Chapter 10

Vincent's Pov:

Time passed by quickly and it's already been a month since Ariel found out. I can honestly say it's been the best month of my life. The funny thing about that is, the only difference from every other day of my life was that now Dare was my boyfriend instead of just best friend.

The only major thing that changed is kissing. Lots and lots of kissing. That and I seem to walk around hard a lot more then I used to. It's like the damn thing has a mind of it's own, and all it can think about is Dare.

I'd be lying if I said that I didn't want to go public. I'm not naive enough to think that everyone will accept and be happy for us. But I whole heartedly agree with what Ariel said. If they hate on us because who we love then we don't need them in our lives.

I hate watching the chicks at school flirt with my Dare. Granted he politely tells them that he's in a serious relationship but it still aggravates me a little. It even annoys me when they hit on me.

For the most part I've been ignoring it or telling them I'm taken. I even told one or two that I was secretly married. It bugs me that they pull their shirts down or skirts up and blatantly try and pick me up in front of Dereck and vise versa.

If they knew he was with me that would put a stop to that shit.

Plus I can see it pisses him off too. His jaw tightens and his eyes narrow and he shoots death rays at them.

I understand that he wants to make sure about us before we 'ring a bell that can't be unrung' but it still stings a bit that he thinks about us being over when we've only just begun.

In all honesty I could see us getting married someday, on a beach in Mexico or something. Maybe even adopting a kid or two. That's what trips me out. I'm not even 18 yet, but I'm already thinking forever and always, white picket fence with matching SUV's, 2.3 kids and a golden retriever.

The whole shebang and I want it all with the boy I've considered my best friend my whole life.

Think of the devil and he appears. Dare slid his arms around me from behind and kissed between my shoulder blades.

"Hey you" He purred against my back.

"I figured you'd still be asleep. I was just about to make breakfast. If you wanna go shower it'll be done when you get out." I said kissing his head that was resting on my shoulder.

"You got it boss." He pinched my butt and ran before I could retaliate.

I had a meeting with an attorney today so I wouldn't be going to school until probably fourth period. I haven't told Dare exactly what I was doing, just that it was a family thing. Don't want to bore him with my family drama.

Come to think of it, I should probably talk to him about everything. Normally I would have but this all stems from the last blow out I had with Veronica and Peter formerly know as mother and father. Which happened the morning of his parents death.

I hadn't purposely not told him. But honestly it's so unimportant I never even thought about it. If it hadn't been for Sammy texting me to remind me about the meeting I wouldn't have gone.

We ate breakfast and I dropped Dare off at school before driving the hour trip to the family's lawyer's office. I pulled up and rolled my eyes. Of course they would have an attorney that had a hideously ostentatious office.

I walked to the secretary and gave her my name. Within minutes an overweight slightly bald man in a suit that was no doubt Versace walked out and greeted me.

"Hello Mr. Ford. Pleasure to meet you finally. If you'll have a seat we can get this business sorted out shortly." He said formally.

I sat in the comfortable wing back chair across from his desk and waited. He pulled out a stack of papers and began sorting them out.

"Right, then. There are a few different documents for us to go over. This one is the details of the trust fund your Grandfather on your mother's side set up for you. This other set of documents is for the bequithal your Grandfather Ford left you."

I already knew about those and had sat down with my grandparents attorney's when they passed. I affirmed that I knew what they were and he continued.

"This set of documents is your copy. As of now with the monetary and realistate assets you have about 16 million accumulated. The funds were put into a high yield account and should gain you a very decent amount of interest by the time you reach the age to access them. Which if you were wondering will be on your 25th birthday or when you graduate from college with a bachelors degree. I just need you to sign these papers stating that I've gone over them and you understand everything."

I looked them over quickly and signed the 10 billion places that needed my John Handcock.

He set those aside and pulled out another stack of papers. "These are the papers for the account your parents set up for you. Along with a non disclosure agreement and some restrictions they've stipulated about the account." He took a deep breath and for the first time since I walked in looked a little uncomfortable.

"They transferred 10 million into accounts for both you and your sister. The non disclosure is just that. You're agreeing to not discuss the reasons for your leaving. Should the tabloids get wind of you living on your own. The money is not in there because that was to be a gift upon moving out and setting up your own home. Since you are living on your own you've received it now. This final document is just stating the stipulations of receiving the money."

I rolled my eyes as he continued.

"Which are as follows: You are to sever all ties with your mother and father. Unless at a public function, where it is expected for you to greet them and act as representative of the family name. You are to comply with the non disclosure agreement. Meaning you will not talk about your reasons for moving out, nor will you discuss any verbal or physical abuse that may or may not have happened. You will remain a model citizen and conduct yourself according to how a member of this family should. Failure to comply with these stipulations will result in the revoking of the money with the possibility of Mr and Mrs Ford filing a law suit for slander."

I tossed my head back and laughed. I had a pair of really classy parents.

"I'm not signing that. I don't want their money. The only thing that I agree with is the part about severing all ties with those people. Which I did over 6 months ago. When I walked in on my father beating my sister. So you can tell them I'm not interested in their hush money or whatever it is. Have a nice day."

I started to walk out but he stopped me. "Mr Ford, I was advised that if you should have an outburst such as you just did, I should inform you that the money isn't a bribe. More of a parting gift and to make sure you're able to keep up the life style you're accustom to. Befitting someone of your social stature. Society would frown upon a Ford living in poverty. It would reflect badly on the family name."

I snorted and kept on walking. "It's also to pay for college and any expenses that will occur so you can focus solely on your grades." He called out. I stepped in the elevator but held my hand out to stop the door from closing.

"You were advised to inform me of those thing? Well I'm advising you to inform Peter and Veronica that I would rather scrub toilets for a living then take anything from those two worthless excuses for parents. While you're at it you can inform them that I'm not going to college. I've started negotiations with a popular gay porn producer. I'll be staring in his upcoming film when I turn 18. It's called Ramming the Backdoor In. Check it out. It's gonna blow your socks off. Have a nice day."

I moved my hand and the door closed in his shocked face. I chuckled to myself. Bet he isn't ballsy enough to actually say that to the high and mighty Fords. Shame they missed it. Damn I bet Dare would have loved that.

I walked up to fourth period class just as the bell was ringing and met Dare at the door. "Feel like going off campus to eat?" I asked but was already pulling him to the parking lot.

He looked me over and pulled me into a hug. "Missed you. Want me to drive?" He asked while he nuzzled my neck. I wordlessly handed over my keys and got in the passanger side.

He held my hand and drove us to Taco Bell. I let out a little laugh. This place always cheered me up and he knew that.

"Inside or drive thru?" He asked.

"Drive thru, I need to talk to you about some stuff and I think it's better to do it in private."

He swallowed hard and nodded. He pulled up and ordered our usual. We got our food and he drove to the park.

"So you changed your mind?" He asked still staring out the front window. It took me a second to comprehend what he was asking.

"No, where the hell did that come from?"

He shrugged. "You said you needed to talk to me privately. I just figured you were gonna tell me you got over me. Or that it was just a phase or something" He said still looking out the stupid window.

"Dare look at me." He didn't so I leaned until I could see his face and then I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach. I grabbed his chin and pulled his face closer to mine.

"Dereck please don't" I whispered. My throat was too tight to speak any louder. The sight of him trying to hold back tears made me want to cry.

"I swear it never even crossed my mind to break up with you. You have to know I'm crazy about you." I pleaded

He crashed his lips to mine and I took everything he gave me. I could feel all the emotions poring out from him. The love and relief were the strongest. He pulled back and leaned his head back on the seat.

"I swear, I think I'm turning into a chick. I've never been so emotional, jealous or paranoid in my life. I keep thinking that this is too good to be true. That you'll snap out of it and ditch me for one of the hundreds of chicks always throwing themselves at you. This love crap totally sucks."

I laughed and scooted closer so I could cuddle him. "Not gonna happen. The only way we're ending is if you leave me. Because I'm not going anywhere with anyone but you. Stop worrying about our end, because if I have any say to it, we wont have one until The End. As in when we're 100 and one of us overdoses on Viagra." I reassured him.

I interlaced our fingers and hid my larger then life grin. "You do realise you basically just said you love me."

He leaned his head on mine. "So we've always said I love you."

"That's the first time you've said it since we've started dating though."

He cleared his throat. "Anyway what did you wanna talk about since you're not dumping me." He asked changing the subject in a very unsmooth way.

"So it's not really all that important but we don't keep secrets and things might get a little tense after today."

He nodded and picked up his food to eat while I continued.

"Remember the last fight I had with mother and father? Well I never got a chance to talk to you about it and since today is a result in that day I'll fill ya in. Because I wouldn't put it passed them to come crying to you to 'talk some sense' into me. You'd try to and I'd get mad and blah blah blah. Then we'd have great make-up make outs. Hmm maybe I should wait and see how things go down."

"Shut up and talk loser." He ordered around a mouthful of taco.

I raised an eyebrow and he grinned.

"You know what I meant. Spill it" He clarified rolling his eyes.

I took a deep breath and started. "So I was in the library at home when I heard screaming. I ran to the noise and found father beating the crap out of Sammy while mother just sat on the chaise. I pulled him off Sammy and he swung at me. I knocked him down and went to help Sammy up. That B*stard actual tackled me away from her. I threw him off and went back to help her. He beat her so bad she couldn't even walk. He screamed that she was a filthy degenerate and would burn in hell and that I would too if I helped her. He said 'choose your family or that dyke.' I set Sammy down and walked over and punched him square in the face breaking his nose"

He grabbed my hand and squeezed. "He actually beat her because she was gay?"

I nodded and he smiled. "Then I'm glad you broke his nose. Too bad you didn't do more. I cant believe he'd do that to Sams. She's perfect, smart, sweet, hot and funny. She's like the female you. Sorry. continue." He said.

"I picked Sammy up and carried her out. I told the maid that I wanted my stuff packed and I'd be back later to pick it all up. I took Sammy to the hospital and got her fixed up. I took her back to her dorm room and stayed there with her until you called. That night after you fell asleep, I called the housekeeper and told her about what happened and that I wouldn't be able to pick up my stuff for a few days because I couldn't leave you. So she had her husband bring me a bag to last until I got settled somewhere."

"I always did like Helga and Jacob. That was sweet of her. You could have told me though. I would have gone with you to pick your stuff up or stayed at the hotel while you did. You didnt have to suffer without your stuff for me." He commented.

"Dereck I didn't give a shit about my stuff. All I cared about was helping you through everything. Even if you would have told me to go, I don't think I would have been able to leave your side. You have no idea how scared I was that I had lost you. Even if it was only for a few seconds. It was still the worst feeling in the world and it stayed with me. Being close to you helped reassure me that you were alive and I promised myself that I'd do everything I could to help you get through losing your folks."

His eyes misted and I rushed on. I didnt want to bring up sad memories.

"Originally I'd planned on just crashing with you since I basically lived at your house anyway. But with everything going on I decided I'd talk to you about it first in case you didnt want to stay at your place. A few days later I was telling you I had moved out and you said we should get a place together." I shrugged

"Yeah and then a few days later you rented our house."

"Well technically I bought it."

"You what? How?"

I shrugged. "I bought it. With money. I had a lot saved. I mean who the hell needs five grand a week as allowance from the time they can walk?" I shook my head at that. My parents thought as long as they threw money at us who cared if they didn't acknowledge our existence.

"I didn't know if my father would freeze my account so instead of taking a chance of him doing that and not being able to pay rent. I paid one lump sum."

"That's why you said all I had to pay was the utilites. You spent all your money on our house?"

"No, I also paid off the truck and bought whatever furniture you didn't keep of your parents and paid the internet/cable, car insurance and cell phone bill up until around the time I should graduate from college. I still have some money. Not nearly what I had but I don't really have any bills to pay either. Plus they never did freeze my account."

He sat for a minute letting that all sink in. "So that was what today was about?"

"Sort of. I haven't seen mother or father since that night. Today was about their attempt to buy my silence. 10 million to sign a confidentiality contract and follow a few rules so I don't tarnish their reputation. Oh and an update on my inheritance from my grandparents." I said handing him the documents.

He whistled. " Damn you're even richer then I am. You didn't take the bribe did you?" He asked

"No I don't want anything from them. The lawyer even tried to say it was basically the only way for me to go to college." I snorted.

Obviously he didn't do his homework. That or the parent's thought I spent everything. Of course they would. They never took enough interest in me to know that I wasn't your average rich brat and would rather not blow 5 thousand a week on clothes or whatever other crap.

They didn't even pay enough attention to realise that when I did buy something it was what a regular person would. Like buying a Ford F150 instead of a BMW or Ferrari. I think I got that from Dare's family. They were the same way. Just as loaded as us but they didn't throw money around like confetti. They taught us the value of a dollar and to work hard. Man I miss those guys.

"I could front you the money to go to college. I know you cant get your money for another few years but don't worry I've got you covered." He offered which made me want to nip his lip. Sweet boy.

"I can pay for school. I still have enough for my four year degree. After all's said and done I'll have a little less them eighteen grand left over. If for some reason that isn't enough then I'll get a part time job. It's all good."

"Oh my gosh. I just realised you're my sugar daddy!" He exclaimed excitedly. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up. I just wanted to make sure we had a home. Besides you have a about 13 million sitting in a bank so you're not exactly sugar baby material."

He turned the car on and drove us back to school. He parked and was about to get out but I grabbed his hand to stop him. "I love you Dereck"

His cheeks blushed and I couldn't help but kiss him. I pulled back but he captured my lips for another soul stealing kiss.

"That was the first time you said that since we got together" He accused against my lips.

I knew it was. I'd been waiting for him to drop the L bomb before I did. Not becuase I didnt want to. I did. Sometimes I had to bite my lip to keep it from sliding out. I just didnt want to freak him out. He was the one that was more skiddish about us.

So to avoid pressuring him or screwing this up I'm taking my cues from him. It was like the moment our lips touched that first time everything made sense and felt right for the first time ever.

"I didn't want to freak you out." I nipped his lower lip then ran my tongue across it to take the sting away. He tightened his hold on me and I crawled onto is lap and deepened the kiss.

The blare of his phone interrupted what was turning out to be the best damn lunch in school history. If I'd known that kissing Dare would be this explosive and toe curling I would have sworn off women and won him over years ago.

He shifted to get his phone and groaned as it caused us to rub in all the right places. I'd had to bite my lip to keep from making the same noise.

He opened the message and started laughing and showed it to me.

You two stop trying to make a baby and get your hot tushies to class. 3 minutes until you're late. But if you are getting down and dirty. SEND ME SOME PICTURES!!! Come on! Hook your girl up. XoXoARIEL

We ran to class and made it in just as the late bell was ringing. The teacher shot us a funny look but didn't say anything. When we sat down everyone was giving us weird looks.


I finally looked over at Dare and bust out laughing. His head shot up and his eyes widened.

He pulled out his phone and texted me.

You look like you just got laid! Fix your crazy sex hair and for god sakes button your shirt!" ~Dereck

I ran my fingers through my hair and looked down. I felt a blush break loose. Even my ears felt the heat. I did up my buttons and looked him over and texted him back.

WTH! How did you undo almost all my buttons and me not notice? Zip your pants and pop your collar. You have a few more of my marks on your neck~Vincent

We are so busted! LOL we literally look like we busted a quickie in the janitors closet or something! No more getting busy during school hours. ~Dereck

I giggled and face palmed myself. Way to go Vincent. Very manly!

Through out the next two classes we texted each other.

Wanna go out?~Dereck

I thought we already were??? ~Vincent

Date. Want to go on a date?~Dereck

I felt that stupid blush trying to make it's way back. I've blushed more since we got together then my entire life. My Dare just asked me on a date. I felt my smile bloom and I bit my lip to keep it in check.

Yeah. Just remember I know all your moves so don't be thinkin you can pull that played out crap on me! ; P Plus I don't give it up on the first date. I'm not that type of boy. ~Vincent.

Damn! And here I was, thinkin I was gonna get lucky....Guess my right hand is gonna become my new best friend! I'm gonna have to start paying it, as much as it's been working lately!! lol Tonight?~ Dereck

If you're a really good boy, you might get a little lucky. =D You could always borrow my hand... Wouldn't want you getting carpal tunnel!! Can't tonight. Everyone's coming over after practice. Unless you wanna cancel on them...I'm good with that =) ~Vincent (Dare's right hand man)

Crap I forgot about that. How about tomorrow? You better watch it. I might just take you up on the helping hand offer. Cute signature btw.~Dereck (ready for the next step)

It's a date. Believe me, if you take me up on my offer I will definitely be watching, probably drooling 2! Next step? ~Vincent (Dare's right hand man)

I was thinking that before we went public we could tell our friends first. If that's cool with you. Maybe tonight before everyone leaves. It's up to you. ~Dereck (slowly making it clear Vin's owned)

Hell yeah I'm good with that! I know it's not gonna be all easy but I honesty cant wait for everyone to know you're mine! Owned? ~Vincent (apparently Dare's property?!?!)

Me either. I know that it'll cause a huge thing here at school but I'm ready and I think everyone closest to us should know first. Yes you're owned. Bought and paid for by yours truly. ~Dereck(Proud owner of that ass!)

So what if it causes a scandal? It's you and me that matters. Bought? I feel so dirty... I wasn't cheap was I? What are we doing tomorrow? ~Vincent (out of clever quips)

Exactly! So I figure once we tell our friends we wont really need to announce anything. Just come to school next week and act like a regular couple. Up for that? Hate to break it to you but you were incredibly cheap.. The price: my kisses! not that I blame you. They are awesome. ~Dereck (date's a surprise.)

I don't feel so bad then. Like you said your kisses are awesome. Almost as good as mine =p Sounds like a plan. I kinda want to do a fist pump knowing soon I can kiss without having to hide it. ~Vincent (Always up for Dare)

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