Chapter 14: Luna

The rich blue fabric was embroidered with swirls and flowers of shining silver threads, ending at the high collar fastened at the throat with a single sapphire. The sleeves were cut off at the shoulder, while the tight-fitting dress flared into a fishtail.

Her usual tumble of locks was swept up into an elegant updo and held in place by a jeweled lotus clip. A few loose strands ran rampant, framing her face with streams of curls.

Big, silver moons dangled from her ears, while a bangle of the same color was clasped around her wrist.

The look was finished with a midnight silk fan decorated with vibrant flowers.

A gentle knock sounded. Luna opened the door, finding Sombra standing there. He wore a black velvet jacket trimmed with red dragons, and shining leather shoes.

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you. You look great too," Luna complimented him, linking her arm through his. The only thing off about the perfect night was the downcast look in Sombra's eyes.

He avoided her gaze as they descended the marble staircase, cutting through a series of vacant rooms and exiting the palace.

"I'm really sorry about Jet. Hopefully tonight will cheer him up, though." It had been a week since she was released from the hospital. She insisted on getting back to more strategizing, but instead her friends all suggested they go party together.

But who was she to deny herself that luxury? In a world full of so much grief, the least all of them could do was share a happy moment together. Cherish their youth and be kids one more time.

"Is Tia coming along as well?" Sombra asked her.

Luna gritted her teeth. Why did everything have to go back to Celestia? "Of course not," Luna snapped defensively.

Her friend group, her nightclubs...this was something she wanted for her and herself alone. These were the two things that were things she could truly call her own. And she would keep it that way.

The cool mist of thawing winter sent chills running up both their spines, while the streets were moist. Inside the Sunset Spectacle, a party raged, cheers echoing through the desolate roads.

But from far away, the roars sounded too much like war cries, screams and chaos resounding around her-

"Hey." It was Sombra, pulling her back to reality. "We'll be able to defend ourselves if anything happens. Let's just have a good time."

Luna nodded, pushing back memories of the massacre. This was a nightclub, not a warzone.

Both of them pushed open the nightclub doors. The dancing, the music and the smell of alcohol overwhelming their senses.

The lights were dim, shrouding the room in sunset through delicate silks and vibrant colors. A bar sat comfortably in the corner, fully equipped with a wide variety of alcohols and comfortable stools.

"So," another silky-smooth voice came from behind them. And it was Jet. Dressed up in attire similar to his brother's, with a smirk and playful glint in his eyes.

"Jet!" Sombra turned around, delighted to see his brother healed.

"No need to go crazy, it's not like I came back from the dead or anything," Jet remarked, running a hand through his hair.

Neither laughed at that. For they had all stared death in the face before. Those scars never healed.

"Hi guys!" Chrissy shrieked from a few feet away, waving ecstatically and running over to join them. Evangelista nodded to all of them, giving Chrissy a quick peck on the cheek. Chrissy's dress was green silk decorated with pink flowers, flaring at the waist. Evangelista's was ice blue, embroidered in lavender, and fell to her calves.

"Hi Chrissy." Luna gave her a hug.

"Hi! It's been too long, I'm so happy you could make it!" Chrissy hugged her back. Evangelista gave all of them a nod, before linking an arm through Chrissy's.

"Are the drinks good here?" Evangelista asked.

"Damn, you thinking about taking shots tonight?" Jet joked with her, gently giving her a nudge. 

"Maybe, if anyone has the guts to challenge me," Evangelista replied coolly, picking up a drink menu and examining it.

"Remind me not to cross you!" Jet put his hands up, before dragging out a seat.

"I heard they have pretty good Cosmopolitans," Chrissy answered the question. "And the Margaritas are nice."

Luna slipped into an empty seat, focusing on the colorful displays of drinks. To her right, Chrissy and Jet were chatting away, laughing and flirting. Sombra had an arm wrapped around her. Evangelista sat on the far left, long lost, her gaze distant.

Soon after ordering, the bartender slid their cocktails over. Luna stared at her red drink, which looked too much like blood-

"Lulu. You ok?" Chrissy asked hesitantly, worry lines on her face. Jet whispered something to her, and she nodded, before brightening and returning to their conversation.

"Yeah," Luna forced out, before taking a sip of the Cosmopolitan. It was perfect: fragrant, fruity and with a refreshing tang of lime.

Five friends cheered. Sombra's glass held a Margarita, a wedge of lime nested on the rim. Jet bore the same, but an orange in the lime's place. Chrissy's Grasshopper was frothy green and garnished with mint. A creamy white drink rested in Evangelista's hands, mysterious and frothy.

Sombra put his arm around her chair and she shifted closer to him. From then on, the night got so much better.

"Hey! You," a well-built boy pointed at Evangelista. "I challenge you to a shot competition." His friends were close behind him, laughing and already nudging shots towards her. "I'll give you a kiss in the end, if you take more than ten."

Evangelista raised her eyebrows in amusement. "Let's make a deal. If you win, you get to dance with me for the whole night, along with a kiss. And my friends do, too."

"She can't be serious," Jet whispered to them.

"But she is," Sombra countered. "I'm actually quite excited to see how this plays out."

The boy's friends murmured amongst each other, clearly content.

"But if I win, you give me all your money."

The boys burst into a chorus of "Ohs", already nudging Evangelista's competitor, a few clapping him on the back and giving him advice.

"And your friends' money!" Luna burst out.

They all stared at her in stunned silence. She stared back, giving them a defiant smile.

"Well that's fine...if you would really want to miss out on the opportunity to dance with me and my friends....." Luna fake pouted and gave Sombra a peck on the cheek.

Everyone's jaw dropped. She rarely showed this side to anyone. But who was she to deny herself the right to have a little fun?

The boy sighed. "Deal. My name's Denzel."

"I'm Evangelista," Evangelista introduced herself, picking up a shot.

"Evangelista," Denzel muttered, as if tasting the name on his tongue for the first time. "Evangelista."

"Are we going to begin or are you going to keep tasting my name?" Evangelista demanded.

"Three, two, one, go!" A boy yelled, and both began. They raised the glasses to their lips, tipping their heads back.

"One! Two!" The crowd chanted. Denzel and Evie were neck-a-neck, neither surpassing the other.

"Go Evie! Just keep going!" Chrissy shrieked, cheering her on.

"Three, four, five!" Evangelista was holding out surprisingly well.

"Six, seven!"

Evie started lagging behind, her movements growing slower, duller, and her hand gripped the edge of the table.

"Denzel, the kiss is waiting for you!" Someone yelled.

Denzel roared in approval before taking another shot. Twelve empty glasses lay in front of him.

"She's not gonna win," Sombra guessed. "Really? Has she even had alcohol before?"

"Keep watching. It could all be an act," Luna countered. "Also, if she does lose, we could always make a run for it-"

"Damn!" Someone yelled. And Evangelista was, sure enough, back in the game. She moved faster than light, taking shot after shot. Denzel was already green, his friends standing around him.

After nineteen, Evangelista stopped. "I win," she muttered before rushing to the bathroom.

A good ten minutes had passed before she emerged, looking fairly better.

"See? Just an act," Luna whispered to Sombra.

"A very good one," he agreed.

"Hand over the money!" Jet snapped them out of their thoughts. "I'm broke and I can't keep taking fine ladies out if I don't get paid!"

Everyone laughed at that, and the group reluctantly handed over wads of cash.

The five split the money evenly between them, pocketing it.

"You won." Denzel rasped, patting Evangelista on the back.

"Obviously." Evangelista smied. "I'm the fifth wheel of my group. So, even though you lost, I'll still be yours for the night."

"Let's go dance!" Luna ran onto the dance floor, dragging Sombra with her.

"I...I've never danced before," Sombra admitted, shifting awkwardly from foot to foot.

"Just go with it!" Chrissy advised him and twirled into Jet's arms.

Luna closed her eyes, and felt the faint bass of the music, the pulse, and the high notes that sung to her. The moves came naturally, intricate footwork and dynamic hand gestures.

"I can't dance like you!" Sombra got her attention over the almost deafening music. "I don't know how to do this!"

Luna pulled him into her. "Follow my lead."

She made her moves simpler, and he mirrored her, getting into the groove. Soon they were moving as one, and he was improvising. He had his hands on her waist, she had her arms around his shoulders.

A few dancers away were Denzel and Evangelista, who were dancing along to the beat, Evangelista's eyes filled with innocent mischief.

Chrissy was having the time of her life, being spun around by Jet. Together, they were an embodiment of pure joy, joking and flirting.

The six of them formed one big group, and took turns dancing in the middle of the circle. Jet went first, with his cringey but somehow also cool moves. He eased the atmosphere, before Chrissy came in, a ball of never-ending energy. A few others joined, until everyone was dancing.

Soon, Luna was leading, everyone else following her. Being in control beat revenge. Beat satisfaction. Heck, it might've even beaten love.

Sombra joined her, and they moved as a two-part machine. Each time he shifted his grip, he sent flutters of heat through her body.

"I love you," he whispered, nearly drowned out by the music.

"I love you too," she replied, and spent five more hours dancing and drinking before she, Jet, Sombra, Chrissy returned to the palace.


It was late. That was all she knew. Chrissy and Jet had returned to his flat, and Evangelista was somehow still partying. That girl was resilient.

"That was the best night of my life," Sombra said to no one in particular, one hand pressed against the glass of her window.

"And spending it with you made it even better," Luna added, and he caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror.

He wanted to let her in. He wanted to with all his heart. But trust never came easy. And in a world like this, he didn't know if he could trust.

"Who said it was over?" Luna asked him.

He pulled her towards him for a kiss, holding onto her so tightly, like she would leave him. He couldn't lose another person. Especially not Luna.

Luna gave a sharp gasp and jerked away from him for a split second, her midnight blue eyes almost feral. Then they regained focus, and she saw him. "I'm sorry," she muttered softly before leaping into his arms.

They were somehow on the bed a moment later, Luna nuzzling into him. He played with a strand of her hair. She undid the buttons of his shirt.

Much later, they lay there, a tangle of limbs, for the remainder of the night. And for once, both hoped it would never end. 

Hey guys! Remember to vote if you enjoyed the chapter, and comment any thoughts. I've never been to a nightclub before so this was slightly hard to write.

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