๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ 18 ยป

In happiness of 1k here you go purples thank you for 1k hihi.


The book open up, and a title in big words was there.

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"Yoon Han jae isn't he was the second one who ruled our country ?" Namjoon nodded at younger's question.

"Let's read further" namjoon said and started to read further and loud. Second page comes up.

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There were so many names of things they never heard before and some useless thing they now don't need for, but the main thing they want to see is not showing up.

They turned page and page more and more. At the last they find something interesting.

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"Hyung what it is about and who is the seven prince"

"Jungkook I don't know too, but I heard in other book that seven prince of Wardranet held the most powerful powers that can destroy atleast 3 planet" all of their eyes widened and mouth hang open.

"Wow that prince must be so lucky" Jungkook said still in daze of shock. But namjoon shook his head.

"No he was not I read somewhere his life was turned into miserable cause evil demons were after his powers and him and I read somewhere too that someone was like him too same Powerful as him but that person's identity is most hidden and secretive in this planet people still talk about them" all of them ohed at the information the smartest just shared.

"Oh poor things I can understand what they must have gone through" all of them nodded their head.

"Yes you're right we've been through those worse things too but their was more then worse. Destiny really wrote worse fate for them"

"But wait we didn't find what we lookin for, how we will now there's nothing in this book now except this" Jungkook said pointing at the page where the warning is written. They all said ahh in sync except the younger.

"But only seventh prince I mean seventh king can only open this and we don't know who is the seventh king and where he is" Taehyung voice out his thoughts.

They all fell into deep thoughts, thinking who might be seventh prince whom they never saw infect never heard about except the 148 iq bish. Jin sighed in frustration.

"Yah we won't find him like this stop thinking you all" he was clearly frustrated. They all nodded and agreed except namjoon who is tyna make something in his mind.

"Jungkook, what if you can open this" (well someone used brain)

"You crazy I'm not seventh king"

"But you still are king, and who knows it's you the seventh king this book is demanding for"

"But hyung there is clearly wrote seventh king I'm not seventh king"

"I said who knows if YOU'RE" he said emphasizing the last part.

"Hyung your logic is lame"

"No my logic is always right, what if you're the seventh king in king's genre. We're all living on this planet from centuries but never even one person know how many kings was out there cause our history was always hidden"

"Well make sense" Suga said from the behind.

"I think you should give a try Jungkook what if namjoon is right this smart bitch's knowledge is most of the time never proved wrong" hobi said with a look that no one can said what it is. Namjoon puffed his Adam apples out in pride.

"Yah yah you don't need to be feel so proud" jin said slapping namjoon's pulled out chest. Namjoon quickly turned his posture into normal one.

Jungkook sighed knowing damn well that he can't go back now.

"Ok I will but what should I do"

Suddenly some words appeared on the vacant page of book.

"๐™๐™ค๐™ง ๐™ค๐™ฅ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™—๐™ค๐™ค๐™ , ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ฅ๐™š๐™ง๐™จ๐™ค๐™ฃ ๐™ฌ๐™๐™ค ๐™˜๐™–๐™ฃ ๐™ค๐™ฅ๐™š๐™ฃ ๐™๐™–๐™ซ๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™ค ๐™ช๐™จ๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š๐™ž๐™ง ๐™ฃ๐™–๐™ฉ๐™ช๐™ง๐™š ๐™ฅ๐™ค๐™ฌ๐™š๐™ง"

"How tf this book know this much" Jungkook asked in confusion while mouth agap at the what this simple looking book can do.

"Well nevermind I will just do what I'm asked for" Jungkook raised his palm and some power started to appear one by one green, blue, and white they all were around his hand, starting from wrist to palm in a circle motion and they all, each was in three layer glowing in their own colour.

Jungkook pours his power to the book. The book open up further and the picture of many people showed up.

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At the image of next person their eyes widened in shock all mouth hang open eyes threatening to come out.

"H-how t-this can be happened h-hyun" jimin said in a low voice still surprised.

"I-i don't know to jimin" and there was the last names with pictures.

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There were pictures of the all seven of them with their name. Their mouth goes dry eyes can't believe what they just show. But that's what their destiny is.

๐™…๐™–๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™›๐™–๐™ข๐™ž๐™ก๐™ฎ~

๐™…๐™–๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ฎ๐™ค ๐™จ๐™ช๐™  - ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ค๐™› ๐™๐™š๐™™๐™ง๐™š๐™™๐™–๐™˜๐™
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Jungkook's heart skipped a bit when he saw your picture he forget the people around him and most importantly that there is you too. So lost in your picture.

Wavy hair, brown glowing eyes hint of red in them, skin more paller then now and a brown sleeveless gown adoring your body making you more then beautiful and a glowing baby blue and white crown on your head and a sweet and innocent smile was placed on your lips making you a bubbly and sweet girl.

Jungkook was so in daze that he didn't noticed that all his hyung is freaking out some pulling hairs some slapping each other in due to shock. And when he heard hobi's loud speaker scream he come out from the daze and calmed down all his hyung.

"Yahhh hyungs, you can't do something fullish here" he scolded all of them after making them calm down.

"B-but is the same girl as her, who is living with you kook how can this happen" jin asked in disbelief still in denial to accept this is the same girl as her.

"I know that to hyung but you should have asked me in a calmer manner too"

"C-can we read further" Jungkook faced namjoon who was still in shock but nodded nonetheless.

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Suddenly the book closed and started to float in the air that the seven mans were reading Jungkook thought one of his hyung did but he followed the power that is holding the book up in air and shows you standing beside them, then he noticed you and the atmosphere around him, there you standing gritting your teeth and the glowing golden power coming thro your palm lighting your face. What he failed to notice is the anger in her eyes and the way her eyes simmering in golden colour and the heavy smoke in the aroma pouring that is covering half of their body. He was shock to see you their standing. His heart felt overwhelmed from the thing he just saw the adoration he had before is now growed more. He was in the daze of his thoughts when your voice throwed him out from his trance.

"Jeon Jungkook, i freaking tells you not to dig in the information wasn't i ? Do you know what you caused you don't have idea what you have awakened they know now where is this book they know now what how to open this book not only this but you made a big mistake for yourself Jeon Jungkook you don't have any idea what now you will go through not only you but this six wonders too." Anger can clearly seen in her voice her voice was so low and dark but her dark eyes speaking more, there were emotion he can't seem to understand. Concern, sadness anger and one more but what it is.

She fisted her palm and the book disappeared in air shocking all the man present in the room.

"Now only I know where the book is, I hide the book from them they can't know what it is in the book" she was still fuming with anger but her voice was calm.

"Suga and hoseok come here" she turned her face to face them. Both of the man looked at her curiously not fearing from her. They walked straight to her and stand beside infront of her.

"Make a barrier around the prifrotry by the spells that will be given to you soon. Hoseok go around and always make sure there is not someone around you they will try to come thro as shape shifter and will disappear so they can get in the castle but the power you will be given can make you see who is a shapeshifter and you will see soon if someone is hiding by disappearing" with the only information she touched their forehead and both of them fall back. She saw them falling without any emotions in her eyes, her eyes were blank and scary. All other man surrender the unconscious man looking at her but she didn't said anything instead she said.

"You all will loose something under some days but jungkook-" she directly looked at him with her Fierce eyes "-you will loose now" he can't read her emotions.

"What are you-" before he can said something he saw your breath hitched and you throwed up in the air.

"Y/N" she shouted your name and started to run towards you but as he stepped one step closer he found himself and you in a black place. There is nothing just a light that is coming from somewhere but he still can feel like there is floor beneath him but there was nothing only black beneath his foot. He looked up and saw you in a blue bubble laying in the air. He again shouted your name but you were just laying there unconscious. He tried to step closer you but he was stopped by a voice.

"Stop right there young man" there was a light coming above him from where the voice is coming too. He looked up at the voice.

"Who are you and why are we here"

"Ask yourself that young man before opening that book" that voice said in a calm manner.

"What is in that book, that people are crazy about huhhh" he is furious now.

"Calm down young man, you will know soon just wait for your birthday and about book, that is many things in there that book is not just like that cursed for, it's hiding the most scariest secret under her pages. Be patient you will know by yourself soon but before that forget everything that is around your head and focus on the girl you two soon will not get enough time for yourself young men, she is not fully who she is she is scared focus on her or you will loose her again" Jungkook is confused at the every words that voice spoke but that voice is right from the past days he didn't get to look after her it's new for her all of this but at the same time he is confuse about her but he let it slide for now.

"What you mean by again ?" That voice didn't said anything.

"You by yourself broke the rule Jungkook you will be punished not only you but the other 6 wonders of the planet Wardranet too, prepare yourself" ignoring his question the voice disappeared at both of them again was in that room.

Jungkook looked at your figure who is floating in the air. Guilt, sorrow everything started to eat him. He thought cause of him he, his hyungs and you will loose something that rule that they never broke, is broke now for the first time by them.

"I-i" he started to begin when Taehyung interrupted.

"You don't need to be sorry Jungkook we all agreed on this so we all will suffer together yah" he said and looked down at his two other hyung who is lying down unconscious. Suddenly he heard the long breath taken in by the two of his hyung. They all looked toward the two who sat up choking on the air. Suga's eyes were pure black not a single hint of white in them and hobi's eyes were pure yellow. After gaining their breath their eyes turned back to normal.

"That-that was scary s-so scary" all of them looked confusingly at hobi and Suga nodded along.

"What you meant by scary" jin asked frowning his eyebrows.

"They were testing us for the power that are now in us, that was so scary that were things that oh my god I can't describe I don't want to talk about this" Suga said and hobi agreed with him and all didn't questioned them too.

"I think we should go now and do what y/n told us to do" jimin said standing up. They all nodded their head and stand up jin put his one arm around Suga to help him and namjoon put his one arm around hobi to help him then they walked out Jungkook then took you out too from still in the Bubble he tried to touch you and free you but failed so he used his power. They all locked the room and goes in different directions to do what they need to. Jungkook entered in a room and put you down on bed and the bubble, it's look like it's not leaving any soon. Jungkook looked at you with guilt in his eyes and gulped a lump in his throat.

"Sleep the night away princess" he want to cress your hair and give a sweet kiss to your forehead like when he do always when you're asleep but he stood there helpless looking at you and suppressed the urge to cress you and feel you. He looked at you for more minutes then walked out from your room.

Ok this CHP was freaking long man my hands is paining owu like 3140 words wow long chapter till now I think so ? Nvm ok bye and have a good night and day ahead bye bye purples ๐Ÿ’œ

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