Chapter 5: Luna
By the time Luna reached the Starry Nightclub, the party was already in full swing.
She wore a strapless high-low cocktail dress and an embroidered masquerade mask dripping with jewels, which were popular there. Her platform heels echoed on the cobblestone roads. Collections of diamonds, sapphires and blue topazes adorned her wrists and neck.
She came here because she could be herself. She could drink Cosmopolitans, dance and sing her heart out, just like any other teenager. She could forget about everything going on in her life for a few hours. The few times Luna had those opportunities to come here, she grabbed the chance.
She decided to go dance first, as dancing after a full Cosmopolitan was as smart as her sending troops to attack the Crystal Empire.
She danced for an hour and a half, her only care in the world the pounding music and what move to perform next.
The Stars were starting to pull people from the audience. "And when you get the chance!"
A girl with a spiky bob haircut grabbed her hand. "Come on up and dance!"
"You are the dancing queen! Young and sweet, only seventeen!" They stood in a semi circle around her as she danced, throwing off her heels to do so.
Luna always wore shorts under her dresses. She performed a series of flips and topped it off with an aerial.
"See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen!" They finished.
Luna finished her dance moves, giving the audience a slight curtsy.
"It's Mystica!" Someone in the audience yelled.
In the Starry Nightclub, she was known as Mystica, the ravishing girl who would only visit once every few months, dressed in exquisite outfits and joining the Stars to perform. But her face was always masked.
She gave the audience another curtsy and walked off stage, finding the nearest changing room.
Her heart swelled with joy: the Starry Nightclub was her domain. She got attention from almost everyone: the bartender, the waitresses, the Stars, the manager even. So this is what Celestia must feel like everyday, she thought, her happy feelings rotting with jealousy. What does Celestia have that I don't?
But she pushed away those feelings. For this was her night, her club. Celestia should be out of her mind. A Cosmopolitan will make me feel better, Luna thought, exiting the changing room to go get one.
But when she re-entered the main room, she was not ready for what she saw. Anarchy was the only way she could describe it. There was an extremely vicious bar fight in one corner, while some magicians were actually shooting stun spells at people in the crowd!
Thump! She accidentally knocked a screaming Star to the ground.
"I'm so sorry! Are you all right?" Luna asked her.
"Mystica? I'm ok, what is happening?" The girl shrieked. Luna vaguely remembered the girl being called Chrissy.
"Let's stick together!" Luna shouted over the commotion.
"To the bar! My friends are there!" Chrissy started stumbling over there.
Luna followed, but her mind was elsewhere: she was determined to root out the cause of this chaos. It took some searching, and then she saw it.
A boy with flaming red eyes, sitting rather calmly in his chair, intently focused on the bar fight. His eyes held no mercy, and the grin on his was sickening. He enjoyed this.
She gasped as a flaming Molotov cocktail flew halfway across the room, exploding at the end of the bar, right where the boy was. It went up in flames, hungry fire licking the walls greedily.
"Sombra?" Luna gasped, spotting him by the bar, along with his brother Jet and Chrissy.
"Luna? What are you doing here?" Sombra asked, eyeing her outfit.
"Unimportant. We need to get the red-eyed boy!" Luna ordered.
"His name is Specter Dusk, he's the one that attacked the Crystal Empire!" Sombra filled her in.
Specter emerged from the fire, ash coating him from head to toe. "You trout-sniffing bastards!" He yelled, along with another string of curses.
"Jet, you pissed off a vampire prince," Sombra warned.
"Guys! Run!" Chrissy grabbed Jet and started running towards the door. A magician mind-controlled by Specter threw them apart with a blast of magic.
"Specter! Stop this now! What do you want?" Luna demanded, landing to face him.
"Ah, so this is the Mystica everyone's been talking about." Specter sized her up, eyes boring into her.
"Yes and no," Luna remarked, taking off her mask.
Specter's jaw dropped for one second before he burst into laughter, stumbling back and catching himself on a chair. His laughter turned to more curses. "You little punks! You tried to poison me!"
"What is he talking about?" Jet whispered.
"Don't lie, you shit talking creep! It was the alcohol! The poison of body and mind. Mother warned me. I should've known." Specter scowled at all of them, then leaped at Jet, tackling him over the bar and into the shelf of bottles, giving them both a delightful coat of whiskey.
"Get off of him!" Sombra dove over the bar as well, wrapping his hands around Specter's neck and prying him off his brother.
Specter twisted around and threw a lethal punch. He drew a sword and stabbed at Sombra's head. Sombra barely managed to dodge and winced as a bottle bathed everyone in blood and vodka.
Luna coughed from the smoke of the fire, which now swallowed up half the nightclub. She frantically tried multiple spells to put it out, battling a monster of plasma 10 times her size.
Chrissy was ushering people out of the nightclub and guided a bald-headed man in, who was followed by a group of 10 burly men.
"Hands up!" The bald-headed man bellowed, the men all drawing crossbows.
"Ebony, I'd like some backup!" Specter called out.
A girl no older than Chrissy melted out of the shadows, clad in a black leather bodycon dress and lace masquerade mask. She was slender, frail even, but the silver battle axe at her side told everyone she wasn't a force to be reckoned with.
"Get her!"
The men all raised their crossbows to fire, but she dipped and dodged through the arrows effortlessly. She knew where the arrow would be shot from before they even raised their bows, she was already ducking when the arrows took flight.
The men realized their method wasn't working, so one ran at her, but she swung her axe viciously, burying it in his chest. Blood danced through the air, staining her long raven hair.
Ebony took down the rest of the guards with ease, finishing the battle by sending her axe hurtling through the air, causing the manager to fly into the wall, landing in a pool of his own blood. He lived his last moments in a pool of his fleeting life, the droplets of crimson forming a crown of death on his head.
Luna finally succeeded in putting out the fire, the last flames hissing in pain and fury. What used to be most of the dance floor was now a charred, gaping hole in the wall and ceiling. She rushed over to help Sombra, but before she could get there, Ebony was face to face with the princess of the night.
Luna drew a collection of knives from her skirts, but Ebony just looked on, her austere stare unwavering. She attacked, swiveling her axe around to behead Luna.
Luna ducked and tackled Ebony to the floor, crying out as Ebony's axe opened up thick gashes all over her arms and neck. Ebony missed Luna's head by inches and strands of blue hair fluttered to the ground. Luna raised a knife, managing to cut Ebony's wrist, who swore and blocked a stun spell with her axe.
By the bar, the brothers and Jet still fought. Sombra unleashed a wave of powerful magic that threw Specter into a collection of Gin. Specter hissed in pain, revealing his leathery bat wings and ramming Sombra into the counter. Jet could only watch in horror, as he was subdued by Specter's ability.
Both girls were now battered and bruised, their blood mixing on the dance floor until neither could tell whose was whose. Ebony seemed to be gaining the upper hand, her axe grazing Luna's torso in multiple places. Luna threw a flurry of knives at Ebony, but she stepped over one, blocked another with her axe and even caught the last one and threw it back at Luna. Luna gasped as the knife pinned her to the wall by her hair.
Ebony wasted no time basking in the momentary glory, instead readying her axe, but not before Luna channeled her energy into a huge stun spell aimed at Ebony. The vampire girl gasped painfully and collapsed into the pool of blood.
Specter drew his sword again, pressing it against Sombra's throat. Sombra grunted and closed his eyes, trying to conjure another magic blast, but his hand refused to cooperate. Specter laughed, drops of blood landing in Sombra's face. "This stupid alcohol poison. I can't even...." He raised his sword, the deadly blade determined to deliver the killing blow-
Bang! Blue magic dragged Specter off, entrapping him in magical binds. Specter suddenly went insane, thrashing and hissing and shaking his head wildly.
Either he's extremely drunk or this is the Animal Mode, Luna thought to herself.
He released his control on Jet, who ran over to Sombra who had passed out. He had a blackeye, along with countless other injuries, and his leg was at a weird angle.
"Now what?" Jet asked.
"I'll go get Ebony," Luna volunteered, preparing to run back to the place she struck Ebony, favouring her left ankle.
"Wait! Where's Chrissy?" Jet worried.
"Probably getting more powerful security," Luna replied.
No one noticed Ebony slinking through the shadows, elegant, swift and silent. When the axe clocked Luna across the back of the head, Sombra knew they were done for, so he sprinted into the hallway to think of a plan while Jet ducked behind the bar.
"We did it, Ebony. Nice work. Napoleon would be proud," Specter, now released congratulated her. "Let's take Princess Luna and get out of here."
While they were talking and regathering themselves, Jet was lighting his emergency supply of bottles on fire. 5 Molotovs now stood ready for war.
Specter held the unconscious Luna. Jet knew it was risky with her so near, but if they wanted any chance of saving her, he'd need to do this.
Smash! Smash! Smash! Three Molotovs hit the wall behind them as a warning. Ebony flew out of the way, but Jet predicted that and had them surrounded in a wall of flames
Sombra stirred, rubbing his eyes. "Jet, what's going on?"
"Sh!" Jet hissed.
Specter and Ebony appeared to be arguing.
"Come on! You sure we don't wanna do some extra damage?" Specter coaxed.
"No! Let's leave with her now! Remember what happened last time?" Ebony argued.
They nodded and zoomed into the night, aiming for the hole in the ceiling.
Sombra managed to use the last of his strength to launch a Molotov at them with telekinesis, which got Specter's wing, who dropped Luna.
"Ok that's it! I'm killing them all!" Specter roared and Ebony sped towards Jet, battle axe raised.
Chrissy, accompanied by Princess Celestia herself and a bunch of guards burst through the doors.
Specter swore as Celestia trapped both in magical binds and picked her broken sister up with telekinesis, covering her mouth in horror.
"Both of you will be severely punished," Celestia spat at the vampires.
But Specter Dusk at one last trump card to play. Ebony suddenly broke out of her bonds with inhumane strength and speed. She picked up one of the cocktails and threw it at Celestia. Specter roared a battle cry, breaking out as well and grabbing Ebony.
The vampire warriors ascended through the ceiling, leaving two sets of siblings, one Star, twenty guards and a burning Starry Nightclub behind.
Hey guys! Happy New Year! What do you think of Ebony and the bar fight? Tell me what you think in the comments and remember to vote if you enjoyed it.
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