Chapter 17: Ebony

Barely three seconds had passed before Sombra was on the wolf, dragging it off a screaming Chrissy.

The wolf with its lethal claws and razor teeth surely had the advantage, didn't it? But Sombra was different. He, for one, had wit.

Wit, the only thing that beats brute strength, her mother would say to a young Ebony while she listened, soaking up all that everyone had to say.

Ebony smiled at the memory. She enjoyed this. Enjoyed watching an underdog like Sombra-similar to herself-succeed. Against all odds. He was supposed to be long dead. But no, even death could not claim his brilliant mind.

By now, both were bloodied. Sombra bore several long scratches, while the wolf had various cuts and missing patches of fur. The acute flash of a dagger sliced the wolf's ear. Meanwhile, Chrissy had reached for her knife, her arm shaking as she held it.

Sombra had barely pinned the wolf down when he said, "Chrissy now!"

And her knife went through the wolf's throat. The beast growled dangerously, rewarding Chrissy with a rake across her left cheek.

"Do it again!" Sombra urged, muscles tense. He was straining under the weight.

She shook her head, hand shaking more violently. Not a natural killer, then.

"Goddammit!" Sombra snatched her knife and butchered the wolf's throat until it ceased to move.

"Let's go ahead," Napoleon whispered to her and she nodded. Ebony slinked through the forest silently. Enhanced agility definitely helps.

"Here, Ebony. Have some blood," Napoleon offered and passed her a flask filled with red. Blood was currently a rare commodity in the Duskan territories, saved only for those of high rankings. It wasn't vital, more something to be drunk on occasion to replenish oneself.

"Thank you," she replied, taking a swig of it. An instant energy burst jolted through her. "What's our plan? For Operation Crystal?"

"Here's what we know. We'll all make it to the Wish Granter Hut. We know that Sombra will make his wish, and end up very powerful. Oh, and black crystals have something to do with him."

"Crystal manipulation," Ebony finished. It was the closest thing she could think of. It was a rare ability, and users had the ability to grow and manipulate crystals.

"Yes. Based on whatever abilities Sombra gains, we'll have to work from there. Either way, Specter will definitely be a bigger part of our plan. Mind control is actually useful."

"So, he mind controls Sombra to kill Luna and Celestia?" Ebony verified.

"If Sombra ends up having the capabilities to. We still don't know how powerful he'll be. If he can take on both of them, let alone one. But if he gains an ability like Specter's..."

"We rule through him," Ebony finished.

"Maybe have him mind control the princesses. The country has potential. It's small now, but once we build it into something greater....they'll be in debt to us," Napoleon explained.

"So, what's our short term plan?" Ebony asked.

"We get to the Wish Granter, and continue spying on the pair. Sombra makes his wish and gets an ability. We see what he has. Then, we capture him and send him to Elvira. Based on what happens, we'll work from there," Napoleon told her.

"This may seem fine to you, but what if something goes seriously wrong? It is possible that we won't be able to defeat him. Or maybe he isn't powerful enough. He did completely lose his magic, after all. Surely we should have a backup plan."

"Ebony, can you just go with it?" Napoleon asked.

She raised an eyebrow. There were so many things to take into consideration. So many different variables. The smallest things were big game changers. How could Napoleon not see through the cracks?

"I'm not as smart as you, Ebony," Napoleon said playfully.

She laughed, causing a trio of birds to fly off and into the sky.

"Let's just go with the assumption that we win," Napoleon advised.

Because he doesn't want to think what would happen if we lose. They'd failed too many missions already. They were from the Bellator Nations, yet couldn't defeat the Equestrians.

Most importantly, Ebony needed to prove to Elvira that she was the spy the Duskans needed. She'd already failed the assassination attempt. They wouldn't even be here if she was better.

"If we win, mother will congratulate me. She'll make a toast to me at our celebratory party," Napoleon mused, in an ethereal fantasy.

Ebony raised an eyebrow. She didn't have time for make-believe games.

"Ebony, please."

"If we win, I'll get to visit home. I'll get to see my family for the first time in eight years. No one will underestimate me again," Ebony whispered.

"I'll help mother destroy the Netherbane-Nightshade alliance. I'll be her second-in- command, and I'll charge into battle by her side. We'll win, and she'll make me heir to the throne."

"I'll be a spy in the Nightshade territories, and smuggle information to Elvira. I'll receive the Honorary Espionage Medal, for work in foreign territories."

"I'll get to be with you, and we'll settle down together." Napoleon's words caused Ebony to smile. He was really committed to their relationship.

"We'll get married. Carry children when we're older. You'll learn how to paint. I'll play the piano. We'll tell old wartime stories to our children and Specter and Nereza will be there too. And we'll be happy," Ebony finished.

They sat in silence for a while. Ebony noticed how blue the sky was. It's never blue back in the Duskan territories. Always gray and slightly purple, from the airstrikes and bomb testing. And she felt a very small twinge of jealousy towards the Equestrians.

"Ebony." Napoleon's hand touched hers. "This is why we need to win."

She nodded. Her dreams could wait. Now, she had to put all her energy into succeeding. "Best of luck, soldier." 

 Hey guys! I know that was a shorter chapter, but that's because the next chapter will be the Part 1 Finale!!  Remember to vote if you enjoyed and comment any thoughts. What do you think of their dreams?

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