Chapter 9: True Bonds

Angela didn't sleep at all last night. How could she? When every time she closed her eyes, all she saw were her mate's anguished blue eyes. The pain etched into her and she couldn't find relief, it was as if someone had their first around her heart and it tightened each time she recalled his name.

The way they ended things yesterday left Angela to wonder how he was doing? She knew that leaving him like that must have hurt. But she didn't know what else to do in that moment because all she could see were her parents' dead in front of her. The man who destroyed her life had also scarred her mate. Everything around Angela was bleak, she didn't even look forward to going work today.

"Are you sure you don't want to take the day off?" Sonya asked. "We can always do inventory tomorrow."

Angela glanced at her friend who was driving. "I just don't want to be at home right now," she answered because then all she would think about was him.

Sonya continued to drive down the streets, they passed the elementary school before they arrived closer to the park and then outside the roundabout before the cafe. But that was when she noticed the van following behind them, it was the same model as the one that was with Trez on their date.

They parked outside the cafe and Angela got out of the car with Sonya. She glanced behind her and the black van was gone. She must have been mistaken; Trez wouldn't have had his guards follow her. The day was bright and sunny with the slight chill of an icy wind, she held the lapels of her jacket closed as Sonya unlocked the cafe door.

They both walked inside taking shelter from the cold as Sonya shut the door and left the sign still indicating that they were closed. They were only here to do inventory and make sure that the shop was ready for the week ahead. Frankly, Angela was just glad to be doing something other than dwelling on her thoughts over and over again.

"I'm going to make chai to warm me up," Sonya said. "Do you want some?"

"No, thanks," Angela answered with no appetite right now.

She didn't even turn on her phone to check if Trez called or texted because she didn't know what to say to him. Her thoughts were all over the place and she didn't want to hurt him again. She needed to figure thing out herself before she spoke to him again.

Sonya returned and put the TV on that was suspended on the corner of the wall, she flipped through the channels to find some music when she paused on the city news coverage. Angela wasn't paying attention until she heard the reporter detail the story of a building that randomly caught fire this morning. Nothing was salvaged but there weren't any casualties either. Seemed like nothing was going right for anyone.

Angela took off her jacket and hung on the door in the back before she came to the front with a notebook.

"Okay, that's it, I can't take it anymore," Sonya astonished. "I gave you your space but I've had enough." She stood there with her hands on her hips and her white saree gleaming under the sun like pearls. "What's going on with you and why are you so depressed after the date with Trez?"

Angela clenched the pen in her hands as she faced her friend's eyes. "Trez told me that he worked with the man that killed my parents," she confessed and she had to fight back the emerging threat of tears

Sonya's expression fell pale. "Oh god," she said a few words in Hindi that Angela didn't understand.

"I told him about how my parents died by Bertorelli and he didn't say anything to me," Angela told her. "I gave him every chance and I knew in my heart that he was hiding something. I just didn't think it would be this of all things.

"Did he explain the reason?" Sonya asked then.

"I didn't ask," Angela put the book down as she tried not to recall his expression. "I couldn't even think straight after he told me the truth. And then, Bertorelli was the one who attacked him last night."

Sonya came over and hugged Angela. "I'm sorry," she sighed grimly as she pulled back. "So, do we hate him together?"

Angela couldn't conjure strength in her legs, so she leaned on the stool. "I don't hate him," she confirmed. "I could never hate him."

"Then why are you avoiding him?" Sonya asked as she crossed her arms and the chime of her bangles echoed through the cafe.

Angela grabbed the locket hanging over her heart. "I feel like Bertorelli is plaguing my life. He took my parents and now he's after my mate. I hate it so much that I can't bear it anymore. I wish I could protect him, but I can't because I'm so weak." She couldn't even save her parents. Who was she to help Trez Luciano? Bertorelli was dangerous and he'd hurt Trez like last night when he got shot. He may have survived with just a scratch but what about next time?

"This isn't your fault, Angela," Sonya's brown eyes saddened.

"It feels like it is," Angela wiped the tear that fell. "I'm so weak and useless that my life is being tormented by a stupid criminal."

"You need to tell Trez how you feel," Sonya said.

Angela closed her eyes and she slumped against the stool. "I wish I could," she said as she believed that her ill fate would only curse his life, the one that he had built with such dedication and hard work. He was someone that pulled himself out of his tragedies and created a life to be proud of for his brother too. Unlike her, she only ran away from her past like when her parents died and she couldn't face the truth by escaping Italy.

Suddenly, the cool breeze poured into the store.

"Sorry, we're closed-" Sonya froze in her tracks.

Angela's body trembled from the raging pheromones that wrapped around her in an instant. She succumbed to their power and she only knew one person that ever managed to do that.

She glanced up at the one who entered the store this early in the morning. Her mate stood towering in the doorway, he was in a navy-blue suit tailored to fit his every muscle and contour. The light danced over his broad shoulders, but she caught the heavy exhaustion in his blazing blue eyes and she guessed that he hadn't slept all night, just like her. She couldn't even manage a greeting as she lost herself to his strength, that was always tempting her to rely on it.

"I'll give you two a moment," Sonya shuffled out of the way and escaped to the kitchen in the back.

Angela wasn't sure what to say or do. She stood in front of him as he came inside the store and let the door shut behind him. No one else was here, not even his brother or guards. They were all alone and she was grateful but her heart wouldn't stop pounding in her chest for him.

"How are you?" He broke the silence.

Angela swallowed the tightness in her throat. "I'm not sure," she answered truthfully.

Trez's blue eyes gleamed under the light as he faced her with nothing but resolve. "Are you still angry that I didn't tell you about Bertorelli?" he asked.

"No," she answered because she was never angry. "I understand why you couldn't tell me."

Trez didn't close the few inches of space between them even though she knew that he wanted to nothing but that. "I worked for Bertorelli once," he admitted with a rigid expression. "He was ruthless and bitter that he couldn't win against his brother. So, he used me to win territories for him."

Angela's heart felt as if someone was ripping it apart all over again, but she didn't stop him from telling her everything.

"I helped him win anything he needed," Trez explained. "But I was only doing that in order to beat him. I was able to get allies and investors for my club. But you need to know Angela that I never laid a finger on anyone innocent. I only killed and only took from wealthy criminals."

Angela met his determined blue eyes that only told her the truth. There was no mask over him and she could see how he finally let go of everything.

"I wasn't mad at you," Angela spoke then. "I was mad at myself."

Trez frowned. "What?"

"Bertorelli took my family from me and then when I learned that he was trying to hurt you, I couldn't face it," she told him as tears welled in her eyes again as much as she tried to fight them back. "I can't lose another person I love. It'll kill me-" she hid her face behind her hands as her tears ran down her cheeks.

Angela felt the warmth of his arms that wrapped around her. She sank into him as his scent was the only thing keeping her from falling apart. He held her securely like he'd never let go and she knew that she'd never pull away again. In the little time she knew him, she had given him her heart that she guarded from everyone.

"Shhh, baby, don't cry," his soft voice was soothing against her ears.

Her tears soaked the lapel of his jacket and she put her arms around him as her trembling hands clenched his clothes. "I'm sorry I left last night," she cried.

"You never need to apologize to me," he pressed her closer to him.

Angela found herself comforted as his heart pounded to a steady beat against her ear. She listened carefully and remembered that he was alive and with her. There was nothing more important than that and she'd treasure him. She'd do anything to protect him and keep him safe. She wasn't going to run away in fear that this would all end. The love her parents had was something she ached for too and she knew that Trez was the one for her.

Angela pulled away and faced him. "I'm proud to call you my mate," she affirmed as she met his blue eyes, that were mystified by her words. "Your past made you who you are and I'll always support you."

Trez brought his hand to her cheek as his thumb swiped across it softly, he wiped away the tears. "You're going to make me blush," he jested.

Angela laughed despite the tears in her eyes. "I don't think that's even possible," she admitted as she pulled away and went around the counter. "Do you want coffee?"

"There's something else I have to tell you," he said then.

The machines clanked alive as she hit the buttons to turn them on, but she heard the austere tone from the way he spoke. She knew that there was something else now, but she wasn't nervous or scared. She had his back and that was her role.

"What is it?" Angela asked as she let the coffee beans grind away and drop into the tank. But before she brewed the expresso shots, she turned to face him.

"I killed Bertorelli last night and every single one of his thugs," he admitted with an icy tone.

Angela froze in her spot. "You killed him."

"For you," Trez declared with a reverberating possessive tone that sent a sizzling hot shudder down her body. It was like he already knew what she craved and fulfilled her wish as her mate.

The man who took her parents and even attacked her mate was dead. Finally, she thought. She knew she sounded cold or even evil, but that man never deserved to live after destroying so many lives. He was finally gone and it was because of her mate.

Angela didn't have any words. The only thing that coursed through her was the need to go to her mate. She crossed the table and came up to him, she was sure he was surprised but his tantalizing blue eyes never faltered. Grabbing the lapel of his jacket, she pulled him down and locked her lips with his and kissed him with all her heart and soul.

A dangerous growl rumbled out of him and trembled through her as he possessively took over the kiss. His arm wrapped around her waist and he pulled her hard against him, she braced herself and held his strong arms as his mouth showed her that he really was as dangerous as the world feared. The way his tongue caressed hers was seductive and carnal, like he knew that nothing could have her once he had his claim on her. And the claim he had on her was sealed from the moment he set his eyes on her.

Angela felt his rough hands clutch onto her waist, she tried to stay calm but it was impossible with his hands on her. He pushed closer as his tongue deepened in her mouth and she couldn't fight back from the moan that escaped. He had no patience and didn't look like he cared about anything around him. He caged her against the counter before he pulled her up onto the stool where he spread her legs and pressed closer between them.

She didn't pull away or let him either. Her fingers naturally raked into his hair and he pushed her skirt over her thighs as he gripped the soft skin hard. The blood in her veins burned like molten lava and it was weighing her down with need. Her body wasn't listening to reason, she just had to let his body melt into hers and nothing mattered more.

Trez grumbled a curse before he pulled away. "We need to stop otherwise I'm going to lose it and rip this dress off you," his tone was low but uncontrolled.

She sat on the stool breathless but her eyes didn't leave his gaze. The kiss kept appearing in front of her and she couldn't even think to do anything else right now. Everything around her vanished and she only saw him.

Angela leaned in and laid her lips on his cheek giving him a soft kiss. "Thank you," she whispered, "for avenging my parents." Since her arms were around him, she felt the shudder that trembled through him and she adored it.

"Damn it," he grumbled. "You're not making this easy."

"What?" she asked as she found herself touching the strands of his hair that fell over his eyes.

Trez's jaw tightened as he gritted down on his teeth. "You're touching me and sitting here in this gorgeous dress that isn't hiding anything from me," he answered gruffly. "I want to take you home right fucking now."

Angela looked down at her dress that was white and had pink flowers scattered over it. But she knew that the tight bodice hugged her waist and pushed her breasts higher than any other dress she owned. Also, she hadn't worn this one in a while so it was a little tighter than she remembered. She hadn't realized that her breasts outgrew the neckline. But she didn't think it was that big of a deal. Apparently, she was wrong.

Trez was already stood between her legs, so she couldn't help but tease him a little. "You want to take me home," she whispered as she pulled him closer by the help of her leg, that was behind his own. "What would you do with me there, Trez?" His eyes darkened over her and she realized that the man didn't know how to take a joke.

She was about to intervene when he responded with his hands. He possessively pushed her legs further apart letting the cool buckle of his belt press into her stomach. She lost her breath and tried to stay as still as possible, so she wouldn't touch anything else. The raging pheromones that didn't leave anything to imagination surrounded her into this feral tornado, that was ready to pull her into its wake and destroy her.

"I was joking," she managed to use her voice and tried to save herself, but it was too late.

Trez leaned down and laid his lips that were burning hot against her throat, her fingers combed into his hair and she fisted it as his tongue licked up the pulsing nerve. She moaned his name hoping he'd stop, but also yearned that he wouldn't. He sucked on the nerve before she felt his sharp teeth slide down her neck. She felt his seductive lips reach over the curve of her breasts and he teasingly bit down on the exposed mound.

Angela gasped out loud and gaped down at him but he was smiling up at her. She was about to give him a piece of her mind when she noticed two men at the door. How long were they standing there? She panicked as she pushed Trez away from her.

The two men entered the cafe and Trez was the only one composed. He raked his tousled hair back as he faced the two men as she gathered her sanity back together. She heard familiar voices and looked over Trez's shoulders that covered her. Those two men who stood in trench coats were the ones she met at the penthouse last night.

"Angela, this is Wade and Darius," Trez introduced.

She faced the two men who stood tall and powerfully built together, but there was something mischievous about the one who blue eyes versus the one who held himself stoically. She wondered if these were the ones that Trez rescued from the cage-fights.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," she smiled up at them. "You must be Trez's friends that he told me about."

"Of course, we are," Wade came over to her with a playful smile on his lips. "He has no other friends. Trez is a complete loner." Angela laughed as she saw Trez's irritated expression.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?" she asked.

"Yes, please," Wade groaned. "Your mate has been making run errands all over town."

"Has he now," she said as she looked over at her mate who was nonchalant about Wade's complaints.

Darius quietly took a seat by the wall and Trez joined him. They quickly fell into discussion about something that happened.

"Wade, come here and give me the intel on Reyes," Trez said sternly.

Wade rolled his eyes. "Can't I get a moment to relax?" he asked.

"No," Trez answered. "Over Here. Now."

Angela never realized that Trez used a different tone with others, it was adorable. "What's your coffee order, boys?" she asked the two others since she knew that Trez only preferred a macchiato.

"My brother likes his coffee black, no sugar," Wade answered. "And I'll love a sweet cappuccino."

She couldn't understand how those two were brothers when they had the exact opposite personalities. Wade was charming and undoubtedly playful with anyone he met. But Darius was a walking ice storm ready to freeze anyone. He barely changed his stern expression and he didn't even make a sound.

She was quick to brew the cups of coffee the way they liked and wondered if she could cook up some pastries in the kitchen.

Now, that she thought about it, where did Sonya go? She hadn't returned from the kitchen. Angela looked back at Trez and then it hit her. Axe wasn't here either and he was always by his brother's side. A smile lifted her lips and she knew right away that those two love birds were in the back. Maybe, she shouldn't disturb them just yet. After everything that happened last night, Angela didn't even get to ask Sonya how she ended up with Axe and they came to the penthouse together.

Angela put the three cups on a tray and went over to the men. "Here you are," she said as she held the tray on one palm and placed the correct coffee in front of the right man.

"Thanks," Wade and Darius both spoke.

She smiled at them. "Let me know if you want more," she said.

"How about you sit with us and we can talk about how beautiful you are rather than Trez's boring business," Wade offered.

Trez was about to kill Wade but Darius already kicked the man in the shin, which jolted the table and Wade glared at his brother. "I was kidding," he tried to defend himself.

Angela went back to the counter to make herself a cup of coffee like Wade suggested. But then, the door to her cafe opened again and it was Hazel coming inside. She was dressed beautifully in a bright yellow dress that flowed just above her thigh. Her shiny blond hair curled around her shoulders and a few clips were holding a few pieces back showing her lovely hazel eyes.

"Angela," Hazel astonished. "I thought you were closed today."

"We are," she answered her friend. "Sonya and I were here to do inventory."

Hazel sighed in relief. "Oh, I thought something happened with all the cars parked outside," she said before her eyes caught the three men sitting on the side together. Instantly, Hazel's eyes widened and she beamed with a huge smile on her face. "Darius!" she exclaimed as she waved across the room.

Angela never thought she'd see that man blush, but his face had turned scarlet-red as he choked on a bit of coffee. The man was absolutely bewildered and had no clue what to do with the attention on him right now. Wade was the one who called him out on it, but Darius smiled at Hazel and ended his brother's line of questions.

"Do you want coffee, Hazel?" Angela asked as she pulled her friend to the side.

"Sure," Hazel answered. "A pumpkin spice latte, please."

"Do you have work?" she asked.

Hazel groaned. "Sadly," she said. "But I at least got to take my new dress out for a spin."

"It looks great on you," Angela said truthfully.

Hazel smiled happily. "Thanks," she said. "We have new shipment of dresses in. You should come take a look."

"I definitely will." Angela quickly turned the machine on to brew another two shots of espresso. "So, how do you know Darius?" she whispered secretly.

Hazel rummaged through her purse for her wallet. "After you went on your date, he dropped me home and we talked," she answered.

"He talked to you," Angela said since the man never said a word here.

Hazel smiled with her glossy pink lips. "Yeah, he's really nice," she said before she leaned in. "And what about you? How was the date with hottie over there?"

Angela sighed. "It went great until chaos broke out," she answered.

"Oh no," Hazel frowned. "I feel like we need another girls night to catch up. Where's Sonya?"

"She's probably romancing it up with another fellow as we speak," Angela smiled knowingly at Hazel.

-Sonya Sharma's POV-

Sonya stood by the stove as the chai brewed wondering how the talk between Angela and Trez was going. She still remembered her friend's paled expression from last night, that was gut-wrenching for her to witness. She had never seen Angela drown in such a miserable state that the light vanished from her hazel eyes. On top of that, there was nothing she could do but be by Angela's side. Sonya just hoped that Angela didn't give up this chance at love without giving it her all.

Chance at love, she thought as the smell of black tea surrounded her. She hadn't even answered the questions swimming around her own heart. What was she feeling for Axe? Was this love that made her only focus on him and look for him? Even now, when Trez entered the cafe, her eyes sought for Axe right away and she felt like she was losing her mind. She hasn't known him that long to be behaving this way, it was ridiculous. But her heart already knew why she ached to be by his side and stay in his arms.

Suddenly, something soft brushed between her shoulder-blades. She flinched with a gasp almost knocking over her cup when she turned and saw Axe standing behind her.

"A-Axe," she astonished. "You're here." She clearly remembered that Trez came alone earlier, but she quickly was distracted by how close Axe stood to her. She gripped the counter behind her as she faced his flaming blue eyes that always felt untamed.

"You seem distracted," his dark tone sent a shudder down her body.

"Er- no, not at all," Sonya may have lied a little, but she couldn't help it when she stood in front of him.

"Really?" He didn't believe her. "Because your tea's about to boil over."

Sonya gasped loudly as she remembered that the chai was on the stove. She spun on her feet and turned the knob letting the fire die. She quickly blew at the chai that reached the edge of the metal pot and picked it up moving it to the side. God, what was she thinking moving her focus off it? She blamed the sexy wolf or man or both, that was smirking whilst leaning against the counter.

"What were you distracted about?" Axe asked.

"Nothing," she said.

Axe crossed his arms bunching up the leather of his jacket. "Sonya," her name off his lips was as sweet as honey. "Look at me."

Sonya hesitated but she turned and faced his flaming blue eyes that were pulling her in its heat. "I'm just worried for Angela and your brother," she confessed.

"They worked things out already," Axe informed.

Sonya gaped at him. "They did!" she exclaimed as she felt instant relief for her friend. She should check on her.

"Hold on," Axe grabbed her hand stopping her from leaving him.

Sonya felt the heat from his hand climb through her arm. He was the one that pulled her closer towards him, that their legs brushed together through the skirt of her saree. She didn't know where to look or rest her hands as he had his entire focus solely on her.

"I can feel your heart pounding," he whispered above her ear.

She sensed the soft brush of his thumb against her wrist where her heart was hammering uncontrollably. "Axe," she tried to gain some control of herself but it was impossible.

His arm circled around her bare waist and she was surrounded by the dark cologne that clung to him. She felt it seep into her skin, mark her and remind her that there was no where she could run where he wouldn't track her. He leaned in, his lips inches away as she felt the floor from under her feet slip away and she was weak in the knees. Thankfully, his strong arm was holding her as she was losing herself to him.

"I need to give you something," his soft voice caressed the strings around her heart and it hummed with a soft yearn to be closer.

"Hmm?" Sonya was lifted off the ground surprising her since she was five-foot nine. He placed her gently on the counter.

"Do you remember when we met?" he asked.

Sonya could never forget the night she met him in that alleyway. "Yes," she answered as he put his hand in his pocket.

"I found something after you left," he said as she looked down at his hand and her anklet hung from his fingers.

"I thought I lost it," she amazed that he held her anklet in his hand and kept it safe all this time.

"You didn't," Axe said. "I had it with me since that night."

Sonya couldn't believe it. "Why did you keep it?"

Axe stared at her with this wicked desire gleaming in his gaze. "Because it was yours," he replied. "But I wanted a part of you with me."

"Then why are you giving it back?" she asked then.

"I have you now," he leaned into her. "I don't want just a part of you with me. I want all of you. Every single piece, every smile and laugh. I ache every night and day to keep you with me forever."

Sonya's heart skipped a thousand beats and she surrendered to his beautiful words. This sensation of her heart being taken away from her was real. She couldn't contain it or keep it within herself, but it was naturally going to his embrace and yearned to stay there forever too.

Axe's hand brushed down her thigh before he reached towards her ankle. Sonya placed her foot on the stool beside her, the heel of the sandal dug into the leather. She moved away the hem of her saree revealing the bare leg, that felt empty without the chime of the bells that followed wherever she went. He ran his fingers along her skin down her ankle before he wrapped the thin silver string around her and fastened the clip.

Sonya didn't know if it was because he kept her anklet with him this entire time, but she found herself being swept away into his mesmerizing charm. He probably wasn't even aware what it meant to give a girl her anklet back. She leaned closer to him, strands of her hair fell from her shoulders and brushed his hands.

"Thank you for keeping my anklet safe," she whispered.

Axe's eyes were lost in her own gaze. "It feels kind of strange without it now," he admitted.

She couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sure I can find something else to leave with you," she said.

He put his fingers around her nape bringing her closer to his mouth. "I can think of something," his breath caressed her lips.

Sonya held her breath as he fit between her legs, she couldn't focus on anything around them as she lost herself to his control. The wild flames that fanned from within her spread through her body and engulfed him too. She sensed this pull between them, that was deeper than just touch, like something dangerous grabbed onto her so it could devour her. She looked into his cavernous eyes that flashed with a feral glint, that was as sharp as a blade. His wolf appeared again before her, like it was holding onto the last bit of patience. She wished she could meet him.

Axe leaned closer towards her lips, she pressed into his touch and wondered what it'd feel like to be kissed by him. She's never been kissed before, so she wasn't sure if it'd be pleasant. But she knew that Axe would lead her and show her how he ached to be kissed. She lowered her eyes; her lashes touched her cheeks as she felt her breath exhilarate.

However, Axe stiffened in her arms and the flames around him extinguished. A dangerously icy intent surrounded him and she didn't know what happened. Was it because of her? Did she do something wrong?

"Axe, what's wrong?" she asked hesitantly.

"I closed that door before I came to you," Axe answered as his rigid blue eyes focused on something.

Sonya turned and saw the delivery door wide open. She knew she locked it and they barely used it too. Something wasn't right and Axe caught on too.

Suddenly, a loud crash boomed through the entire cafe, it was like a bomb dropped in the middle of the place. Axe lifted her off the table and seated her down to stay hidden behind the counter, when she caught him reach behind his belt and pull out a black gun. He held it in his hands and pointed it at the door. Sonya wasn't sure what the hell was going on but why did it have to be in their new cafe?

Suddenly, Axe used the gun and its loud bang forced her to cover her ears. He shot so many times that she lost count. Angela and Trez were at the front of the cafe, what happened with them? She knew that Trez would keep Angela safe.

Sonya peeked over the counter and caught Axe in the middle of a fight with two random thugs she didn't recognize. However, Axe managed swiftly as he punched one of them in the face and then he shot him in the brain. The other one came running towards Axe with a massive knife in his grip but Axe was faster and bigger than the thug. He grabbed the hand with the knife and slammed it against the wall, the thug dropped it before Axe shot the man in the head. However, Axe didn't notice the one rushing towards him from behind.

Sonya moved quickly, she grabbed the steaming hot pot of chai and threw it at the thug's head since she couldn't come up with anything else. The thug screamed in agony as the chai spilled all over his face burning him. Axe pulled her behind him before he shot the man in the chest and he died on the ground, his blood mixing with the chai. The sight of that burrowed into her head.

"Don't look, baby," Axe covered her eyes with his chest. "Come on, I need to get you out of here."

They rushed out of the kitchen to the front of the cafe and that was when Sonya's heart dropped from torment. There was a massive van right in the middle of their store, it had crashed through the windows and the entire wall had been caved in and fell on the floor. Dust and debris covered everything and she saw Darius and another man fighting some men off, Hazel was there too. Sonya searched with her heart pounding in her chest for her best friend.

Through the wreckage, she caught the streak of blood that painted the floor, like something had been dragged across the tiles. She let go of Axe's hand and rushed towards the counter, she caught her friend's heels before she saw Trez holding Angela.

"Angela!" Sonya rushed to her side. "What happened?" she saw the gaping wound bleeding on her stomach through the beautiful dress.

"She jumped in front of me," Trez answered as his hollowed eyes stayed on her.

Axe came to them too and he said something to his brother, but Sonya couldn't hear anything as she stared at her friend's body that grew paler by the second.

"We need to move the girls!" Axe growled at his brother.

Sonya missed the next few things but she heard that back-up was coming and the cops would here too, since this commotion was in the middle of civilians. Suddenly, Sonya was lifted off the ground and she faced Axe's eyes that were lashed with determination. He pulled her out of the rubble but she couldn't leave Angela.

Suddenly, more thugs came rushing through the door that had been broken too. Axe already had his gun out and the men dropped on the floor like flies. Darius was protecting Hazel as she noticed them move further away from the van.

Sonya didn't know what to do and this merely reminded her of the days she endured these fights on the streets when she was young. Gangs raided towns in India all the time and she knew what happened at the end. Everyone was killed and she could never do anything about it.

Sonya noticed before Axe as a thug approached them from the back entrance from the kitchen. She didn't think nor did she have a moment to waste. Her feet moved as the bells of the anklets on her feet chimed under the sound of bullets. She blocked Axe's back and a sharp bullet cut through her stomach. The stinging pain was momentary because her blood started pounding through her at a rapid speed. She lost strength in her legs and she fell, but a pair of strong arms caught her.

"Sonya!" Axe's voice was panicked, which was the first time she heard it like that.

She coughed as the pain grew like flames in her stomach, but the metal taste in her mouth was disgusting. "Axe," something spilled out from her lips. She touched it and brought her hand up to her eyes seeing it painted red.

"Just breathe for me, baby," Axe instructed.

She tried to breathe but it hurt a lot. "I'm-" she winced.

"Shhh, don't waste your strength," Axe said.

But Sonya needed to say it otherwise she may never have a chance again. "I love you," she bit out as she swallowed blood. "I've fallen in love with-" she cried out in pain as she felt his hand hold onto her stomach, probably to stop the blood- "with you, Axe."

Axe's blue eyes glazed with a sheen of tears for her. "Don't say that," he said before he turned and yelled at the other men about something.

She had to say it now because that's just how she felt and she didn't want to die with regret. "I would've loved to have met your wolf," she mumbled as she smiled up at him. The tears from her own eyes fell along her cheeks. "I'm sure he would've been-" she felt a surge of pain wash over her- "just as sweet as you."

The loud blare of sirens was heard in the distance but she couldn't keep her eyes open anymore. Something exhausting took over and forced her to let it take her into darkness. She heard Axe's pleads to stay awake, but she couldn't fulfil his request.

The last thing she saw was Axe's beautiful blue eyes before she fell into this void with nothing else. She couldn't feel the pain anymore or hear anything around her. She was just grateful that she told the one that she loved how she felt since this was the end...

To read ahead to Chapter 10, it has already been posted on my Patreon. So, you don't have to wait a whole week again. Become a member today and unlock tons of exclusive chapters on all your favourite characters.

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