Chapter 26: Specter
Hi guys! I know it's been a REALLY long time and I'm sorry for that. :( but I'm so happy to be back!
Specter had been trained in surviving interrogations before. But all of them were practices. This was reality: no do-overs, no second chances. That scared him the most. The mistakes he made had real consequences.
What he didn't expect was it to occur so soon. Minutes after Luna had left the room, a team of guards dragged him to his feet and chained him to a chair.
The door slammed open, and in came Sombra and Luna. He despised how much they looked like a matching pair: they both shared a hunger, a desire to achieve their goals with any means necessary.
"You're a sick bastard," Specter blurted out. Luna shot him a death glare.
The only reason I haven't cut out that sharp tongue of yours is because someone else will, he remembered Elvira chiding him.
A black crystal materialized in Sombra's hand. It hovered through the air by itself, stopping inches in front of Specter's face. The point drew a hesitant line across his right cheekbone, as if unsure of what to do.
A small trickle of blood ran down his cheek, dripping onto his lap. This isn't dark magic yet. I need him to come close to using dark magic, so I can then steer his mind away from it.
"Oh, look, a cut," Specter drawled carelessly. "Is that the best you can do? I expected a bit more from the King of Shadows, considering that show you put on yesterday."
Luna pursed her lips tightly together, probably to avoid laughing. Sombra watched him closely, but Specter could tell by the rise and fall of his chest that he was trying to remain composed.
"You want a performance?" Sombra asked. "I'll give you a performance."
Specter didn't have time to brace himself. Sombra's fist went flying at him, colliding with the same cheek. He grimaced, allowing himself to mutter a quick Vampiric Curse, but otherwise keeping silent. He spat a line of blood across the floor, smirking internally when a droplet landed on Sombra's shoe.
"Luna? Would you like to go too?" Sombra asked her. Gross. He's holding her hand.
Luna analyzed her options, Specter considering them as well. If she said no, it would definitely arouse some suspicions. He knew that if they weren't working together, Luna would've seized the opportunity.
Please don't hit me too hard, Specter prayed.
"I'd love to." When Luna spoke, her voice was cold and unforgiving. The same way it had sounded when they had fought all those months ago.
Luna ran up to him and elbowed him in the forehead. He groaned in pain, blood already rushing into his face. The room seemed to wobble, his vision tinted red. "Why-so-hard," he mumbled.
It was as if she put all her pain and frustrations into that strike. And all her problems, directly or indirectly, were caused by him. He tried to swallow down his guilt. This is why you shouldn't let your emotions get the best of you, he could hear Elvira screaming. It makes you weak.
"Well done," Sombra congratulated her. "Feel better?"
Luna nodded. "He got what he deserved." It scared him how genuine she sounded.
The blood still hadn't stopped. Luna glanced over to him, checking on how he was doing. It then made sense to him. When he used his ability, his eyes would glow. But they would stand out much less amongst all the blood.
She walked back towards him. "Here's how this is going to work. We're going to ask a question, and you're going to answer."
"And if you give us an answer we don't like." Sombra transformed the previous shard. It grew longer, the blade curved. "Luna is going to use this."
Sombra placed a wicked-looking carving knife in her hand. He whispered something inaudible in her ear, before drawing away.
"I think it's only fair you get to have him. He is your political rival after all."
"Shit," Specter cursed. Did Sombra know what they were up to? Probably not. He was acting perfectly normal with Luna. He just really wanted to see her torture him. What a sadist.
"Shit is right," Luna covered for him. "I love my knives."
Sombra kissed her on the lips. "You'll do great."
How unprofessional of him. Who kisses their girlfriend during an interrogation?
More importantly, how were they supposed to continue with the plan now? Sombra was supposed to be doing the torturing.
Don't worry, I got this. Luna mouthed, twirling the knife in her fingers.
They went through dozens of questions. Names, dates, strategies. He provoked Luna to use the knife a few times. It wasn't very hard. Specter couldn't even imagine what his appearance looked like by now.
Sombra seemed to have no intention of using any sort of magic whatsoever, standing a few feet back and watching Luna with pride.
"Are you gonna actually do shit, or just stand there watching your girlfriend kick my ass?" Specter taunted.
A small smile played on Sombra's lips. "Luna is much more entertaining than I am."
"I'm really not," Luna disagreed. "This is nothing compared to Nightmare Spells."
"Continue on, Luna," Sombra advised. "I want you to have this moment."
"Ok, but if you want to take over, just tell me."
Eight questions later, Luna fainted.
She crumpled to the ground surprisingly gracefully, Sombra lunging forward to catch her.
"Luna!" Specter could hear the worry in his voice. He set her down, cradling her head. "Luna, wake up."
He tapped her. "Luna, wake up!" He shook her gently, once. Twice. Each one got harder. Specter thought he saw true panic in Sombra's eyes.
Her lashes fluttered and she opened her eyes groggily. "Where am I?"
"The dungeons. You were interrogating Specter, and then you fainted," Sombra filled her in.
"Oh..." she tried to get up, pushing herself onto her elbows. It looked too easy.
Fall back to the ground weakly. Specter used his ability.
"I'll support you," Sombra offered, picking her up. "Are you ok?"
He set her down. She held his upper arm for support. "I don't feel so good....I really don't know what happened..."
"Maybe you should go upstairs and get some rest." Sombra doted on her. Specter felt a twinge of jealousy. No one had ever talked to him that way, cared about him so much when he got injured.
"Can I just get one last shot in?" Luna almost begged.
"Are you sure?" Sombra asked. "You literally just fainted."
"It's not any day Specter Dusk shows up," she pushed back.
"Take it easy, okay?"
She punched him in the stomach. It was much weaker than her last shot, but he still doubled over. She grabbed his hair, forcing his head back. She brought her lips to his ear.
Elvira would love her, part of him thought.
"Sombra will take it from here. You know what to do. Now pretend I said something cruel," she whispered.
Oh, Luna. Genius Luna. Pretending to faint so we could move on with the plan.
"I hate you!" He yelled after her, adding a hiss at the end for good measure. He racked his brain for offensive Equestrian words. How is this language so limited in curses?
"I know you like her," Sombra snapped as soon as she left.
"What makes you think that?" Specter was glad for the dried blood smeared across his face: it acted as camouflage for his blushing.
"You smiled a bit when she touched you."
Specter shook his head, giving a nervous laugh. "You've got it all wrong. I was relieved because-"
"Don't give me that shit," Sombra cut him off.
Specter sighed, scowling at his feet. "Ok, fine. You got me."
"Luna is my girlfriend. Who said you could cross into my territory?"
"You call yourself a boyfriend? You treat her like you own her!" Specter argued back. Any mention of Luna will definitely anger him.
"You have no right to comment on our relationship."
Specter closed his eyes, making a bridge between his and Sombra's minds. He peeled back layer after layer. He could already tell something was different. Usually, he only heard one consistent voice, and it tended to be quieter.
But Sombra's brain was alive with chatter. Different voices, opinions.
Sombra backed away from him, letting go. His eyes started glowing red, and he extended one hand-
And so began a mental battle between Specter and the dark magic.
Don't. It's dark magic. You promised Luna. Specter tried to convince him.
What she doesn't know won't hurt her. Specter froze. It wasn't Sombra's voice.
It'll corrupt you. You were bedridden! You were weak for days! You despise weakness. Anyone could come attack you, and kill you.
Then, Specter heard another voice. You're right. It's a bad idea. Unlike the other voice, this one actually sounded like Sombra's.
Silence! The chorus of voices tittered angrily. You succumb to us. You don't have a say in this.
GET OUT! Get out of my head! The voice begged. It sounded so weak, so unlike Sombra.
Sombra, I know the real you is still in there. If you use the Nightmare Spell, you're breaking Luna's trust. She has faith in you. How do you think she'll feel about you if you do that?
This isn't about Luna! You can control her no matter what! You own her!
You know nothing about love! Specter was finding it harder and harder to maintain connection.
Love and control are very similar, Specter Dusk.
Both of you, go away! You don't have the right to control me!
Sombra, you can't let them win.
You only don't want me to use the Nightmare Spell because you're a coward. You're selfish. If this was anyone else, you wouldn't be making an effort.
Forget me! Do you want to lose more of yourself?
No. I don't.
Specter Dusk is the enemy! It's time for revenge. Just relax. Let us take control.
No-I-I'll just use black crystals or something-
Let us take control.
Specter's head exploded in pain, jolting him back to reality. He had lost connection.
Then the vision around him changed, and the world grew black.
When Specter woke up, Tenebrisia was on fire. The small but robust capital city was being swallowed up by flames, curls of fire gnawing hungrily at buildings. The sky, once purple-tinged and now shrouded in dark grey reeked of smoke.
His eyes watered, and through blurred vision he saw that the fire extended for miles. The purple flower-covered hills on the outskirts of the city were now charred, and the clusters of homes here and there caved in similar shape.
He had expected to hear screams, at least see a few people fleeing, but the whole place was eerily still. The only sounds were the crackles of the sparks and the groans of metal as buildings fell apart. It was as if the Duskan empire had given up on itself. Given up on him.
The fortress was a small spot in the distance, wedged in between the blackened mountains. Maybe they were in there! There had to be some people still alive!
He raced towards it, having to stop a few times to cough, the smoke clogging up his lungs. He tore a piece of fabric off his cape and tied it around his mouth and nose, but it didn't do much, other than inhibit his breathing more.
The fortress was surprisingly still intact. It seemed that the fire had skipped over it completely, leaving the polished black and purple marble untouched.
The door was already open, beckoning him in. He felt naked without the presence of his siblings and Ebony, or his usual group of soldiers. Heck, even his armor was missing! Dressed in a simple tunic and pants, in a threadbare cloak, he couldn't feel more vulnerable.
Whoever's behind this obviously knew I was coming, and wanted to put on a show. Who could it be? The Netherbanes, known for their ruthless slaughtering methods and gore? The Nightshades, with their tendencies of chilling messages and psychological warfare?
This didn't seem like either one of the two. And how could the whole city be destroyed? It would have to be one of them. Someone in the empire, someone in power.
He combed the halls and rooms of the fortress, still finding no one at all. For once in his life, dead bodies seemed comforting. At least then he could know what happened, who it might've been.
If there was one thing Specter hated, it was mystery.
And then finally, finally! A sign. He heard footsteps. They were light and quick, almost silent.
Ebony? He called out to her mentally. What's going on?
And indeed it was her. Her hair was matted and streaked with blood, her clothes charred at the ends and littered with burn marks. Her eyes grew feral at the sight of him, and she lunged at him with a hiss.
In the eight years he knew Ebony, she had never gone into Animal Mode. Not even the most extreme triggers would phase her. While others would hiss and attack, she'd sit calmly, analyzing and observing.
It took all of his strength along with his ability to subdue her. Even then, he could literally see his body shaking.
"Ebony! It's me! Specter! Your friend and ally!" He eternally cringed as he said those words, but he knew that a key way to get someone out of Animal Mode was to state their connection.
She slackened a bit in his grip, her eyes turning back to normal. He relaxed a bit as well, massaging one of his temples.
"What's happening?" He asked softly. Any loud or sudden moves are risky, right after someone has come out of Animal Mode.
"How dare you," she hissed, baring her fangs at him. "How could you say something like that, when you did this?"
"I didn't do any of this!" He raised his voice, silently cursing at himself for doing so. "I'm not the one who destroyed our city!"
"You were always a liar, Specter," Ebony continued. "Always a liar, you don't think we saw through your facade? You only used me for your own personal gain."
He breathed deeply, his chest shaking with every breath. Don't lose control. Don't lose control.
"You were always a failure."
That last line sent him into Animal Mode. The one person who actually believed in him, now turning their back. You're the hypocrite. You're the failure.
And all he could think was kill, kill, kill. He thought he heard Ebony's scream in the background, but his instinct dragged him back under. He saw red, he heard screaming, but he didn't feel any of it. None of the emotions or reason were there. It simplified everything.
Then the world came crashing back down on him, and he saw the horrifying scene in front of him.
Ebony, with a knife he didn't know he had, stuck through her chest. It looked like it had been twisted multiple times.
"You-did-this," she growled, eyes blazing, before she gave one final, painful breath and collapsed.
"Ebony! Ebony!" He screamed her name over and over again. Her eyes, always scheming, always planning, now glassy and dull. He knew it was pointless, knew there was nothing he could do. But Ebony couldn't be dead.
He remembered the first time they met.
He was at the bottom of the rankings. Again. He knelt, arms wrapped around a pole for support. Ready for a punishment. Again.
One lash, two lash, three lashes. He counted each one out loud. They stung, but he was used to it by now. Used to the stench of failure.
He lay there on the ground, sweating, determined to practice so he'd never have to face this humiliation again. He told himself that everyday. But everyday, he was still at the bottom.
"Thought you might need this." Ebony Song, two years his junior. At eight years old, she had already caught the eye of his mother. She set a canteen of water in front of him.
He gulped it down before continuing his practicing.
"No," she shook her head. "Your form's wrong. You gotta do it like this." And she showed him, patiently teaching him until he got it right.
She owed him nothing. No one did. He had learnt early on that unless he had something good to offer, the world wouldn't ever give a shit about him, let alone a training rival.
The next day, he was still ranked last. But he slowly moved up. Second-to-last. Third-to-last. Fourth-to-last.
And then it was their first mission together. He finally proved his worth when he saved Ebony from a giant rock, the rubble crushing the ground as he hoisted her out of the way.
"I guess we're even now," he remarked, both of them sloshing through dark, underwater tunnels in the Nightshade kingdom.
"I guess we are."
Strong arms lifted him to his feet, dragging him away, away from her dead body. He saw the scene of her murder replaying itself as if he was a spectator. Him going into Animal Mode. Them fighting, and him stabbing her through the chest and twisting the knife around sixteen times.
How dare you.
"How dare you!" He roared at no one in particular, howling into the darkness. Curse this stupid Animal Mode. Curse these stupid instincts. Curse his stupid self. "You don't get to treat her like that!"
He couldn't believe that his best friend was dead. Ebony had never, ever spoken to him like that. (Not even when he threw a spear at her in a fit of rage, though she did come close). But what had he done? What had made her so mad?
Then he was suddenly in front of the fortress. Somehow, all the citizens of the Empire were there. There was a stage set up, with an executioner and a chopping block. None of this made sense.
None of it made sense until he felt the chains binding his wrists, the soldiers gripping him tightly, and what felt like all the shame in the empire dumped on him.
He saw Nereza and Napoleon, both holding the same look of contempt in their eyes. He shuddered to think of what he had done. Even when he did make mistakes, his older siblings would usually be somewhat nice to him: a joke to cheer him up from Nereza, or a lecture on how "The Road to Glory is Hard" from Napoleon.
He didn't fight, didn't struggle. Just gazed off into the distance. There was nothing more that he could do. He had truly failed, and these were the consequences. Even worse, he didn't know what he had done to make Ebony attack him.
As his head was pushed onto the chopping block, he ended up flashing back to past moments .
"Do you know where boys at the bottom end up?" The trainer asked.
Specter shook his head. One lash.
"Boys at the bottom...." Two lashes. His muscles strained to keep him upright.
"End up dead." Three lashes.
In hindsight, his trainer hadn't been wrong. All the kids in the bottom half of the class were dead or missing. He heard one of them had been killed off so the rest of Legion 7 could survive.
The block was cool beneath his head. Almost refreshing, compared to the scorching heat of the fires. He felt strangely happy, knowing that he didn't have to fight anymore. Didn't have to please anyone. In a way, being such a letdown had freed him, and he suddenly pitied his siblings a little bit.
"Any last words, Specter Dusk?"
That voice. He recognized it. He craned his neck to look back at the executioner. She removed her hood, long fingers reaching up to tug down the fabric.
And the last thing he saw was the malicious glint in his mother's eyes before the axe fell.
What did you guys think of the chapter? Of Specter's nightmare? Tell me what you think in the comments, and remember to vote if you liked it. :)
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