Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-One
Selena's POV
I stir a little and flutter my eyes open. I glance over towards the small window in the bedroom and see that it's now dark outside. Stretching my arms and legs out, I sit up then rub my eyes as a yawn surfaces. A smile creeps onto my face as the images of what happened earlier today play through my mind. I bite my fingernail to try and hide my grin. I look to the other side of the bed and a frown now forms on my face.
He's gone.
I pull the comforter up over my body as I suddenly feel cold. I look around the room to see that only my clothes remain still scattered across the floor. I rub my arm and sigh.
My hopes in Justin still laying next to me when I would wake up vanishes. I can't help but feel abandoned. We had sex, and now he's gone. Is that what he wanted, to just get inside my pants then leave me?
I climb out of bed and walk over to Justin's dresser. I pull out one of his white oversized t-shirts and a grey pair of his boxers before I walk over and pick up my bra off the floor then head into the bathroom.
In a matter of ten minutes, I've taken a quick shower to relieve myself from the sex smell that was lingering on my body. I dry myself off before I slip on Justin's clothes, and out of habit, I inhale the scent of his shirt and smile.
Why does he smell so good?
I ruffle my hair with my towel to get some of the water out since I'm still too exhausted from earlier to blow dry my hair. I leave my hair down causing the back of Justin's shirt to become slightly damp.
Stepping out of the bathroom, I start to head out of the bathroom when the door suddenly opens. I bite my lip in hopes that it's Justin.
But it's not.
The door swings open and two guys stand in the doorway. They're both dressed in all black and their faces are hidden behind a mask. One of their masks is a shiny gold color while the other man's mask is white. My heart stops and I'm suddenly frozen in place.
"Let's get her and get out of here." the taller man says to his partner.
I watch as they approach me causing me to backup until I feel my back hit the wall. They close the gap and I try to make a break for the door. But I feel one of them grab my arm and pull me back to where my back gets pressed up against their chest.
"Justin!" I scream, trying to break free from the man's strong hold.
I go to scream for Justin again, but a cloth is suddenly put in my mouth making my scream get muffled. I feel my hands get pulled behind me before one of the men tie my hands together with a rope and he secures it tightly.
"Your lover boy can't help you, sweetheart." I hear one of them whisper into my ear causing my body to go limp at his words.
What have they done to Justin?
"Let's bring her down to the van," the taller man says, moving to where he's standing right in front of me with his face close to mine. "We don't want to keep him waiting anymore."
Him? Who's him?
I get shoved hard from behind which causes me to stumble forward. I continue to get pushed forward to make me walk as the two men force me downstairs and out to their van. With one last attempt, I try kicking the one man in the shin to try and break free, but it doesn't phase him at all and only results in him tightening his grip on me.
They open the van door before shoving me inside where I fall and land on my side which is the side where I got stabbed. I wince out in pain and the two men laugh.
"We're going to have fun with you, babe." the one man says, amusement clear in his voice.
I watch as they shut the van door and I've now become trapped. Well, kidnapped, I should say. I feel my eyes begin to water as every bad thought that I can possibly think of crosses my mind.
Where is Justin and what have they done to him? Is he hurt, or even he even still alive?
I feel the car begin to move and my pulse quickens. I have no idea where they're taking me or what they plan on doing to me. And I really don't want to find out.
After falling asleep in the back of the van, I'm jolted awake when I feel the van come to a quick stop. My heart begins beating rapidly again as the van door opens and the two men are revealed again. They still have their masks on and I notice that in the taller man's hand is a dagger. I gulp hard.
"Grab her," he says.
The other man obeys and grabs my arm. He roughly pulls me out of the van and I feel my feet land in something cold. I look down to see that there is a layer of snow now covering the ground and when I look back up I see that the snow is falling down hard.
I feel a harsh tug on my arm and I'm forced to follow the two men. Up ahead is what looks like an old warehouse. It doesn't look like anyone is here because all the lights are turned off.
"He's waiting on us. Move faster." the taller man says, giving the shorter man a shove from behind which almost makes me stumble onto the cold ground.
A hard shove now gets sent to me as we continue to walk towards the warehouse. When we reach the doors, the taller man opens them and we walk inside. It's basically pitch black, but out of the corner of my eye I see a light coming from behind one of the doors to my left. And that's where they take me.
When they open the door, I hear somebody groaning loudly out in pain at the bottom of the staircase. My body suddenly begins to tremble as I hear two other voices. They're shouting frantically, but I don't know why. The two men take me down the staircase and when we walk to a different part of the basement, I look around the corner and my legs become weak from underneath me.
I see Pattie and Jeremy sitting on the floor next to each other. They have a cloth in their mouths and their hands are tied back behind them. Pattie has a small cut on her forehead and doesn't look like she's injured badly, but tears are streaming down her face making her makeup smear. I look at Jeremy and notice the blood all over his shirt, but the blood is scattered and I don't think it's his blood.
Then my eyes land on Justin. He's sitting on the floor, his eyes closed, with his back up against a pole. His hand are tied back around the pole and his feet are out in front of him, also tied together. I feel my heart drop into my stomach when I see all the bruises that are all over his face. He has a fairly large cut on his forehead and on his right cheek. My eyes travel down his body to find multiple large gashes in his arm that look like they were caused by a dagger running along his smooth, tattooed skin. I find myself gasping when I his left side, his shirt soaked in blood.
And that's when I realize that Justin isn't moving.
Standing just a few feet away from Justin stands a man. His back is turned towards me, so I can't see his face. In his hands, he holds a bloody dagger that is dripping blood onto the floor. And I know it's Justin's blood.
"We got her," says the shorter man that is gripping onto my arms.
The man slowly turns around and faces me. My eyes narrow in disgust.
"About damn time." Liam says.
My eyes flicker back to Justin. He's still not moving and my heart is pounding in my chest. I look at the small puddle of his own blood that lays next to his body on the floor. He's lost a lot of blood, and I don't know how long he's been bleeding.
He can't be dead. He can't.
"Justin!" I shout, but my voice is muffled from the cloth still in my mouth and his name comes out unclear.
"Shut the fuck, you slut!" the taller man yells at me before he slaps me across the cheek making tears spring into my eyes.
"Ryan," Liam says, his voice low. "Save it for later, okay? You'll get your fun with her after we get done taking care of them."
I look next to me and watch as Ryan removes the mask from his face. I should have known he would be behind all of this. He smirks at me before I watch as he walks over to the small fridge that is in the corner of the room. He opens it and pulls out a bottle of beer.
"Why do you look so shocked to see me?" Ryan asks, opening the beer bottle and takes a large gulp. "You know I've wanted you dead since the second you stepped into our house."
"Louis, you can let her go." Liam says to the man who still has a strong grip on my arm.
"Are you stupid? She'll try and escape!" Louis says, his hand grip tightening making me wince.
"She's not going to leave without Justin." Liam replies, going over to sit in a chair that is by Justin's parents. "Let her go."
I hear Louis sigh and he lets go of my arm. I feel the rope that was tied around my wrists get taken off and then Louis takes the cloth out of my mouth. He gives me a dirty look before he walks over to Ryan and grabs a beer for himself.
I look at Liam and he is cleaning off the bloody dagger. Seeing that he's paying no mind, I run over to Justin's side and kneel down next to him. His eyes are still closed and he's not moving.
"Justin," I say softly, shaking his shoulder gently.
I look down at Justin's side to see that the red spot on his shirt has gotten bigger and there's more blood in a puddle on the floor. I carefully lift his shirt up and gasp when I see a deep wound from Liam's dagger. My eyes glance back up to his face and his face is pale. He looks lifeless. I feel my eyes beginning to become watery.
"He won't live," Liam says, glancing up from his dagger to look at me before his eyes flicker back down to the sharp object in his hands. "He's already lost a lot of blood. I would be surprised if he wasn't dead already."
"S-Selena?" I hear Justin's weak, soft voice.
"Well, I spoke too soon." Liam says.
"Oh my god," I say, cupping his face in the palms of my hands with my thumbs brushing over his cheekbones. "Justin, are you okay?"
He shakes his head. "No...I'm not." he says, sounding as if he's out of breath.
"I should have just shot you," Liam says, standing up and taking a few steps towards us. "But, I wanted you to watch me kill your little slut of a girlfriend."
"You're not going to lay a hand on her." Justin growls.
"Oh, really?" Liam questions. Before I can react, Liam grabs my arm and pulls me into his chest and then I feel a gun get pressed to my temple. "Think again."
Justin's eyes widen. Despite the condition he's in, he tries to get to me, but his hands being tied behind the pole stops him. He winces loudly and slouches over a little, his eyes squeezing shut tightly. The pain is obviously coming from his side from where Liam has stabbed him.
"Let me go!" I shout, trying to wiggle out of Liam's hold. And somehow, I'm able to move myself out of his arms. I grab the gun from his hand and with instinct, I point it straight at him. "Try hurting me, and you'll see what happens."
I hear two guns from behind me load causing me to glance over my shoulder. Both Ryan and Louis have their guns pointed at me. When I look back at Liam he has the dagger back in his hand. It's three against one, and I'm smart enough to know that I'm not gonna win.
"Sel," Justin says, his voice sounding even weaker. "Drop the gun. I-it's not worth it."
I bite my lip. I throw the gun at Liam before I go back over and kneel down next to Justin.
"Ryan, Louis, upstairs now." Liam orders. "I need to talk to you two."
I watch as all three glare at me before they slowly leave the room. I hear their heavy footsteps climb up the staircase before hearing the door close behind them.
They're planning something, and I'm not wanting to stick around to find out what it is because I have a strong feeling it will end up with either Justin or me dead. And I prefer them to take my life away than taking Justin's.
~ Author's Notes ~
This chapter really sucks omfg...but I wanted to update tonight, so I kinda rushed through with writing this chapter.
What do you guys think is going to happen next? Is Justin not going to make it? Will Selena find a way to get Justin and his parents out safely?
A lot of things are about to happen and this story is going to be having a bunch of unexpected surprises before this story ends. Which, I'm thinking the story is going to be ending very soon, as in like the next fifteen or so chapters...maybe. :)
(P.S. - please make sure to comment and vote, and I need to know if you guys would like a sequel for this story once it ends. so please let me know if you want one or not for me in the comments! thanks! xo)
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