienced Dragon Rider," Hiccup told him bravely.

"You're my only son-and you're vulnerable here-which is why you must be protected," Stoick insisted but his son shook his head.

"Look-I have Toothless with me-a Night Fury, for Thor's sake-and I know he will protect me," he told his father simply. "A Chief protects his own-and the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Berk is in danger. Everyone is in danger-and you can't skimp on Berk's defences because I'm still recovering, Dad. You need everyone you can get against the Fliers. Our defences are already weakened because I'm not in the air and Astrid has gone...though I can't believe you didn't stop her or tell me about that the moment I woke up, by the way! you can't waste a good fighter babysitting me."

"But you're my son and the last time I put the Tribe before you, you were taken by Bounty Hunters even from Berk itself!" Stoick argued. "And now we know he is out to kill you." Hiccup sighed.

"Dad-you have to do this," he told his father sternly. "You know it. I know it. Even Snot knows it. Now get out there and prepare our defences. I'll stay here with Toothless..." And then he paused. "But...just in case...could you have someone bring me my sword?" Stoick glared for another moment...and then his shoulders slumped.

"Aye, you're right, son," he sighed. "I'll have Gobber bring your weapon up and Snotlout-get out there with the Riders." He paused. "Make sure this house is protected, no matter what."

"On it, Chief," Snotlout promised and sprinted for the door, yelling for Hookfang as Stoick leaned forward to rest his hand on his son's shoulder.

"You know how proud I am of you, son?" he asked and Hiccup nodded.

"You may have mentioned it," he admitted with a small smile. "As proud as I am to be your son, Dad." Stoick sniffed and then cleared his throat.

"Aye, well-good," he mumbled, suddenly thrown. And then he looked over at the Night Fury. "Look after him, dragon," he said sternly. "Guard him with your life!" And then he turned to the door. "Love you, son," he said as he left.

"Take care, Dad..." Hiccup called as the door slammed and he slumped. Then he scooched wearily to the edge of the bed and swung his legs over the side before he looked up into Toothless's worried eyes. "I think I should get my leg on, bud-just on case..." he said.


Leaning low over Stormfly's neck, Astrid blinked against the icy wind that blasted into her face as the hit top speed on their way back to Berk. The blonde warrior focussed on the horizon and her home-with her parents, friends and everything that Hiccup and she held dear.

She had to pray she would be in time.

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