yoυ ѕee yoυr eх

Dan knows about what happened to me... and how it's affected me... but now that we are engaged and the final trial is here.. I think it's ok if he shows up.

"Which guy is it babe?" He asks as we walk into the court room.

"You'll know. He's super creepy and in handcuffs." I whisper back shaking.

"You can do this. You'll be free soon." He kisses my hand gently,

"Daniel you really are my Gomez." I smile and sit where I am told.

"oH..." he blushes. The trial starts and the second Daniel sees this almost 50 year old man that ruined my life his heart shatters.

"He has life in Prison with no chance at parol." The judge announces.

"That's... really strict..." daniel mutters.

"Yeah.. we aren't in Canada anymore." I sigh happily.

"You are now completely free." He smiles

"I'm not scared anymore. Im not under anyone's control... I'm my own person finally...." I tear up.

"I'm glad you are so happy babe."

Were just walking through the park hand in hand just enjoying this fall day. It's chilly but not too cold, it's perfect really.

"My my my.. is that my Sexy Girl?" A gravely voice coughs from just off the trail, the voice sends shivers down my spine and I just pick up the pace.

"It is! Hey Kitten get back here!" The guy grabs my hand and easily yanks my grip of Hosuh and I'm put on his lap.

"Uh excuse me let her go or I'm calling the police." Hosuh pulls his phone out shakily.

"But it's my kitten here. Isn't that right (y/n)?" He laughs strainedly and all I can smell is cigarettes and alochol. I know this is my ex Jonathan...

"No... I'm not yours Johnathan, I never was your property." I struggle against his grasp.

"Let her go now! Can't you tell she's uncomfortable!" Hosuh gains confidence.

Johnathan literally tosses me to the side and stands up to his full 6 foot 8inch self and cracks his knuckles.

"Don't hurt him!" I gasp trying to get up but my stinging cuts from impact are making it hard.

Johnathan gives me a crooked scattered tooth smile before punching Hosuh in the cheek with a perfect left hook.

"Get away from him!" I get up despite my own pain and bite Johnathans arm to keep him to kicking Hosuh, which would break a rib.

"You filthy slut get off of me! Do I need to tell pretty boy here how often you'd beg me to have some different boys in bed." He laughs picking me up.

"HEY LET HER GO!" They police yell running at us. I'm dropped to the floor as Johnathan runs away and the police follow.

"Are you ok Hosuh," I immediately go and try to help him. His cheek is swollen and his lip cut open and bleeding. He's probably going to have a black eye too because his eye is swollen shut.

"I'm fine." He manages to say.

"I'm sorry you had to meet Johnathan like that.... he's a broken soul and I thought I could fix him... but he just tried breaking me." I give him a sad smile.

"It's ok (y/n)." He smiles. I give him a kiss, even though he's bleeding to show I'm thankful.

"That was kinda gross..." Hosuh wrinkles his nose.

"I thought it was kinda hot." I wink at him.

It's after one of my shows and I got Stephen back stage just because he enjoys hanging out in my dressing room while I take off my makeup.

"Hey is (y/n) here?" The door creaks open

"Yeah who's here?" I ask placing down my makeup wipe.

"Alex. I hope you remember me." Someone walks inside and it is Alex, my ex.

"Lexi!!!" I squeal and hug her, we are still great friends even though... we did A Lot together.

"You still are as beautiful as you were when you were mine, Maybe even more." She compliments me.

"Hey doll who's this?" Stephen asks resting his chin on my head.

"Oh Stephen this is Alexis, we dated for like two years. Alexis this is my boyfriend Stephen." I introduce the two.

"Better not want her back" Stephen hugs me protectively.

"No. I hust wanted to tell (y/n) that I'm engaged to my soulmate and that I'm inviting you to the wedding." She holds her finger out.

"Oh that's beautiful. Is you soulmate Bella?" I muse.

"Y-Yeah... she's the best...." Alex sighs.

"Congratulations Lexi! I'll definitely come!" I hug her again. Stephen is slightly glaring the entire time.

You don't have an ex

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