Chapter 25: Luna
It was late morning when she stepped into the throne room. She wore a flattering, long black dress that flared at the waist.
"Where were you?" He demanded, eyes searching her body for any injuries.
"I returned early in the morning, when you were still asleep. I didn't want to wake you. I already treated my wounds." Luna explained.
He stepped down from his throne, drawing her into an embrace. And without warning, a tear slid from his cheek. "You came back."
"Of course I did," she whispered, putting her arms around his neck.
"I thought you would leave me." His voice cracked at that, and he held her tighter. "I thought you would leave me forever."
"Then why didn't you go looking for me?" She inquired, burying her face in his neck. He smelled clean, like fresh mint. His fingers were ice cold, even though the castle had an abundance of fireplaces.
He exhaled, fingers running through her hair gingerly.
Amore getting shattered. Celestia beaten and bloody on the dungeon floor. Specter being punctured by crystals. Her mind went through the images of all his brutalities.
She stiffened in his grasp, pulling away, ready to run-
"I've got you," he promised, one hand now on the small of her back, the other on her head. "I've got you."
She wondered what he truly meant by that. He could mean it in the sense that he was there for her, always by her side.
But she had a feeling there was a sinister underlying message. One that said I've got you, and now you'll never leave. I own you.
Her body shivered as she considered all these things. He drew away slightly, frowning with concern. His hands shifted down to her upper arms, gripping her tightly. "Luna. You're shivering. Are you cold?"
She looked away, ignoring the loose curl that fell into her face.
She flinched slightly as his fingers brushed her cheek, the same images replaying in her mind. He tucked the curl behind her ear.
"You can talk to me," he almost pleaded. "You know I'll listen. Is everything ok?"
"I'm cold," she lied, mustering a small smile for his sake. "I'll just get a cloak or-"
He was already undoing the clasp on his. It was a beauty: deep scarlet lined with white fur. It screamed power, more than anything.
He placed it around her shoulders, fastening it. The cloak did its appearance justice: velvety, soft, but light enough that it wouldn't weigh her down. It was still warm from when he was wearing it.
She removed a few locks of hair from where they had gotten caught under the cape, letting them settle on her shoulder.
"Is that better?" He purred, his lips brushing her ear.
"A lot better," she agreed.
He smiled. "Since you like it so much, I'll get one made for you as well."
She blushed. "Thank you."
He leaned into her, pushing her up against the wall. Her body reacted before her mind, cupping his face gently and pulling him in for a kiss. Their lips collided. Though they had kissed before, this one was different. There was a hunger between them. They needed each other.
His lips trailed down her jaw, to her neck. She pressed herself up against him, sliding her hands under his shirt, feeling perfectly sculpted muscles. She wanted more of him, to hold onto him.
Luna knew there were still parts of the old Sombra in there. It made her feel hopeful. Maybe there was still a chance that they could be together.
They both noticed all the guards and maids spying on them, holding back laughs. One was making a heart with her hands. Another started singing a love song under his breath.
"Maybe...this isn't the best time," Luna suggested. "We can finish later."
"Where are you going now?" Sombra asked her.
"The dungeons," she said confidently.
He raised an inquisitive eyebrow.
"Specter's a very important prisoner," she continued.
"We'll be interrogating him later," Sombra insisted.
"I know, but I want to be prepared," she asserted.
"Very well." He stopped in a narrow hallway. "Should I have someone escort you?"
"I think I know the way by now," she reassured him.
"Here." He handed her an obsidian key. "Now we both have one."
"See you later," she said, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek.
A rat scurried along the dirty floor, searching for a morsel to eat. It sniffed the ground tentatively, senses sharp.
The metal-tipped boot of a guard came down hard on the rat, crushing it instantly. He went farther, stomping repeatedly until rat guts decorated the bottom of his shoe. He looked up, noticed her presence. And he smiled at her.
Luna turned away, disgusted.
She wouldn't tell anyone, but Sombra's guards terrified her. Everything from their blank stares to their delayed movements. But what disturbed her most was their sadism. Did that guard really need to torture the rat so horribly? And afterwards, they always looked so proud of themselves, their eyes searching for her approval.
From their cells, prisoners eyed her curiously. It wasn't very often that the Nightmare Queen, as they now called her, set foot in the dungeons.
"I would like to see Specter Dusk," she requested.
The nearest guard bowed. "Right this way, your majesty."
He took her down a long, winding staircase. It was very, very dark. Her hand gripped the railing for support.
"The prisoner is quite....unstable. He's been like this since he woke up," the guard informed her.
"In what way?"
Clomp, clomp, clomp. "He's been acting very violent, and attacks anyone who comes near him."
Animal Mode, she thought.
She reached the landing. The room was circular, and there was a door right in front of her. She walked towards it-
"Not that one. Only the king is permitted to go in there," the guard objected. "The door to the right is Specter Dusk's."
There were guards stationed all around the room, with two outside the door to Specter's cell.
She took out the key, turning it in the lock. The moment she entered, the vampire prince lunged forward in an animalistic way she had never seen before.
Muscles taut, fangs bared, he hissed at her, eyes flickering red as they tried to activate his ability. The only thing that stopped him were the chains holding him back. He thrashed against them ferociously, going as far as to spread his wings and fly up as high as he could.
He was yanked back mercilessly, and he plummeted to the ground, ceasing to move.
Until he went at it again.
A blur of motion, and then he was just a few feet away from her. Up close, his appearance was demented. Clumps of dried blood clung to his matted hair, some strands stuck to his forehead. His dark armor had been removed. His shirt was torn to shreds, revealing exposed ivory. Scars crisscrossed themselves down his bare skin.
Specter Dusk threw a punch at her. It was a stark contrast to the Dusks' calculated, deadly moves. This was spontaneous, a careless strike of instability.
Despite all his efforts, his arm length was still inches away from her.
Inside, Luna was a giant knot of tangled nerves. But outside, she remained cool and composed, like the queen she was meant to be. The Dusks loved nothing more than to intimidate, and she wasn't going to give Specter this luxury.
After a while, he had given up. He lay at her feet, worn-out and weary.
"Specter, it's me," she said calmly, attempting to get him out of Animal Mode. "Princess Luna."
He gave another hiss at her, still not comprehending her language.
The best way is to make a vampire feel safe. They only go into Animal Mode when they feel threatened.
She knelt down, her skirt fanning out around her. He looked so young, lying on the floor like that. It was hard to believe he was just twenty.
"Specter," she whispered, as if she were afraid of waking him. "It's Luna."
For a second, he relaxed, getting into a seated position to face her. Then he bit her hand, fangs sinking deep.
She shot a paralyzation spell at him in retaliation. Blood gushed from the fang marks, coating her hand in red.
Still, she caught Specter before he hit the ground, laying his head down softly.
She tore off a piece of her dress, bandaging the wound on her hand. That would have to do for now.
She found her hand reaching towards his head. He stiffened, but watched her rather inquisitively. She stroked his hair. "Shhh, I won't hurt you."
She rarely sang for anyone, but this was a last resort. She recalled a bedtime song Tia used to sing to her when she couldn't sleep.
I know a tale spread far and wide
They say the grass is greener on the other side
The mountains are cold
But the moon is bright
So bright, you cannot tell day from night
It's Illumina
"Luna." He blinked a few times. Attempted to move, then sighed exasperatedly and gave up. "Shit."
"You're back!" She exhaled in relief.
"Yeah, sorry," he apologized. "Did I seriously bite your hand?"
"Great move, Specter," she said sarcastically. She hoisted him up, placing him against the wall. "I hope this makes things easier." Her hands brushed his bare skin, which was hot and sweaty. Was he...blushing?
He just scowled in reply, refusing to make eye contact with her. "I hate this."
"Look," Luna started. "I know you don't want to work with me-"
"That's not it," he grumbled.
"I know that the situation currently sucks for both of us-"
"That's. Not. It," he growled, unleashing what sounded like a curse in Vampiric. "I meant, I hate feeling so helpless. I can't even move. I'm completely at your mercy."
"Be happy you're at my mercy and not my boyfriend's," she retorted. "He likes torturing self-righteous bastards after make-out sessions."
"He's the self-righteous bastard," Specter replied, spitting blood onto the floor.
Luna crossed her legs. "Just be happy we're on the same side. At least until your mother decides to do away with me."
Specter ignored the last comment. "So, everything went according to plan."
"You got yourself landed in prison. Nereza flew away. I tried to chase her but "failed", and then I came back here. No one died," she summarized.
"Ok, but what was that?" Specter demanded. "Why did he drill crystals through my body?"
"I wasn't expecting that," Luna admitted. "He's really unpredictable."
"Was that dark magic?" Specter asked.
Luna shook her head. "Usually, he'd be bedridden for days after, but today he's been fine. If he was using dark magic, he would've taken both you and Nereza out."
"Oh, so he's that sadistic without the dark magic!" Specter exclaimed agitatedly.
Luna sighed. "The shadows talk to him, and influence his actions. That was probably it, combined with his emotions."
"You know, you don't have to be nice about him when he's not around. He has rage issues." Specter rolled his eyes.
You don't have to be nice about him when he's not around. Why did Specter care so much about her and Sombra's relationship?
"Well, how do we want to go about the plan?" Luna asked for his input. "We're interrogating you together in three hours."
"What methods does Sombra use?"
"He's going to use something called a Nightmare Spell. It's where you witness your worst fear. Don't try to escape it, because nothing you do will work. And you will think it's real. They can go on for...." Luna winced. "However long he wants them to."
"Is it dark magic?" Specter closed his eyes afterwards, praying they weren't.
"Most likely. He doesn't use them too frequently. Even if he does use it today, you'll have a three day break," she reassured him. "I know all this because he used them on me. Twice." Luna shuddered at those memories.
"That asshole! What kind of messed up relationship are you in?" Specter hissed at the end of it. "I swear I want to snap his neck."
"I'm going to ignore the fact that you like killing people slowly. But, yes. And you know what information to give him?" Luna verified.
"Yes. Anything else?"
"Your mind control," Luna remembered. "How will you use that? More importantly, how can you use that? Black crystals dampen abilities."
Specter flushed red. "A tattoo."
"What?" Luna furrowed her brow.
"A scientist took samples of Sombra's crystals, and created an antidote. I had to get it tattooed into my skin."
Specter continued on. "Only problem is, I don't think it looks nearly good enough for him to think it's just for fashion."
"He won't care about that," Luna disagreed. "All he'll be thinking about is retrieving information, torturing you-"
"And how beautiful you look." Specter finished.
Her jaw dropped. "Excuse me?"
Specter reddened. "Um, I meant how beautiful he looks."
"Not that he looks beautiful or anything, I mean, you're way more beautiful-"
Luna stifled a laugh. She felt like she was talking to a friend rather than an enemy-turned-ally.
"What am I saying," Specter groaned. He shifted to his left and flopped back onto the ground. "I want to die in a hole."
"How will you be twisting his mind, exactly?" She shifted the focus back, still trying to contain her laughter.
"I'll be creating a sort of moral compass for him. One that makes him immensely regret using dark magic. Hopefully, it'll make him have second thoughts about using the Nightmare Spell on me," Specter explained.
"Seems pretty self-serving," Luna scoffed.
"You would be too, if you were in my position," Specter argued. "I've been trained for war my entire life, I have an older brother, and all my girlfriends have dumped me!"
"There's probably a reason for that," Luna remarked, before realizing she said that out loud.
"Ouch. That hurt," Specter admitted.
She shrugged. "Sorry?"
"I'm glad you come down here, Luna," Specter thanked her. He laughed nervously under his breath. "I don't think it's healthy to spend all your time with a guy who acts like he owns you."
"You care about me a little too much for someone who's the enemy," Luna joked. "I mean, you know I'll end up dead anyways." She rose from the ground. "I have to go now, but good luck later today."
"I'll prepare myself the best I can," Specter promised.
She left the room. As she walked up the stairs, she nearly bumped into a dark, muscular figure.
Sombra emerged from the shadows.
"Luna. What a coincidence." He took her right hand-the injured one-then frowned. "Who did this to you?"
"It's fine. It's really small-" Luna brushed it off, already heading up the stairs.
He grabbed her wrist hard. "Luna. Who did this to you?"
"Specter Dusk," she forced out. Great, now he's going to get twice the punishment.
Sombra's fist clenched, and black crystal spikes grew around it.
"You're overreacting! It's not a big deal!" Luna touched his arm lightly, trying to calm him down.
"How could I let this happen to you? How could I let him lay a hand on someone that's mine?"
"It's fine, alright?! He was in Animal Mode! He didn't know what he was doing!" Luna defended, twisting her wrist out of his hand.
Sombra took a deep breath in. "Sorry. I just don't like it when you get hurt."
Close call. "I understand. But, I can protect myself too."
"I know," Sombra agreed. "You're very capable. It's just're the first person I've really cared about in this way."
"You too," she agreed, laying a hand on his shoulder. And she did, when he wasn't half-corrupted by dark magic.
"Anyways, there is a reason I came down here."
Luna failed to hide her surprise. What? Why now? "The interrogation? But we still have three hours-"
"I supposed now would be more efficient, considering you were already down there," he grinned. "He's hurt us so much, Luna."
The bar fight. The Crystal Empire attacks. The Duskan Youth Massacre.....the list of atrocities went on. Part of her did want to bring him to justice, despite being in a temporary alliance with him.
But Specter had been hurt too. Everything was so much more complicated than she thought. He was flawed, but so real.
"Come, my love." Sombra took her hand in his. "Specter Dusk awaits us."
Hey guys! What did you think of the romance? Luna and Specter's secret plan? I LOVE reading all of your reactions! Remember to vote if you enjoyed!
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